Shoji Kajita
- いいね数 690/659
- フォロー 2,296 フォロワー 888 ツイート 16,261
- 現在地 Japan
- Web
- 自己紹介 Stay dream to keep learning. Currently, working for IIMC&ACCMS, Kyoto University as Professor.
Favolog ホーム
» @shojikajita
» 2018年06月08日
並び順 : 新→古 | 古→新

Corri Nicoletti @CorriNicoletti
#apereo18 - when you are having such a great time at a conference, energized by people sharing an infectious love and passion for their work, you forget to maintain your twitter presence! Until next time!
タグ: apereo18
posted at 05:12:25