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- 自己紹介 本業は情報系技術顧問。趣味は散策や乗り鉄、萌え系の話題を嗜む程度に。ただし趣味系の話は別の場所に移行中… twitterは情報収集が主で、RTは備忘録替わり。 RT/コメ/スルー、follow/removeはご自由に。 通知機能は無効&忙しい時はROMになりますがご容赦を。

WRI Ross Center for @WRIRossCities
Follow #TTDC15 LIVE with @ManceraMiguelMX at www.embarq.org/ttdc15 | #SmartCities for Shared Prosperity pic.twitter.com/E71r4ZwnBw
タグ: SmartCities TTDC15
posted at 00:45:12

posted at 00:47:51

【100Tweets】VESA、USB Type-Cコネクタ経由でのDisplayPort出力デモ~DP 1.2→HDMI 2.0変換ドングルも公開 pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/even... pic.twitter.com/5griQuNyFN
posted at 00:55:32

Railway Gazette Inte @railwaygazette
Freiburg breaks ground on tram extension bit.ly/1Bwv2mv pic.twitter.com/qkTNSwys1t
posted at 00:59:44

WRI Ross Center for @WRIRossCities
#TTDC15: "One achievement of the current #SDGs draft is a new and important focus on road safety." — @PexLangenberg
posted at 01:02:27

Mikael Colville-Ande @colvilleandersn
I hate Segways even more now RT @Oniropolis: A dystopian Segway-ridden future, according to Walter Molino in 1962 pic.twitter.com/GKRhdYwLHH
posted at 01:09:54

WRI Ross Center for @WRIRossCities
#TTDC15: "For people to walk, we need mixed land use. This is what India needs for 100 #smartcities" — S. Aggarwal pic.twitter.com/I9LJe7ojhW
タグ: smartcities TTDC15
posted at 01:17:38

Windows 8.1ミニTips 第95回 Windows Defenderのクイックスキャンはいつ実行されるのか?(マイナビニュース) bit.ly/14EaL0T #microsoft
タグ: microsoft
posted at 01:18:36

LADOT People St @LADOTPeopleSt
Stencils ready for action at NoHo Plaza #PeopleSt pic.twitter.com/VJbTUTlz18
タグ: PeopleSt
posted at 02:09:57

WRI Ross Center for @WRIRossCities
#TTDC15: #Transport can help us change the climate debate to one focused on how we can all live in and benefit our urban world — @rkyte365
posted at 02:12:00

環境問題を解決するには、私たちが自然を、どこまでも経済的・実用的観点で考えている限りは、解けないでしょう。たとえば、アマゾンの熱帯原生林を破壊するなと言っても、それが単に地球の気候を守るためだけの意識だったら絶対駄目です。 『三つの鏡』
posted at 02:14:41

WRI Ross Center for @WRIRossCities
#TTDC15: @rkyte365 (@wbclimatechange) is optimistic for the sustainable #cities of the future. Are you? pic.twitter.com/mYnE0YQjFD
posted at 02:32:35

Smart Growth America @SmartGrowthUSA
Fascinating perspective from @Slate: "The Myth of Gentrification" ow.ly/HnsoP via @johnbuntin pic.twitter.com/qy8PIktEh7
posted at 02:35:15

Now on to Metro meeting 2 - Safety, Security & Operations committee - just underway
posted at 02:41:30

私が腹立たしく思うのは、これまで自然に対してめちゃくちゃに破壊してきたから、将来は破壊の手段をもっと巧妙にしようというふうに議論が進むことです。つまり、原罪の工業組織、社会のあり方をそのままにしておいて、少し悪賢く自然を搾取しようという態度です。 『三つの鏡』
posted at 02:44:55

Focus on Cities @FocusOnCities
Evolutionary approaches to #bigdata problems - bit.ly/1AUA6Q7 via @MIT
タグ: bigdata
posted at 02:44:59

#TTDC15 Cities compete by making themselves better "it is a win-win situation" says Kevin Austin from @c40cities #ycities
posted at 02:47:30

Nations compete. Cities do too, but they compete by improving quality of life --> more knowledge sharing #TTDC15 @c40cities
posted at 02:47:33

WRI Ross Center for @WRIRossCities
#TTDC15: The solutions for sustainable, low-carbon #cities are out there. The challenge is how to make them a reality pic.twitter.com/OzwNudqotU
posted at 03:04:48

WRI Ross Center for @WRIRossCities
#TTDC15: H. Dalkmann of @WorldResources emphasizes need for mobility solutions that move people, not cars pic.twitter.com/082YOFlaUE
タグ: TTDC15
posted at 03:15:29