- いいね数 295,217/271,250
- フォロー 1,668 フォロワー 1,358 ツイート 150,100
- 現在地 パラ宿…から電車でxx分のところ
- Web https://www.eventernote.com/users/BokkunPokemon/events
- 自己紹介 女児アニメ、ごはん、イベントのオタク。
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並び順 : 新→古 | 古→新

@nishiasuka Dear Asuka - Congratulations! You have changed from Miss to Mrs which is fantastic news! I can’t wait to meet your husband when I next visit Japan. I hope that he is a good cook and will bake scones for you everyday! With all my love Caron xxx
#JustMarried #Newlywed #romantic
タグ: JustMarried Newlywed romantic
posted at 18:30:31
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