- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Potential #tsunami threat in southern Chile from M7.7 #earthquake
1422Z DEC 25. No threat to the broader Pacific. ptwc.weather.gov/?region=1&id=p...
タグ: earthquake tsunami
posted at 23:52:37

National Emergency M @NZcivildefence
There is no tsunami threat to New Zealand following the 7.7 magnitude Chile eathquake
posted at 23:50:06

No #tsunami threat to Australia from MAG 7.9 #earthquake near Southern Chile. Further info at www.bom.gov.au/tsunami/nation... pic.twitter.com/00vpX1gkvo
タグ: earthquake tsunami
posted at 23:41:38

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking
Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 off coast of Chile triggers tsunami alert from Pacific warning centre bbc.in/2is1AMK
posted at 23:37:30

Aviation Safety Netw @AviationSafety
Authorities ground Sukhoi Superjets for inspections news.aviation-safety.net/2016/12/25/aut... pic.twitter.com/Ku2ohdaLg2
posted at 23:32:19

Aviation Safety Netw @AviationSafety
Wings Air ATR-72-600 #IW1896 (PK-WGW) suffers landing accident at Semarang, Indonesia: aviation-safety.net/database/recor... twitter.com/christiandi_af...
タグ: IW1896
posted at 21:05:47

Russia grounds Sukhoi Superjet 100 fleet after metal fatigue was discovered in the tail section ow.ly/rg51307r1FT pic.twitter.com/lLDRuiCLnZ
posted at 19:30:12

Aviation Safety Netw @AviationSafety
Update: the Russian Air Force Tu-154 made a U-turn after takeoff from Adler/Sochi Airport before it crashed
Russian MoD now says 93 on board
posted at 19:13:31

今夜から本番です!時間がもったいないのでせりいっぱい入れてカップラーメン(^^;;29日までガッツリせり束ねます!クリスマスなんか嫌いだーと子供ちゃんがむんつけてます~_~; pic.twitter.com/9GVZ4DD0zn
posted at 18:32:47

Aviation Safety Netw @AviationSafety
A Russian Air Force Tupolev 154 crashed into the Black Sea, killing all 92 on board:
posted at 18:23:52

Panthera participated in a discussion with other #conservation groups on the future of #jaguar conservation. Read: ow.ly/dPRa307o7qX
タグ: conservation jaguar
posted at 03:30:25

Merry Christmas with a truly stunning snow angel and penguin scene from Port Lockroy #Antarctica 🇦🇶🐧❄️️🎄🇦🇶 pic.twitter.com/H7980hImWn
タグ: Antarctica
posted at 03:19:52

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! from #madice_project #DronningMaudLand #Antarctica @ncaor_goa @NorskPolar pic.twitter.com/5PZyJIThXP
タグ: Antarctica DronningMaudLand madice_project
posted at 03:19:22

This just laid bare my misconceptions about the fauna of Antarctica... Gorgeous and horrible and I can't look away twitter.com/theremina/stat...
posted at 03:17:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

Merry Christmas from Palmer Station! #Antarctica pic.twitter.com/KfWAmPDlso
タグ: Antarctica
posted at 03:03:31

John's Landscape @Johns_Landscape
#DidYouKnow Evergreen trees can be found on every continent except Antarctica. #FunFact Photo Credit: Westchester Tree Life, Inc. pic.twitter.com/Qo8AEzci8P
タグ: DidYouKnow FunFact
posted at 03:01:29

これの原画は友達へ贈ったので、手許にあるのはコピーに淡墨を塗ったもの。 pic.twitter.com/12qiy6qx3p
posted at 00:58:24