- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Ban Ki-moon calls attack outside @UNRWA shelter in Rafah a "moral outrage & criminal act." Says "madness must stop." bit.ly/1kfvFuw
posted at 01:26:48

DutchessTheDog @DutchessTheDog
Happy INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE DOG WEEK! Please take some time to learn about the work of assistance… instagram.com/p/rPxcZYJgw_/
posted at 03:37:38

"the situation is catastrophic..there is no safe place in #Gaza" @UNOCHA James Rowley on @BBCNewshour
タグ: Gaza
posted at 05:17:20

#Gaza: Total number of displaced estimated at 475,000, with almost 260,000 of those sheltered in 90 UNRWA schools. pic.twitter.com/90KoRz6KCj
タグ: Gaza
posted at 05:39:28

震災の爪痕後世に 井戸沢断層 市文化財に指定申請 | 県内ニュース | 福島民報 www.minpo.jp/news/detail/20... @FKSminpoさんから
posted at 05:41:05

At least 367 dead after #quake hits southwest China #Yunnan bit.ly/1o2OQIb
posted at 05:41:10

オオカミ信仰の木像・石碑 宮城・丸森で発見 | 河北新報オンラインニュース www.kahoku.co.jp/tohokunews/201... @kahoku_shimpoさんから
posted at 06:17:55

原発ゼロ東北、4度目の夏 老朽火力フル稼働 | 河北新報オンラインニュース www.kahoku.co.jp/tohokunews/201... @kahoku_shimpoさんから
posted at 06:21:02

NZ Defence Force @NZDefenceForce
Wellington' waterfront. Full, yet silent for the 100 Gun Salute. #ww100 pic.twitter.com/lU4lWhissd
タグ: ww100
posted at 06:28:47

Report: Israel spied on John Kerry's phone during last year's Middle East peace talks on.mash.to/Xw7qOL pic.twitter.com/Xt1KRkOfY3
posted at 07:07:58

At least 367 dead after quake hits southwest China tdy.sg/1uWWSa3 pic.twitter.com/gy5DGrF55u
posted at 08:15:03

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Francis Markus @francis_markus
Heavy rain, bringing landslides as #China #RedCross teams assess sit. after #quake. +Tents needed, relief, water/sanit assmnt @Federation
posted at 09:23:11

断固拒否すればいいじゃん。そもそもそれが女性の工夫なの?RT @TakashiSasaki: @Mihoko_Nojiri 過敏じゃなかった花瓶だったorz
posted at 10:04:00

Squibble's Quibbles @Squibbleworld
Update: Studio #Ghibli announces 'brief pause' in production bit.ly/1tLyB5i #anime
posted at 11:04:56

Pune landslide: Death toll rises to 108, people in nearby villages flee homes in fear ibnlive.in.com/news/pune-land... #PuneLandslide
タグ: PuneLandslide
posted at 12:22:28

Latest Satellite Image of Nepali Sky (NPT=UTC+5.45) [Auto tweet] #Weather: ift.tt/Pe21lD #SatImage #Nepal pic.twitter.com/tCL8oQVkBX
posted at 12:30:18

Over 100 missing from #Nepal landslide as security personnel continue search & rescue and controlling flood risk. ow.ly/zUfji
タグ: Nepal
posted at 12:55:08

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking
Death toll from China's #Yunnan earthquake reaches 398, officials say bbc.in/1v0iBOo & pic.twitter.com/Zay1tfJLlj
タグ: Yunnan
posted at 16:26:55

Japan Meteorological Agency issues advisory for #typhoon #Halong www.jma.go.jp/en/typh/ pic.twitter.com/hw8HtsAzSO
posted at 16:37:43

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking
About 100 passengers rescued after #Bangladesh ferry capsizes - similar number still missing bbc.in/1njsSvq
タグ: Bangladesh
posted at 18:00:54

.@hannesjoebstl Jordan’s Prince Zeid soon replaces Navi Pillay as UN rights chief. One difference: the prince knows Hamas are terrorists.
posted at 18:38:26

Francis Markus @francis_markus
#RedCross teams struggle to reach #China quake survivors - IFRC shar.es/LAt2g via @sharethis
posted at 18:53:15

posted at xx:xx:xx

China's Red Cross urged people give to earthquake relief efforts and not to dwell on past scandals. on.wsj.com/1pSWhht
posted at 19:01:01

posted at xx:xx:xx

#China quake: Nearly 400 killed; thousands of rescue workers & eight planes rushed to #Yunnan pic.twitter.com/edlpv9nGJn
posted at 19:26:34

松山 せいじ Seiji Matsu @seijimatsuyama
posted at 19:28:43

Britain, a land of cloudy skies and reliable rain, is fast becoming a solar-energy hot spot on.wsj.com/1qTWNSV pic.twitter.com/AE537isQL1
posted at 19:35:10

Sasha the Saiga @SashaTheSaiga
I've been #fossil hunting on the @jurassic_coast in #LymeRegis #Dorset. Look what I found! wp.me/p4Clsg-6P pic.twitter.com/C9CaLrqD6O
posted at 19:54:20

China allocates 600 mln yuan (97.3 mln USD) to fund quake-hit Yunnan xhne.ws/wqn5M pic.twitter.com/6SIeS1gxmD
posted at 20:23:42

明日、AMDA看護師1名と調整員1名が日本から中国四川省の成都を目指して出発します。... fb.me/2UJXLVDuE
posted at 21:03:40

Runway Girl Network @RunwayGirl
IATA says Ebola presents a “different type of challenge” to the global SARS outbreak earlier this decade. #AvGeek... fb.me/2Zi8IQJg3
タグ: AvGeek
posted at 21:29:38

New #dinosaur toys from those lovely people at @Everything_Dino! CollectA Proceratosaurus Gastonia Bistahieversor etc pic.twitter.com/74YAauNE50
タグ: dinosaur
posted at 21:46:06