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- 現在地 ・∀・),Kyoto,From Japan,☄
- Web http://twilog.org/OGESHISTYLE
- 自己紹介 をげし@京都の片田舎なのです。最近だいぶ呟いてますが、基本的に作家さんやら気になる方々の追っかけ用アカウントなのです:〉むかしはu-ogeshiなPNやハンドルであんな芸風なのでした。で、いまだに。http://ha4.seikyou.ne.jp/home/u-ogeshi/ http://favolog.org/OGESHISTYLE

13) Danish leaders need to remember that the “viruses don’t have ears” and don’t listen to any political propaganda that “COVID is over”. We need to use science of both vaccines and mitigations to get it back to normal. Hope & denialism are not valid strategies. #CovidIsNotOver twitter.com/K_G_Andersen/s...
タグ: CovidIsNotOver
posted at 00:59:47

MY GOD—Danish 🇩🇰 political leaders have completely lost their frigging minds releasing all #COVID19 mitigations — these are exponentially ⬆️ surging DEATHS not cases!!! This is what happens when a country’s leaders gaslights its own citizens. #CovidIsNotOver pic.twitter.com/O7bfcwRuMQ
posted at 15:03:30