- いいね数 629,981/546,845
- フォロー 2,070 フォロワー 1,353 ツイート 120,777
- 現在地 #660099
- Web https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2619266
- 自己紹介 14歳です!! 🔮🥚🎧✨♦️💎🌌💞🍆📗 @6wmg_

Nintendo of Europe @NintendoEurope
A bug has been found in the #NintendoSwitchSports Ver1.2.1 update which causes the software to close during the pre-match loading screen. This is unfortunately affecting both online and offline play modes. We have therefore temporarily suspended the rollout of this update.
posted at 00:00:00

Nintendo of Europe @NintendoEurope
Whilst we investigate to find a solution, #NintendoSwitchSports servers will be temporarily taken offline and online play will not be available during this time. Save data backup is also temporarily suspended. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.
posted at 00:00:11

Nintendo of America @NintendoAmerica
A bug has been found in the #NintendoSwitchSports Ver1.2.1 update which causes the software to close during the pre-match loading screen. This is unfortunately affecting both online and offline play modes. We have therefore temporarily suspended the rollout of this update.
posted at 00:11:31

Nintendo of America @NintendoAmerica
While we investigate to find a solution, #NintendoSwitchSports servers will be temporarily taken offline and online play will not be available during this time. Save data backup is also temporarily suspended. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
posted at 00:11:31

Nintendo of Europe @NintendoEurope
Bellibolt produces a huge amount electricity in its belly-button dynamo. Don’t be fooled by the bumps on either side of its head. Those aren’t its eyes, but rather the place from which it unleashes Electric-type type moves! pic.twitter.com/lhRV80OM6p
posted at 00:15:00

Nintendo of Europe @NintendoEurope
Iono – AKA the Supercharged Streamer – specialises in Electric-type Pokémon and streams her work as a Gym Leader, ever striving to expand her channel’s viewership. pic.twitter.com/mU0nT6kvj0
posted at 00:20:01

Nintendo of America @NintendoAmerica
Unleash your true POWER and experience this multiplayer survival game alongside others as you choose the side of the Raiders or Survivors.
DRAGON BALL: THE BREAKERS is available now on Nintendo Switch: ninten.do/6011dP9gX pic.twitter.com/8Udm0Q0CmP
posted at 01:01:06

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posted at 01:46:52

先程電車に乗っていたんですが、何気なく自分でインスタのストーリーにあげたドン33話の予告を開いてしまい「じかーいじかい ワーハッハッハ!」という自分の声が車内に響き渡りました。幸先がいいです。
posted at 13:20:08


automaton-media.com/articles/newsj... pic.twitter.com/lQHjInAkmc
posted at 11:24:12

posted at 17:05:51

posted at 17:11:22

#仮面ライダーリバイス ファイナルステージありがとうございました🥹もう言葉が出ないくらい幸せな時間でした!!終わって欲しくないよーー!これからもずっとリバイスファミリーです!いつでもラブちゃんのこと思い出して下さい💙(みく) #リバイスファイナル pic.twitter.com/hI3s0Npsvm
タグ: リバイスファイナル 仮面ライダーリバイス
posted at 23:07:31