- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Here-> www.hisutton.com/Russian-Navy-P...
#OSINT indicates that first POSEIDON Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo launches from #Russian submarine Belgorod may occur in next few days
Not related to Wagner coup, but may provide a show of strength pic.twitter.com/8iVnqn8t0R
posted at 21:49:46

A lot of cities have no water any more. But Ukrainians are laying down new pipes down to the Dnipro river. pic.twitter.com/Kd11mC21gF
posted at 21:39:42

@SteelySeabirder Good morning! Puffins from Egg Rock, Maine USA ❤️ pic.twitter.com/TLFmb66A9i
posted at 21:25:10

US aircraft conducts port visit to Da Nang in central Vietnam. This is less than 300 km from China’s strategic submarine base on Hainan Island. twitter.com/warshipcam/sta... pic.twitter.com/AKmnyx0AHL
posted at 21:23:37

Voytsekhovskyi @fermerzpolissia
Russians have been bombing Syria and killing dozens of civilians today. Russian pilots are ones of the most terrible and disgusting people on this planet who must pay of all of their crimes. twitter.com/nedalalamari/s...
posted at 20:43:15

H & Rosie the Batdog @jamiesonhelen
@SteelySeabirder Beaut, black headed gull, looking resplendent. X #SuperSeabirdSunday ⚓️ pic.twitter.com/LhnUIzgmae
posted at 20:38:11

Russia is slowly losing the war in Ukraine but is still murdering civilians in Syria.
All Russian Air Force pilots are war criminals who deserve a slow painful death. twitter.com/SyriaCivilDef/...
posted at 20:24:00

This is what the Kakhov reservoir area looks like now. Kherson region.
The water receded about one and a half kilometers from the shore. While some communities are dealing with the consequences of flooding, others will have problems with their water supply.
On the opposite… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/5vgXAP864W
posted at 20:11:02

Serhii Nikitenko, a local journalist in Kherson showed the current situation at the Kakhovka reservoir. The water has almost completely dissapeared. pic.twitter.com/jWqVrQ5y0s
posted at 19:12:12

it’s #SuperSeabirdSunday so here are some urban(!) kittiwakes nesting on the higher ledges of Baltic in Newcastle twitter.com/steelyseabirde... pic.twitter.com/iJSo5xqZ9m
posted at 18:47:56

@SteelySeabirder A great view down the scope of a razorbill chick at RSPB South Stack this week! pic.twitter.com/INWK7jGySD
posted at 18:05:09

Robin Thomson @RobinTh44159854
@SteelySeabirder Shout out to seabird Sunday ☀️ pic.twitter.com/QKUTTVljMy
posted at 16:39:18

Dr Janine Krippner @janinekrippner
@GeoTenerife @SciCommTami @AriannaSoldati @BensVolcanology @ElodieMacorps @LavaBombsFilm A thread with updates and resources to learn more about the eruption and recovery process, by one of our team members here @BensVolcanology - who witnessed the loss firsthand during the crisis. twitter.com/bensvolcanolog...
posted at 16:27:13

Dr Janine Krippner @janinekrippner
@GeoTenerife @SciCommTami @AriannaSoldati @BensVolcanology @ElodieMacorps @LavaBombsFilm Hearing the stories of those who have lost so much, seeing doorways with no houses attached (photo), our core question is “how can we help?” Not only people here, but people who will go through this trauma in future eruptions elsewhere. pic.twitter.com/wpce7eJMUR
posted at 16:18:02

Germany plans to transfer 45 more Gepard SPAAG to Ukraine by the end of the year. pic.twitter.com/jl60Kh82uK
posted at 15:27:44

「要求を通したらさっと身を引くスマートな戦略家」とかそういうことでは多分無くて、見た目とキャラの割には普通に命が惜しい普通の人だったのだろう。もしこれがサアカシュヴィリみたいなヤバい人間なら、迷わずモスクワに突撃していたはず twitter.com/SeloEniseiskoe...
posted at 15:12:12

So. If its that's easy to drive to Moscow with the boys, whats stopping others from doing the same?
posted at 14:32:46

鳥といえば。フランチェスコ モロスィーニのマストトップ、ESM アンテナに鳥が止まっていた画がこれ。 pic.twitter.com/Z2WTcpgVCc
posted at 14:29:51

勇敢的捍衛自己,大聲的說出真相,整個世界都會傾聽你!美國紐伯瑞文學獎銀獎《飛越戰火的女孩》作者,強而有力、動人心弦的青少年議題小說,透過十歲主角溫暖、真誠、幽默中透著辛酸的語調,讓不同年齡層的讀者深受啟發並明白──如何在身陷困境時勇於發聲、為自己挺身而出!bit.ly/3p6PY5Q pic.twitter.com/8ZgJR1v3ug
posted at 14:08:01

posted at 14:06:05

posted at 13:48:46

2/ #Prigozhin’s rebellion and the resolution of the events of June 23 and 24 - though not necessarily the Prigozhin-#Kremlin struggle writ large - will likely substantially damage #Putin’s government and the Russian war effort in #Ukraine. isw.pub/UkrWar062423
posted at 13:16:16

The #Kremlin now faces a deeply unstable equilibrium. The #Lukashenko-negotiated deal is a short-term fix, not a long-term solution, and #Prigozhin’s rebellion exposed severe weaknesses in the Kremlin and Russian Ministry of Defense. isw.pub/UkrWar062423 twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/... pic.twitter.com/nVJ4JmOHI6
タグ: Kremlin Lukashenko Prigozhin
posted at 13:16:15

What a night! 😇
Tonight in Colorado, the Angels have set a new single-game franchise record for runs scored with 25. twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/aM3n6qpast
posted at 13:15:12

posted at 13:04:06

Talkin’ Baseball @TalkinBaseball_
The Angels have set a new franchise record with 25 runs scored tonight pic.twitter.com/5V8oizgxWU
posted at 12:49:53

The unreported but most important recent story of the RUS-UKR war is the Russian reserve mobilisation and transitioning of the war from Luhansk/Donestsk & yes Wagner to more of the main Russian armed forces … as well as the combat sappering impeding the UKR offensive ⬇️ twitter.com/mikaelvalterss...
posted at 12:42:08

posted at 12:41:15

昨年、ロシアの貨物船がウクライナから不正に持出した穀物をシリアの港で荷下ろししているところを衛星画像で特定したCNNのニュースが話題になったんですけど、そのシリアの港がJICAの協力で近代化改修したところだった(日本の協力がコケにされた)ということには誰も興味持たなかったんですよね。 twitter.com/chutoislam/sta...
posted at 12:36:38

モロッコの音楽グナワのマスター、マフムード・ギネアのアルバムColours of the Night (2017)から一曲。ゲンブリ(ベースのような弦楽器)のグルーヴが凄いです。
Sadati Houma El Bouhala
by Mahmoud Guinia
posted at 12:26:59

キンイロジャッカルの西進、もうスペインまで到達してたのか。バスク州でロードキル1個体がDNAで確定、不鮮明ながら疑わしいカメラトラップ画像も。繁殖の確認はまだドイツまでみたいだけど、定着は時間の問題 www.elconfidencial.com/tecnologia/cie...
posted at 12:08:51

The specifics of the #Lukashenko-negotiated deal, how and on what timeline it will be implemented, the expected outcomes for each party, and the extent to which all involved parties will follow the agreement, remain unclear at this time. isw.pub/UkrWar062423 twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/...
タグ: Lukashenko
posted at 12:05:02

posted at 12:03:31

穏便に済ませてはならんのですよ、こういう場合。戦争を遂行中に重要な役割果たしていた集団が反乱。これは政権や国家の盤石さ、一体性、パワー示すため、見せしめ的にも徹底的に掃討しないとまずいと思いますよ。普通に考えたら。そこが謎だと言ってるんです。 twitter.com/oberleutnant27...
posted at 12:00:42

NEW: The #Kremlin announced a deal in which #Prigozhin will go to #Belarus without facing criminal charges after his rebelling #WagnerGroup forces encircled #Russia's Southern Military District HQ in Rostov-on-Don & drove within 330km of Moscow June 23-24🧵isw.pub/UkrWar062423 pic.twitter.com/dvIKuuaU59
タグ: Belarus Kremlin Prigozhin Russia WagnerGroup
posted at 11:53:23

posted at 11:38:21

GPT-4のパラメータ数について、英語では8 x 220B(Bは10億)と書く人が多いのに対して、日本語では2200億 x 8と書く人が多いみたい。8 x 220Bだったら小学校の先生に「8パラメータのモデルを2200億個並べることになっちゃうよ」と叱られるのかな
posted at 11:34:57

鶴見緑地パートナードッグタウン @partnerdogtown
『今日の保護犬情報 6/25 ☀️』
#アメブロ #犬のいる生活
posted at 11:34:51

posted at 11:23:06

Explosion heard in Zaporizhzhia - Ukrainian media www.bbc.com/news/live/worl... via @BBCNews
posted at 11:21:08

posted at 10:52:53

@mainichi @rockfish31 次世代に必要なのは愛らしい動物との触れ合いじゃなくて、豊かな生態系の維持なんだろうけど、大人でもこの辺がごちゃ混ぜになってる人多いから難しい
posted at 10:51:32

後期三畳紀の獣脚類恐竜プロコンプソグナトゥス Procompsognathus triassicus の化石。
「ジュラシック・パーク」に出てくる"コンピ―"は、コンプソグナトゥスではなく、こっちのプロコンプソグナトゥスのほうだったりします。 twitter.com/VaheRocks/stat...
posted at 10:50:51

Tetsuo Kotani/小谷哲男 @tetsuo_kotani
posted at 10:45:32

Russia no longer has a Defence Minister (was Shoigu) nor the war commander (was Gerasimov). Whatever deal Prigozhin made is fatal for Putin.
Coup plotters either succeed or die in a dictatorship. You don't just walk away after doing the coup half-way (and incredibly… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... twitter.com/igorsushko/sta...
posted at 10:31:46

posted at 10:31:03

posted at 10:30:08

U.S. spy agencies picked up intelligence in mid-June indicating that Prigozhin was planning armed action against the Russian defense establishment, US officials say - WaPo
posted at 10:20:42

ウミガメ放流会、やめて 日中の放流「ほぼ死ぬ運命」研究会会長が訴え
posted at 09:54:24

Michito Tsuruoka / 鶴 @MichitoTsuruoka
プリゴジンの一件をどう評価すべきか、まだ分からないことだらけななか、WPの Bootさんは、独裁者が侵略戦争をして最終的に失脚に至る歴史が多い事実をプーチンも突きつけられ、露の隠された弱さが露呈、時間は露に味方といわれてきたが時間はウに味方かも、と。
posted at 09:52:54

posted at 09:51:23

Tetsuo Kotani/小谷哲男 @tetsuo_kotani
posted at 09:47:02

posted at 09:40:59

posted at 09:20:19

@JuliaDavisNews “Russian blood wasn’t spilled by either side”
~ Vladimir Solovyov
Really? Russia seems to have lost a lot of pilots recently. twitter.com/wartranslated/... pic.twitter.com/gZ2kzJyTPA
posted at 09:18:23

wagner killed 8 airmen of the russian air force flying a unarmed russian aircraft (it was a legitimate target), but unarmed. now the people that did it are walking around free with the guns that did it.... yea sure the russian MOD is just going to forget and forgive this.... NOT twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/WOPtQ59ztV
posted at 08:58:09

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Wagner, and especially Prigozhin, agree with the invasion, they object to the way that the Russian Army (more specifically senior leadership) handled it. Their view is compatible with most of the pro-war base in Russia. The big change over the last 24 hours is that they objected… twitter.com/i/web/status/1...
posted at 08:42:03

posted at xx:xx:xx

Looking down and seeing the man who shot your helicopter down get immediately pardoned pic.twitter.com/tN6gSXrrF0
posted at 08:38:42

Thomas D'Arcy McFell @CavanaughTO
@wartranslated Classic Russian "justice": the 'law' is whatever the powers that be decide it is at any given time. Mafioso society rather than civil society.
posted at 08:29:24

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
And just a reminder, Wagner managed to down 7 Russian aircraft today. twitter.com/osinttechnical...
posted at 08:28:24

BREAKING: The US believes concessions were made over Sergei Shoigu's future as well as others during talks with Prigozhin, a senior US official says - ABC
abcnews.go.com/International/... pic.twitter.com/wOgL29H1Cc
posted at 08:28:19

A total of 7 Russian Army aircraft were shot down by PMC Wagner today.
According to preliminary information, approximately 20 pilots. pic.twitter.com/Pt4gVDFHoc
posted at 08:27:10

なんで任侠もので考えた方が理解しやすいんです? 仮にも近代国家やぞ?
posted at 08:15:33

#UkraineRussia: Now that the shitshow between Prigohzin and Putin is over, can we now get on with the business at hand? Ukraine forces have launched a counter offensive in the Kherson region, crossing the Dnipro River on the Antonovsky Bridge.
Slava Ukraini pic.twitter.com/fb9VgE2yQl
タグ: UkraineRussia
posted at 08:12:04

posted at 08:09:24

Hanna Liubakova @HannaLiubakova
#Russia One thing is to pardon Prigozhin. Another thing is to catch others who support him. Or simply arrest those against Putin on the pretext of a criminal case on armed rebellion. Knowing dictators' logic and nature, I'd expect increased repressions in Russia.
タグ: Russia
posted at 08:06:14

Tom la souris @TomLope95565011
La junte militaire malienne demandait le retrait de la @UN_MINUSMA par ce qu'elle voulait déployé le Wagner sur toute l'étendue du territoire malien .Et quand à elle ,manger et dormir sans effort , mais surtout restée aussi longtemps au pouvoir.
Quelle chance!😂
Tom🕵️ pic.twitter.com/UnWH1Q8Win
posted at 08:04:51

The oil depot in Voronezh region that was reportedly targeted earlier today is still burning
t.me/vchkogpu/39491 pic.twitter.com/EakInvc1f9
posted at 08:04:00

Here are today's control-of-terrain maps of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats.
Interactive map, updated daily: isw.pub/InteractiveUkr...
Archive of time-lapse maps, updated monthly: isw.pub/UkraineTimeLapse pic.twitter.com/pX4IvLJjZM
posted at 07:53:04

Civilians chanting "Shame!" and "Traitors!" at the police units which arrived back in Rostov after Wagner units withdrew. pic.twitter.com/bRmksxqw8W
posted at 07:42:46

Atlantic Council @AtlanticCouncil
“Prigozhin’s armed rebellion indicates a political crisis within Russia and shatters the myth of Russia’s invincibility and overwhelming power,” says @HannaLiubakova.
Read more in the latest #FastThinking: 🇷🇺⤵️ www.atlanticcouncil.org/content-series...
タグ: FastThinking
posted at 07:34:25

Events are not over, although de facto, Wagner is no longer the group we wrote about for many years. Prigozhin's fate has an interesting twist - questions arise as to why he agreed to lose out so quickly. He proved he was only part of a machine, not the machine itself.
posted at 07:31:22

@RALee85 Also, it sounds like Wagner is made up of two very different components -- seasoned military who joined to get a big pay raise and prisoners either trying for a get-out-of-jail-free card or involuntarily conscripted. Have to imagine the rank and file resent them for both.
posted at 07:26:37

The Russian video and thermal imaging surveillance system located in a high-rise building in Bakhmut was destroyed by artillery of the 93rd brigade pic.twitter.com/PhP39fhMLZ
posted at 07:16:47

The case opened against Prigozhin about organising a coup was cancelled. Things are done quickly in this country!
posted at 07:11:25

@maria_drutska Life is and always has been cheap in Russia.
Russian lives are a commodity, nothing more.
posted at 07:09:16

All previously imposed restrictions on Russian highways have been lifted - TASS
posted at 07:06:17

posted at 07:00:19

Today, during the clashes with the fighters of the PMC Wagner, 15 russian military servicemen were killed. Most of them were combat pilots. At the peak of the escalation, an Il-18 plane was shot down, carrying no less than eight people.
In addition, an attack helicopter Ka-52… twitter.com/i/web/status/1...
posted at 06:57:18

Total Russian lost today
3 x Mi-8MTPR
1 x Mi-8
1 x Ka-52
1 x Mi-35
1 x Il-18(22) VZPU
6 helicopters and 1 aircraft.
posted at 06:48:24

That would mean more atrocities and human rights abuses by Wagner on vulnerable Africans. twitter.com/sentdefender/s...
posted at 06:25:59

Update #2: Ukrainian kittens are so strong (and cute)! 🐱🇺🇦 His broken hip is healing well 🙏 twitter.com/natemook/statu... pic.twitter.com/pCAD2xhdEo
posted at 06:23:56

If it is actually true that no one in Wagner will be punished for this, there will be a lot of animosity directed at the leadership of the MoD and the Kremlin for allowing Russian airmen to be killed without a serious response.
posted at 06:20:33

posted at 06:16:53

начинающий профессио @hl_hp_ua
@SamLitel @RALee85 though that exact plane is Il22M11 modification which primarily used as command post👌
posted at 06:14:10

Families of the russian pilots killed by Wagner today watching prigozhin get pardoned in the name of not spilling russian blood pic.twitter.com/aOWjdXg9Lq
posted at 06:13:21
posted at 06:09:19

It will be interesting to see how the Russian Air Force and Russian soldiers work with Wagner in the future. Wagner's pilots likely knew some of those killed today, and Wagner depends on the Russian Air Force in Ukraine and for operations elsewhere. This is just the beginning. twitter.com/RALee85/status...
posted at 05:58:23

While Prigozhin was marching through Russia, soldiers of the 1st mechanized battalion🇺🇦 clashed with the 3rd battalion of the 🇷🇺57th Guards motorized rifle brigade, clearing the western bank of the Siverskiy Donets-Donbass canal.
The enemy battalion lost 50 wounded and over 30… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/eakPY0UBGT
posted at 05:56:52

начинающий профессио @hl_hp_ua
@SamLitel @RALee85 they claimed 8 killed on Il-18(22) alone
posted at 05:55:10

Russian channels suggest Wagner shot down or damaged 7-8 Russian Air Force aircraft over the past two days:
3 Mi-8MTPR-1 Rychag-AV
1 Mi-8
1 Ka-52
1 Mi-35
1 Mi-28
1 Il-18 (22)
Killing 13 or more airmen
t.me/rybar/48990 pic.twitter.com/Baypuq3o0p
posted at 05:52:30

Something tells me there will be another dizzying twist in the Prigozhin saga very soon.
posted at 05:48:45

#UkraineWar: Overview of Russian equipment losses added on 24/06/2023
Full list: oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack... pic.twitter.com/kMb8cHwo0i
タグ: UkraineWar
posted at 05:34:27

Prigozhin driving away from his coup in an SUV, chased by a smattering of adoring fans, like he just won the NBA Eastern Conference finals or something pic.twitter.com/brW2y5J0bL
posted at 05:31:24

Incredible result for the self-proclaimed "gosudarstennik" [state-minded person] - the state he built is brittle like a porcelain cup.
posted at 05:31:22

In effect, a free-for-all across the country is totally possible.
Putin said many times that Russia's very existence hangs in the balance - apparently it's true, thanks to his own actions and the system he has built in the last 23 years.
posted at 05:31:21

Furthermore: FSB and other agencies apparently do not have military counterintelligence capable of preventing something like this.
posted at 05:31:21

What do the Russian troops consist of at the moment?
1) Akhmat/Kadyrovites, 2) LDNR militias, 3) multiple PMCs other than Wagner (!), 4) local regiments created in each Russian region and financed locally, at least in part (!!)
posted at 05:31:21

Prigozhin is leaving Southern Military District HQ in Rostov after halting his move to Moscow and accepting "security guarantees" from Putin.
Earlier footage today showed crowds cheering Wagner mercenaries and taking photos together in a show of support for the PMC. pic.twitter.com/InWeQUDZei
posted at 05:30:24

Harold Chambers @chambersharold8
Kadyrovite media reports 3k fighters from Rosgvardia's 94th & 96th regiments, Sever & Yug Battalions were guarding Moscow by early morning. Two notes:
1) Kadyrov was active, even if he was silent, overnight
2) Still no confirmed details on Rostov units
t.me/groznyinform/2... pic.twitter.com/DAR9Hkl99z
posted at 05:18:16

Vladislav Zubok @VladislavZubok1
Marx is right again, at least regarding Russia. Tragedy…farce…tragedy…farce, etc.
posted at 05:17:13

Wagner revolt in Russia dims outlook for its operations in Africa www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/24...
posted at 05:15:23

いすゞの藤沢工場のライン勤務の方は黄色のメットを被りシャシの下に潜り込み絶対に不良品を流さない為に人の目で隅々まで検査。いすゞの横浜本社の事務職は綺麗な姉ちゃんと空調の効いたオフィスで人間工学に基づいた椅子に座って仕事を行う。コレで内戦が起きないのが素晴らしい。 twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/KGE7AVP5hr
posted at 05:14:54

So Prigozhin has agreed to give up, move to Belarus and disband Wagner, one day after announcing a mutiny? twitter.com/Liveuamap/stat...
posted at 05:02:25

If this is true, it likely wouldn't be a solution. Wagner has a large presence across Africa, which benefits and depends on the Russian government/military. Would the Kremlin allow the same dynamic to continue if Prigozhin and Wagner are based in Belarus? twitter.com/maxseddon/stat...
posted at 05:00:36

It gets even dizzier. The Kremlin says Prigozhin will be relocating to Belarus with his men. twitter.com/yarotrof/statu...
posted at 04:59:34

This week, 5 asteroids have passed closer than the Moon. That is unusually high for June. pic.twitter.com/XOkJCGE3R0
posted at 04:59:19

So, in sum:
Over about 26 hours, we go from Prigozhin threatening to overthrow the Ministry of Defense after a (probably staged/fake) shelling attack on a Wagner base, to being 200km from Moscow, to being exiled to Belarus, like his own personal Elba.
posted at 04:55:19

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Wagner PMCs leaving Rostov #Russia, and moving back to the "Luhansk People's Republic" in #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/U3q2vZMsZk
posted at 04:46:34

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
The fact that armored columns under the command of a declared 'traitor' were able to reach within 200km of Moscow in just 24 hours with the combined efforts of MoD, Rosgvardia, MVD and FSB not being able to stop them is a very significant sign of how weak the system has become
posted at 04:42:03

Rybar claims the next phase of Ukraine's counteroffensive is expected to begin tonight. Not just in Zaporizhzhia, South Donetsk, and Bakhmut, but possibly all across the front line.
t.me/rybar/48974 pic.twitter.com/KWGuW4lXYL
posted at 04:23:46

Sasha Senderovich @returnstosender
What a metaphor for the current #Russian state is this picture of this tank stuck in the passageway next to the circus building in #Rostov (with ads for the circus on each side of the gate)! #Prighozin #RussiaIsLosing #StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/Q77yYs55K6
タグ: Prighozin Rostov RussiaIsLosing Russian StandWithUkraine
posted at 04:22:17

Andrew Perpetua @AndrewPerpetua
Russians are claiming wagner killed more russian pilots today than Ukraine killed this month.
posted at 04:21:43

1/ A few quick thoughts about Prigozhin's seemingly momentous "March of 10,000" that was stopped today. These are very preliminary thoughts, and much can change in the coming days as this situation settles down one way or another. www.nytimes.com/live/2023/06/2...
posted at 04:13:05

Nika Melkozerova @NikaMelkozerova
I miss Kherson. Windmills on the bank of a pink lake, in now occupied part of Kherson region. pic.twitter.com/HwVuoQRmvf
posted at 04:11:59

Small part of #Catamarca Province in #Argentina.
Image taken by @CopernicusEU #Sentinel2 on March 21, 2023.
Data processed in @sentinel_hub
Open 🖼️ in new tab for full resolution😉🔎 pic.twitter.com/EBnK5OHg8N
タグ: Argentina Catamarca Sentinel2
posted at 04:04:58

Charles McPhedran @charliekreuz
Super-creepy images from Rostov. Though the enthusiasm of the “supporters” looks like it has been purposefully dialed up. twitter.com/patdiekmann/st...
posted at 04:01:51

Sviatlana Tsikhanous @Tsihanouskaya
Don't be fooled by the Belarus dictator's attempt to cast himself as a broker between other criminals. Lukashenka, Putin & Prigozhin must all answer for their crimes. No one will be safe as long as they remain at large, spreading terror to satisfy their personal thirst for power. pic.twitter.com/nlJSbNICKb
posted at 04:01:11

This is the kind of crap that got @FoxNews a lawsuit. If you don’t know foreign policy don’t revert to blaming America
That blame America first crowd is insane twitter.com/realtuckfrumpe...
posted at 03:57:58

FighterBomber is reporting that at least 12 Pilots of the Russian Air Force were Killed today by Wagner PMC Forces utilizing Man-Portable and Mobile Air Defense Systems. pic.twitter.com/ikaEXllHnf
posted at 03:54:16

CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar
Kadyrov’s brigade in a nutshell today. pic.twitter.com/oPDjmIab1U
posted at 03:48:46

This thread will be closed.
We will resume with our normal GeoConfirmed posting.
Result: Prighozhin has probably what he wanted.
Thank you for reading our updates.
I want to thank especially all volunteers for helping with the 24/24 reporting and map updates.
THANKS. twitter.com/GeoConfirmed/s...
posted at 03:28:33

ICYMI... while we were watching Prigozhyn's March on Moscow (it was only a faint), other notable stuff was happening (to be verified).
twitter.com/NOELreports/st... twitter.com/davidhelms570/...
posted at 03:26:54

Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko
Meanwhile, Kadyrov’s forces must be still stuck in a traffic jam on their way to Rostov.
posted at 03:19:23

So who knows what’s really going on there? …. /3. End pic.twitter.com/MqKiiXzDDJ
posted at 03:06:27

“If you don’t have the balls to go to the end, then you do not need to start anything. I hope he will be destroyed in some sophisticated & vile way. All his assets must be taken away. This is my personal opinion. Such vile & insignificant people need to be destroyed to zero”. /2.
posted at 03:05:19

The “AP Wagner” Telegram channel has now changed its name to “Alex Parker Returns” and posted this:
“Criminals cannot be trusted. If you got a knife, then you need to win. A politician with dubious prospects acted like a complete idiot and framed a huge number of people. /1.
posted at 03:04:34

Wagnerite rebellion situational update: It seems to be over.
Prighozhin stated in a phone call that his troops will turn around, back to the field camps. (...) He came to an agreement with President Lukashenko, who was the negotiator.
more info: twitter.com/wartranslated/...
This… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/gfhiT8oUo4
posted at 03:00:13

Wagner Telegram changes channel to “Alex Parker Returns”
Translation: “All the good ones are returning. You can’t trust criminals. If you pulled out the knife, then use it. A politician with questionable prospects [Prighozin] acted like an idiot and screwed a lot of people.” pic.twitter.com/9UlG0MOJoc
posted at 02:59:17

According to Russian State Media, Major Changes to the Leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense including changes to the current Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu and Army Chief of General Staff, Valery Gerasimov have reportedly been Agreed upon in order to Stop the March of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/PTKRMnGhX6
posted at 02:58:21

Prigozhin says it's over:
"They were going to dismantle PMC Wagner. We came out on 23 June to the March of Justice. In a day, we walked to nearly 200km away from Moscow. In this time, we did not spill a single drop of blood of our fighters. Now, the moment has come when blood… twitter.com/i/web/status/1...
posted at 02:31:06

Charles McPhedran @charliekreuz
Minsk is claiming to have negotiated a de-escalation between Wagner and the Kremlin. Let’s wait and see if Prigozhin’s people confirm. twitter.com/wartranslated/...
posted at 02:17:14

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Account tied to Wagner,
"The state no longer exists. Putin deliberately destroyed all institutions of statehood. The rest was destroyed by corruption. The end of this celebration of life is near. Blowing up bridges will not stop the inevitable.
Justice will prevail."
posted at 02:15:07

Ria Novosti:
"⚡️Prigozhin accepted Lukashenka's proposal to stop the Wagner movement in Russia and take further steps to de-escalate tensions, the press service of the Belarusian President reported."
🤦♂️ twitter.com/i/web/status/1...
posted at 02:14:48

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Some pro-Russian sources now claim the losses of the Russian air force are broader than reported:
3 x Mi-8mtpr
1 x Mi-8
1 x Ka-52
1 x Mi-35
1 x Il-18
Though combat jets are nowhere to be seen so far (they're less adapted but still) twitter.com/michaelh992/st...
posted at 02:13:42

UPDATE - Ukraine's deputy defence minister says that Ukrainian forces have launched several offensives in the east of the country today
t.me/annamaliar/883 pic.twitter.com/PThEFppkKc
posted at 01:53:06

Vote, Organize, Do G @MelissaHBuckner
@Gerashchenko_en @markomihkelson Wagner borrowed tactics from RAGA robocalls for J6 insurrection? Perfect. www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/r...
posted at 01:50:26

posted at 01:40:00

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en
Moscow residents reportedly started receiving phone calls from, allegedly, Wagner PMC - they are invited to "support Wagnerites and come out into the streets" - Russian media. pic.twitter.com/Rtg2Xm5yZG
posted at 01:38:36

⚡️#BREAKING Reuters source in Wagner: Wagner force has fewer than 25,000 fighters in total, more than 5,000 are in Rostov-on-Don
posted at 01:24:16

One notable thing about this rapidly developing international story: Since Elon Musk took a sledgehammer to Twitter’s verification system, the platform is far less useful during breaking news events, and so people are depending on traditional newsrooms for verifiable information.
posted at 01:22:10

BREAKING: A Wagner convoy with about 5,000 fighters is nearing Moscow, a source close to the separatist leadership in Donetsk - Reuters
posted at 01:18:14

Photo of a column of "Wagner" in the Krasnoye area in the Lipetsk region (next to Moscow).
According to eyewitnesses, the "Wagner" drove through the city of Yelets about one or two hours ago. pic.twitter.com/jk01wckzNu
posted at 01:18:03

not only does this mean that wagner has reached moscow, also all supplies to russian forces in ukraine are blocked... they have 2-3 days to make up there mind. stand and fight (and die) or run. pic.twitter.com/v1tJ04WE5Q
posted at 01:03:27

Hanna Liubakova @HannaLiubakova
#Belarus Security forces say the border with #Russia has been strengthened. While they highlight that it's a typical situation, it doesn't look like that.
The project Belarusian Hajun reported that five empty transport IL-76 planes arrived in the Machulishy airfield from Russia. pic.twitter.com/WBeWRkF5N9
posted at 01:01:36

Виліт ще одного спец.борта уряду рф з Москви (VKO)/
Іл-96-300ПУ (RA-96021)
Внуково → ? pic.twitter.com/jL83Z8WJIe
posted at 01:01:29

Kaitlan Collins @kaitlancollins
President Biden will leave the White House shortly for a trip to Camp David. It remains to be seen if he’ll weigh in on the crisis unfolding in Russia. He was briefed again this morning on the latest developments.
posted at 00:59:44

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
It's also baffling to see that the Russian air force has yet to really try to stop the convoy.
It could be that pilots are refusing to strike it, and we've seen at least one helicopter get shot down. But it is also possible that negotiations are still taking place.
posted at 00:59:33

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
We are likely only seeing a small part of the current mobilization, but honestly if this is it, then I don't even see them trying to put on a fight.
posted at 00:56:53

#Rossiya Special Flight Squadron
Second IL-96-300-PU up from Moscow in last few hours. Again don’t know how/if related to current situation pic.twitter.com/nMlMD0ikB1
タグ: Rossiya
posted at 00:55:50

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
• 18:40— the fifth Russian Il-76 landed at Machulishchy airfield.
posted at 00:53:01

Russian Bridges & Po @BruckenRuski
4 Nuclear Power Plants with at least 18 reactors within 300km from Ukraine & between Rostov & Moscow.
If you can’t take control of nuclear weapons for the ultimate leverage to your cause, what about NPP for enormous leverage in any negotiations.
So what will happen, next in 🇷🇺?
posted at 00:52:07

Centre for Informati @Cen4infoRes
21. Mayor Sobyanin of Moscow has issued a statement calling on Muscovites to restrict their movements around the city, adding that Monday is a "non working day", & to prepare for roadblocks & possible evacuation. pic.twitter.com/NbTsx53kN4
posted at 00:45:22

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
posted at 00:42:46

東野篤子 Atsuko Higashin @AtsukoHigashino
posted at 00:42:46

⚡️The bridge over the #Moscow River was dismantled, probably to stop #Wagner's group advancing on the Russia’s capital. pic.twitter.com/zTXbn3aF8g
posted at 00:39:47

While perhaps only “media chatter” among the #RSF/#Janjaweed, the plan highlighted here about securing #Darfur and its five state capital cities before withdrawing from #Khartoum has an ominous plausibility and is consistent with reports of recent attacks on #Nyala and El #Fasher pic.twitter.com/ppHhphmGlP
タグ: Darfur Fasher Khartoum Nyala RSF
posted at 00:29:30

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
• 18:15 — the third Russian Il-76 landed at Machulishchy airfield;
• 18:25 — the fourth Russian Il-76 landed at Machulishchy airfield.
posted at 00:27:07

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
According to our data, these aircraft arrive in Belarus empty.
Chronology of landing:
• 17:50 — The first Il-76 of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed at Machulishchy airfield.
• 18:05 — the second Russian Il-76 landed at Machulishchy airfield.
posted at 00:15:12

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
⚡️ Five Il-76 of the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived in Belarus from Russia.
According to the Belarusian Hajun, five Il-76 of the Russian Aerospace Forces are now landing one after another at Machulishchy airfield.
1/ pic.twitter.com/gqR1c8Sxqb
posted at 00:15:11

By the way, the nazis from Rusich and other Russian nazi units supported Prigozhin. pic.twitter.com/dvMKLcG76D
posted at 00:08:19

🚨The current state of air traffic at Sheremetyevo International Airport & Domodedovo International Airport: www.radarbox.com/@55.76659,37.6... 🗺️✈️
#Russia #Moscow #FlightTracking twitter.com/i/web/status/1... pic.twitter.com/hd6JAHybBT
タグ: FlightTracking Moscow Russia
posted at 00:05:33

Carlos Manuel Piment @cpimentel986
Supposedly, Rosgvardia SOF @ Kolomna. pic.twitter.com/cp7MZ6uarn
posted at 00:03:03

Bridge across Oka at Kolomna twitter.com/aldin_aba/stat... pic.twitter.com/aMSh20idnD
posted at 00:01:10

Meanwhile, in Florida...
Tug boat photo-bombing a Falcon 9
and Blue Origin has a new fairing half pic.twitter.com/0LqjjmZCXk
posted at 00:00:18

Zaatari is the world’s largest camp for Syrian refugees - it hosts nearly 81,000 people.
Fadwa is one of them. She has been living in the camp for over 10 years.
Follow her through a typical day in the camp and learn how we are supporting refugees like her.
#WithRefugees pic.twitter.com/eg4EwBi3ET
タグ: WithRefugees
posted at 00:00:00