- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

I wrote about spies, le Carré & #TheNightManager for the @RadioTimes. It's up here: www.radiotimes.com/news/2016-02-2... Hope you enjoy the show.
タグ: TheNightManager
posted at 23:54:50

Barcelona Dust @Dust_Barcelona
Today 6-12 UTC: Meteo stations with visibility reduced by sand/dust to less than 5 km @WMOnews @AEMET_Esp @BSC_CNS pic.twitter.com/nsQfLKMdlX
posted at 23:45:08

ShelterBox Canada @ShelterBoxCan
#CycloneWinston hit Fiji with 280 kph winds this weekend and ShelterBox is mobilizing a response team of volunteers pic.twitter.com/GLlgE2mVgE
タグ: CycloneWinston
posted at 23:25:23

#CycloneWinston has battered Fiji killing at least 20. Louise Lear follows its track. LM
bbc.in/1Q5sVKv pic.twitter.com/xoh0kHJ8OG
タグ: CycloneWinston
posted at 23:23:35

#TCWinston: true scale of damage expected to become clear only once communications are restored with remote areas affected. #CycloneWinston
posted at 23:23:21

#TCWinston: 90% of homes are reported to have been badly damaged in some communities that were in the path of the storm. #CycloneWinston
posted at 23:22:10

ALPS処理進まず=汚染水、めどの5月から遅れ-福島第1 www.jiji.com/jc/zc?k=201602... 今月18日時点でALPSで処理していない汚染水は約16万1000t。9か月前の昨年5月から約1万8000トンしか減っていない。建屋に地下水が流入していることなどが原因。
posted at 22:48:47

#TCWinston: flood warnings remains in force for low lying areas in #Fiji. This presents a challenge for @FijiRedCross response efforts.
posted at 22:45:43

.@wendy_harmer on why gender fluidity is one of the best things to happen in her lifetime ab.co/1QbvONx pic.twitter.com/qWC9zUhIDY
posted at 22:45:06

'Alive so far': Fiji girl live tweets through Cyclone Winston: They were in the midst of Cyclone Winston, the ... bit.ly/1oXlP4c
posted at 22:28:26

posted at 22:27:56

More images of destruction from #Fiji #TCWinston pic.twitter.com/8NuZnHBtWy
posted at 22:21:00

The New Humanitarian @newhumanitarian
“I saw many people die. I don't know what happened with #UNMISS": www.irinnews.org/news/2016/02/2... (@irinnews) #SouthSudan
タグ: SouthSudan UNMISS
posted at 22:15:21

#ICYMI: Eric 'Winkle' Brown, Britain's 'greatest pilot' who survived 11 crashes, dies at 97 ab.co/1QbvjCQ pic.twitter.com/VIslKoWiPz
posted at 22:15:08

Australia House @AusHouseLondon
@AussiesInLondon do you have friends/family in #Fiji affected by #TCWinston? Here's our consular emergency number: twitter.com/Smartraveller/...
posted at 22:13:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

小野臘虎(造林休業、職業訓練生) @DEEJAY_omega
#宮崎市フェニックス自然動物園 #グラントシマウマ pic.twitter.com/XAyhFTIMg4
posted at 22:11:40

Aviation Safety Netw @AviationSafety
Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 787 Dreamliner hits jetbridge at Harare, Zimbabwe: aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.... twitter.com/KennethMelin/s...
posted at 22:07:34

"That was the first time I ever saw a white person blacked-up" bbc.in/21dPCU0 pic.twitter.com/k1lswdBGYI
posted at 22:07:26

【組み体操すべて取りやめ 千葉・流山】事故が相次ぎ、見直す動きが出ている学校での組み体操。千葉県流山市は新年度から小中学校での組み体操をすべて取りやめることを決めました。全国で初めてとみられます。nhk.jp/N4Np4N1X
posted at 21:49:17

Huge thanks to @darrylworley for talking with us about his experience going through #CycloneWinston in Fiji. Glad you are safe buddy! @AMHQ
タグ: CycloneWinston
posted at 21:45:12

@UNICEF supplies bound for Koro Island which was one of the worst affected areas during #TCWinston pic.twitter.com/Gi3LXa06hT
タグ: TCWinston
posted at 21:36:16

Jules Vedrines made history #OnThisDay in 1912, after becoming the first pilot to exceed 100 mph. #avgeeks pic.twitter.com/xlEcAJsqkP
posted at 21:35:30

posted at 21:33:49

"There's no time to waste." #Unicef team shipping life-saving supplies in #Fiji #TCWinston @UNICEFPacific pic.twitter.com/ZCen2lcBa7
posted at 21:30:37

posted at xx:xx:xx

Lisi Naziah Tora Ali @Alinaziah
@GabrieleGorgens Savusavu was also affected by the cyclone but not as bad as the nearby islands Taveuni and Koro
posted at 20:39:09

ねこの日なのでマレーシア・タイピン動物園のマレーヤマネコ。ブレブレだけど変な顔なのは伝わるかと。4年前だけど、まだいるかなあ pic.twitter.com/f44rDUX23x
posted at 20:36:17

Pic of @Cornell & Ithaca of full moon setting over the western horizon w/1st light b4 sunrise.
@JimCantore #NYwx pic.twitter.com/7LRnZQXJzX
タグ: NYwx
posted at 20:34:48

Dmg from #TropicalCycloneWinston:The cat-5 tropical cyclone is the strongest storm on record in the s. hemisphere. pic.twitter.com/NNiB91aA2A
posted at 20:28:18

'We're going to start again': Fijians mop up damage #CycloneWinston ab.co/1QbuqKM pic.twitter.com/AqiU0kQzMs
タグ: CycloneWinston
posted at 20:25:10

Tim Peake praises "greatest ever test pilot", the late Capt Eric "Winkle" Brown bbc.in/1XHH3Pe pic.twitter.com/nWJj8xEpKZ
posted at 20:15:03

UPDATE: Death toll after Fiji cyclone rises to 21 bit.ly/1SMvyXw pic.twitter.com/REYhcBLkja
posted at 19:55:07

Check out this amazing "birdnado" shared with us by @FreddyMcKinneyR! Thx Freddy! More info: goo.gl/XeDQfQ pic.twitter.com/HEVe52VZKO
posted at 19:48:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

If you missed out on @FijiOneNews at 6pm, here's the link:
@GeoffreyFijiTV @fijitv @barbaradreaver @ONENewsNZ
posted at 19:45:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

ST Foreign Desk @STForeignDesk
Co-ordinated response to relief efforts vital for Fiji’s recovery from cyclone disaster: PM
bit.ly/1oD3w4r pic.twitter.com/YS6FjaXtBN
posted at 19:09:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

#NSW Fire danger rating for Tuesday ranging up to VERY HIGH in four districts. Go to @NSWRFS for more info pic.twitter.com/njYwA4lDUM
タグ: NSW
posted at 18:47:08

#CMF church gang in #Suva packing emergency rations, a drop-off option? #CycloneWinston Pix: Lenora Q @AnaSilika pic.twitter.com/xFmFEdWjTb
タグ: CMF CycloneWinston Suva
posted at 18:42:08

The coastal village of Namuaimada suffered severe damage. @FijiOneNews pic.twitter.com/KDU2Q4x1Wn
posted at 18:31:46

Malake island off the Rakiraki coast also suffered alot of damage to the homes. @FijiOneNews pic.twitter.com/AsRAhlasKM
posted at 18:27:59

If you missed today's @SBSNews coverage from the aftermath of #TCWinston in #Fiji, it's here, on demand: www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video...
posted at 18:27:32

@Spain7s ayudando al staff y a los huéspedes de @uprisingfiji con la limpieza #JuntosSiPodemos #StrongerThanWinston pic.twitter.com/q6p2y1A35M
タグ: JuntosSiPodemos StrongerThanWinston
posted at 18:27:11

Ministry of Rural an @MRMDFiji
Disaster relief fund established by #Fijian Government www.fiji.gov.fj/Media-Center/P... #StrongerThanWinston
タグ: Fijian StrongerThanWinston
posted at 18:26:29

Rakiraki village with close to 200 houses that were damaged or completely destroyed. @FijiOneNews pic.twitter.com/aXLmvnJUOk
posted at 18:25:39

Fiji Red Cross Socie @FijiRedCross
A @FijiRedCross response team will soon be deployed to #Taveuni to conduct assessments and distribute relief items. #TCWinston
posted at 18:22:14

A very long day for very many. But also this. A return home, post-#TCWinston, and a floodwater swim. #Fiji @SBSNews pic.twitter.com/IPtTaiRn14
タグ: Fiji
posted at 18:21:47

Disturbing account of villages along #KingsRoad: people have nothing to go back to, never mind school in a week! #CycloneWinston #fiji
タグ: CycloneWinston fiji KingsRoad
posted at 18:09:14

#WA #Nilgen #Gingin WATCH AND ACT map update available at @dfes_wa ab.co/1mSfpSj pic.twitter.com/TeFhePUqGH
posted at 17:57:09

Homes, Livestock Fully Destroyed | Fiji Sun | fijisun.com.fj/2016/02/22/hom...
posted at 17:50:42

小野臘虎(造林休業、職業訓練生) @DEEJAY_omega
posted at 17:48:07

Australian Galaxy C-5 arrives at Nausori Airport with urgent aid relief. @FijiOneNews #FijiWinston pic.twitter.com/0hFWAotL80
タグ: FijiWinston
posted at 17:41:59

For account details on @FijiRedCross #TCWinston National Appeal, please visit www.redcross.com.fj
タグ: TCWinston
posted at 17:38:10

#UNICEF staff & emergency supplies joining govt team headed to Koro island tonight. Safe travels @Viti_Kid 👍 twitter.com/Viti_Kid/statu...
posted at 17:33:49

Finally, I was able to speak to my family in #Savusavu , 1 of the worst hit by #TCWinston. They + my Dog are all safe. Thank God.
posted at 17:20:31

Only in Fiji people manage a smile through the devastation and rebuild lives. #Fiji #StrongerThanWinston #WeAreOne #lovefiji #wearetogether
タグ: Fiji lovefiji StrongerThanWinston WeAreOne wearetogether
posted at 17:15:17

Roxanne Taylor Media @Roxanne_Taylor
Efforts of firies and locals with their own fire fighting gear got #Dardanup West fire downgraded pretty quickly. pic.twitter.com/XPU3ne333r
タグ: Dardanup
posted at 17:12:08

Heading off to Koro Island the worst hit island after #TCWinston .,. With @UNICEFPacific Education and Wash supplies pic.twitter.com/Y2pnW6GC0q
タグ: TCWinston
posted at 17:10:01

Why I pay taxes: so people can wave & feel safe as @NZAirForce P3 with frigate bird tail flies over #CycloneWinston pic.twitter.com/rELAINsFq6
タグ: CycloneWinston
posted at 17:09:13

Grandfather of 10 year old Boy who Drowned in Nausori
#StrongerThanWinston #ForFiji
タグ: ForFiji StrongerThanWinston
posted at 17:09:07

NZ jet captured glowing in moonlight in 'thank you' video from Fiji www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-z... pic.twitter.com/0cuW3L3HGy
posted at 17:08:49

"Such welcomed, drying sun" Thankful for a beautiful day in Suva. #StrongerThanWinston I/G@thetravelingchameleon pic.twitter.com/p1adT0aFY9
posted at 17:05:08

posted at 17:03:30

Tonight we're at the Govt Wharf waiting for #UNICEF supplies to be loaded on the #Iloilovatu bound for Koro Is. pic.twitter.com/xwh6MbkVi2
タグ: Iloilovatu UNICEF
posted at 16:59:53

Following up w/ Koro pts over the phone, awesome to hear Nasau HC Doctor going above & beyond #StrongerThanWinston @FijiGov_RMDNDM #Fiji
posted at 16:52:34

Vinaka vakalevu @NZDefenceForce #StrongerThanWinston #ForFiji twitter.com/NZDefenceForce...
タグ: ForFiji StrongerThanWinston
posted at 16:46:37

NZ Defence Force @NZDefenceForce
A @NZAirForce C-130 is Fiji-bound with 12 tonnes of aid & interagency damage assessment team #CycloneWinston pic.twitter.com/0s2Fje6SuK
タグ: CycloneWinston
posted at 16:37:32

Penang Sangam Primary School in Rakiraki, whats left of it atleast. @FijiOneNews pic.twitter.com/2l7BrjHdjC
posted at 16:35:31

Ra High School along the "Kings High Way" with damage from TC Winston. @FijiOneNews pic.twitter.com/mev0V0QmYA
posted at 16:22:41

Fiji Roads Authority @FijiRoads
FRA's maintenance contractors have been instructed to start mobilizing & commence repair works for Yaqara Bridge between Tavua & Rakiraki
posted at 16:18:50

Fiji Roads Authority @FijiRoads
The public can travel via Queens Road from Suva to Lautoka only
posted at 16:16:22

Coordinated efforts with NFA Fire Rescue & @FijiGov_RMDNDM cleaning up greater Suva #STCWinston #Fiji #TeamFiji pic.twitter.com/OOr15DF3nq
タグ: Fiji STCWinston TeamFiji
posted at 16:12:50

21 confirmed dead by TC Winston, 8438 in evacuation centres www.fbc.com.fj/fiji/37791/21-... #Fiji #news #WinstonAftermath pic.twitter.com/COZOC180Ik
タグ: Fiji news WinstonAftermath
posted at 16:01:52

Rakiraki Public School damaged by TC Winston. @FijiOneNews @DreuFijiTV pic.twitter.com/Awliujxz5P
posted at 15:57:28

Roxanne Taylor Media @Roxanne_Taylor
Fire crews at scrub fire in #Dardanup West. @abcnewsperth pic.twitter.com/Mxg7GmfLjn
タグ: Dardanup
posted at 15:45:11

#Fiji: 30 day State of Natural #Disaster declared as #TCWinston leaves 17 deads & thousands ppl remain in shelters bit.ly/1QUlrd3
posted at 15:43:57

Wellington ready to welcome Syrian refugees www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/...
posted at 15:36:10

羊毛素材で作ってみたら面白そう! どこで着たらいいか全く分からんけど! pic.twitter.com/nJjP4sxMcC
posted at 15:21:41

Donations for #FijiAppeal can be sent via @RedCrossAU aiding humanitarian support from #CycloneWinston at ab.co/1mRTDxS #TCWinston
タグ: CycloneWinston FijiAppeal TCWinston
posted at 14:40:04

Tomorrow Tuesday 23rd Feb will see a Total Fire Ban across 8 of Victorias 9 districts. bit.ly/1XHdKfv pic.twitter.com/XTayxdY9MK
posted at 14:13:11

*Update* #LikuLiku Island Resort to reopen on Sunday 4th March. No damage to resort. Clean-up in progress #StrongerThanWinston
タグ: LikuLiku StrongerThanWinston
posted at 13:49:57

*Update* Malolo Island Resort to reopen on Saturday 27th February. No damage to resort. Clean-up in progress #StrongerThanWinston
posted at 13:49:28

Human waste and litter marring the site of historic Tekapo church dlvr.it/KZT8tb pic.twitter.com/f4CgNpvkO5
posted at 13:07:07

Australian Red Cross @RedCrossAU
Our #CycloneWinston appeal is now live: rcau.org/YAlLK pic.twitter.com/nzlFeRdap5
タグ: CycloneWinston
posted at 13:06:22

Staff and students at UC mark the 5th anniversary of the February earthquake today. pic.twitter.com/zH3jIWBbDU
posted at 12:59:14

All on @Namotu_Island are safe and sound, including this little guy! #TCWinston #StrongerThanWinston pic.twitter.com/vEuJE36zwg
タグ: StrongerThanWinston TCWinston
posted at 12:00:25

クライストチャーチの地震から5年の追悼式典。日本のメディアだと言うと、いろいろな人たちから声をかけられました。どうしても「5年前は、この18日後に東日本大震災が起きたのだな」と考えてしまいます。 pic.twitter.com/9WyJa5Qt6M
posted at 11:46:34

地震から5年となったニュージーランドのクライストチャーチ。今日の追悼式典には多数の市民も集まりました。 pic.twitter.com/omc1YB74nZ
posted at 11:33:43

The Press Newsroom @PressNewsroom
Christchurch waterways awash with flowers to remember quake victims dlvr.it/KZQp1w pic.twitter.com/XQfQ85gXFE
posted at 10:31:08

CherylBernstein @CherylBernstein
The PM on EQC: "I think most people would say they've done a pretty good job there now." www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/busi...
Show me TEN of them. Go on
posted at 10:08:26

#Fiji: @UNICEF on stand-by to provide supplies and personnel following #CycloneWinston ow.ly/YAbQ1 pic.twitter.com/BSmhTRZl4G
タグ: CycloneWinston Fiji
posted at 09:55:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

CherylBernstein @CherylBernstein
Flowers drifting down the Ōtākaro/Avon after today's commemorations. vine.co/v/irX56p6ztIu
posted at 09:10:37

Mark Stewart (actual @markboynz
Christchurch has been through so much. The people there have been stronger than they should ever have needed to be. Kia kaha <3
posted at 08:59:48

posted at xx:xx:xx

Outside in the community garden for 12.51. Cicadas just went quiet. pic.twitter.com/JVZ0lP3qPN
posted at 08:52:59

My heart is in Christchurch right now. Kia Kaha, beloved city xx #fiveyears
タグ: fiveyears
posted at 08:44:36

British Nationals in Fiji - for support or information please call 3229108 office hours or 3304746 afterhours #TCWinston #ukconsularfiji
posted at 08:40:43

Canadians in #Fiji: for emergency assistance, please contact our High Commission in Wellington, New Zealand at ow.ly/YA6kq
タグ: Fiji
posted at 08:38:23

Jonathan Sinclair @JWRSinclair
On 5th anniversary #Feb22 we remember all in #chch, pay respects as UK Minister @HugoSwire did & commit to future pic.twitter.com/VCBxdHvU0H
posted at 08:32:52

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Andrew Holden @Andrew_J_Holden
Kia kaha Christchurch. Will be thinking of you all today, especially at The Press, five years on
posted at 05:51:03

book & gift blogger @bookgiftblogger
@EmmaYarlett's stunning original artwork is available over @childrensbookil #PBNatter www.childrensbookillustration.com/view_artist.ph... go see pic.twitter.com/Ye0RciGLqv
タグ: PBNatter
posted at 05:36:25

Who fancies creating their children's book character in pixel form? Still deciding the best size grid... pic.twitter.com/XkSfGnwJQG
posted at 05:33:08

The quake stole much from many: Grown men were reduced to tears, suburbs were thieved, 185 lives were lost #chch pic.twitter.com/cdZzDFSGJ1
タグ: chch
posted at 05:15:38

Today, we remember Feb 22 and the earthquake that snaked its way through Christchurch and stole its heart in seconds pic.twitter.com/hTOwS2U2sO
posted at 05:07:43

A Press Conference will be held today by @FijiRedCross to update on the relief work carried out by the response teams of #TCWinston
タグ: TCWinston
posted at 04:06:46

ChristChurch Cathedral. #chch #eqnz #fiveyears pic.twitter.com/C8fisrTBL0
posted at 03:56:32

Ministry of Rural an @MRMDFiji
National Curfew has now been lifted and international commercial flights expected to begin arriving this morning #StrongerThanWinston
posted at 03:02:23

Morning Report @NZMorningReport
Getting ready to go live at 7 from #chch #quakeanniversary
Watch us on www.radionz.co.nz pic.twitter.com/9K6ZUWDeXV
タグ: chch quakeanniversary
posted at 02:58:58

Hundreds of homes destroyed by #cyclonewinston. Our team is preparing to deploy to #Fiji twitter.com/Alinaziah/stat...
タグ: cyclonewinston Fiji
posted at 02:23:09