- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

posted at 22:36:42

posted at xx:xx:xx

Chinese scientists who designed the prototype say that the system could significantly cut pollution in urban areas in China and elsewhere. go.nature.com/2FxEkoq
posted at 17:00:05

書きかけ。 #はてなブログ
動物飛行の安定性や制御に関係する研究をいくつか紹介してみる(書きかけ) - dynamicsoar's log
タグ: はてなブログ
posted at 15:10:55

posted at 11:58:15

ReBecca Hunt-Foster @paleochick
It’s not everyday you find a @Sony boom box in the desert that was smashed using a boulder that had a sauropod vertebrae in it😤. Super frustrating to find, but happy to leave the desert cleaner than I found it. Not sure what possessed these people. 🦕📻 #FossilFriday pic.twitter.com/KinUrcl5uh
タグ: FossilFriday
posted at 11:17:30

posted at xx:xx:xx

@OlivierMarcil Question du vendredi soir: Combien de #CSeries en morceau sont dehors “en attente” d’assemblage? How many #CSeries in pieces outdoor ready to be assembled at #Mirabel #Quebec Factory? 🤔 😉 #Bombardier #avgeek #airlines #SWISS #KAL #airBaltic #honnesty
タグ: airBaltic airlines avgeek Bombardier CSeries honnesty KAL Mirabel Quebec SWISS
posted at 10:30:47

@OlivierMarcil Est-ce que c’est par #Bombardier que nous apprendrons ce qui se passe (ou passe pas) à l’usine d’assemblage de #Mirabel du #CSeries du gouvernement du #Quebec et Bombardier? 🤔 #polqc #airbus
タグ: airbus Bombardier CSeries Mirabel polqc Quebec
posted at 10:01:37

Petrified Forest NP @PetrifiedNPS
Here are the results of our #FossilFriday requests: the aetosaur Scutarx , the synapsid Placerias, the archosauriform Vancleavea, and the phytosaur Pravusuchus. #triassic #parkscience (am) pic.twitter.com/bOc5c8E2UA
タグ: FossilFriday parkscience triassic
posted at 08:24:19

To protect against tsunamis, communities on Japan's coastline have been building huge, 41 ft-high walls. But residents struggle to adapt to their separation from the sea: reut.rs/2trBSye pic.twitter.com/v0h9K8ZpgF
posted at 08:19:06

Les tentatives d’intimidation se poursuivent. D’où l’importance de mettre la #CSeries à l’abri avec une ligne secondaire en Alabama pour nos clients américains twitter.com/jfcodere/statu...
タグ: CSeries
posted at 08:05:57

The Travelers Club @zeTravelersClub
🔵 The first Airbus #A350 of @lufthansa to wear the new livery will receive its full livery soon ! 🇩🇪 ✈️
#PaxEx #AvGeek pic.twitter.com/eMiQURJ9No
posted at 07:08:51

posted at xx:xx:xx

Royal BC Museum @RoyalBCMuseum
A tragic historic event, an opportunity to learn. @RbcmHydroids talking with @SterlingEyford about unpacking the Japanese tsunami marine debris collection in our “wet lab.” pic.twitter.com/OVGNKxsdjX
posted at 04:29:52

audris elba, MD (in @hipstrparamedic
with the hit singles:
mo' vibranium mo' problems - nakia feat. okoye
t'holla if you hear me - shuri feat. t'challa
ladies first (remix) - okoye and the dora milaje choir
and last but not least: m'baku's interlude pic.twitter.com/UALtgxomxv
posted at 04:27:00

Let’s get the timeline popping again🙌🏾🙌🏾 This another joint I wrote for Total called “What About us” with @Timbaland on da beat👍🏾 I remember after we recorded this we were dancing round like we was in da video this song we did 4 da movie SOUL FOOD & in 2018 it still BANGS🔥 pic.twitter.com/6DahnnLICw
posted at 04:24:11

Check out these behind-the-scenes photos from #BlackPanther. 📸: @VisionElie pic.twitter.com/QZ4PVtbgM3
タグ: BlackPanther
posted at 03:36:35

Check out these behind-the-scenes photos from #BlackPanther. 📸: @VisionElie pic.twitter.com/XZeCve8KO9
タグ: BlackPanther
posted at 03:36:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

West coast of Vancouver Isl.: folks hike from Pachena Point to wreck of Russian freighter "Uzbekistan," which ran aground on reef near mouth of Darling River in 1943. A year later, rough seas and storms had battered it to pieces. @BCArchives @RoyalBCMuseum youtu.be/sflLRj2nDEs
posted at 02:16:22

African nations threatened by #climatechange to get profiles of #drought and #flood risk #SendaiFramework #switch2sendai @UNFCCC
bit.ly/2HjEmAO pic.twitter.com/vdyV08Asfr
タグ: climatechange drought flood SendaiFramework switch2sendai
posted at 01:11:53

Once upon a time people honestly thought that there was a SIX FOOT TALL, WHITE SUPER-RAIL and it lived on Mauritius. It was depicted in some beautiful paintings. What became of it? Well... blogs.scientificamerican.com/tetrapod-zoolo... #birds #animals pic.twitter.com/9U9nsWLPtM
posted at 00:42:24

As a maniraptor enthusiast whose interest in them doesn’t stop at 66 million years ago, there’s one group of maniraptors I have largely neglected. That group is the passerines. (📷Selvatti et al.) #PraiseToPasserines pic.twitter.com/9p7klm7oSv
posted at 00:25:06