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- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

あの時から宮崎空港には防疫マットが敷いてある。飛行機降りて空港に入る時、諸々やって空港を出て宮崎の地を踏む時、必ずふみふみしてキャリーをゴロゴロして立つ。マットを見るたびに白かった道路を思い出します。 twitter.com/tdqfrytrujy7zx...
posted at 23:07:43

Saudi Arabia, US urge Sudan’s warring parties to discuss truce extension www.arabnews.com/node/2311521/s...
サウジアラビアと米国、スーダンで交戦中の両軍に停戦延長の議論を促す www.arabnews.jp/article/saudi-...
posted at 22:47:15

U.S., Saudi Arabia call for extended ceasefire in Sudan reut.rs/3OIT620 pic.twitter.com/f60zfCn9tS
posted at 21:55:38

1x TC-2000 高等練習機/軽戦闘攻撃機(墜落)
spioenkopjp.blogspot.com/2023/04/2023_2... pic.twitter.com/4TJcqxVpzs
posted at 21:55:14

1x TC-2000 高等練習機/軽戦闘攻撃機(墜落)
spioenkopjp.blogspot.com/2023/04/2023.h... pic.twitter.com/VNfvsyuM5Q
posted at 21:53:10

Anette Hoffmann @anette_hoffmann
Heartbreaking account from owner of looted workshop in Omdurman: “my personal loss is nothing compared to the extent of destruction that has befallen Sudan. We have lost an entire country – we have lost every reason to live in it.” - شبكة عاين 3ayin.com/en/looting/
posted at 19:35:49

Not clear how much influence he would have but ethnic tensions are already stoked on social media and on the ground, and the situation in cities like Geneina, Al Fashir, Nyala, and Zalinjei is very fragile.
posted at 19:32:16

#Darfur governor, Mini Minawi orders arming the entire civilian pop.
Peopole ask where is the never again crowd? Sudan needs urgent rescue from tearing itself apart and further destabilising the region. Like other wars, the blowback from this one is unimaginable. twitter.com/ArkoMinawi/sta...
タグ: Darfur
posted at 19:32:15

Former rebel leader and Darfur governor calls on Darfuris to raise arms in self defense amid militia attacks and fighting between the army and RSF in different cities.
Some, particularly in Geneina, have already done so, but of course this raises the risk of extensive violence. twitter.com/arkominawi/sta...
posted at 19:32:15

Ayin Network - شبكة @AyinSudan
After the ceasefire, merchants from the capital area are finally able to review their stocks amidst reports of mass looting since the conflict began. Many merchants, however, were horrified to discover they have lost nearly everything they have worked hard to attain...
See:… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/SoPdhgII0f
posted at 19:20:21

Sexual violence in #Khartoum is taking a new horrific direction. In the absence of civilian protection efforts or any discussion by the mediation about accountability, the RSF militia is seeking houses that are still occupied& rape women under the age of girls.
posted at 18:16:21

When the militia isn’t fighting the Army it turns it’s attention to looting, raping and murdering civilians.Add to this their presence has stopped ppl from being able to work or access healthcare. Ceasefires only prolong and exacerbate civilian suffering
#Sudan twitter.com/daniel_van0/st...
タグ: Sudan
posted at 10:46:20

裏面に反り止めのアングル材を埋め込む。失敗は許されぬ💓💓💓 pic.twitter.com/EBhNPT6MVj
posted at 10:17:40

寝たのはいいけれど 2 時頃に目が覚めてしまい、数時間ばかり寝られず、ようやく寝直してさっき起きました。現場からは以上です。 twitter.com/kojiinet/statu...
posted at 10:16:41

Soraida Salwala @SoraidaSalwala
พังอ้วนเดินออกกำลังยามเช้า/Auan @FAEeleHosp pic.twitter.com/0VP7W7cPOq
posted at 10:15:53

'They set us on fire and took everything': The harrowing stories inside Chad's refugee camps as thousands flee Sudan news.sky.com/story/they-set...
スーダン:今世紀初頭「ジャンジャウィード」がダルフールから非アラブ人を浄化しようと暴れ数十万人がチャドに避難 - 2023年、歴史は繰り返された
posted at 09:59:41

posted at 09:58:10

つまり基礎的な言葉を質問する時点で「会社にとっては、記者をそこに送り込んだコストがまるっと無駄になった」んです。 twitter.com/iroha_nano145/...
posted at 09:34:16

Democratic Coalition @voteblue8888
Lukashenko couldn’t resist the tea ☕️ #Lukaschenko pic.twitter.com/3z8qd6hf4a
タグ: Lukaschenko
posted at 09:14:35

Ahmed's tweet of the hell that is living under the janjaweed occupation. His Khartoum district is controlled by the RSF, he says the most "suicidal decision" taken by his family was to stay at home and live the RSFs terror reign, "answering their desires forced by their guns" twitter.com/AhmedI9x/statu...
posted at 08:55:19

For the 2nd-Time in the last few weeks Belarusian Opposition and Ukrainian Officials are claiming that President Lukashenko has fallen Gravely Ill and is on his “Death Bed” at a Hospital in the Russian Capital of Moscow after an Important Meeting between him and President… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/qcDD7pipiH
posted at 06:12:56

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
📍 The conclusions on the situation made in the reports for May 15 and May 19 remain valid.
📍 Changes in the size of the group of the Russian Armed Forces in Belarus: no data.
Online map of military activity in Belarus: hajunby.motolko.help
posted at 04:56:14

We are very deeply concerned about the arrest of the Doctor. Aladdin Naqd, a Central Council for Freedom and Change member and spokesperson for the Professionals Association, from his home in Omdurman, by the Sudanese Army Intelligence today, May 27,… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/HREwK3o7qA
posted at 03:54:55

Karim Wafa Al-Hussai @DrKarimWafa
The conflict in Sudan is still ongoing and people are still fleeing the country to neighbouring nations. Don’t stop talking about Sudan.
Around 25,000 Sudanese refugees, mostly women and children have just arrived at the Borota camp in Chad.
posted at 03:27:14

Khartoum was quieter today, but fighting in Al Fashir flared up. The truce hasn't succeeded in providing humanitarian aid or in easing political tensions.
Almost 50 rapes have been documented so far, mostly by RSF, according to victims.
Today's story: www.reuters.com/world/africa/t...
posted at 02:31:25