- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

BBC Burmese reported that one of the young men sentenced told lawyers that the group did not care if they were given seven or 17 years in prison, and told people not to worry about them but focus on those who could not ever return to their families. /3
posted at 23:58:40

The group includes Khin Nyein Thu (a graduate of London's Kingston University) and Hsu Linn Htet, whose mutilated faces were shown on state TV. A detainee held in interrogation and later released told of how Khin Nyein Thu experienced extreme sexual violence whilst detained. /2
posted at 23:58:39

Seven young people arrested in Yankin in April and severely tortured whilst held under interrogation have been sentenced seven years imprisonment with hard labor by a military court in Yangon. /1 pic.twitter.com/Wv1yjKQ24L
posted at 23:58:38

@ADuNPpTYEIjuUX9 はじめまして^ ^外から失礼します。私も捨てれなかった派なんですが、特にお気に入りは額に入れて飾ってます^ ^ pic.twitter.com/dX5s7N73Nm
posted at 23:43:09

Well that's just a lie. A UN report described the Aleppo evacuations that were overseen by the ICRC as a "war crime" of "forced displacement". twitter.com/ICRC/status/15...
posted at 23:31:46

Наши сотрудники готовятся помогать безопасному выходу гражданских лиц из Мариуполя.
Прямо сейчас они в пути, сопровождают грузы гуманитарной помощи.
Исключительно важно, чтобы эта операция состоялась. От этого зависит жизнь десятков тысяч людей в Мариуполе. pic.twitter.com/L6563nIp5p
posted at 23:25:46

posted at 23:22:53

Fumiharu Kato 加藤文元(B @FumiharuKato
posted at 23:06:51

Fumiharu Kato 加藤文元(B @FumiharuKato
posted at 23:05:38

Fumiharu Kato 加藤文元(B @FumiharuKato
posted at 23:04:40

Fumiharu Kato 加藤文元(B @FumiharuKato
posted at 23:03:51

Fumiharu Kato 加藤文元(B @FumiharuKato
posted at 23:02:48

Fumiharu Kato 加藤文元(B @FumiharuKato
posted at 23:00:06

Matthew Champion @matthewchampion
some incredible photography here that speaks directly to the pain and suffering that Ukrainian journalists are feeling as they cover a war in their own country. via @yeah_kochetova
posted at 22:55:10

Anish J Vadakkedath @ajvassure7
Good one Andy! Funnily, the same is happening in #insurance & risk carriers are losing margins to distributors; a little bit of tweaking of #systems & #processes, #Banks & insurers will be kings! #Fintech’s everywhere in India. Banks need a counterattack www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/...
タグ: Banks Fintech insurance processes systems
posted at 22:54:05

4/11に筑摩書房(@chikumashobo , @chikumabunko1 )から発刊される、レオ・ペルッツ「テュルリュパン―ある運命の話」の装画を制作させていただきました📙
訳は垂野創一郎さん、カバーデザインは山田英春さん(@lithosgraphics )です✍️
ぜひご覧ください🍷✂️🗡 pic.twitter.com/IGK8US5gzj
posted at 22:43:07

Putin has made a national TV address to threaten to disconnect gas supplies to "unfriendly nations"
Russia is demanding payment in Russian rubles, The EU, UK and US are sticking to the original contract agreement.
Loving a bit of brinkmanship, Putin has a deadline of tomorrow
posted at 22:36:43

BREAKING: Russia will halt active natural gas contracts if buyers don’t comply with its demand to pay in rubles, President Vladimir Putin says trib.al/BYpaPQB pic.twitter.com/stODsfQuQG
posted at 22:31:17

6. Head of the Ukrainian Red Cross told me that the empty buses were en route to Mariupol ready for the evacuation pitted to take place tomorrow. But he warned all other attempts had all failed-"It is crucially important-it would be the first time" www.independent.co.uk/news/world/eur...
posted at 22:29:08

@ADuNPpTYEIjuUX9 外から失礼します。
増えてきたらアルバムみたいにファイリングして取っておく予定です📖 pic.twitter.com/AUjzq2allk
posted at 22:28:04

安東量子@『スティーブ&ボニー』(晶文社 @ando_ryoko
posted at 22:27:29

Update from our team at @ICRC_ua getting ready to facilitate a humanitarian corridor in #Mariupol. twitter.com/ICRC_ua/status...
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 22:25:17

Gakushi Fujiwara / 藤 @fujiwara_g1
posted at 22:20:25

安東量子@『スティーブ&ボニー』(晶文社 @ando_ryoko
posted at 22:15:50

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
The Red Cross says it is involved in the Mariupol evacuation and aid delivery which is set for tomorrow—as long as fighting doesn't prevent it. The seaside city formerly of some 450,000 residents is now destroyed and a smoldering shell of its former self. twitter.com/ICRC/status/15...
posted at 22:14:18

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
Mariupol City Council says a new evacuation convoy of 17 buses has left for Berdyansk to rescue more residents of besieged Mariupol. Authorities hope they'll be able to evacuate thousands of residents tomorrow in a column of some 45 total buses and also take in humanitarian aid. pic.twitter.com/0gqzxufyic
posted at 22:14:18

Luisa Calderin @calderin_luisa
@nytimes I hope this time Putin fulfill his promise and don't attack them while they are escaping as last time...
posted at 21:52:04

安東量子@『スティーブ&ボニー』(晶文社 @ando_ryoko
震度6強の地震から2週間 被害増える見込み 復旧長期化か|NHK 福島県のニュース www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/fukushim...
posted at 21:33:00

posted at 21:24:39

BREAKING: OPEC+ refuses to deviate from its long-term plan for gradual output hikes, ratifying the 432,000-barrel-a-day supply increase scheduled for May trib.al/tlcxmVJ pic.twitter.com/BVCXNcc2er
posted at 21:21:46

総合サポートユニオン共同代表・青木耕太郎 @kotaro_aoki
posted at 21:20:37

Amee Vanderpool @girlsreallyrule
A convoy of buses headed to Mariupol on Thursday in another attempt to evacuate people from the besieged port city, while Russia pressed its attacks in several parts of Ukraine ahead of a planned new round of talks aimed at ending the fighting. apnews.com/article/russia...
posted at 21:15:29

posted at 21:14:33

posted at 21:12:17

Tanzania is seeking at least $700 million from the IMF as it tries to reduce the risk of debt distress trib.al/39kpuBv
posted at 21:03:07

More than 200 symptoms have been attributed, directly and indirectly, to long Covid
Unraveling the causes keeps getting harder trib.al/WiDBGnL
posted at 20:59:07

Ukraine's embattled railways have evacuated millions of refugees and defied Russian efforts to seize control (via @citylab) trib.al/e0hGLQP
posted at 20:57:48

Convoy heads to Ukraine’s Mariupol to attempt evacuation
posted at 20:54:46

Eurasian collared dove- one of two species thought to be the wild ancestor of the domestic Barbary Dove.
#TwitterNatureCommunity #IndiAves #NaturePhotography #BirdsSeenIn2021 #BirdsPhotography #BirdTwitter #birdwatching #BBCWildlifePOTD #NatureBeauty #nikonphotography pic.twitter.com/YK5M7HJFVz
タグ: BBCWildlifePOTD BirdsPhotography BirdsSeenIn2021 BirdTwitter birdwatching IndiAves NatureBeauty NaturePhotography nikonphotography TwitterNatureCommunity
posted at 20:43:02

"Liberation of Cows the Russian Way" Kharkov region pic.twitter.com/OSW4FJ4IgN
posted at 20:33:35

Alastair Marsh @AlastairJMarsh
I returned to @crypto for a brief cameo to speak with Ukraine’s ‘crypto father’, who has gone from running an exchange to being the government’s crypto banker. Buying bulletproof vests with #Bitcoin! www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/...
タグ: Bitcoin
posted at 20:31:21

Jonathan Hibberd @Jonnyhibberd
@BSBonner The short term solution to the oil and gas issue is just to stick a big tariff on imports of Russian energy with funds given to Ukraine. That at least would mean it was funding Ukraine's war effort as much as Russia's, and the cost incentives to diversify asap would do the rest.
posted at 20:28:36

If the West doesn't enact a full trade embargo (especially oil & gas) against Russia, as well as flood Ukraine with the weapons it needs, this is going to be a long and bloody war.
posted at 20:26:13

posted at 20:25:15

@fzk06736 @TokitaSuzakuG 物理の先生でしたが、黒板一杯に計算式を書いて答えまで行ってから「この値は物理的には負になるべきだ」と言い出し、答えから順番に式にマイナスつけてって「お、ここで書き落としてたか」ってのは見たことがあります
タグ: 別の先生の逸話として聞いてた話なんですが実際に見るとなおさら印象深かった
posted at 20:22:35

Prof Claire Corkhill @clairecorkhill
@WMN4SRVL I know Yaroslav personally. I do not deny that Russian soldiers are going to this centre. What I am trying to express is that there is no risk at all of any illness from being in the Red Forest.
posted at 20:08:42

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
Since the full-scale war began on Feb. 24, 987 children were born in Kyiv.
453 girls and 534 boys, according to Kyiv’s City Council.
posted at 20:00:31

Problèmes de peinture sur l'A350: Qatar Airways estime qu'il y a un risque d'incendie
l.bfmtv.com/AFa pic.twitter.com/n7eGyOUs36
posted at 19:59:10

Sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine are complicating Russia’s construction of a $20 billion nuclear power plant in Turkey trib.al/EOYeMmo
posted at 19:55:42

WomenForSurvival #St @WMN4SRVL
@clairecorkhill This is then taken up by a Ukrainian source on his FB page: www.facebook.com/yaroslav.chern...
posted at 19:46:28

WomenForSurvival #St @WMN4SRVL
@clairecorkhill The most original source I can find is based on a Bylerussian channel, which doesn't say check up or not, it just says the soldiers are being taken to the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology on a regular basis. Pro-Russian source.
posted at 19:45:45

ロシア、国債7本の利払い実施 502億ルーブル jp.reuters.com/article/ukrain... pic.twitter.com/PZy1GVH0Sk
posted at 19:39:04

Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko
I’m afraid we’ll be busy solving issues far more down-to-earth than this twitter.com/andrewmichta/s...
posted at 19:31:39

It looks like some vehicles, presumably Russian were burning on the road from Bucha to Irpin in the Kyiv region on Mar 28th, this is the day that Ukraine announced Irpin had been liberated. pic.twitter.com/DRQBV4u9Fz
posted at 19:24:26

Judging by the fires visible on Sentinel satellite imagery, fighting in central Mariupol is moving south towards the coast. It's possible this is where the remaining territory in the city where Ukrainian forces are in control. pic.twitter.com/GXYv7bdPjG
posted at 19:09:25

貫洞欣寛(Kando, Yoshihir @kando_abugen
posted at 19:08:22

貫洞欣寛(Kando, Yoshihir @kando_abugen
posted at 19:05:08

#Facts Two children die from shelling in Lysychansk – State Emergency Service en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/8...
タグ: Facts
posted at 19:05:06

The ECB says it's in daily contact with banks on how they’re dealing with implications from sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine trib.al/CMux31D
posted at 19:05:03

5. It seems the evacuation from Mariupol may take place tomorrow - this is the Ukrainian Red Cross twitter.com/icrc_ua/status...
posted at 18:55:03

Eleanor Beardsley @ElBeardsley
It seems these Russian soldiers truly thought that. This entire war is being fought on propaganda - for false pretenses. Its not only Putin who doesn’t know what’s going on. This mayor, Ivan Fedorov, said the soldiers were completely unprepared and clueless.
posted at 18:54:19

Eleanor Beardsley @ElBeardsley
well we’re here to help the Russian speakers snd he said 95% of us speak Russian and we’re fine. They said they heard that the World War II veterans of the town had been beaten in the patriot day and he said au contraire they’re venerated and there’s not very many of them left.
posted at 18:54:19

Eleanor Beardsley @ElBeardsley
Incredible testimony on BFMTV from this mayor of Melitopol who was kidnapped for several days by the Russians. He says they had no idea what’s going on. They told him we’re here to get the Nazis - he said I’ve been in this town 30 years and I’ve never met one…. then they said pic.twitter.com/T8aL2DjZwH
posted at 18:50:02

ちなみに、2018年のノーベル平和賞は、戦時性暴力の抑止に取り組んできた2人が受賞しています。コンゴ民主共和国の婦人科医師、デニ・ムクウェゲ氏とイラクのヤジディー教徒女性、ナディア・ムラド氏。mainichi.jp/articles/20181... 記事に主な戦時性暴力案件と国際社会対応の年表あり。
posted at 18:49:22

💬 "Ils m'ont emmené en prison"
Enlevé par l'armée russe, le maire de Melitopol témoigne sur @BFMTV après sa libération pic.twitter.com/Fxs0PHmqXR
posted at 18:29:43

Aftermath of one cluster bomb attack in #Mykolaiv on March 13, plotted on a map. Stills from the @VICE documentary with @IsobelYeung.
🧵 with these and a few other geolocations in the Pivnichnyy and Solyani neighbourhoods. pic.twitter.com/gj8zYPs4P5
タグ: Mykolaiv
posted at 18:24:56

Ukrainian news @Ukrainiannews3
In #Lysychansk, #Luhansk region, #Russian soldiers opened fire on a civilian family; doctors are now trying to save the lives of two children.
The invaders wounded all 4 members of the family.
Full text and more languages 📲
ua-news-translated.notion.site/In-Lysychansk-... pic.twitter.com/5pwLAsEEUJ
タグ: Luhansk Lysychansk Russian
posted at 18:21:17

Even before the missiles started raining down on Kyiv, the financial opportunists who prey on market dislocation were already hunting for bargains in Russian bonds trib.al/VfMwERu
posted at 18:21:04

Dutch politicians giving Ukrainian President Zelensky a standing ovation 👏🏽 pic.twitter.com/4fyM9dyvJ2
posted at 17:52:19

I wrote a piece on the amazing effort of the Ukrainian railways over the last month, to take millions of people to safety and continue delivering aid to the east. 64 of their employees have died since the war started www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar... (with a photo essay by Jelle Krings)
posted at 17:49:41

Zelensky reminds Dutch politicians of Second World War, draws parallels and warns them, Russia won’t stop, Ukraine is only the start.
posted at 17:39:25

@ADuNPpTYEIjuUX9 通りすがり、失礼します。お子さんが着ていた服や肌着の一部をくるみボタンにして保管する、という記事を見て、自分もやればよかったなと思っています。
posted at 17:33:04

www.president.gov.ua/news/chervonij... twitter.com/hiranotakasi/s...
posted at 17:28:43

A group of Ukrainian volunteers are attempting to rescue animals from a private zoo near the capital that was abandoned after the Russian army bombed and occupied the area. abcn.ws/38j9TG5 pic.twitter.com/hHdL0FIc1k
posted at 17:02:57

はたちこうた Kota Hatachi @togemaru_k
ロシア大使館「誤情報」と指摘のツイートを削除も… 日本の報道は「フェイク」と批判
www.buzzfeed.com/jp/kotahatachi... pic.twitter.com/W7Gl7JWubF
posted at 16:58:26

はたちこうた Kota Hatachi @togemaru_k
取材を申し込みましたが回答はなく、代わりにBuzzFeed Newsの報道を「FAKE」「事実を改ざん」などと批判する声明が発表されました。
posted at 16:54:27

Oleksandra Slediuk @alesashenka
@ICRC You've already discredited yourself, but you go further 🤦🤦🤦
posted at 16:43:32

「俺の女に何してんだ」とネコの世話をしてる男性に因縁を付けて窃盗を働いてんの難癖にも程があるし、奪った袋には御朱印帳しか入ってなかったらしく被害男性と加害者の徳のギャップに耳キーンなる pic.twitter.com/Hhwc5Fluk3
posted at 16:35:21

SpaceWeatherLive @_SpaceWeather_
Here is a look at the coronal mass ejection launched by yesterday's X1 solar flare. We see an asymmetrical full halo coronal mass ejection that is likely to arrive at Earth this Saturday, 2 April. pic.twitter.com/8Bn3ntBVMl
posted at 16:18:39

Can you imagine a world where false information runs wild?
We're the continent’s first, independent fact-checking organisation, sorting fact from fiction since 2012.
We've fact-checked *thousands* of claims that are free to read and share on our website.
#FactsForEveryone pic.twitter.com/oRwRW6k4LP
タグ: FactsForEveryone
posted at 16:03:00

Global Sky Media @Media_GlobalSky
Yun-yuan Tay and Sanjay Suresh from @SkyportsHQ analyze opportunities and challenges in the Asia-Pacific region for eVTOL cargo missions, infrastructure, and passenger deliveries.
www.asianskymedia.com/interviews/uam... pic.twitter.com/YL6iDhRphf
posted at 15:53:45

#Aurora!!! #Alaska!! pic.twitter.com/wtUIBHBDpw
posted at 15:50:39

Velina Tchakarova @vtchakarova
1400% surge since 2020 👀 twitter.com/sstapczynski/s...
posted at 15:47:05

ST Foreign Desk @STForeignDesk
China, Solomon Islands agree controversial security pact: Official www.straitstimes.com/asia/australia...
posted at 15:47:02

@detresfa_ @SimTack @PutinIsAVirus @hoje_no @samlagrone @oryxspioenkop @UAWeapons @CavasShips @Aviation_Intel @KyleMizokami For those wondering why mega yachts don't normally call at Vladivostok, well it's not exactly the French Rivera pic.twitter.com/3Qm3v0LhwJ
posted at 15:46:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

Jenny Hagan LostInSk @LostInSk
Ahhh. Working in a quick time lapse of this beautiful #aurora March 30 taken near Laporte #Saskatchewan finally getting some images pulled from the camera ❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/CCXb1maN8q
タグ: aurora Saskatchewan
posted at 15:41:08

katerina sergatskova @KSergatskova
We’ve lost already thousands of people killed, we’ve lost millions of homes. Some Ukrainian cities turned into ruins. This is what #Russia did to Ukraine.
Today is 36th day is the nightmare.
タグ: Russia StopPutinNOW
posted at 15:40:35

Before 10:30pm AKDT, and Fairbanks is finally starting to join the show that Canada and the N U.S. have been seeing! 😍
#akwx #aurora pic.twitter.com/KFZ1k7jueY
posted at 15:38:11

次は、モルドバ首都キシニョフ→キシナウかな、と思ったら、在モルドバ日本国大使館では、もうキシナウになっていた(開設当時はキシニョフだった)。じゃあ、リトアニア首都ビリニュス→ビルニュスかな(「リ」はロシア語発音)。 pic.twitter.com/lu5ALxettA
posted at 15:37:39

Sylvan Lake got a touch of it #aurora #SDwx @NWSRapidCity pic.twitter.com/ktbGYbaKKe
posted at 15:36:00

Aurora SE of Seeley Lake, MT. Looking north into the Bob Marshall.
Wish it could have been a perfectly clear night across western Montana for this! @AuroraNotify #Aurora #MTwx pic.twitter.com/MhAFl2Xho9
posted at 15:35:10

タグ: Yahooニュース
posted at 15:32:23

トレンド見て意味が分からなかったので記事タイトルを見て意味が分からなかったので本文全部読んだらやっと意味が分からなかった。 twitter.com/tv_asahi_news/...
posted at 15:29:49

Unable to do much in the way of editing photos until all my gear is out of storage, but luckily tonight's show near Billings, MT didn't need hardly any editing! The red colors were easily visible to the naked eye. #aurora #northernlights #mtwx pic.twitter.com/3ZEYMtEeq4
タグ: aurora mtwx northernlights
posted at 15:29:10

DiamondWarriors @Diamond64501925
@carlbildt @sentdefender It's only logical to expect military action in a war zone. It's a trade risk for Civilian Cargo ships. Are they covered by war insurance?
posted at 15:24:15

Aurora outburst before dawn, back of camera #northernlights #perserverance @ILoveNorthCoast @TamithaSkov @StormHour #aurora pic.twitter.com/QX14GK8Ysx
タグ: aurora northernlights perserverance
posted at 15:23:22

Vincent Ledvina @Vincent_Ledvina
All aboard the magic school bus! Auroras were EXTREMELY active tonight in Churchill, MB. Still in awe, WOW! @TamithaSkov @AuroraJAnderson @FergiesPhotos @LachDonna @spaceyliz @TweetAurora @weathernetwork @weatherchannel @StormHour @AuroraNotify @CBCNews pic.twitter.com/XmKw6gTsX4
posted at 15:23:17

posted at 15:21:48

3) Russia’s military leadership is a disaster zone.
4) Russia is increasingly using Wagner mercenaries. Why? "These soldiers are likely to be used as cannon fodder to try to limit Russian military losses," Fleming says.
Read LPB in full here: www.politico.eu/newsletter/lon...
posted at 15:07:38

Top London Playbook from @alexwickham. In it, highlights of GCHQ Director Jeremy Fleming's speech on Russia's war at Australian National University.
Key takeaways ...
1) Putin's advisers are lying to him about how war is going.
2) Morale among Russian forces is low AF. 1/2
posted at 15:07:38

Jesusaurus Rex @Je5usaurus_Rex
@carlbildt That's really surprised me: Russia has attacked a number of civilian cargo ships from third party countries like Bangladesh, and no one seems to care.
posted at 15:07:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

The 🇷🇺 navy is currently blocking more than 90 civilian ships from accessing ports in the Black Sea. They seek to transport grain and other good products to nations in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Some ships have even been shelled.
posted at 15:01:07

太陽プロトン現象の基準レベルにほぼ達しまして、極域の短波通信がアウトという状況になっています。このslow-rise SEPは、まずここまでで一番不可解な現象に思います。50 MeVも100 MeVも上がっているのでIP shockの加速では説明できない気が。 pic.twitter.com/yPcei2DGUD
posted at 14:57:39

Why on earth would Ukraine change its ancient script? The Cyrillic alphabet came to Moscow from Kyiv (and to Kyiv from Bulgaria), not the other way around. Three NATO and one EU member-states use Cyrillic for their languages. twitter.com/andrewmichta/s...
posted at 14:55:46

posted at 14:28:25

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
…Russia’s 150th Motor Rifle Division is likely suffering high casualties in ongoing fighting. Mariupol will likely fall within days.”
posted at 14:18:31

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
@TheStudyofWar update- “Russian forces continued to make steady but costly progress in Mariupol on March 30… Social media users depicted ongoing Russian use of thermobaric munitions in Mariupol and widespread damage to the city… www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/r...
posted at 14:18:12

tracy gregorash @tracygregorash
Pretty crazy night for aurora! Cruising around a bit tonight. Lookout tower in Minnedosa, #manitoba #backofcamera #Aurora pic.twitter.com/G85QkrSBUP
タグ: Aurora backofcamera manitoba
posted at 14:09:11

いまのところ、あまり驚きはありません。数時間以内にコロナ質量放出の本体が地球に到来して、その磁場がどれほど強いかで、磁気嵐発達の上限が、だいたい決まるでしょう。おや?と思うのは太陽プロトンです。10 MeVを見ると、ゆっくり上昇してきていること。これは変です。 pic.twitter.com/FH17U2jiv2
posted at 13:57:07

Gugel v. Gugellandia @Gugellandia
Ringo aus Gugellandia beobachtet Euch und wünscht einen schönen Donnerstag pic.twitter.com/cpbmhYYYE9
posted at 13:52:44

Not only did Chris Rock disrespect BLACK women in Good Hair, he went on numerous shows to promote the movie & disrespected the Black women there too. On Graham Norton they were picking them out of the audience & guessing what their occupations were based off of their hair styles. twitter.com/TONYROCK/statu...
posted at 12:16:42

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Met Office Space @MetOfficeSpace
Geomagnetic sudden impulse alert: Storm arrived 31/03 02:10 UTC Hartland Magnetometer Deflection 43.0nT bit.ly/3m6ylM8?utm_so...
posted at 11:45:02

RedScorpion (Z) @KrasnyySkorpion
Vehículos rusos de camino a Kherson pic.twitter.com/IQ5p7OYrFL
posted at 11:33:35

RedScorpion (Z) @KrasnyySkorpion
Equipo ruso en movimiento a Kherson. Tanto equipo ya en Ucrania como otros envíos en trenes se están reagrupando en esta zona. pic.twitter.com/ffmy7bDqdp
posted at 11:33:13

Not only have the Russian forces struggled with low morale and weapons shortages, but they have also accidentally shot down their own aircraft and have refused to carry out orders, one of Britain’s spy chiefs said in a speech on Thursday in Australia. nyti.ms/3qOvv3w
posted at 11:30:06

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Granted a large number of the videos from around Kyiv and Chernihiv were taken pretty far behind the front lines.
posted at 11:27:30

Met Office Space @MetOfficeSpace
Geomagnetic sudden impulse warning: Arrived L1 31/03 02:40 UTC Solar wind speed 520km/s Magnetic deflection -11.0nT bit.ly/3m6ylM8?utm_so...
posted at 11:24:02

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
I have noticed the same, a lot of videos from Mariupol and the east, pretty much nothing from around Kyiv or the north for the last 3 weeks. twitter.com/RedIntelPanda/...
posted at 11:23:25

Well, I was too busy today to get on the HF radio...considering I would have gotten... nowhere. #solar #flare pic.twitter.com/nzoQvnxvtK
posted at 11:21:59

The #kakapo chicks are getting to an age where they’re a bit feisty and squabbly. #kakapo2022 #conservation pic.twitter.com/UOcn2NOmql
タグ: conservation kakapo kakapo2022
posted at 11:20:55

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Ukraine's military: Ukrainian forces regain control over southeastern Orlove, Zahradivka, Kochubeyivka.
The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made the announcement on Facebook on March 30.
posted at 11:11:53

Dogs move past a body of a civilian killed during a heavy shelling, as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, in the town of Irpin, in Kyiv region, Ukraine March 29, 2022. Picture taken March 29, 2022. REUTERS/Serhii Mykhalchuk pic.twitter.com/NbMyUwKKSC
posted at 11:02:08

NBC Nightly News wit @NBCNightlyNews
Today, Ukrainians were able to stop Russia’s invasion in its tracks, allowing them to recapture the village of Mala Rohan from Russian soldiers. @RichardEngel reports from Kharkiv. nbcnews.to/3wRaDfF
posted at 11:00:11

A complete chart of known mosasaur scales!
Unfortunately, this is only really useful if you’re drawing them suuuper close up
Twitter will probably destroy this thing, FULL HD BELOW ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/79OQtG31AG
posted at 10:56:42

A inflação anual na Rússia acelerou para 15,66% até 25 de março, máxima desde setembro de 2015 e acima da taxa de 14,53% da semana anterior, disse o Ministério da Economia nesta quarta-feira
posted at 10:20:00

@ThePierreAlexis @NeilPHauer Those aren't Russian soldiers. They are Ossetians. They were probably volunteers. Ossetia is not Russia, yet, so Russia cannot order them to fight. I wonder how they will vote if annexation referendum takes place.
posted at 10:18:13

Vladimir Dinets @VladimirDinets
It appears Russians really are on the run in N Ukraine. I think, 2 reasons: (1) they face encirclements in multiple areas; (2) cold snap forecast this weekend, w. temps well below freezing. Russian uniforms aren't good for this: in many units >1/2 soldiers already have frostbite.
posted at 10:18:07

www.cbr.ru/eng/currency_b... pic.twitter.com/CNJQ0Bx0dw
posted at 10:16:15

A new front in Ethiopia's war in the Afar region is imperiling efforts to get enemies to sit for peace talks, regional officials and diplomats say, and a days old ceasefire may have been breached in some places reut.rs/3JVxslU via @giuliaparavicin 📷 @NegeriTiks 1/5 pic.twitter.com/nlMgjAk5Dj
posted at 10:06:29

Based on our data from Chernobyl and decades of scientific reports, these reports seem very likely exaggerated. RU has been reckless, and could get notable radiation exposure in the Red Forest, but not enough for Acute Radiation Sickness. twitter.com/visegrad24/sta...
posted at 09:58:45

@rickyegeland Yes, perhaps, but I cannot in good conscience rule it out either. Ive seen extremely long days from farsided events in the past. We need more multi-spacecraft data at different solar longitudes to suss this one out for sure!
posted at 09:55:54

'WE ESCAPED HELL': Refugees from the Ukrainian cities of Mariupol and Kharkiv tell of their experiences living under Russian bombardment, and their escape. abcn.ws/3Nzax2b pic.twitter.com/An4TI6E1bg
posted at 09:52:27

"Citizenship, as Hannah Arendt describes it, is 'the right to have rights.' While the loss of a secondary citizenship would not have such grave consequences for the Russian oligarch, normalizing citizenship confiscation in the EU is a dangerous precedent to set." twitter.com/haaretzcom/sta...
posted at 09:44:28

Jennifer Griffin @JenGriffinFNC
When I landed in Dublin, my driver said, “He died a hero.” Indeed he did. www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/i...
posted at 09:44:17

カワイ韓愈/카와이 한유/卡哇伊韩愈 @kawai_kanyu
bioで怪しいと思ったがやはり初出2019年のパクツイじゃないか matome.usachannel.info/?p=310296 twitter.com/tokkin22i/stat...
posted at 09:37:50

WASHINGTON (AP) — AP source: Biden admin weighing release of up to 1 million barrels of oil per day from strategic reserve to cut prices.
posted at 09:34:44

@ChristopherJM @planet @ICRC That ICRC cross looks like "X marks the spot" to Russians. They will target any hospitals, field hospitals, medical clinics, and anywhere else that is a known shelter to civilians.
Just ask the people of Aleppo.
Never mark buildings with anything or it is a target.
posted at 09:33:18

@BeauTFC I've been seeing the same things, and that they are starting to evacuate Russian soldiers to treat them for acute radiation syndrome, and I was finally able to find this:
posted at 09:27:57

@CalltoActivism The retreating Russian soldiers will be glowing at night. After rolling around in Chernobyl dirt. Vladimir Putin is releasing his dirty bombs. Contaminating everything that the retreating Russian soldiers touch.
posted at 09:25:07

SpaceWeatherLive @_SpaceWeather_
Active geomagnetic conditions (Kp4)
Threshold Reached: 23:59 UTC
Follow live on www.spaceweather.live/l/kp pic.twitter.com/lp701O2rAU
posted at 09:15:09

People who until recently called Syrian refugees "jihadists" and "invaders" are now trying to look empathetic. In the same pit are those who compare every tragedy with "here" - the West, Europe, and "there" - the Middle East, where it is *normal* for people to be killed. Fuck.
posted at 09:15:09

@h_okumura Office365とかGoogle Workspaceからコピペした際にスタイルと一緒にペーストしたのかも。もとのドキュメントを作ったのが中国から来た人とかで。中国人留学生上がりの派遣とかいますし。
posted at 08:53:46

Gazprom offices targeted in EU antitrust raids -sources reut.rs/3iNeGl1 pic.twitter.com/wvvwJttW1v
posted at 08:50:39

@miki5310 この記事が 分かりやすいです
治療のお邪魔虫 | 金沢動物園
posted at 08:47:09

NOW: Anonymous says they will leak 1.22TB data from sensitive Russian institutions in the next couple of weeks in retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine.
posted at 08:26:40

Allegedly 7 bus loads of Russian soldiers have left Chernobyl & are being transported to Belarus hospital. They have acute radiation poisoning from digging trenches in the contaminated forest. Apparently they were unaware of the danger. But they are leaving! twitter.com/nexta_tv/statu...
posted at 08:16:32

posted at 08:13:28

Julieta Rossi Pedros @julieta_pedrosa
@AFP After digging tranches..In the Red Forest.. Nearby Chernobyl..What a very wise thing to do..The RU troops must be glowing.. pic.twitter.com/yyD9mESLzx
posted at 08:06:42

#Kherson and Southern Advance Update:
#Russian forces did not conduct any offensive operations around Kherson and continued to reconstitute their forces in the southern direction in the last 24 hours.
posted at 07:53:59

Seven packed medical buses brought another batch of Russian soldiers suffering from Acute Radiation Syndrome to Belarus radiation hospital from the #Ukrainian #Chernobyl exclusion zone.
RU troops in Chernobyl were shockingly reckless.
Source: www.facebook.com/yaroslav.chern...
3/ pic.twitter.com/pyqGFz39rb
posted at 07:53:21

#Mariupol Update:
#Russian forces continued to make steady but costly progress in Mariupol. Social media users depicted ongoing Russian use of thermobaric munitions in Mariupol. Russia’s 150th Motor Rifle Division is likely suffering high casualties.
posted at 07:53:19

#Kyiv Update:
Elements of #Russian forces around Kyiv, both in the northwest and around #Brovary, continued to pull back into #Belarus on March 30, though Russian forces continued to defend their front lines in the area and shell civilian targets.
タグ: Belarus Brovary Kyiv Russian
posted at 07:51:43

Russian forces are leaving booby traps and bodies as they retreat and reposition around Kyiv trib.al/TPYf5UG
posted at 07:50:06

Edible #weed of the day: stinging nettle. Only edible after you cook or dry it, otherwise it does sting (ouch). pic.twitter.com/lcmZEqC6lS
タグ: weed
posted at 07:47:27

posted at 07:43:10

Surprise! We have a big flare player on the Sun's farside too! We may return to S1 #Radiation storm levels soon. This slow rise in energetic particles was caused by the far-sided eruption earlier today. This was not due to the X-flare from region 2975, the signature is too slow! pic.twitter.com/WwZJ0Ksxfv
タグ: Radiation
posted at 07:40:26
@miki5310 ハジラミっぽいですね。こんなにたくさん付けちゃって、お疲れヤツガシラなのかな…。
posted at 07:27:39

#UPDATE Russian forces have begun to pull out of the defunct Chernobyl nuclear power site, a US defense official said Wednesday, a day after Moscow said it would scale back attacks on two key Ukrainian cities u.afp.com/wezP
posted at 07:17:44

Ukraine invasion: Ferocious fighting for Izyum, the city that's like 'hell' for Russian soldiers news.sky.com/story/ukraine-...
posted at 07:11:49

Between keeping to try and land in Chornobaivka and bivouacking in Chernobyl, the Russian army is setting the bar for military idiocy insanely high. twitter.com/MrKovalenko/st...
posted at 07:11:21

#Ukraine: A BMD-2 airborne infantry fighting vehicle, which used to belong to the Russian army, is now being operated by the Ukrainians in #Kyiv Oblast. pic.twitter.com/xi5crvdFjB
posted at 07:10:43

UPDATE: The speech by @GCHQ Director Sir Jeremy Fleming at the Australian National University is now starting. Here is the full text, including the line about how Putin's advisers are too scared to tell him the truth about how badly things are going⬇️
posted at 07:09:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

YANK01 91-00516 #AE1208
YANK02, YANK03 88-00325 #AE515E
HOMER31 62-4131 #AE01CC
JAKE11 62-4130 #AE01D1
NATO11 LX-N90450 #4D03C8
REDEYE6 95-0121 #AE1491
FORTE10 #AE5420
HOOPA21 F216 #3B7740
JAKE31 64-14849 #AE01D5
タグ: 3B7740 4D03C8 ADSB AE01CC AE01D1 AE01D5 AE1208 AE1491 AE515E AE5420
posted at 06:54:35

The RC-135U flew another sortie over the Barents sea today. She last flew this pattern in this area 6 days ago.
2/3 pic.twitter.com/BEh7aiaQOc
posted at 06:54:34

Today, at least 10 NATO ISR aircraft flew sorties over Europe: USAF RC-135W (HOMER31, JAKE11), RC-135U (JAKE31), E-8C (REDEYE6), RQ-4 (FORTE10), U-2S (BLACK01); US Army RC-12X (YANK01, YANK02, YANK03); French C-160G (HOOPA21); NATO E-3A (NATO11). 1/3 pic.twitter.com/l1STQZpWRd
posted at 06:54:33

BREAKING: Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia region announces it will hold a referendum on joining Russia after the April 10 elections
posted at 06:34:56

Ben McIlwain @CydeWe @CydeWeys
@MrKovalenko WTF did they do?! My understanding is that the area around Chernobyl is no longer that radioactive. Did they go poking around inside the sarcophagus??
posted at 06:30:08

#Russia’s central bank has restarted buying gold from banks: pic.twitter.com/dunj3UhF1O
タグ: Russia
posted at 06:29:46

Further evidence suggesting that the Russians have withdrawn from Kherson Airport in order to reposition behind the volatile frontline, in preparation for a Ukrainan assault on the city within the next week. twitter.com/Cen4infoRes/st...
posted at 06:21:18

Travis Rivenbark @southernson1978
@RatMidnight @lapatina_ I’m not crying, you’re crying..
posted at 06:17:07

Seven busses packed with Russian soldiers suffering from Acute Radiation Syndrome arrived to #Belarus from the #Ukrainian #Chernobyl exclusion zone. Source: member of public council of state #Ukraine agency of exclusion zone Yaroslav Yemelyanenko via Unian news agency.
タグ: Belarus Chernobyl Ukraine Ukrainian
posted at 06:14:52

posted at xx:xx:xx

Wow. 300 Russian soldiers from South Ossetia left (❗) their deployment in Ukraine and returned there. Pictured below. twitter.com/rajdianos/stat...
posted at 06:14:13

Revealing details about the state of the Russian military operation, Sir Jeremy is expected to say: “We’ve seen Russian soldiers – short of weapons and morale - refusing to carry out orders, sabotaging their own equipment and even accidentally shooting down their own aircraft"
posted at 06:12:34

But “what’s going on & the extent of these misjudgements must be crystal clear to the regime”
Missteps = misjudging 🇺🇦resistance; underestimating strength of western response; underplaying economic consequences; over-estimating abilities of 🇷🇺military to secure quick win.
posted at 06:11:54

@andrewmichta Cyrillic isn't Russian and most Ukrainians see it as Kyivan Rus' heritage. Nevertheless, adequate parallel Latin spelling would be great (now we have a pretty faulty one-way official transliteration - you can't transliterate it back into Cyrillic).
posted at 06:10:03

Sir Jeremy is also set to say the risks are greater for China than Russia of the two authoritarian states being too closely aligned with each other.
And he will reveal indications that Russian cyber attackers are “looking for targets” in countries opposed to Russia's war in 🇺🇦 4/
posted at 06:07:53

CALL TO ACTIVISM @CalltoActivism
BREAKING: Russian troops have reportedly abandoned Chernobyl and are retreating to Belarus.
posted at 05:58:12

Returned soldiers on the border of Russia and South Ossetia. They hitchhiked home. pic.twitter.com/gISBRqwXZ9
posted at 05:53:03

Konrad Muzyka - Roch @konrad_muzyka
Russian withdrawal from the northwest of Kyiv is a real thing. A lot of equipment is being pulled back. Here is one example. Although to be fair, some new equipment is also being introduced to Ukraine. But the exchange definitely isn't 1:1 pic.twitter.com/la92lTHs6y
posted at 05:50:53

Anastasiia Lapatina @lapatina_
A very touching video of a grandma thanking Ukrainian soldiers💔 pic.twitter.com/QwIHqXIeaU
posted at 05:47:37

Andrew A. Michta @andrewmichta
Question: After the war has been won, should #Ukraine stop using the Cyrillics and switch to the Latin alphabet? I know it’s not a burning issue at this point but it would symbolize where the Ukrainian nation wants to be — with the West. I ask this especially of our UKR friends.
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 05:34:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

#BREAKING Moscow announces Mariupol ceasefire Thursday to evacuate civilians: ministry pic.twitter.com/oNkSBjSkgj
posted at 05:21:08

Ukrainian Struggle C @UA_struggle
#Irpin is free from Russian occupation but completely destroyed. Corpses of civilians are on the streets and survivors are telling horrific stories. Russian soldiers raped women and abused children - that's what Putin's army is doing in Ukraine! #StopRussia #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/Eak8hYrJLh
タグ: Irpin StopRussia UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 05:15:50

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Russian strikes hit Red Cross warehouse in besieged Mariupol.
It didn't help that its roof was marked with the Red Cross symbol, indicating the presence of wounded people or civilian or humanitarian cargo.
posted at 05:14:30

posted at 05:07:09

Chernobyl employees say Russian soldiers had no idea what the plant was and call their behavior ‘suicidal’ fortune.com/2022/03/29/che...
posted at 05:06:00

#BREAKING Russians starting to withdraw from Chernobyl nuclear site: Pentagon pic.twitter.com/3fBQ5aEibF
posted at 04:50:16

Tetsuya_Umetsu(まきのや) @makinoyainSPb
露中銀、明日久方ぶりに外貨準備を公表するとの報。ただ、元のリリース見てみるとどうもフォーマットが変わるらしい。こういう時は大体都合が悪いときなんだよな。 twitter.com/rianru/status/...
posted at 04:49:18

Animals are threatened by starvation as shelling wrecks deliveries of meat to zoo animals, and the lives of staff have been turned upside down in one of the country’s worst war zones, between Mariupol and Odesa: www.independent.co.uk/news/world/eur...
posted at 04:48:44

Meanwhile Ukrainian drivers near Borodyanka of Kyiv region via @_catiko pic.twitter.com/WLRSLdhH5v
posted at 04:35:42

The Mariupol City Council claims Ukrainians are being sent to filtration camps against their will and then dispersed across Russia — a return to tactics last seen during WWII, the city's mayor said.
posted at 04:20:08

The purge on the Belarusian railways is in full swing. Dozens of train drivers and technical staff have been arrested this week. Today alone, pro-regime TG channels posted more than 30 videos in which arrested employees "confess" to sabotaging Russian echelons and other crimes. pic.twitter.com/9IxxomrLdb
posted at 04:13:39

The former president of South Ossetia called not to draw hasty conclusions and not to accuse the guys of desertion, but to carefully investigate the situation when soldiers are sent to combat operations without full outfit and stocks of weapons,
posted at 04:01:19

Today, about 300 soldiers (mostly ethnic Ossetians) from the Russian military base returned to South Ossetia of their own free will, because they thought they had been left for dead during a special operation in Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/D8iN1VolrU
posted at 04:01:19

South Ossetia to hold referendum on whether the Georgian breakaway region should become part of Russia - TASS
posted at 03:48:21

US believes majority of #Russia|n forces arrayed vs #Kyiv "still there" per @PentagonPresSec
"But the airstrikes have not stopped. Not at all" he says
posted at 03:46:57

NEW: "We would concur w/the conclusion that Mr. Putin has not been fully informed by his Ministry of Defense at every turn" per @PentagonPresSec
posted at 03:46:02

.@DeptofDefense believes #Russia likely to refit the moved troops and send them elsewhere in #Ukraine
Repositioning affects less than 20% of the troops arrayed vs #Kyiv - "They're leaving Kyiv & heading more to the north...away from the city" per @PentagonPresSec
posted at 03:46:01

NEW: #Russia has repositioned a small number of troops arrayed vs #Kyiv over last 24 hours - some heading to #Belarus, per @PentagonPresSec
"None of them have repositioned to their home garrison" he adds
posted at 03:43:44

Lieutenant Ken Ree
former UDT / SEAL operator of Korea is currently fighting against the #Russia'n as part of the Ukrainian Foreign Legion pic.twitter.com/swxpjNDBfR
タグ: Russia
posted at 03:14:56

If you think Kadyrov is opiniated now, wait until Russia takes Mariupol and he tries to take full credit due to the role of Chechen forces (despite heavy Russian military losses). I wouldn't be surprised if this leads to even greater hostility with the MoD and security services. twitter.com/KevinRothrock/...
posted at 02:54:36

Ukrainian counter offensives seem to be successful so far within the last three days in both the NE and the South within Ukraine. Russian forces can be seen losing controlled areas in both locations. pic.twitter.com/mhMRor7PZW
posted at 02:39:35

Staff who work on yachts and planes of Russian oligarchs could face UK sanctions www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/...
posted at 02:22:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

Anonymous Operations @AnonOpsSE
Kadyrov, leader of the Chechen Republic, releases images of him capturing a Ukranian vehicle... outside of his presidential Palace in Chechnya...🤭 pic.twitter.com/qvfAjzCNVP
posted at 02:04:35

Centre for Informati @Cen4infoRes
@sentinel_hub @Maxar @gfusfus @Mike_Eckel Satellite imagery from @Maxar shows Russian forces have established a camp in Ukraine at Chaplynka airfield, Kherson Oblast. Helicopters and vehicles have been deployed to the camp and entrenchments have been dug.
[Location: 46.3456885, 33.5413067] pic.twitter.com/MC6i6V21tq
posted at 02:02:02

Auchan, Lidl, Modelo Continente e Pingo Doce são visados num processo da Autoridade da Concorrência por alegadas práticas de fixação de preços de venda ao consumidor (PVP) dos produtos de um fornecedor comum expresso.pt/economia/2022-...
posted at 01:40:47

Wir sind unfassbar dankbar für diese Unterstützung. Ihr könnt weiterhin helfen.
IBAN: DE84 1004 0000 0661 2345 00
Verwendungszweck: Hilfe für die Ukraine
Oder spendet über unsere Website: www.zoo-berlin.de/ukrainehilfe (7/7)
posted at 01:30:49

Evolution and biogeography of penguins: www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/14/4... #birds #dinosaurs pic.twitter.com/pBVuGtWVA3
posted at 01:28:54

Coevolution of relative brain size and life expectancy in parrots: royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rs... #birds #dinosaurs pic.twitter.com/MduX7On6TZ
posted at 01:27:55

"Es ist sehr wichtig, dass wir uns auch um unsere Mitarbeiter*innen kümmern und ihnen – trotz der Umstände – einen halbwegs aushaltbaren Alltag ermöglichen. (1/7) pic.twitter.com/P0ngFnxi8m
posted at 01:27:21

Swedish PM Andersson doesn't rule out Sweden's Nato membership
posted at 01:24:24

Hiromitsu Takagi @HiromitsuTakagi
posted at 01:19:12

Russian oligarchs on UK sanctions list were granted ‘golden visas’ www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/m...
posted at 01:17:39

Hiromitsu Takagi @HiromitsuTakagi
「不正性について、PCに与える影響等が極めて軽微である一方、そこで得られた経済的価値がプログラムの改良等に役立てられ得ることを総合的に考慮し、不正性には当たらない、と判断」 twitter.com/nilnil26/statu...
posted at 01:16:50

Ukraine war will make China more cautious on Taiwan, advisers say
posted at 01:15:00

President of #Finland @Niinisto in interview confirms that in his view the opinion polls already carried out sufficiently demonstrate that a clear majority of Finns are behind an eventual #Nato-membership (as required). No referendum or additional polling needed. #securitypolicy
タグ: Finland Nato securitypolicy
posted at 01:11:46

Painted this boi on Nintendo Switch at a museum
Bone by bone pic.twitter.com/rtVn0cPIz9
posted at 01:08:17

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
Trauma surgeons are detained all over Belarus. We know about 15 more doctors detained.
The telegram channel of White Coats initiative found out that Valery Vrubleuski, the chief physician of the Clinical Hospital No.11, was also detained this morning.
1/7 twitter.com/MotolkoHelp/st...
posted at 01:05:00

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
ウクライナ住民支援の一環として、グダンスクとグディニャは、食品、衛生用品、医薬品を積んだ4台のバスをリヴィウに引き渡しました。昨日、バスはメディカの国境を越え、私たちの運転手はリヴィウの同僚にハンドルを渡しました。 twitter.com/GAiTGdansk/sta...
posted at 01:00:00

@smith796000 水ギョーザは暗に中国企業が代わりに入ると言ってるようなものか。しかしロシア人も水ギョーザは嬉しくないのでは。まだ普通に中華料理屋になったほうがマシ。
ロシア上院議長 「マックが水ギョーザ店に代わることも」(2022年3月30日) youtu.be/mfuvHkTMHbo @YouTubeより
posted at 00:59:08

@WHO @DrTedros @DrMikeRyan People in Ukraine and Tigray are "not people just caught up in a conflict”, says @DrMikeRyan. "It is people being directly targeted, directly denied and directly used as strategic implements, as chess pieces on a horrific murderous board.”
posted at 00:54:54

バスの車両の上の電光掲示板の、日本だと回送中とか書いてある部分に「Stopp den Krieg!(戦争を止めろ)」って表示するようになってて、戦時であることを痛感した。検索したら各地でやってるっぽい。
posted at 00:45:00

@WHO @DrTedros On Ukraine:
"We are outraged that attacks on health care are continuing”, says @drtedros.
“Since the beginning of the Russian Federation's invasion, there have been 82 attacks on health care, resulting in at least 72 deaths and 43 injuries, including patients and health workers."
posted at 00:38:07

@WHO @DrTedros While some countries are giving 4th doses, “1/3 of the world's population is yet to receive a single dose including 83% of the population of Africa. This is not acceptable to me. And it should not be acceptable to anyone”, says @drtedros.
"Are some lives worth more than others?"
posted at 00:35:41

三上智之(みかみん) 『ナゾとき進化論』 @mikamin_yrfw
posted at 00:22:34

A @POTUS-@ZelenskyyUa phone call happening right now, according to the @WhiteHouse liveuamap.com/en/2022/30-mar... via @W7VOA #Ukraine
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 00:03:54