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America's newest parking solution is getting rid of it. "People are looking for a place to live, not to park." on.wsj.com/3KpELoQ
posted at 08:40:06

“For decades, American cities have had a parking problem: too much of it.” — The Wall Street Journal @WSJ
Main stream media is finally getting the parking memo.
posted at 11:22:43

Dutch Cycling Embass @Cycling_Embassy
In 1979, Fietsersbond made the original "Spatial Use" poster, which has since been distributed and duplicated the world over.
Its message: See how much space you have left over when you invest in facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.
www.fietsersbond.nl/nieuws/variant... pic.twitter.com/imMYH09VfD
posted at 20:01:28