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Park & Ride in integrated public transport systems? Perhaps for far suburbs. For urban places use TOD & feeder modes! bit.ly/fcGcQ0
posted at 20:14:37

Park-and-Ride Comparison: Vancouver, Melbourne and Perth: There is a new in-depth post on park-and-ride at the A... bit.ly/fcGcQ0
posted at 09:55:15

Smart Cities Dive @smartcitiesdive
LEED as a starting point for sustainability goo.gl/fb/AKpkK #urbanism
タグ: urbanism
posted at 06:48:03

True. RT @grist: Cities have a bad reputation with parents, for a lot of reasons. But maybe we need to change that. ow.ly/3uS2O
posted at 05:19:08

On winter weather, warming, and the nature of science: j.mp/BrrWarm #agw #climate #blizzard
posted at 03:01:52