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- 自己紹介 ❄︎김석진❄︎ジンくんの容姿だけじゃない worldwide handsomeっぷりを心から尊敬し愛している大人아미❄︎BTS only ☞☞☞長らくのお休みの後、ぼちぼちとこのアカウントで復活予定の2021年秋。ジンくん愛は相変わらず。ノンビリマッタリ茶の間アミなう。マイペースに応援します。
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What is important are the choices we make when we are faced with change right? Some of you heard the news that we were coming to the UN and a lot of you were wondering whether we were #vaccinated... and yes all seven of us, of course, we received #COVID19Vaccination pic.twitter.com/XJokhBvQuG
タグ: COVID19Vaccination vaccinated
posted at 22:14:13
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