- いいね数 729,982/720,044
- フォロー 5,000 フォロワー 1,500 ツイート 80,479
- 現在地 Tír na nÓg
- Web https://twpf.jp/LastGolemMaster
- 自己紹介 The Last Golem Master in Erin.
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並び順 : 新→古 | 古→新

Kinga C Valentino @kinga_valentino
#Ukrainian friends, If you are forced to evacuate & have cats/dogs/ferrets you can cross the #Romania #Poland #Hungary borders even if your pet does not have documentation. Volunteers & vets are at the borders, housing help available. #Ukraine #Ukraina #StopWar #Dogs #UkraineWar pic.twitter.com/cgfpJyEjL6
タグ: Dogs Hungary Poland Romania StopWar Ukraina Ukraine UkraineWar Ukrainian
posted at 20:20:08
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