- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

First dinosaur bones found in Denali National Park | #Geology #GeologyPage
Read more : www.geologypage.com/2016/10/first-...
タグ: Geology GeologyPage
posted at 00:00:03

Egyptian Christians fearing Islamic State attacks flee Sinai Peninsula jtim.es/467U309mVF0 pic.twitter.com/AJstOKHk1V
posted at 00:50:06

posted at xx:xx:xx

Christopher E. Smith @FieldEcology
Purpose-built crossings to help animals pass roads safely www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_...
posted at 04:15:40

Anisynta dominula (TBC) at Namadgi National Park from MatthewFrawley: canberra.naturemapr.org/Community/Sigh... #NatureMapr pic.twitter.com/inAoqoMCkk
タグ: NatureMapr
posted at 05:33:34

Oriental Bird Club @orientbirdclub
Taman Negara Bird Count, 3-5 March 2017, Malaysia. For details, see www.malaysia.travel/en/my/events/2... #TamanNegara #Malaysia #birds #birding
タグ: birding birds Malaysia TamanNegara
posted at 05:52:58

Rhinotia suturalis (TBC) at Point Hut to Tharwa from michaelb: canberra.naturemapr.org/Community/Sigh... #NatureMapr pic.twitter.com/oaJNOeq9a9
タグ: NatureMapr
posted at 06:16:56

Cyclist captures Quokka leap at his GoPro before snagging selfie in Australia. Posting this because I'm sick of Trump posts. And it's cute. pic.twitter.com/JK1BjpXjHQ
posted at 06:53:29

NASA History Office @NASAhistory
Best Supporting Actress nominee @octaviaspencer portrayed mathematician Dorothy Vaughan. Vaughan's bio:
go.nasa.gov/2lEsn7i #Oscars pic.twitter.com/cHzCFaL7zi
タグ: Oscars
posted at 07:00:01

weathernews.jp/s/topics/20170... pic.twitter.com/JTAaP9XBSz
posted at 07:59:44

昭和11年(1936)2月27日、二・二六事件で東京市に戒厳令が発令されました。画像は、戒厳令施行に関する閣議書です。内閣総理大臣の決裁欄には臨時代理の後藤文夫内相の花押が見られるほか、殺害された高橋蔵相の決裁欄が空欄になっています。buff.ly/2lxKBJ8 pic.twitter.com/wEUqzWUM1S
posted at 08:00:02

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

日が暮れるとちょっとダークネスな?感じに。4枚目の写真がお気に入りです。Photo:Mile Paxton、ハムさん(@eps_ham)Studio:リュミエール(@_Lumiere_K) #fursuit #Lion pic.twitter.com/t6HyjN9A39
posted at 10:44:47

Mahershala Ali: "It's not about you, it's about these characters, you are a servant." thr.cm/Q4x3AM #Oscars pic.twitter.com/HBBIjGbQ5v
タグ: Oscars
posted at 10:56:02

posted at xx:xx:xx

"This is a movie about real heroes." - @jimmykimmel on @HiddenFigures #oscars
タグ: oscars
posted at 11:08:16

Hear @NASAHistory & the #HiddenFigures cast chat about African-American woman “human computers.” Watch: go.nasa.gov/2lejMqb #Oscars pic.twitter.com/Q7uqxkBXEN
タグ: HiddenFigures Oscars
posted at 11:09:02

#Oscars: 'Suicide Squad' Makeup & Hairstyling winners dedicate their win to "all the immigrants." pic.twitter.com/yO8iFfHOOc
タグ: Oscars
posted at 11:09:09

Thank you, #Oscars for bringing Katherine Johnson on stage for the recognition she deserves for her service at NASA. #HiddenFigures
タグ: HiddenFigures Oscars
posted at 11:10:59

One of the real heroes from 'Hidden Figures,' Katherine Johnson a true NASA and American icon. #Oscars abcnews.com/oscars pic.twitter.com/IlxKb7975D
タグ: Oscars
posted at 11:11:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

I love that the @HiddenFigures cast brought Katherine Johnson onstage. She's deserving of it all. #Oscars
タグ: Oscars
posted at 11:11:42

Lawyers' Committee ☎ @LawyersComm
We salute Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, powerful women whose stories have finally been told. Hidden Figures #Oscars pic.twitter.com/pwCVeu17zH
タグ: Oscars
posted at 11:13:12

Now THIS is an award show 👏🏾🙌🏾 #KatherineJohnson #HiddenFigures #Oscars pic.twitter.com/ForJRB0PSu
タグ: HiddenFigures KatherineJohnson Oscars
posted at 11:17:52

NASA History Office @NASAhistory
Did you see Katherine Johnson appear at the #Oscars? At age 98, her story continues to inspire: www.nasa.gov/feature/kather... #HiddenFigures pic.twitter.com/SgeTzQD9Pq
タグ: HiddenFigures Oscars
posted at 11:18:51

#Oscars: 'Arrival' wins Best Sound Editing thr.cm/jogAQC pic.twitter.com/fEZd7RSuaG
タグ: Oscars
posted at 11:28:09

サンゴが語る過去の黒潮と全球の海の流れ|東京大学大気海洋研究所 buff.ly/2mkKEJX pic.twitter.com/SWAap4310R
posted at 11:30:04

.@OctaviaSpencer up for best supporting actress for playing #HiddenFigures' Dorothy Vaughan. Learn more: go.nasa.gov/2mkM0V6 #Oscars pic.twitter.com/eNdlYkalqQ
タグ: HiddenFigures Oscars
posted at 11:42:34

すばらしいデルタパワー! 【個人の感想です】 pic.twitter.com/qpZ9Dj6Vig
posted at 11:58:52

#Oscars: Iran's 'The Salesman' wins, filmmaker sends statement slamming Trump's "inhumane" travel ban thr.cm/tNGqtU pic.twitter.com/ouFb58xAIs
タグ: Oscars
posted at 12:05:49

「ファインディング・ドリー」と併映されたピクサー製短編アニメ。#アカデミー賞 pic.twitter.com/qAlMWGc1fJ
タグ: アカデミー賞
posted at 12:08:47

On #Oscars night, see our modern figures who are helping us take the next giant leap in exploration: go.nasa.gov/2leDIJi #HiddenFigures pic.twitter.com/SPkBFycpGT
タグ: HiddenFigures Oscars
posted at 12:11:30

Congrats to Team #Zootopia on their #AcademyAwards win for Best Animated Feature! #Oscars pic.twitter.com/EkTmXxOLZM
タグ: AcademyAwards Oscars Zootopia
posted at 12:12:51

The Salesman wins best Foreign Language Film, directed by Asghar Farhadi who boycotted #Oscars over Trump travel ban cnn.it/2lVE3Vx pic.twitter.com/sXSsOuMvep
タグ: Oscars
posted at 12:16:01

Lawyers' Committee ☎ @LawyersComm
"As a Mexican, as a Latin American, as a migrant worker, as a human, I'm against any form of wall that wants to separate us." Amen. #Oscars
タグ: Oscars
posted at 12:46:13

⭐ ⭐ ⭐
So many #HiddenFigures stars on the #Oscars stage—but real-life NASA scientist Katherine Johnson stole the show: pic.twitter.com/8Rrnal6oAq
タグ: HiddenFigures Oscars
posted at 12:51:20

Rep. Jim McGovern @RepMcGovern
Tonight the #Oscars honored #TheWhiteHelmets, a group of rescue workers who courageously saved over 82,000 lives in #Syria. True heroes. pic.twitter.com/OQPI4QB8KS
タグ: Oscars Syria TheWhiteHelmets
posted at 13:03:55

続いて「City of Stars」が歌曲賞を受賞🎉ジャスティンは初受賞にして2部門での受賞となりました!!!#Oscars #アカデミー賞 #ララランド pic.twitter.com/vNjhwD3UaE
posted at 13:20:46

🎼Justin Hurwitz and the #LALALAND team take home @TheAcademy Award for Best Original Score! 🎶 #AcceptanceSpeech #Oscars pic.twitter.com/6dCfYdWK1r
タグ: AcceptanceSpeech LALALAND Oscars
posted at 13:23:48

The La La Land producer who had to announce that Moonlight won best Picture is Jordan Horowitz. What a gentleman.
posted at 14:21:01

M. Night Shyamalan @MNightShyamalan
I wrote the ending of the academy awards 2017. @jimmykimmel we really got them!
posted at 14:22:21

Easily the best part of the #Oscars was Viggo with all the saludos a los Cuervos de San Lorenzo! pic.twitter.com/oNe7WLnMGj
タグ: Oscars
posted at 15:08:44

La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz shows the #Oscars audience that #Moonlight, not his film, has been awarded Best Picture pic.twitter.com/66rdtmyuVC
posted at 15:17:57

posted at xx:xx:xx

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posted at 15:49:32

福島大の高貝慶隆准教授らは文部科学省の廃止措置研究・人材育成等強化プログラムの一環で、ストロンチウム90の分析の高度化に取り組み、分析に要する時間を大幅に短縮した新たな手法を開発している。 www.minyu-net.com/news/sinsai/ne...
posted at 16:08:34

昨日本屋で見かけたjapan classとかいう雑誌はヤバいと思った。なんでこんなに日本スゴイ教が流行っているんだ twitter.com/yy_celeste/sta...
posted at 16:17:41

仕事中、資料やカンプなどの紙モノまとめてて、ホッチキスで留めようとしたのに針が入ってなくて「カスッ」てなると、一気にテンションとやる気ダウンするよね…w 針を入れる作業がすんごい回り道、悪魔の手間に思えるほど
posted at 16:48:39

Amid all the chaos, @jimmykimmel was a great host tonight & handled the final fiasco with great calm & humour. #oscars
タグ: oscars
posted at 16:55:50

Listening:<東日本大震災6年>福島2号機 内部調査(その1) 廃炉、焦りと誇り - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20170...
posted at 17:08:46

Listening:<東日本大震災6年>福島2号機 内部調査(その2止) 相次ぐ「想定外」と「課題」 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20170...
posted at 17:09:58

FAO in South Sudan @FAOSouthSudan
Responding to the crisis in Mayendit, Southern Unity: FAO distributed fishing kits, vegetable seeds&tools to 585 households last week @UKaid pic.twitter.com/7ppnUJj8mV
posted at 17:39:32

先日紋別にいったばかりなので気になるニュース // 縮む流氷が海流乱す 不漁に関係?気象変化も :日本経済新聞 www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLAS...
posted at 18:10:05

Day 1 of NERC-NSFC "BETR" project, a UK-China-Russia collaboration investigating biodiversity & uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. pic.twitter.com/2PrDjM7dPu
posted at 18:57:22

#DonnieYen Voice of the Fans - from Japan with love pic.twitter.com/33qdJNcGLz
タグ: DonnieYen
posted at 20:01:09

Want to find out what the 350 #japanese are doing in #SouthSudan? Listen here; audioboom.com/posts/5651115-... @unmissmedia @JapanMissionUN pic.twitter.com/O6CoSgZFK7
タグ: japanese SouthSudan
posted at 20:27:23

Our new paper on the Timing and nature of AMOC recovery across Termination 2 and magnitude of deglacial CO2 change www.nature.com/articles/ncomm...
posted at 20:48:37

posted at xx:xx:xx

こないだIODPで一緒に乗船し、浮遊性有孔虫ホウ素同位体分析プロジェクトのcounterpart。古海洋学分野のsuper star。 twitter.com/steveatearth/s...
posted at 21:40:19

飛び出すクロアシネコ 完成。後ろの写真は入れ替えできるので、好きな背景にできます。クロアシネコはマグネットで、フレームが破損しても付け替えできます。年内の展示に出したいなあと思いながら作った子です。 #羊毛フェルト #クロアシネコ pic.twitter.com/UhssdwdDJv
posted at 22:50:23

Nesting time! whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2017/02/27/nes... pic.twitter.com/lNYAyEy3kE
posted at 23:00:21

たまに飲むととてもおいしいのだから、しょうがないキバタン pic.twitter.com/roPMoT4SnW
posted at 23:02:21