- いいね数 201,683/152,357
- フォロー 1,173 フォロワー 1,253 ツイート 109,387
- 現在地 大岡山
- Web http://yuinore.net
- 自己紹介 1日に1回、授業に出席します。(木曜日と休日を除く) #EveOneKokuban ヘッダーは増田さん(@hatune126)から。アイコンはLevia(@Iosif_S)さんに描いて頂きました。
PitchforkAssistant @PitchforkAss
Hey @madebygoogle, did you silently add Unicode 14 Emoji to the Pixels? I am on the January patch (not 12L, just Android 12) and they show up in all apps except Chrome. twitter.com/PitchforkAss/s... pic.twitter.com/xoLPx665Rh
posted at 01:27:25
PitchforkAssistant @PitchforkAss
The handshakes also have more skin color options for each hand now, but they don't display right on Twitter just yet and wouldn't fit into a tweet either.
posted at 01:59:05
PitchforkAssistant @PitchforkAss
They're even in Gboard, however they don't show up in search yet, so you gotta scroll and manually find them. pic.twitter.com/fzM4I3btFP
posted at 01:59:06