- いいね数 295,217/271,250
- フォロー 1,668 フォロワー 1,358 ツイート 150,100
- 現在地 パラ宿…から電車でxx分のところ
- Web https://www.eventernote.com/users/BokkunPokemon/events
- 自己紹介 女児アニメ、ごはん、イベントのオタク。

@nishiasuka congratulations on your Birthday TODAY! I hope that you have a wonderful celebration with all the girls in Rhodanthe* Lots of Love Caron x PS see you soon! @fossefarmhouse #kinmosa #Kiniro_mosaic #rhodanthe*
タグ: Kiniro_mosaic kinmosa rhodanthe
posted at 23:01:22

I’m really sorry to announce that Fosse Farmhouse has been forced to close by the British Government during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. I hope to see all my KINMOSA fans and customers again in the near future. Keep safe and well! #BritainisGreat #kinmosa #kiniro_mosaic #caron pic.twitter.com/7QFw4NQpq4
タグ: BritainisGreat caron kiniro_mosaic kinmosa
posted at 06:46:47

Alice is enjoying the Spring sunshine today in the garden at Fosse Farmhouse under the Cherry tree.Sending everyone our Best Wishes from Caron and Alice! #StayAtHome #StaySafe #anime #animejapan #cherryblossom #kinmosa #kiniro_mosaic #Rhodanthe* #lovegreatbritain @Manami__TANAKA pic.twitter.com/xXTxUnGZOm
タグ: anime animejapan cherryblossom kiniro_mosaic kinmosa lovegreatbritain Rhodanthe StayAtHome StaySafe
posted at 00:56:44

Pretty Days with Manami in Tokyo! I really love meeting you in Japan and having great fun together. Best Wishes Caron #Rhodanthe* #kiniro_mosaic #anime #animejapan #voiceactress #bedandbreakfast #PrettyDays #hairband #kinmosa @Manami__TANAKA #caron pic.twitter.com/lFDKYH9iPr
タグ: anime animejapan bedandbreakfast caron hairband kiniro_mosaic kinmosa PrettyDays Rhodanthe voiceactress
posted at 05:14:33

Happy Birthday Risa with lots of love from Caron and Shino xxx #kinmosa #kiniro_mosaic #Rhodanthe*#bedandbreakfast #cotswolds #loveengland #visitengland #visitwiltshire #timeforwiltshire @tane_da_dayo @Manami__TANAKA @suwa_ayako @naobou_official @kinmosa_anime pic.twitter.com/32VOFJ5qqO
タグ: cotswolds kiniro_mosaic kinmosa loveengland Rhodanthe timeforwiltshire visitengland visitwiltshire
posted at 23:10:05

Cherry blossom is blooming in my garden! Alice is reminded of the time that she spent in Japan with Shinobu and her friends #kiniro_mosaic #kinmosa #Prettydays #cherryblossom #Blossom #anime #Japaneseanime #Bibury #Cherry #Alicecartelet @nishiasuka @Manami__TANAKA @kinmosa_anime pic.twitter.com/aYmTo2zlEj
タグ: Alicecartelet anime Bibury Blossom Cherry cherryblossom Japaneseanime kiniro_mosaic kinmosa Prettydays
posted at 19:56:46