- いいね数 11,952/11,990
- フォロー 336 フォロワー 229 ツイート 142,086
- 現在地 愛媛松山から 時間切れ撤退で東京
- Web https://2022zionad.hatenablog.com/entry/mokuji_2022
- 自己紹介 マイケルソンとモーリーの実験は、 量子力学の真の姿を問うものだった。「 存在とイメージと見かけ」から特殊相対性理論を成仏清書準備中。
she's not wearing a face mask, & she's talking with a passenger on the adjacent balcony well within 6 feet of each other. We scurry back inside. If there are secondary infections onboard, this is why: idiots who don't know any better. And you wanted me to get on a bus with her?
posted at 18:08:43
The fleet of coaches - 11 in all it appears- lined up to "save" the Americans. An American woman - who last night could be heard shouting, "Get me off this ship" - stands on her balcony chanting "USA, USA." Of course, in contravention of the rules of quarantine, pic.twitter.com/EtN0LtG5ns
posted at 18:08:42