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- 現在地 Dominaria
- 自己紹介 備忘録的な用途が主なのでナルト@投げやフォロー返しは滅多にしない模様。※部族的情動にバイアスされやすく、正しく判断するには熟考性の思考プロセスを必要とするような真剣な話題についてはTwitterでは極力触れません。

Gabriel 'yellowhat' @gabnassif
Got favorable matchups all three rounds, out drew my opponents and played just good enough to make out of Group C #MythicInvitational . Think this format is as exciting to watch as it is nervewracking to compete in but so far so good #morelandsequalsmorewins #sponsored
タグ: morelandsequalsmorewins MythicInvitational sponsored
posted at 02:57:01

Acuity mirror on camera at the #MythicInvitational?
That's Heinous. I love it.
posted at 04:43:07

Gabriel 'yellowhat' @gabnassif
Top 16 of the #MythicInvitational about to start and just as nervous as I was yesterday. I'll have to play against 2 MPL players to start off the day no matter what. Hoping incredible luck prevails once again #sponsored
タグ: MythicInvitational sponsored
posted at 22:53:48