- いいね数 45,663/50,299
- フォロー 851 フォロワー 408 ツイート 25,973
- 現在地 Kawasaki, Japan
- Web https://kimagurenote.net/
- 自己紹介 本業は情報系技術顧問。趣味は散策や乗り鉄、萌え系の話題を嗜む程度に。ただし趣味系の話は別の場所に移行中… twitterは情報収集が主で、RTは備忘録替わり。 RT/コメ/スルー、follow/removeはご自由に。 通知機能は無効&忙しい時はROMになりますがご容赦を。

🚲The next COVID-19 #bike update is in! Download the #COVID E-BOOK for a full analysis of U.S. #vehicular and
#bicycling trends:
learn.streetlightdata.com/covid-transpor... pic.twitter.com/A5T6djZ461
タグ: bicycling bike COVID vehicular
posted at 01:08:19

Galway Cycling Campa @GalwayCycling
New Safe Routes to School programme in #Budget2021
"This will seek to accelerate the delivery of improved walking and cycling infrastructure to schools, enhance sustainable access onto school grounds; and expand the amount of cycle parking available at schools." - Min Naughton pic.twitter.com/YisF1OiJsp
タグ: Budget2021
posted at 02:11:27

この側面のこれは...もしかしてTouch IDなのか...!?
#AppleEvent pic.twitter.com/eeIkig03PF
タグ: AppleEvent
posted at 02:29:00

posted at 02:56:59

IIDA Tetsunari 飯田哲也 @iidatetsunari
「プルトニウム飲んでも大丈夫」の原子力ムラ奈良林直氏が字義どおり「デマ」記事を櫻井よしこ氏の国家基本問題研究所サイトに書き、産経新聞の阿比留瑠比氏やアベ友の長谷川幸洋氏が拡散。原子力ムラ・日本会議・ネトウヨの勢揃いだな。 www.buzzfeed.com/jp/yutochiba/g...
posted at 03:05:01

Partnership between @IRENA & @CaricomDevFund aims to support an #energytransition from fossil-fuel dependency to a more resilient & sustainable low carbon economic development model in #Caribbean islands 👉 bit.ly/2G93I9Q #BuildBackBetter
タグ: BuildBackBetter Caribbean energytransition
posted at 03:10:00

Streetsblog USA @StreetsblogUSA
New report from @StreetLightData reveals that COVID killed the morning rush hour — but spread toxic traffic across the whole day. @EJKessler has the story: buff.ly/34RmsCU
posted at 03:14:06

Streetsblog New York @StreetsblogNYC
New report from @StreetLightData reveals that COVID killed the morning rush hour — but spread toxic traffic across the whole day. @EJKessler has the story: buff.ly/34RmsCU
posted at 03:14:33