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- 自己紹介 をげし@京都の片田舎なのです。最近だいぶ呟いてますが、基本的に作家さんやら気になる方々の追っかけ用アカウントなのです:〉むかしはu-ogeshiなPNやハンドルであんな芸風なのでした。で、いまだに。http://ha4.seikyou.ne.jp/home/u-ogeshi/ http://favolog.org/OGESHISTYLE

Here's an interactive #FlashbackFriday for you - a web-based simulation of the Altair 8800. Can you guess the link this 1974 computer has with Microsoft? And then can you program it to add two numbers using the front panel switches?
#retrocomputing pic.twitter.com/Lur8W2pdDL
タグ: FlashbackFriday retrocomputing
posted at 01:02:01

Something that many Windows developers will remember well: this week in 1987, Borland released version 1.0 of Turbo C, in competition with Microsoft's own C compiler. Do you remember trying to pick between them? #FlashbackFriday pic.twitter.com/90ANSiihqU
タグ: FlashbackFriday
posted at 23:15:01

This week back in 1983 the movie WarGames opened. It starred an IMSAI 8080 computer (running CP/M, and probably MS BASIC), who had a relationship with an acoustic modem, and a mainframe called W.O.P.R. Some humans were also involved. #HowAboutANiceGameOfChess #FlashbackFriday pic.twitter.com/QMBLiIUtI4
タグ: FlashbackFriday HowAboutANiceGameOfChess
posted at 23:30:01

If you're a Windows dev, you know MFC: the Microsoft Foundation Class library. But did you know it was introduced in 1992? Don't want you to feel old, but that's almost 30 years ago! Back then you would be using a 33Mhz 486! And yes, MFC is still in use today.
#FlashbackFriday pic.twitter.com/OqKHGGCakw
タグ: FlashbackFriday
posted at 00:51:51