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- 自己紹介 備忘録的な用途が主なのでナルト@投げやフォロー返しは滅多にしない模様。※部族的情動にバイアスされやすく、正しく判断するには熟考性の思考プロセスを必要とするような真剣な話題についてはTwitterでは極力触れません。

It's really hard to process the fact that @Top8Games is leaving coverage. He's been there since the very beginning for me, and the most incredible thing about him is that he always, always made you feel special, regardless of who you were, what you did or where you were from (1/2
posted at 22:44:42

Brian David-Marshall @Top8Games
Taking on an exciting new job which means that I am making #2019MC1 my last event as an active member of the coverage family. Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way and I will absolutely miss the hell out of it.
タグ: 2019MC1
posted at 04:55:14