- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

@nb3OfgnUGyLwJNw 本当に素晴らしいことです‼️今回のことで寄付を申し出てくれる方が多くいたので、治療費の他に今後の対策として何が必要か?何が出来るか?を組合に相談しに行く予定です❗️
posted at 22:35:21

菅 拓摩@九州最大の税理士法人アップパー @nb3OfgnUGyLwJNw
@misaki_umauma 獣医さん、ボランティアでされたそうです。
posted at 21:50:47

#猫 #cat pic.twitter.com/N3oj1xb4rj
posted at 20:06:33

posted at 19:42:14

珠洲市高屋町は前期中新世の植物化石産地として知られている。狼煙植物群と呼ばれ温暖期の台島型植物群に属する。写真は2016年夏の大阪市立自然史博物館「氷河時代」展より。 pic.twitter.com/BGEaURQfKt
posted at 19:38:00

国の天然記念物の #岬馬
#串間市 pic.twitter.com/xKQWCiDhjh
posted at 18:07:50

車にはねられた岬馬 獣医師らがチームで骨折した足を治療|NHK 宮崎県のニュース www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/miyazaki...
posted at 13:30:15

チャユミハシオニキバシリ。枝の節にあいた穴にガガガッと高速でくちばしを突っ込んでた。いままで見たオニキバシリ類は幹の地衣類をめくったりブロメリアの根本をごそごそしてたので、採食スタイルが違うのかも pic.twitter.com/z1EeDSsmdO
posted at 13:05:38

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

6/ Such actions would indicate that Gerasimov and possibly Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu lack the ability to command Prigozhin and Kadyrov as subordinates but must instead negotiate with them as peers.
posted at 10:21:55

5/ Prigozhin also claimed that the MoD gave Wagner complete freedom of operations in Bakhmut and appointed Army General Sergey Surovikin as an intermediary between the MoD and Wagner.
posted at 10:21:55

4/ Prigozhin and Kadyrov likely effectively blackmailed the Russian MoD into allocating resources to Wagner forces in Bakhmut by threatening to pull Kadyrov’s Chechen forces from other parts of the theater to relieve Wagner forces in Bakhmut.
posted at 10:21:54

3/ Prigozhin has not published the official document and ISW cannot verify Prigozhin’s claims at this time. The Russian MoD likely has not fundamentally changed its intention of deprioritizing offensive operations & conserving munitions across the theater, a we recently assessed.
posted at 10:21:54

2/ Prigozhin announced on May 7 that he had obtained a document from the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) that promised to supply Wagner forces with the ammunition and weapons necessary to maintain offensive operations in Bakhmut.
posted at 10:21:53

And what is the UN doing about it? Protecting Ukraines Nuclear Facilities or standing around watching. You can do something so do it. What's wrong with you?
UN warns of threat of 'severe nuclear accident' after Putin orders evacuation around Zaporizhzhia
posted at 10:21:13

私も、日韓がいがみ合っている余裕なんか全くないと思いますね。今両国を取り巻く内外の環境は極めて厳しい。こういう状況を現実として踏まえて両国が手打ちを進めようとしていることは評価すべきだと思います。 twitter.com/nobu_akiyama/s...
posted at 10:06:53
岸田総理も尹大統領も、正しい方向に進んでいると思うな。 twitter.com/kantei/status/...
posted at 09:42:06

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
Prigozhin’s continued fight to complete the capture of Bakhmut contradicts his consistent narrative that capturing Bakhmut lacks strategic value.
posted at 09:41:25

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
Prigozhin’s and Kadyrov’s ability to significantly influence the Russian military command decisions relies on Putin’s willingness to appease them and his reliance on their forces, both of which will likely degrade after further blackmail efforts.
posted at 09:41:25

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
These events raise questions about Russia’s ability to coordinate a coherent theater-wide defensive campaign.
posted at 09:41:24

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
Gerasimov's apparent need to negotiate with subordinate commanders and those commanders’ ability to force his hand suggests that chain of command problems are significantly impacting the Russian military’s ability to conduct coherent theater-wide operations.
posted at 09:41:24

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
Kadyrov likely supported Wagner’s blackmail efforts against the Russian military command in order to reestablish his position within the circle of power in the Kremlin.
posted at 09:41:23

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
Kadyrov’s threats to transfer his forces to Bakhmut may have blackmailed the Russian military command into allocating ammunition to Wagner mercenaries.
posted at 09:41:23

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
This assessment assumes that Prigozhin’s claims that the MoD was withholding shells but has now agreed to supply them are true—the MoD has made no official statements regarding those claims—and Ukrainian officials report that they have not observed a decline in Wagner shelling.
posted at 09:41:21

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
Wagner Group financier Prigozhin and Chechen leader Kadyrov may have compelled Russian theater commander, Gerasimov, to resume artillery ammunition distribution to the Wagner forces despite Gerasimov’s desired de-prioritization of that effort. www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/russi...
posted at 09:41:19

ST Foreign Desk @STForeignDesk
Fighting continues in Khartoum as mediators seek end to Sudan conflict www.straitstimes.com/world/fighting...
posted at 09:31:33

#Wagner's #Prigozhin & Chechen leader #Kadyrov may have compelled #Russia's theater commander in #Ukraine Gen #Gerasimov to resume artillery ammunition distribution to Wagner forces in #Bakhmut despite the latter's desired de-prioritization of that effort. isw.pub/UkrWar050723 pic.twitter.com/Ti4ESrz0WV
タグ: Bakhmut Gerasimov Kadyrov Prigozhin Russia Ukraine Wagner
posted at 09:30:09

Check it out! 👇 #IndigenousLanguages twitter.com/nyanggan/statu...
posted at 09:30:07

Kyrylo Loukerenko @K_Loukerenko
Pictures of a food storage hit by Russian rockets in Odesa region yesterday evening. pic.twitter.com/2gPwtHtXIF
posted at 09:17:54

"In an ideal scenario, the counteroffensive will also allow us to 'sever the enemy's logistical chains' and 'reduce their offensive capability'," stated Reznikov.
#Zaporizhzhia #Bakhmut #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/115zI6tGGu
タグ: Bakhmut Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 08:01:01

Kermit the Frog @KermitTheFrog
It was a crowning achievement for @MissPiggy and I to be asked to attend the #CoronationConcert for King Charles III! Thanks to the Royal Family for having us and apologies to our friend @hughbon for interrupting his hosting gig. pic.twitter.com/Hu2z6uqox9
posted at 07:38:32

皆様、おはようございますm(_ _)m
(写真は、ふとさんが撮ったドックランで穂高に遊ばれているオジサン) pic.twitter.com/wSJZm9Gqzo
posted at 07:38:20

“The level of Wagner mercenaries is much higher than that of regular Russian forces, but there are forces in Russia that want to eliminate Prigozhin.”, said Budanov
#UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/ia64qK3tXf
タグ: UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 07:30:01

Russian media report they hit the Shkolny airfield in #Odesa as well as #Zatoka which links the two parts of the region and the district of Dachne just outside of #Odessa.
#StopRussiaNOW pic.twitter.com/x4dvIMmt4G
タグ: Odesa Odessa StopRussiaNOW Zatoka
posted at 06:27:17

commonsensesgt @commonsensesgt
These threats and radiation risks are all because of putin!
'Mad panic' evacuation as IAEA warns of a nuclear accident at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant occupied by Russian forces www.msn.com/en-us/news/wor...
posted at 06:24:06

Initial Reports that a Russian Missile Strike in the Southern Odesa Region has Targeted and Destroyed the Pidyomnyy Mist Bridge between the Settlements of Zatoka and Karolino-Buhaz on the Waterway between the Dniester Estuary and the Black Sea. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/7AtLgsK6rL
posted at 06:13:46

401. Western Bakhmut.
High-quality film. UAF troops lay down covering fire for a squad to withdraw from the south end of 93 Levanevsky St (48.594276, 37.971052) to the south end of №95 + Woka restaurant. The guys look well-equipped. Wagner are reportedly on the 2nd + 3rd floors. pic.twitter.com/9UMmYgY8NZ
posted at 06:08:11

Angeliqua@nap master @Ripple1975
うーん、これはどういうことかしら? ザポリージャとメリトポリ地区から住民がクリミアに移動してる。それに紛れてロシア軍も変装をしながら逃げてるとのこと。さまざまなものを持ち去ってる。ただの防備を固めてるのか、それとも災害でも起こそうとしてるのか。
posted at 05:45:07

This may sound upsetting, but consider the pan European “peace” and “anti nuclear demonstrations” in the 1970s and 80s and it’s exactly same playbook executed by same actors. Useful idiots continue to be useful. twitter.com/nukestrat/stat...
posted at 05:02:15

UN warns of threat of "severe nuclear accident" after Putin orders evacuation of area near Zaporizhzhia plant
posted at 05:02:14

Ready for tonight's *intense* new episode of #MissionHurricane? This one's about when @EarthUncutTV & I did #Typhoon Hat Trick—penetrating 3 cores in 6 days! James caught this action shot of me measuring winds in Typhoon No. 1 in Japan. WATCH it 7 pm EDT/6 pm CDT on WeatherSpy! pic.twitter.com/gmHOICyCLh
posted at 04:45:36

Swish... nom, nom, nom 😋 waders have a variety of feeding methods but Avocet certainly have an elegant approach twitter.com/MartinBaptist/...
posted at 03:22:58