- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

民間用小型機や超軽量動力機も割とストラトに近いんだよね。セスナとかパイパーとかクイックシルバーとか。(そこが面白いと思ってる) twitter.com/Applepopz/stat...
posted at 03:23:45

Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu @birddetectiveTR
Şu amcayı bulabilir miyiz? Gecenin bir yarısı, karanlıkta enkazdaki eşini bekliyordu. Kanepede uyuyacaktı. Su verelim mi dedik? Su istedik sandı, vereyim mi dedi... “Eşim aşağıda. Onu bekliyorum” dedi ve dondu kaldı… O yüzü unutmayacağım. 3376.sokak, Esentepe mahallesi, #antakya pic.twitter.com/ioIyOa5JER
タグ: antakya
posted at 04:34:23

Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu @birddetectiveTR
8 Şubat gecesi çekmişim. O sırada henüz elektrik ve şebeke yoktu. Acil çağrılara erzak bırakmaya çalışıyorduk. O sırada denk geldik amcaya. Yanımızda sudan başka malzeme kalmamıştı.Yanından ayrıldıktan sonra bir daha yeri bulamadık enkaz yığınları arasında. Adresi videodan buldum
posted at 04:37:23

Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu @birddetectiveTR
Videodan çıkardığım tam lokasyonu. Hadi umarım bulunur ya, ben önümüzdeki hafta sonuna doğru döneceğim Hatay’a. Kendim de ararım ama belki şimdiden bulunur. Umarım iyisindir güzel ruhlum, canım amcam… Eşin de çıkmıştır enkazdan pic.twitter.com/kYXdQkxT5m
posted at 07:08:09

Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu @birddetectiveTR
Tam lokasyonu: maps.app.goo.gl/UFuhiLTVjHT79r... Yarın arama kurtarmadan bir ekip kontrol edecek. Haber edeceğim…
posted at 08:46:16

じぃは固形のフードが食べられなくなって固めのドロドロに。あんまり食べなかったね。またあとで、味を変えてみるよ。 pic.twitter.com/dTdNSvQBUX
posted at 09:03:43

Fiji Earthquakes & W @FijiEarthquakes
Seven earthquakes over M4 in the last 24 hours in the Fiji-Tonga region. While this may seem like quite a few, this region is one of the most active in the world with more than 65% of the deepest earthquakes associated with the subduction of the Pacific and Indo-Australian plates pic.twitter.com/1OBgztb2Dr
posted at 10:31:50

Andrew Perpetua @AndrewPerpetua
Some news from the past few days. First, the Kupyansk area:
Russia has claimed to have capture Hryanykivka. The most reliable account I have is from a Russian officer in the area who claims they broke the first line of Ukrainian defense. pic.twitter.com/SqglVwCJu9
posted at 12:25:44

Taiwan Bird Guide @taiwanbirdguide
Captivating moment captured! 📸 Observing this male #SwinhoesPheasant #藍腹鷳 using his leg to search for food amidst the fallen leaves. What a magnificent display of survival skills. #Wildlife #TaiwanNature #TaiwanBirdGuide #birding #birdwatching #pheasant #Taiwan #birdtour pic.twitter.com/KehKMwu639
タグ: birding birdtour birdwatching pheasant SwinhoesPheasant Taiwan TaiwanBirdGuide TaiwanNature Wildlife 藍腹鷳
posted at 13:00:25

FLIGHT: Protecting I @ProtectingBirds
On Saturday, 18 February 2023, FLIGHT supported the BKSDA and Road Toll Patrol of Lampung Police to thwart the illegal trade of hundreds of songbirds on the Palembang-Lampung Toll Road. These birds originates from Jambi and will transit in Lampung, to then be smuggled to Java. pic.twitter.com/q55B2kBPrz
posted at 14:05:40

FLIGHT: Protecting I @ProtectingBirds
Currently the confiscated birds are being rehabilitated at our Aviary in Wan Abdul Rahman Grand Forest Park, Lampung. After confirming that they are healthy, these birds will soon be released into the wild.
posted at 14:05:41

29 days left in the Black Sea Grain Initiative,
747(+0) ships outbound carrying 21,523,683MT,
661 (+1) ships delivered carrying 17,511,262MT.
🧵⬇️ #oatt #wheat #corn #barley #sunflowers #agriculture #maritime #maritimenews #graindeal #blackseagraininitiative pic.twitter.com/Cjub7UgayE
タグ: agriculture barley blackseagraininitiative corn graindeal maritime maritimenews oatt sunflowers wheat
posted at 14:07:11

No ships left Odesa area ports on 18Feb, three ships are loaded and at anchor waiting to transit out. No outbound and four inbound inspections were completed today. pic.twitter.com/AbuDAaxM4f
posted at 14:07:12

Two ships moved into Odesa area ports. Five ships are inspected and waiting to transit the humanitarian corridor. #MyPrecious pic.twitter.com/qun4s2ZpfO
タグ: MyPrecious
posted at 14:07:13

Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu @birddetectiveTR
Şimdi İbrahim Okuroğlu adrese ulaştı. Amca ve EŞİ HAYATTAYMIŞ. Kızı vefat etmiş. Komşu ve bakkal teyit etti. Çadırkente gitmişler. Amcanın adı Ahmet, eşinin adı Fatoş. Soy isimleri bilinmiyor. Çadırkent lokasyonları da bilinmiyor ama onu araştıracağız. İçimize biraz su serpildi… pic.twitter.com/YpmC9SlUFS
posted at 17:51:16

posted at 18:22:29

タグ: 成田悠輔をテレビに出すな
posted at 18:34:06

怪訝な顔で質問してくる人にも犬も高齢になると〜と伝えると納得して励まされたり😃 pic.twitter.com/a6rrA5Rndm
posted at 18:44:20

“An amnesty retroactively legalised 1000s of buildings that did not meet earthquake construction standards as long as fines were paid despite warnings from engineers and architects. Up to 75000 buildings in the earthquake zone were granted such a reprieve” www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb...
posted at 19:03:32

Yukihiro Toyohara (豊 @riceandmisosoup
@Aero_actor @okayama_uchu carrying missile sensor
posted at 19:09:20

戸梶 歩 「宇宙開発エバンジェリスト」 @Aero_actor
@riceandmisosoup @okayama_uchu アメリカ側から見るとそこに注目しているのだということがよくわかりますね
posted at 19:14:03

ウータン・森と生活を考える会 @HUTANGroupJAPAN
Environmental Research Letters誌に発表された論文によると現在残っている泥炭地とマングローブを完全に保護することはインドネシアのパリ協定での温室効果ガス→
posted at 19:22:12

Wagner mercenary says convicts are lied to in prison, promised not to be sent into suicidal assaults. In one area, 2,500+ convicts perished without being able to take a designated position. pic.twitter.com/PuDFNqYEde
posted at 19:39:30

Orban said that there is a war in Ukraine "not between the armies of good and evil, but between two Slavic countries. "This is their war, not ours."
"Just like we do, we advise to keep relations with Russia, because without them there will be no ceasefire or peace," he said. pic.twitter.com/2eUP7IhsTl
posted at 19:45:06

@ppsh41_1945 なんと、、。これ放送していいやつなんですかね。
posted at 19:48:45

This is Hasna. We met her in North West Syria. She lost 7 members of her family following the earthquake. No international rescue workers arrived to help the victims in her town of Jinderis where 1,200 people were killed. What she says here will break your heart a thousand times. pic.twitter.com/84FO36zj3o
posted at 19:48:54

@ppsh41_1945 これ本当に酷いよなぁ。こんな軽い扱いで断片的に子供に語っちゃいかんよね。ってか、この子もなんなん💦さくら?マジで言ってんのか?将来心配すぎる。でも、動画は広めたくないからリツイートはしない。
posted at 20:23:18

posted at 20:49:04

Preparation of the site In Iskenderun, #Türkiye continues to ensure that the ground is ready to set up when the shipment of #NATO temporary housing. pic.twitter.com/WXT53D0C7K
posted at 21:01:31

ついつい何度も見に行ってしまいます☝️ pic.twitter.com/MLwVaLaMSi
posted at 21:13:31

posted at 21:18:54

Special exhibition: dragons walking on the deserts. pic.twitter.com/C6GFyfGD45
posted at 21:26:48

A husband and wife have been rescued 12 days after earthquakes in Turkey - they were buried under rubble for 296 hours.
Only one of the couple's three children was pulled out alive. The child later died of dehydration ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/p4oX1s2OAR
posted at 21:57:06

Emin Yoğurtcuoğlu @birddetectiveTR
Bugün ikinci arama kurtarma ekibi de alana gitti. Merve Akçar, amcanın soy ismine ulaştı. Ahmet Bereket. Komşuları arada beni soran var mı diye geldiğini söylemiş. Kart bıraktık bizi araması için, komşularına yakınıyız dedik. Hangi çadırda olduğunu hala bilmiyoruz. Bulan olur mu? pic.twitter.com/gun8ZfY4Un
posted at 22:00:31

テレビ局は二度と成田悠輔を番組に出演させてはならない。この動画が教えているのは、そういうことだ。 twitter.com/falsehood_jp/s...
posted at 22:45:39

An impressive 19 male Black Grouse full of the vigours of spring in North Wales this morning. Fabulous birds. pic.twitter.com/XftDE2JhMe
posted at 22:46:50

Watching Turkey’s land mass being shifted is something I’ll never get used to. This simple gif is also a testament to where we've come in satellite data. Imagery courtesy of @planet pic.twitter.com/41cAN7pDvL
posted at 23:49:08