- いいね数 8,414/11,299
- フォロー 3,383 フォロワー 1,650 ツイート 38,041
- 現在地 北海道網走郡美幌 ( @Bihoro )町
- Web http://office.hatenadiary.com/
- 自己紹介 祝‼ tw参入13周年⁉後の、段取りの為 全国行脚 @dainichi_nyorai & @ofudo_sun の開始。予定 ◆ 諸行無常&一期一会&温故知新&唯我独尊&喜怒哀楽&花鳥風月 ♫(^o^)♪ ツ(^o^)シ §(^o^)β 参照 @Miura_Atsushi & http://twilog.org/hot_eyes

Регби России / Rugby @RugbyRussia
В Японии хорошо 🙃 pic.twitter.com/X2PorMm6h9
posted at 23:26:50

#rugbyjp #OneTeam #BRAVEを届けよう #RWC2019 #JPNvSAM #RWC豊田 pic.twitter.com/0FUbGCKmdK
タグ: BRAVEを届けよう JPNvSAM OneTeam rugbyjp RWC2019 RWC豊田
posted at 18:29:14

#ManuSamoa on the move. Thank you Awaji for hosting us so superbly. Now we head to Nagoya to prepare for our blockbuster showdown against Japan #rwc2019 #japan pic.twitter.com/FfkgHDuIi0
posted at 12:44:34

#RWC2019: Our hosts in the city of Ebina are continuing their incredible welcome. Head of the city parliament promises 300 people will be in stadium to support our team in #SCOvRUS pic.twitter.com/ta8eJTVXSa
posted at 06:09:13

Doctors Ilya Zhivulin and Evgeny Trofimov, along with players Azamat Bitiyev and Denis Simplikevich caught fish early in the morning, which was then prepared by the hotel chef! He and Team Manager Zorik Masandilov presented Vladimir Ostroushko with his birthday feast! pic.twitter.com/EhZyf3VsOH
posted at 06:06:03

@Hokkaido_eyes @hot_eyes 折角!なので、情報収集!? の為の、リストを貼って措こう!!
富良野市 twitter.com/HKD_jp/lists/k...
中富良野町 twitter.com/HKD_jp/lists/k...
上富良野町 twitter.com/HKD_jp/lists/k...
♫(^o^)♪ ツ(^o^)シ §(^o^)β
posted at 05:15:11