- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

#唐突に好きなモノを語る pic.twitter.com/IyGmDi4ArZ
タグ: 唐突に好きなモノを語る
posted at 13:06:01

"Even a small collapse of Anak Krakatau could generate a small tsunami that could sweep towards these islands. Since they are so close to Anak Krakatau there wouldn’t be very much time for a warning." volcano.oregonstate.edu/describe-1883-...
posted at 11:31:15

Breaking Weather by @breakingweather
Update: The death toll has risen to 43 and there are over 500 missing following a tsunami in Indonesia: ow.ly/rx8J30n5nsK twitter.com/breakingweathe...
posted at 11:22:49

Risklayer Maps @risklayer_maps
#tsunami-#landslide at #volcano #anak #krakatoa may has been triggered by an explosion? Time of origin around 2 pm UTC visible on #satellite, images from @Kachelmann, @LukasRentz @volcanodiscover @infoBMKG @BBCWorld pic.twitter.com/61AUfpaQTO
タグ: anak krakatoa satellite tsunami volcano
posted at 11:16:22

【インドネシア当局「津波で20人死亡 2人不明」 火山活動原因か】現地では同日夜、大規模な地震の発生はなく、防災当局は周辺の島の火山活動によって津波が引き起こされた可能性があるとみて詳しく調べています。 www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2018...
posted at 11:14:18

Only recently a #Tsunami hit #Indonesia & now another. Over 40 reported dead so far & many missing. I hope survivors are found & reunited with thier families. May Allah (SWT) grant the deceased Jannat ul-firdaus.
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
タグ: AnakKrakatoa Indonesia Tsunami
posted at 11:06:56

From my understanding of this official press release (limited to my interpretation of what Google Translate produces), it appears that at this point in time there is no direct evidence (yet) that a landslide at Krakatau caused the tsunami in Sunda Strait vsi.esdm.go.id/index.php/gunu...
posted at 10:47:27

Daylight reveals some of the devastation after the tsunami in western Indonesia bnonews.com/site/index.php... pic.twitter.com/8N5YPwmLlU
posted at 10:46:21

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho @Sutopo_PN
Hingga 23/12/2018 pukul 07.00 WIB, data sementara dampak tsunami di Selat Sunda: 43 orang meninggal dunia, 584 orang luka-luka dan 2 orang hilang. Kerugian fisik meliputi 430 unit rumah rusak berat, 9 hotel rusak berat, 10 kapal rusak berat dan puluhan rusak. pic.twitter.com/IfKnx29QKA
posted at 10:42:27

ST Foreign Desk @STForeignDesk
Authorities say an abnormal tidal surge and an underwater landslide following the eruption of the Anak Krakatoa volcano may have triggered the tsunami str.sg/o2L6
posted at 10:39:33

Death toll from Indonesia tsunami climbs to 43, hundreds injured: disaster agency reut.rs/2Cs1VaY pic.twitter.com/M2mPoklvHu
posted at 10:35:36

posted at xx:xx:xx

7NEWS Melbourne @7NewsMelbourne
At least 20 people are dead and more than 160 have been injured after a tsunami hit Indonesian beaches after the Krakatoa volcano erupted. Pandenglang District, South Lampung and Serang were hardest hit, and the death toll is likely to grow. bit.ly/2LxapR3 #7News pic.twitter.com/9qeym6aUP6
タグ: 7News
posted at 10:01:10

Risklayer Maps @risklayer_maps
This animation resulted based on a potential (not confirmed) theoretical landslide at Anak Krakatoa. Field surveys will have to investigate.
Arrivel times of current simulation correlate well with tide gauges. High tides were in place, amplifying run-up.
posted at 09:37:24

Risklayer Maps @risklayer_maps
#Anak #Krakatoa #tsunami, potentially triggered by an underwater / subaerial #landslide + tide (14:00 UTC, Dec. 22nd)? Southern flank seems to fit best (see animation). Remark: source is not confirmed, but #tryingtosolveit, #Indonesia @UKEQ_Bulletin @infoBMKG @volcanodiscover pic.twitter.com/WEeG8pngy0
タグ: Anak Indonesia Krakatoa landslide tryingtosolveit tsunami
posted at 09:32:54

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho @Sutopo_PN
Feomena tsunami di Selat Sunda termasuk langka. Letusan Gunung Anak Krakatau juga tidak besar. Tremor menerus namun tidak ada frekuensi tinggi yang mencurigaikan. Tidak ada gempa yang memicu tsunami saat itu. Itulah sulitnya menentukan penyebab tsunami di awal kejadian.
posted at 09:17:44

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho @Sutopo_PN
Benar, ada tsunami yang menerjang pantai di Selat Sunda pada 22/12/2018, 20.27 WIB. Penyebab tsunami bukan gempabumi. Namun kemungkinan adanya longsor bawah laut pengaruh erupsi Gunung Anak Krakatau. Bersamaan dengan adanya gelombang pasang akibat bulan purnama. pic.twitter.com/5Y2ZY9f0bi
posted at 09:05:26

More information about the tsunami near Sunda Strait in Indonesia, possibly caused by eruptive activity of Krakatoa volcano: www.volcanodiscovery.com/krakatau/news/...
posted at 08:37:22

Astro Radio News @AstroRadioNews
#BREAKING At least 20 people have been killed after a tsunami struck beaches around Indonesia's Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra bit.ly/2Rc3ZMA pic.twitter.com/bFHD0Da1Ph
posted at 08:33:11

PM Breaking News @PMBreakingNews
Breaking: At least 20 dead after a tsunami, possibly caused by the volcanic eruption of Mount Anak-Krakatau, strikes Anyer Beach, Indonesia. pic.twitter.com/8JGhaDllx0
posted at 08:31:15

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:
'Volcano tsunami' hits Indonesia after Krakatoa eruption - www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asi...
posted at 08:27:47

インドネシア防災当局「津波で20人死亡 2人が不明」と発表 #nhk_news www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2018...
タグ: nhk_news
posted at 08:26:01

# The #tsunami in the Sunda Strait was allegedly due to the #krakatau mountain avalanche last night pic.twitter.com/nwYlNw5YLk
posted at 08:21:40

posted at xx:xx:xx

The sudden occurrance of big waves (tsunami) in the Sunda strait yesterday 22december may have been tsunami caused by the activity of Anak-#Krakatau, authorities now say. (BNPB - Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency) 1/2 pic.twitter.com/Elk53HDCBl
posted at 05:51:30

I was photographing #Krakatau when the first wave came, it went 10-15m beyond the beach. Went to pick up my family, 2nd wave came, bigger. Passed the hotel. In safety now. Krakatau was not erupting when the wave came. Krakatau!!!??? Krakatau photo from earlier this evening. @bmkg pic.twitter.com/jVQ4TvwkPA
タグ: Krakatau
posted at 00:04:22