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- フォロー 131 フォロワー 1,132 ツイート 138,990
- 現在地 千葉県浦安市しずくの森
- Web https://profcard.info/u/5Ixy3HebFsU95qILjhVqtGEq6Q33
- 自己紹介 絵は「#絵 from:sayunu」で検索してください。▼言葉と文字とヨッシーアイランドが好き。たまごっちやここたまのアニメを見ます。簡単な絵を描きます。日本語の研究で博士号を持ってるらしい。 http://mofu.kemo.no/@sayunu http://skeb.jp/@sayunu
Superstructure Games @Superstructure0
@sayunu (ˇ) and (´)look basically same, we differentiate it by the meaning of the word, so it is fine. Thank you for taking so much care my language! If you have further questions, please ask.
posted at 18:29:48
Superstructure Games @Superstructure0
@sayunu Here are few examples, on how it usually looks like in my text editor. pic.twitter.com/tPsTksojIb
posted at 18:10:30
Superstructure Games @Superstructure0
@sayunu If the stroke is not sticking out too much above the letter, then it is not a problem.
If i can add one comment, then it would be about those accent marks above C and D. I feel those are too tall, should be scaled down vertically, at least a bit.
posted at 18:09:13
Superstructure Games @Superstructure0
@sayunu Hi, I am a Slovak native speaker, and the image you posted looks correct.
posted at 17:44:56