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- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Tedros Adhanom Ghebr @DrTedros
Thank you for your participation in the @WHO-@UNOCHA event today. WHO is very grateful to @eu_echo for providing your continued support for the #Ebola response in #DRC. We need to stay the course and address the root causes of this outbreak together.
posted at 23:51:19

An estimated 820 million people do not have enough to eat, up from 811 million last year - third year in a row the number increase: UN report bit.ly/2JyIPDB
#hunger #SOFI2019 pic.twitter.com/bQQodfWecJ
posted at 23:36:09

Imani Gandy (Orca’s @AngryBlackLady
I would bet my left boob that every Black person in this country has at one point been told to go back to Africa.
So if you’re a white person trying to convince yourself that trump isn’t racist, he is.
And he’s not even original about it. It’s boring vintage racism.
posted at 23:25:49

Vaccinations against Ebola begin in DR Congo city of Goma aje.io/xnxww pic.twitter.com/t4QHtubAeG
posted at 23:00:05

Hiroshi Matsuura @HiroshiMatsuur2
… 7月15日付の中央日報(日本語版)より。
japanese.joins.com/article/552/25... pic.twitter.com/cN5dNM17Jv
posted at 22:48:48

European Parliament @Europarl_EN
During May's European elections, people in the EU elected their representatives to the European Parliament. Now MEPs will elect the president of the European Commission. Read how ➡️ eptwitter.eu/qjq7 pic.twitter.com/EFlHP3r43A
posted at 22:39:23

Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell
During the SARS outbreak, churches modified practices (drinking from a communal chalice) to lower the risk of transmission. During this #Ebola outbreak, would be wise to urge pastors not to lay on hands when ministering to the sick. twitter.com/Benny_Kaufman/...
タグ: Ebola
posted at 21:00:08

posted at 20:36:49

posted at xx:xx:xx

#博物ふぇす pic.twitter.com/AGWMOCDzSV
タグ: 博物ふぇす
posted at 20:05:04

Scotland and Germany sign joint declaration demanding Donald Trump does not go back where he came from
posted at 20:01:35

@bankofengland It's a bit optimistic to think anybody will have a £50 note after Brexit
posted at 19:35:21

牧野アンドレ @日本で難民留学生支援 @andre_makino
トランプがドイツに帰ってくるのはごめんなので、すぐに撤回してほしいです。(切実) twitter.com/bbcnewsjapan/s...
posted at 19:14:47

posted at 18:21:26

<カクラサマ>荒削りの木造半身像。琴畑の像は人と同じくらいの大きさで以前は御堂の中にあった。こどもたちがこれを引っ張り回しておもちゃにしていたので大人が乱暴に扱うなと叱ったところ、逆に「こどもと遊んでいたのに邪魔をした」と祟られた pic.twitter.com/MLdqw7E4Ii
posted at 18:05:23

posted at 16:17:19

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posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Jennifer Chuang, MD @njteendoc
For those of us who have heard the phrase "Go back to your own country," it is the silence of bystanders who do nothing that is just as painful as the hurled insult.
posted at 13:35:02

Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell
5. Two health workers, at Mabalako & Beni, have been infected with #Ebola. Puzzling that health workers in these places, the early hotspots of the outbreak, are becoming infected. 1 was vaccinated. Would be good to know how long ago. 136 HCWs have been infected; 41 have died. pic.twitter.com/vBzpxXfunv
タグ: Ebola
posted at 12:30:03

Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell
2. From the available details, in the @MinSanteRDC's daily update, it sounds like this case at Goma was detected quickly, which may mean a lower risk of transmission there. But it also sounds like he could have spread #Ebola in Butembo, where he was ministering to the sick. pic.twitter.com/qXfGhDGYm6
タグ: Ebola
posted at 12:30:01

Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell
Rough weekend in the #Ebola zone of NE DRC. 2 response workers were murdered & the first confirmed case was found at Goma, which is a major regional center & transportation hub, & a place no one wants to see Ebola take root.
thread 👇🏻
タグ: Ebola
posted at 12:30:01

Growing up, "Go back to your country" was something I'd often hear from a bigot or bully. It's textbook hate speech. It saddens/angers me that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is uttering those exact same words. Racists and tyrants have taken over our democracy. pic.twitter.com/2o90KgF4MW
posted at 10:31:06

Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell
2. When the priest got to Goma he went to hospital for care & the care workers who saw him suspected #Ebola & he was tested. That's hopeful.
The bus driver & the 18 passengers on the bus will be vaccinated Monday.
タグ: Ebola
posted at 07:05:17

Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell
The #Ebola case in Goma: A priest who had been in Butembo for a short time began developing symptoms on July 9. He was looked after at his residence by a nurse (thinking what, exactly?). On July 12 he boarded a bus for Goma. I understand the driver & other passengers are known.
タグ: Ebola
posted at 07:05:17

posted at xx:xx:xx

Before you Americans get any ideas about sending Trump "back" to Germany: Us Germans don't want him
posted at 05:13:10

The flag I saluted when I was in uniform, the flag to which we pledge allegiance, represents a nation that honors the voices of those who call for justice—and we know this to be among the truer acts of loyalty to the republic for which it stands.
posted at 03:23:51

There’s nothing new about denying the belonging of those who call our nation to its highest values and criticize those in power. Those who launch such attacks reveal that they do not understand what is greatest about America.
posted at 03:23:50

As an immigrant and a citizen, my dad cared deeply about this country. Once, when he was speaking at a campus protest against Reagan’s accommodation of apartheid, a passing student noticed Dad’s brown skin and unique accent and called out: “go home!” He answered: “I am home.”
posted at 03:23:50

I’m afraid it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
We are truly in a battle for the soul of this country.
posted at 02:07:43

I have to say this stuff from Trump really hurt more than I thought it would.
You get a visceral, physical reaction in your gut when someone says “Go back to your country.”
It makes your nerves tingle, your face hot. It makes you enraged, depressed.
Nobody deserves this shit.
posted at 02:06:39

@brianschatz @copperbird7 An analyst told Americans that for once, Trump's racist tweet against the Congresswomen needs to be discussed at every company water cooler across the country tomorrow morning. Americans need to tell each other that this type of talk is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Don't make jokes about it.
posted at 01:56:47

In high school, I was out with a black friend when someone yelled at her to "go back to Africa." He did not tell me to "go back to Germany."
It didn't matter that her family had been in the U.S. longer than mine. That's not the point. Only one of us was seen as American.
posted at 01:31:54

I was around 16 when I first heard a version of “go back to your country.” A drunk white guy screaming at an elderly Filipino lady, saying all kinds of foul stuff. Everyone at that bus stop told him to cut it out and he slinked away. We have to be the people at the bus stop.
posted at 01:16:32

posted at xx:xx:xx