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Windows Insider Prog @windowsinsider
New podcast, “Next Level Gaming” is out now! Give it a listen and let us know what you think! aka.ms/WIP_Podcast16?... #WIP #E3 #podcast #Windows10 #PCGaming #SeaofThieves #ClosetheLoop #gaming #Mixer pic.twitter.com/iN7HjlYQ6A
タグ: ClosetheLoop E3 gaming Mixer PCGaming podcast SeaofThieves Windows10 WIP
posted at 08:07:43

How does Sea of Thieves use our Azure PlayFab services (msft.social/BiJubS) to create a "shared world" multiplayer game? Like this:
#SeaOfThieves pic.twitter.com/PIZidYh8bs
タグ: azure gamedev SeaOfThieves
posted at 05:42:33