- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

岡山理科大学 恐竜学博物館 @Museum_Dinosaur
モンゴルゴビ砂漠恐竜調査報告 その23
恐竜時代の白亜紀末期、砂丘の堆積物と河川の堆積物が積み重なってできた地層が広がる。今回、地層の調査は、ブヤンテグシュさん(写真中央)の担当。地層とにらめっこしながらひたすら当時の環境を考えます。議論は楽しいですよ😀(館長) pic.twitter.com/0EHQlSghWZ
posted at 22:37:13

posted at 22:01:45

@epinesis さんのヘルシンキ自然史博物館のサカバンバスピスの投稿がすごい反響を呼んでいるということがフィンランドの新聞でも話題になっています!😄
タグ: VisitFinland
posted at 21:40:44

posted at 21:36:53

🐡 Luonnontieteellisen museon kala on saanut ennennäkemättömän suosion Twitterissä. Tämänkin somejulkkiksen näet Museokortilla! 🙃
#museokortti #sacabambaspisjanvieri @luomus
タグ: museokortti sacabambaspisjanvieri
posted at 21:35:53

平凡社新書 #読了
第一章は牧野博士のよく知れた生涯の記述だが、第二章が本当に面白い。本邦植物図鑑史としても読め、労作だと思う pic.twitter.com/5OmiS7Ak5z
タグ: 読了
posted at 20:40:52

何度でも言うけど、この戦争って相手国の完全掌握を目論んだ絶対戦争よ?領土だけで片付く限定戦争じゃないのよ twitter.com/isezakikenji/s...
posted at 12:50:30

#サカバンバスピス #メンダコ #ねこ pic.twitter.com/Sry8L16pwx
posted at 12:00:21

posted at 11:16:56

ミサンザイ 同人誌 「天皇を旅する本」「 @katsunomisanzai
twitter.com/katsunomisanza... pic.twitter.com/1UO3CTogVO
posted at 11:12:10

ミサンザイ 同人誌 「天皇を旅する本」「 @katsunomisanzai
左は先に紹介したワニ、で右はその100年ほど前に描かれた『和漢三才図会』のワニの絵。角度そろえてならべてみると… pic.twitter.com/zxjypQSeEx
posted at 11:05:30

らえらぷす/『ディノペディア』8/3発売 @GET_AWAY_TRIKE
posted at 11:03:40

岡本貴也 Okamoto Takaya @OkamotoTakaya
いつもは草むらで1,2回なのに、我慢できないのか今日はそこかしこで10回くらいしてた。ごめんごめん。 pic.twitter.com/rKdVRbgJxy
posted at 10:38:31

twitter.com/isezakikenji/s... pic.twitter.com/KDv9impF8V
posted at 10:28:46

らえらぷす/『ディノペディア』8/3発売 @GET_AWAY_TRIKE
posted at 10:04:25

自分の権益を国が保障してくれる安全な母国領内でぬくぬくとライブ遊びできているオッサンが、土地も財産も権利も奪われて占領下で侵略者のご機嫌次第で殺されるかもしれない人々にこれ言うのグロテスクすぎて本気の嫌悪を覚える。 twitter.com/isezakikenji/s...
posted at 08:45:18

☢山下238☣ 医薬部外者 銀河帝国皇帝 @Yamashita238
何しろ現存するタヌキですら皆結構間違えてるし。 twitter.com/kawaii_tanuki/...
posted at 08:44:22

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Per VOA, the US is planning to send additional Bradley IFVs and Stryker AFVs to Ukraine in order to replace units damaged or destroyed in battle. twitter.com/carlababbvoa/s...
posted at 08:06:26

All payloads are now deployed from Transporter-8. Second stage will be deorbited south of South Africa.
posted at 08:02:09

ChristineKaratnytsky @ckaratnytsky
12 June 2023
El Geneina, West Darfur state. twitter.com/BSonblast/stat...
タグ: SudanUprising
posted at 07:37:20

posted at 07:06:36

This is not just my opinion, either. This is a shared consensues by a wide majority of the community.
It's authentic. Odd hill to die on, if you disagree.
posted at 07:05:56

RU telegram bloggers often run battlefield images through AI sharpeners. Sometimes more than once.
This + image compression as a result of reshares = sometimes 'rubbery' looking images.
posted at 06:59:32

posted at 06:34:57

セルギー・コルスンスキー駐日ウクライナ特 @KorsunskySergiy
@naokokoham1 あなたが言ったことは、まったくナンセンスです。日本人は1年間で80億円の寄付をした。日本人はウクライナを応援しています。この支援にとても感謝しています。日本人の80%がウクライナを応援しています。
posted at 06:16:28

24/ RF occupiers filled #KakhovkaReservoir to record levels (17.5 meters) and then destroyed the #KakhovkaHPP for maximum damage. RF did this not for military advantage, but to harm Ukraine's economic viability, this was an act of economic terrorism. end/
twitter.com/Gerashchenko_e... pic.twitter.com/9D3NJgRQPi
タグ: KakhovkaHPP KakhovkaReservoir
posted at 05:08:11

23/ Other Vatnikersson Allegations: @Ukrhydroenergo water discharge from upstream dams after 6 JUN 2023
Ridiculous statement: RF destruction of K-HPP released over 10 km**3 of water on lower Dnipro in 1 day, orders of magnitude larger than water released in the upper cascade. pic.twitter.com/8PGIKTu0k9
posted at 05:08:10

22/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
... but Russian occupiers stopped active water management after 1 DEC 2022 for no apparent reason. RF had opened/closed sluice gates from 24 FEB to 1 DEC 2022 pic.twitter.com/bkKVF0euPE
posted at 05:08:10

21/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
Russian occupiers could have opened some additional K-HPP sluice gates to relieve water pressure... pic.twitter.com/hD0rpIkVNh
posted at 05:08:09

20/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
... but Russian occupiers destroyed K-HPP's ability to generate electricity. Saldo: "turbines do not produce electricity"
novayagazeta.eu/articles/2022/... pic.twitter.com/T0r8Mp6DZK
posted at 05:08:08

19/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
Russian occupiers could have discharged water through the 6 #KakhovkaHPP electric turbines ... pic.twitter.com/MozQ6IwmAn
タグ: KakhovkaHPP
posted at 05:08:08

18/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
... but in November 2022, the Russian occupiers bombed and flooded the KMC main pumping station creating "a disaster".
www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/362... pic.twitter.com/cgCDCILHx7
posted at 05:08:07

17/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
Russian occupiers could have discharged water through Kakhovsky Main Canal which would have diverted nearly 1 km**3 water and lowered the #KakhovkaReservoir pic.twitter.com/CGsNS6V6NX
posted at 05:08:06

16/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
Russian occupiers could have discharged water through the K-HPP lock, especially after the RF 11 NOV 2022 retreat, but they didn't.
twitter.com/ArtisanalAPT/s... pic.twitter.com/NeYuA8fb5t
posted at 05:08:06

15/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
RF missed opportunities to divert water from Kakhovka Reservoir through:
Kherson & Zaporizhzhia Irrigation Canals
K-HPP Lock
K-HPP Turbines
K-HPP Sluice Gates pic.twitter.com/YP7fK6tpcm
posted at 05:08:05

14/ Vatnikersson Allegation 3: Ukrainians “couldn't know that the russians wouldn't open the gates of the Novo Kakhovka dam.”
Without proof, Vatnikersson provides Russian occupiers an abibi, stating RF "couldn't open the gates" at K-HPP. Let's fact check this alibi.
posted at 05:08:04

13/ Vatnikersson Allegation 1.a: “Ukraine keeps the gates at Dnipro HDD open (video) and the water streams southward”
@Ukrhydroenergo was professionally & responsibly managing the 5 upstream dams during 2023 spring peak flow season, what were Russian occupiers doing at K-HPP? pic.twitter.com/pIQfIfh61o
posted at 05:08:04

12/ Allegation 1.a “Ukraine keeps the gates at Dnipro HDD open (video) and the water streams southward”.
How do I know that @Ukrhydroenergo was holding as much water upstream as safely possible from April-June 2023? Because I tweeted about it.
twitter.com/davidhelms570/... pic.twitter.com/cov3xGcP8X
posted at 05:08:03

11/ Allegation 1.a “Ukraine keeps the gates at Dnipro HDD open (video) and the water streams southward”.
The attached 3 images show the storage status of 3 upstream reservoirs. If Vatnikersson was correct, the dams would be below normal water level, but all were > storage level! pic.twitter.com/zuzx2WYcr5
posted at 05:08:02

10/ Allegation 1.a “Ukraine keeps the gates at Dnipro HDD open (video) and the water streams southward”.
Even during the Dnipro peak spring flow, the 19 April 2023 video shows @Ukrhydroenergo was prudently managing the flood waters with only a fraction of sluice gates are open. pic.twitter.com/Sw0MVrSeSA
posted at 05:08:02

9/ Allegation 1.a “Ukraine keeps the gates at Dnipro HDD open (video) and the water streams southward”.
In the month of April 2023, the Ukrainian Hydrological Center issued river flood warnings. How do I know? I tweeted about it.
twitter.com/davidhelms570/... pic.twitter.com/SxBP8HiiAi
posted at 05:08:01

8/ Allegation 1.a “Ukraine keeps the gates at Dnipro HDD open (video) and the water streams southward”.
@Ukrhydroenergo discharged water because, in addition to snow melt, April had significant rain. How do I know? I tweeted about it at the time. twitter.com/davidhelms570/... pic.twitter.com/W1lLnssJU9
posted at 05:08:00

7/ Dealing with Vatnikersson's allegations
1.a “Ukraine keeps the gates at Dnipro HDD open (video) and the water streams southward”.
The IG video shows Dnipro HPP discharging water. Why? Because in April the Dnipro River was in flood. That's was responsible dam operators do. pic.twitter.com/8RAMzwVDbF
posted at 05:07:59

6/ 50% Dnipro River annual flow occurs between April and June as winter snow melts in the upper Dnipro basin. Typically, spring peak flow provides 26.4 km**3 water. The upper 5 dams on the cascade storage is only 11.82 km**3... this means over 14 km**3 MUST FLOW to #KakhovkaHPP. pic.twitter.com/7iI6H1a9Ne
タグ: KakhovkaHPP
posted at 05:07:59

5/ Together, 6 Dnipro Cascade dams have 18.5 cubic kilometers (km**3) of useful water storage; Kremenchuk Reservoir alone has 48.5% (8.97km**3) storage. If @Ukrhydroenergo was deliberately sending more water than normal to #KakhovkaHPP, upstream dams would be LOWER than normal. pic.twitter.com/Kk0xBAxlyT
タグ: KakhovkaHPP
posted at 05:07:58

4/ First some background: The Dnipro "Cascade" is a system of 6 dams on the Dnipro River within Ukraine. Ukraine operates the first 5 dam while Russian occupiers have "operated" the 6th and final dam on the Dnipro since 24 FEB 2022, the now destroyed #KakhovkaHPP. pic.twitter.com/Hd7wIBkYV0
タグ: KakhovkaHPP
posted at 05:07:58

3/ Vatnikersson made several allegations in his tweet that accused Ukraine of destroying its own dam as well as causing post-dam failure flooding. I will unpack these allegations. pic.twitter.com/gjS1BNRI2B
posted at 05:07:57

2/ As "Readers" pointed out, the video Vatnikersson used to "prove" Ukraine sent water downstream to #KakhovkaHPP was almost 2 months old. The video proves nothing. Vatnikersson made no attempt to clarify the temporal discrepancy; the tweet is still posted. pic.twitter.com/xYWfqKbLeN
タグ: KakhovkaHPP
posted at 05:07:56

1/ This thread rebuts claims made by Mikael "Vatnikersson" Valterson against @Ukrhydroenergo, saying Ukraine's state dam operator, "was the original culprit" in destroying the #KakhovkaHPP and exacerbating dam destruction flooding. A #NAFOWeather 🧵 twitter.com/MikaelValterss...
posted at 05:07:55

You don't have to be a body language expert to understand what Putin currently thinks about his Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu... 😅 pic.twitter.com/ZRfJaJDE1X
posted at 05:03:36

The US is preparing new Stryker AFVs and Bradley IFVs for Ukraine. They will be included in an additional military package of $325 million dollars which is reportedly announced tomorrow. It will also include ammo for NASAMS and HIMARS.
VOA correspondent @CarlaBabbVOA reports.
posted at 04:56:30

#BREAKING US is providing up to $325 million in more military aid for #Ukraine, a defense official tells VOA, in a package expected to be announced tomorrow.
PDA 40 to include:
*#Strykers & #Bradleys that can replace those damaged & destroyed
*Munitions for NASAMS & #HIMARS
タグ: Bradleys BREAKING HIMARS Ukraine
posted at 04:15:42

Residents of Russian-occupied Enerhodar recorded videos of the receding Dnipro river. It exposed that Russians have been mining the whole area with PDM-1m mines which are designed to repel amphibious attacks.
Source: t.me/uniannet/101444
#Ukraine #Enerhodar #Zaporizhzhia twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/yli86SUZde
タグ: Enerhodar Ukraine Zaporizhzhia
posted at 03:52:48

@IOTEChris There was likely a lot of shallow water mines along the Dnipro. Downstream of the dam, the currents have likely swept away or displaced a lot them.
posted at 03:22:19

@The_Lookout_N I think we saw video of these being emplaced in another location, in the autumn of 2022, so expect to encounter more of these along waterways, accessible shorelines.
posted at 03:16:40

"Lobkove, Levadne, Novodarivka, Neskuchne, Storozheve, Makarivka, Blahodatne - under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" - Malyar pic.twitter.com/0c6Qt0avsv
posted at 03:14:10

Looks like PDM-1M mines, used for their intended purpose until the water level dropped. twitter.com/vorobyov/statu... pic.twitter.com/5vNRchZ0zq
posted at 03:10:21

7/ Let us stand together in spreading the word about the devastating events happening in El Geneina and the villages surrounding it. Further reports about the events in the villages were made by @FaisalElsheikh. (end)
posted at 03:05:27

6/ The areas identified in my previous thread contain the majority of the city's hospitals. Which local reports and news covering show that the city's hospitals are now out of service or out of reach due to the current violence. twitter.com/mustapro/statu...
posted at 03:05:26

5/ These events build upon the earlier threads by @FaisalElsheikh, highlighting the ongoing humanitarian crisis in El Geneina. The fires witnessed during this period are a continuation of the violence and destruction faced by the community. twitter.com/faisalelsheikh...
posted at 03:05:25

4/ Residential neighborhoods bore the brunt of these fires, resulting in the destruction of homes and displacements. This deliberate targeting of innocent civilians is an egregious violation of human rights and must be condemned in the strongest terms. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/ytxFI9UkR0
posted at 03:05:25

3/ High-resolution satellite imagery, confirmed by @HRL_YaleSPH, provides undeniable evidence of the nature of these fires (WFP). The targeting of civilian areas and essential infrastructure adds to the already dire humanitarian crisis in El Geneina. twitter.com/hrl_yalesph/st...
posted at 03:05:22

2/ Fires, attributed to the actions of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the ongoing war, were detected on two specific days: May 17th and May 24th. These fires deliberately targeted residential neighborhoods, the World Food Programme (WFP) location, and hospital facilities. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/epUcvANmLN
posted at 03:05:21

1/ 🧵about the events that unfolded in El Geneina between May 17th and May 24th. This continuing thread sheds light on the distressing events that occurred during the period.
@FaisalElsheikh @YousraElbagir @WFP_Sudan @daniel_van0 @khalidalbaih @RadioDabanga
#ElGeneina pic.twitter.com/eEi5Dps6hj
タグ: ElGeneina
posted at 03:05:17

#Energodar, the occupied city where the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is located: subsiding waters have exposed a row of russian mines installed to prevent a Ukrainian landing pic.twitter.com/SNKih6Vmqj
タグ: Energodar
posted at 02:36:31

Euromaidan Press @EuromaidanPress
Railway partisans: Crimea’s rail connection with mainland occupied Ukraine targeted in string of attacks
10-12 June, 4 presumably partisan rail attacks took place in Russian/occup. territories. One destroyed main railway connecting Crimea&Zaporizhzhia obl
euromaidanpress.com/2023/06/12/rai... pic.twitter.com/AQDMIwq2Kg
posted at 01:12:41

One of the notable things so far about Ukraine's counteroffensive in the south is that Ukraine is using elements from existing units, such as the 35th Marine Brigade and 68th Jaeger Brigade (this info is from official Ukrainian military accounts), in addition to its new brigades. twitter.com/GeoConfirmed/s...
posted at 01:11:21