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The Big Bang Theory @bigbangtheory
In loving memory of Stephen Hawking. It was an honor to have him on The #BigBangTheory. Thank you for inspiring us and the world. pic.twitter.com/9rWoYqIToy
タグ: BigBangTheory
posted at 14:13:18

Remembering Stephen Hawking, a renowned physicist and ambassador of science. His theories unlocked a universe of possibilities that we & the world are exploring. May you keep flying like superman in microgravity, as you said to astronauts on @Space_Station in 2014 pic.twitter.com/FeR4fd2zZ5
posted at 14:06:21

「世界文化遺産」地域連携会議 www.worldheritagejpn.com
bunka.nii.ac.jp/jp/world/h_ind... #世界遺産
タグ: 世界遺産
posted at 03:59:22