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Russia-Ukraine war: April 4 updates ⤵️
UN Secretary-General says he was “deeply shocked” by images of dead civilians in the town of Bucha and calls for an independent investigation.
🔴 Follow our LIVE coverage: aje.io/j54jrh pic.twitter.com/QjlHICGFyK
posted at 15:00:07

Before the war, Ukraine was one of the breadbaskets of the world.
Today, the consequences of the conflict are triggering a wave of collateral hunger across the globe.
@WFP explains what this mean for millions of vulnerable people. www.wfp.org/stories/ukrain...
posted at 16:03:00

Казанский собор Ачинска посетили студенты с экскурсией
kerpc.ru/news/hronika/1... pic.twitter.com/7gF9BjYXWs
posted at 18:43:12

Vladimir Putin embarked on what he calls a 'special operation' in Ukraine partly to counter the expansion of the NATO alliance.
Here’s why he may soon have a new NATO neighbor reut.rs/3J89uD0 pic.twitter.com/H6mWLrdvO1
posted at 19:48:56