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- 自己紹介 人文系レフト寄りオタク。人権を尊重できる方歓迎。アフロ・アメリカンな音楽が好き。読書メーター: http://bookmeter.com/users/515329
We believe everyone should be free to march to the beat of their own heart, which is why we stand with the LGBTQ+ community today and every day.
#Pride pic.twitter.com/iY1JN9Y7ef
タグ: Pride
posted at 00:29:19
Zildjian Company @ZildjianCompany
We believe everyone should be free to march to the beat of their own heart, which is why we stand with the LGBTQ+ community today and every day.
#Pride pic.twitter.com/vTSYraFGBC
タグ: Pride
posted at 04:33:25
【水族館回は確定演出】【伝える努力をしたい】紺色3号『同級生の推し作家に百合妄想がバレた結果』 sai-zen-sen.jp/comics/twi4/os... #ツイ4 pic.twitter.com/18M56G6hOo
タグ: ツイ4
posted at 12:30:05
献本が届いたよ〜!超かわいいよ〜!!デザイナーさんに色々リクエストしてよかった〜!!なんか感極まっちゃった!嬉しい💞💞 twitter.com/pluto_305/stat... pic.twitter.com/qQXcaTQAjk
posted at 19:49:15
posted at 23:45:18