- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

RT @FlyAirNZ: @FlyAirNZ additional flight information and international airfares tinyurl.com/6dnku9v
posted at 03:41:03

RT @emiglio: O RLY RT @LACityNerd Christchurch could happen in LA. Do you know LA's faults? www.data.scec.org/faults/lafault...
posted at 07:10:10

#eqnz #chch other pet lists out there petsonthenet.co.nz @IndiBlu: @VoicelessFund Pls RT: NZ Paw Justice -… (cont) deck.ly/~BPIgF
posted at 08:22:00

Christchurch Airport @CHC_Airport
Christchurch Airport remains open for both domestic & international flights. Please check with your airline for the latest schedules. #chch
タグ: chch
posted at 09:52:44

in tripoli, soug algoumaa 1 man died due the random gunfire by pro-gaddafis, he was driving his car home. my sympathy to all BuTrouma Family
posted at 10:21:39

Listening Earth @listeningearth
Birdsong heard in the rainforests of Mission Beach: Listening Earth newsletter 2010-02-22 - grsnip.com/r/XMid
posted at 10:36:29

gorgeous photos!: Via @IslandNature Bird on a Wire – American Kestrel bit.ly/gFdkAM #birds
タグ: birds
posted at 11:01:56

posted at xx:xx:xx

ソースをすこしだけいじって,こういう bit.ly/fczL8l 使い方をしますので,この仕様だと理解していれば,これはこれで意味があるとも思っております.表示時間が調整できたりすると最高なのかも知れません.
posted at 11:06:33

ほんといつまでも頑張って欲しいです♩ ここはホッと出来る大好きな場所なんです。 RT @tatsulim @sorasky2009 twitpic.com/42ik88 - ず~っとそこにあって、灯をかざし続けて欲しいですね。沖行く船の無事を祈って。
posted at 11:09:39

posted at xx:xx:xx

Asian Correspondent @AsCorrespondent
#NZ earthquake causes ice to break off glacier ow.ly/41yuv #christchurch
タグ: christchurch NZ
posted at 11:34:52

posted at xx:xx:xx

2degrees network status - coverage is being restored. aftershocks and battery power prove challenging bit.ly/gTKEdJ #eqnz
タグ: eqnz
posted at 12:37:47

@ChristchurchCC www.quakeescape.org.nz Accom offers following the earthquake - NOW OVER 250 OFFERS. Help spread the word & RT!
posted at 12:44:46

thanks so much for your kind RT @DawnFine Dawns bloggy blog: Tuesday touching Turtles bit.ly/ihOM8C
posted at 13:04:15
(GLAM) Eglwys: bit.ly/5akYB7 No sign of Lesser Scaup. 2 Drake Scaup, 8 Wigeon, 4 Gadwall, 2 Teal, 2 Goosander. Also Water Rail...
posted at 13:05:46

Asian Correspondent @AsCorrespondent
Woman rescued after 24 hours in #NZ quake rubble ow.ly/41AKq #Christchurch
タグ: Christchurch NZ
posted at 13:30:09

Shipping Forecast @ShipForecast
Warm front Bailey to Biscay expected Viking to Thames by midnight tonight. High Trafalgar 1029 slow-moving with little change by same time.
posted at 14:00:09

なんぞwww QT @taka_crys: なんか新宿で着ぐるみが鯖寿司弁当売って歩いてた。 鯖アイドルという新ジャンルらしい。昼食後じゃなかったら間違いなく買ってた。危ない。 - twitpic.com/42spr9
posted at 14:39:11

posted at xx:xx:xx

RT @latimes: New Zealand earthquake surprises experts with its level of destruction; California parallels seen lat.ms/ecR7fZ
posted at 17:03:34

Alvaro Carnicero @alvarocarnicero
RT @SpanishSketcher: Very nice video of USK SPAIN EN MADRID DEARTE: cuaderno de acuarela sketchbooks from ana on Vimeo. bit.ly/giZ7qW
posted at 17:29:01

Old Folk Remedy Revived: How Tansy May Be a Treatment for Herpes goo.gl/fb/HlmDN
posted at 17:37:27

ジョウビタキのメスだと思います。RT @hitopin: RT @ogikubokei: 昨日撮ったんだけど、これってジョウビタキのメス、でいいよね。。。ちょっと自信な flic.kr/p/9keTaZ
posted at 17:38:50

@RWynnWilliams Thank you so much, so good to hear searchers back at #CTV site. Keep up the great work, will watch the updates.
タグ: CTV
posted at 17:41:57

Darkness falling on our broken city. Recovery now moves into the 2nd night. Keep warm and dry. Save water #eqc #quake #christchurch
タグ: christchurch eqc quake
posted at 17:42:27

Interview with Dr. Hawass, from 21 February 2011, by Andrew Bayuk: bit.ly/hBci8b #hawass #egypt
posted at 18:07:43

Today our heart & thoughts are with everyone affected by the earthquake in Christchurch oxf.am/ZhF #chch #eqnz
posted at 20:08:59