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- フォロー 851 フォロワー 408 ツイート 25,973
- 現在地 Kawasaki, Japan
- Web https://kimagurenote.net/
- 自己紹介 本業は情報系技術顧問。趣味は散策や乗り鉄、萌え系の話題を嗜む程度に。ただし趣味系の話は別の場所に移行中… twitterは情報収集が主で、RTは備忘録替わり。 RT/コメ/スルー、follow/removeはご自由に。 通知機能は無効&忙しい時はROMになりますがご容赦を。

posted at xx:xx:xx

LCV – League of Cons @LCVoters
Investing in public transit is a commonsense strategy to help the nation #BuildBackBetter, cutting climate pollution, cleaning the air, and putting people back to work.
Thank you, @RepChuyGarcia, for fighting for equitable, clean transit — let's get this done! pic.twitter.com/w73mbMauCp
タグ: BuildBackBetter
posted at 00:14:16

posted at xx:xx:xx

Here’s the blunt truth — if you’re against the kind of land-use and transportation transformations in your city that would actually reflect REAL action to mitigate the #ClimateCrisis (plus address inequity, reduce public costs, etc), then you’re not REALLY for #ClimateLeadership.
タグ: ClimateCrisis ClimateLeadership
posted at 00:48:29

Over the last year, the city of Los Angeles saw 51.5 lane-miles of upgraded and new bikeways – that's an improvement over the last six fiscal years, which saw between 10 and 40 miles. @StreetsblogLA breaks down the details: la.streetsblog.org/2021/08/19/lad...
posted at 01:00:22

Please join us at a @cbsix meeting on 8/31 at 7PM, to discuss a proposal to upgrade and expand the temporary sidewalk extensions on Lexington Ave from 42nd to 51st Sts in #Manhattan and consolidate some bus stops.
Please register in advance here: bit.ly/2Wrkmcf pic.twitter.com/setkaIIuNP
タグ: Manhattan
posted at 01:00:51

Automakers offered a widening range of electric cars in 2020 - with 370 different models available worldwide, growing 40% year-on-year.
Automakers accounting for 90% of all global auto sales have announced intentions to increase this number even more → iea.li/3jNJNg7 pic.twitter.com/ZvCzXOk4S1
posted at 01:05:06

Streetsblog New York @StreetsblogNYC
Ending climate change is about all the decisions we make as individuals that are enabled by society. We must break the current system that makes driving a default choice. nyc.streetsblog.org/2021/08/25/the...
posted at 01:05:06

高田明美(マミと野明の母(?)♡) @AngelTouchPlus
小池知事 尾身氏の慎重論を一蹴「五輪でも指摘いただいたが、安全にやり切った」子どものパラ観戦で:東京新聞 TOKYO Web www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/125490
冷血 _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
posted at 21:37:12