- いいね数 37,683/53,703
- フォロー 4,143 フォロワー 2,119 ツイート 25,142
- 現在地 Hiroshima, Japan
- Web https://d.nishimotz.com/aboutme
- 自己紹介 NVDA日本語版 / NVDAチートシート / http://shuaruta.com シュアルタ @nishimotz / http://mstdn.jp/@24motz / https://www.threads.net/@nishimotz / YAPC::Hiroshima 2024 運営
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Google for Developer @googledevs
A #GoogleIO update.
Due to concerns around the coronavirus (COVID-19), we've decided to cancel this year's physical event at Shoreline Amphitheatre. It's sad that we won't be able to gather as a developer community but your health and safety is our priority. (1/2)
タグ: GoogleIO
posted at 05:53:03
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