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- 自己紹介 国際通信社グループは、経済誌の発行を主業務とし、時代に即したサービスを幅広く提供しています。「月刊マスターズ」、「月刊コマンドマガジン」を発行。 #月刊マスターズ #異業種ネット #コマンドマガジン
足立裕志著『部下がみんなついてくる!「慕 @cocoro_leader
Simultaneous nonvanishing of Dirichlet L-functions and Hecke-Maass L-functions in the critical strip
Small gaps between the set of products of at most two primes
Continuous lower bounds for the moments of Dedekind zeta-functions
タグ: 宗野惠樹
posted at 12:46:40
足立裕志著『部下がみんなついてくる!「慕 @cocoro_leader
An application of generalized mollifiers to the Riemann zeta-function
Pair correlation of low-lying zeros of quadratic L-functions
Moments of the products of quadratic twists of automorphic L-functions
タグ: 宗野惠樹
posted at 12:47:05
足立裕志著『部下がみんなついてくる!「慕 @cocoro_leader
An application of generalized mollifiers to the Riemann zeta-function
Pair correlation of low-lying zeros of quadratic L-functions
Moments of the products of quadratic twists of automorphic L-functions
タグ: 宗野惠樹
posted at 12:47:28
足立裕志著『部下がみんなついてくる!「慕 @cocoro_leader
A note on simple zeros of primitive Dirichlet L-functions
Upper bounds for the moments of derivatives of Dirichlet L-functions
On the Fourth Moment of the Epstein Zeta Functions
and the Related Divisor Problem
タグ: 宗野惠樹
posted at 12:48:08
足立裕志著『部下がみんなついてくる!「慕 @cocoro_leader
Lower bounds for the moments of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta-function and Dirichlet L-functions
Matrix Coefficients with Minimal K-Types of the Spherical and Non-Spherical Principal Series Representations of SL(3, R)
タグ: 宗野惠樹
posted at 12:57:06
足立裕志著『部下がみんなついてくる!「慕 @cocoro_leader
A second limit formula for higher rank twisted Epstein zeta functions and some applications
Shintani functions on SL (3, R)
Recent progress on twin prime conjecture
タグ: 宗野惠樹
posted at 12:57:30