- いいね数 45,663/50,299
- フォロー 851 フォロワー 408 ツイート 25,973
- 現在地 Kawasaki, Japan
- Web https://kimagurenote.net/
- 自己紹介 本業は情報系技術顧問。趣味は散策や乗り鉄、萌え系の話題を嗜む程度に。ただし趣味系の話は別の場所に移行中… twitterは情報収集が主で、RTは備忘録替わり。 RT/コメ/スルー、follow/removeはご自由に。 通知機能は無効&忙しい時はROMになりますがご容赦を。

Have you checked out the new #bikenyc lane near the #GlenOaks Oval yet? #BikeMonth is a great time to explore! #BikeToWork pic.twitter.com/OiTisG1vT9
タグ: BikeMonth bikenyc BikeToWork GlenOaks
posted at 04:49:43

We rode together from all five boroughs today! Do you have #BikeToWork Week plans with your coworkers? #BikeMonth #bikenyc pic.twitter.com/qepW1bVyN4
タグ: BikeMonth bikenyc BikeToWork
posted at 05:22:13

#BiketoWork Week is 5/15-5/19! Get a group of coworkers together and 🚲 to the office! #BikeMonth #BiketoWorkDay #bikenyc pic.twitter.com/0mPeg4xX0K
タグ: BikeMonth bikenyc BiketoWork BiketoWorkDay
posted at 04:39:12

Remembering last year’s helpful bike mechanics is providing some great #FridayMotivation to tune up for #BiketoWork Week starting Mon.! 🚲🔧 pic.twitter.com/iC9Dl8dKIS
タグ: BiketoWork FridayMotivation
posted at 04:00:57

Ditch 4 wheels for 2 at the upcoming #biketowork day Friday, May 19th! bicyclecoalition.nonprofitsoapbox.com/btwd2017 pic.twitter.com/2U2LET0LTH
タグ: biketowork
posted at 23:24:01