- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

I already said it but i'm saying it again.
A man of color who murders is rightfully jailed and persecuted.
But a white person with a gun who shot people, is praised and hydrated
タグ: 大坂なおみさんを支持します
posted at 23:59:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Huge chemical fire just off I-10 in Lake Charles,LA pic.twitter.com/xQ1qcmPZYz
posted at 23:44:46

@eviejasper It’s just laughable. Argos and Sainsbury’s are the same company too she must have something against them
posted at 23:40:55

posted at xx:xx:xx

Lake Charles, Louisiana voted 10 to 5 to leave up the Confederate South’s Defenders Monument.
Hurricane Laura toppled the statue atop of the monument overnight.
Photo: @davantelewis pic.twitter.com/Y3HpxbUgZo
posted at 23:34:28

Tornado Trackers @tornadotrackers
Horrible damage through Lake Charles, LA from powerful #HurricaneLaura #lawx pic.twitter.com/d1v1WpGzhN
タグ: HurricaneLaura lawx
posted at 23:19:25

Commish. Davante Lew @davantelewis
The confederate general has fallen pic.twitter.com/vbrd7MrjE5
posted at 23:13:55

@yuiko0022 そーなのよね。ホント邦題のセンス、なんでもラブロマンスにしちゃう売り方がありえないくらい酷い🤔例えば「君も人間か?」と「君はロボット」ぢゃぜんっぜんまるっきり意味正反対よ(TT) pic.twitter.com/HwppcpIXm9
posted at 23:10:26

No one chooses to be black or white but being a #racist is a choice, a mindset but that can be changed.
All of us can choose to ignore it or we can challenge #racism whenever we see it & if we start to change minds, we can change the world, it's just a choice.
#argos #BLM #blmuk pic.twitter.com/ujKV8UEOOC
タグ: argos BLM blmuk racism racist
posted at 23:07:15

Dr. Levi Cowan @TropicalTidbits
Wishing the best to everyone in Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane #Laura today...the damage is sobering. Dangerous impacts are still occurring inland as the storm moves northward.
タグ: Laura
posted at 23:00:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

Clima Mundial @cristianperalca
Descomunal lo que hizo y hace el catastrófico huracán Laura en Lake Charles, Luisiana. twitter.com/chematierra/st...
posted at 22:57:46

First light allows us to see the scope of the damage in Lake Charles this morning. Needless to say, its not good. pic.twitter.com/cJVI3y9Y3n
posted at 22:53:46

This was a rough balloon launch, but I always love when we get a shout-out! twitter.com/ULM_Official/s...
posted at 22:44:40

#UPDATE the @USCG aircrews pre-staged in #NewOrleans launched to begin first post-storm Hurricane #Laura overflight assessments along with search and rescue surveillance in the vicinity of #lakecharleslouisiana
#Storm2020, #Ready, #Relevant, #Responsive pic.twitter.com/wniZze3p2O
タグ: lakecharleslouisiana Laura NewOrleans Ready Relevant Responsive Storm2020 UPDATE
posted at 22:43:46

University of Louisi @ULM_Official
@ULMweather transmits their balloon data to the @NWS, where it is used to assist critical nowcasting & forecasting decisions in northern Louisiana. Weather balloon data is posted to wxdata.geos.ulm.edu (2/2) pic.twitter.com/Ic5uTazvqG
posted at 22:39:22

University of Louisi @ULM_Official
ULM Atmospheric Science students and faculty regularly launch weather balloons from ULM's campus in advance of hazardous weather. In addition to giving students hands-on learning opportunities outside of the classroom, (1/2) pic.twitter.com/vpZAv0vEBz
posted at 22:39:20

Jeremy DeHart @JeremyDeHart53d
It was actually a pretty smooth ride…for the most part. There were a few surprise moments, like this one 40 mi away from the center entering from the SE. Note the +/- 2g swing, as measured by our "Cup of Sunflower Seeds" Index. Definitely a few seconds suspended in air! (4/5) pic.twitter.com/6e6eS1SNBF
posted at 22:30:38

Jeremy DeHart @JeremyDeHart53d
Shortly after our 1st fix (from the NE quad), here's the exact moment we were told Laura was being upgraded to Cat 4, after confirming this 121 kt SFMR report w/NHC (nice work today @DBrownie23!). Further supported by this 123 kt dropsonde the next time thru the NE eyewall: (3/5) pic.twitter.com/GcSPpzCbcF
posted at 22:30:36

Jeremy DeHart @JeremyDeHart53d
Recap of our @53rdWRS mission into Hurricane #Laura on 8/26/20. We were in the storm from 1200-1700 CT, ~8 hours prior to landfall. The day was all about the data, but of course the scene was spectacular: (1/5) pic.twitter.com/AsM2JEGNQe
タグ: Laura
posted at 22:30:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

First Balloon is up and still gathering data! If i had to guess winds were gusting near 40-50mph at times! #Hurricane #Laura is definitely being felt across North Louisiana. pic.twitter.com/kynZuuF01J
posted at 22:17:13

氏原巨雄 Osao Ujihara @OsaoUjihara
ヒントというか、答え。 三列風切から先の初列風切の長さ。翼を開かなくても見られるから、まずはここに注目。
posted at 22:10:11

Commish. Davante Lew @davantelewis
Lake Charles and Calcasieu Parish has been filled with controversy and tension after our parish government by a vote of 10-5 refused to take down the Confederate South’s Defenders Monument.
Hurricane Laura had other plans and brought it down herself. pic.twitter.com/HmyCVlJF8k
posted at 21:57:48

BUMP OF CHICKEN見立て殺人、親族の仇のイニシャルが「K」ということだけ判明してる犯人が疑わしいイニシャル「K」の人物を片っ端から集めて殺すやつでしょ
posted at 21:54:46

今日も時計回りで吾妻小富士へ。久しぶりのゴミ拾い&巡回してきました。相変わらずタバコとマスクが落ちていましたね。熊は出没していなかったです。(2020/8/27) pic.twitter.com/RNyViHDHQC
posted at 21:47:31

Massive structural damage to this building in Lake Charles, Lousiana #Laura twitter.com/AaronRigsbyOSC...
タグ: Laura
posted at 21:44:08

More video of that building that lost most of its glass when #Laura hit in Lake Charles, Louisiana. twitter.com/WeatherGoinWIL...
タグ: Laura
posted at 21:37:36

We will be launching weather balloons shortly here at the University of Louisiana Monroe. Wind gusts have been impressive considering the center of #Hurricane #Laura is just to the west of Alexandria. Launching a balloon is going to be a struggle today. Power has gone out.
posted at 21:35:07

Michael Koch (WGW) @WeatherGoinWILD
- First light is revealing the incredible damage #HurricaneLaura did here in #LakeCharles #Louisiana over night... #Laura #CapitolOneTower pic.twitter.com/WSlP0MIZ0K
タグ: CapitolOneTower HurricaneLaura LakeCharles Laura Louisiana
posted at 20:53:22

posted at 20:50:22

posted at xx:xx:xx

氏原巨雄 Osao Ujihara @OsaoUjihara
昨日クサシギをせっかく撮ってきたので、コシグロクサシギ(左)との比較。そっくりでこうなるともう間違い探しの世界。でもその一か所を見つけると意外に簡単かもしれない。クサシギがいたらまずそこに注目すると見当がつく。あとは”コシ”が白いか黒いかで確認。でも未記録のコシグロ、簡単にはいない pic.twitter.com/NtKus7g081
posted at 20:01:58

久正人 / Masato Hisa @Andrias_jap
ありがとうございます!! pic.twitter.com/1hB68AlGSO
posted at 19:51:05

@EVLWyqRDoSiBpEe ほんと、もう止めて
posted at 19:28:23

We had great coordination across all crew positions to go get that one! 🎯 twitter.com/kgriffin0/stat...
posted at 19:19:03

NOAA Aircraft Operat @NOAA_HurrHunter
OVER THE GULF OF MEXICO - Aug. 26, 2020. Heavy turbulence leaving the eye of Category 4 Hurricane #Laura on @NOAA WP-3D Orion #NOAA42 Kermit. Credit: Lt. Cmdr. Doremus, NOAA Corps. Our thoughts are with all in this storm's path. #FlyNOAA pic.twitter.com/m7Bc3Gttnn
posted at 18:44:53

A flight I won’t soon forget. 6 eye penetrations in 3 hours. Stars and moon lighting up the stadium eye. This crew worked hard tonight - but a devastating storm no less. pic.twitter.com/UNVN9KL6zs
posted at 18:33:30

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

26日 カメラ治具の設置
干渉燃料の移動 5体完了
posted at 18:02:18

東電中長期ロードマップの進捗状況 会見
1号 FHMに支保の設置
8月2-25日 グレーチング3か所切断
posted at 17:59:59

よく眠りたまに色々考える主婦 甘木サカヱ @toppinpararin
@corocorocorori 私は汗をかくとコーンフレークみたいな匂いがするのですが、我が子らは木とコーンフレークのハーフですね…
posted at 17:55:34

@toppinpararin はじめまして。
posted at 17:50:12

よく眠りたまに色々考える主婦 甘木サカヱ @toppinpararin
posted at 17:48:11

Videos show Laura's winds battering a skyscraper in Lake Charles, Louisiana, blowing out windows as glass, debris fly. apne.ws/BJhfEHp
posted at 17:45:31

いわき市ame Cafeソフトクリームス @ameCafe2
沢山の方にお手伝いしていただき、20㎏のブルーベリーの収穫が出来ました💡☺️これさえあれば、沢山のアムシェイクが仕込む事が出来ます😃 pic.twitter.com/a8rbuoIvr1
posted at 17:43:32

Hurricane #Laura has made landfall in SW Louisiana, USA, as a category 4 #hurricane. Maximum sustained winds were 150 mph (241 km/h).
Eyewall of Laura is pushing inland with catastrophic storm surge, extreme winds and flash flooding.
hurricanes.gov pic.twitter.com/rHnN3EGb6V
posted at 17:14:59

St Patrick’s Hospital in Lake Charles, Louisiana skybridge has collapsed...
#HurricaneLaura pic.twitter.com/51Nq7wzqpX
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 17:14:34

この時期、造船所など工場で働く方々は暑さで苦労されていることと思います。ある造船所で7月下旬に、船台で建造中の船の内外を見て回ったことがあります。1時間もかからなかったのですが、大量の汗をかき、途中から頭が少しボーッとなりました。工場で働くみなさん、お体に気を付けて。ご安全に。 pic.twitter.com/BdK0IojHHE
posted at 17:10:51

Rolls-Royce weighs ITP Aero disposal as civil aerospace activity buckles
posted at 17:10:45

National Hurricane C @NHC_Atlantic
The 300 AM CDT Update for Hurricane #Laura: Eyewall of Laura pushing inland across southwestern Louisiana. Catastrophic storm surge, extreme winds and flash flooding ongoing. More on Laura at hurricanes.gov or local weather weather.gov pic.twitter.com/W94oiK4i9j
タグ: Laura
posted at 17:05:04

The #coronavirus outbreak at Banham Poultry is now starting to feed through into the latest @PHE_uk figs. Although few days behind, sudden increases in #Breckland and #Yarmouth. Nowhere else in #Norfolk showing rise atm. pic.twitter.com/dpnPBwzctK
タグ: Breckland coronavirus Norfolk Yarmouth
posted at 16:51:52

Drug cocktail touted by Trump increases chance of death by 27%, claims new study www.independent.co.uk/news/health/co...
posted at 16:51:05

posted at xx:xx:xx

Sudan: Heavy rains in Sudan: 14 dead, thousands of homes collapse www.dabangasudan.org/en/all-news/ar... @Radiodabanga
posted at 16:48:48

Damage at St. Patrick Hospital in Lake Charles
@johnhumphress @ScottPeakeWX pic.twitter.com/XJM3P39p0d
posted at 16:45:10

マ・ドンソクのCMは全部可愛くて最高なんだけどマ・ドンソクがデカすぎるせいで商品のサイズがまったく分からないという致命的な欠陥もある pic.twitter.com/zTO43rivq3
posted at 16:41:33

Jeff Piotrowski @Jeff_Piotrowski
Breaking news major damage in Downtown Lake Charles many skyscrapers have blown out winds.
Some of the building may be total losses.
Many roof off massive flying debris. @NWSLakeCharles #lawx #HurricaneLaura pic.twitter.com/s9EgeDtz43
タグ: HurricaneLaura lawx
posted at 16:34:18

posted at 16:21:04

posted at 16:04:39

[Vidéo] Un pêcheur de Petit-Sable : «Zamé inn arriv sa dan landrwa…»
タグ: Mauritius
posted at 16:04:08

▶ Sur le #coronavirus
🗣Pr Arnaud Fontanet de l'@institutpasteur
"Il va falloir s'habituer à vivre avec le virus mais pas pour autant le banaliser et laisser filer, il faut contrôler l'épidémie mais accepter un certain risque"
📺@EliMartichoux #LaMatinaleLCI pic.twitter.com/iaoxVZpKTg
posted at 15:53:01

Have you seen this wonderful painting completed by talented artist Lorraine Willis from a seascape photo I took near Tilley’s Cove. For more great art please visit her site @LorraineWillis1 pic.twitter.com/tXX7JYc3RZ
posted at 15:43:25

Jessica Willey @ImJessicaWilley
#HurricaneLaura in Orange, Texas. #abc13 pic.twitter.com/P9v2ljmlfB
タグ: abc13 HurricaneLaura
posted at 15:32:34

SEED Madagascar @SEEDMadagascar
Laza has been sharing his knowledge of natural pesticides with the team. Made from a mixture of soap, garlic & aloe, all the ingredients can be found locally and we're now trialling these in the nursery on the saplings for the Ala reforestation corridors.
madagascar.co.uk/projects/envir... pic.twitter.com/15LjE6jyRV
posted at 15:29:18

Amazingly, #Laura has made landfall and the eyewall has reached Lake Charles Regional Airport (KLCH) which has just successfully recorded a 128mph wind gust, with sustained winds of 85mph. pic.twitter.com/IkbE8EX9Xk
タグ: Laura
posted at 15:27:25

Dr. Levi Cowan @TropicalTidbits
Make that 128 mph now 😬 twitter.com/TropicalTidbit...
posted at 15:26:10

Dans les lagons du Sud-Est - Sudheer Maudhoo : «Wakashio pas à l’origine de la mort des dauphins» dlvr.it/RfR4SX pic.twitter.com/Iv3ji49CTn
posted at 15:26:03

Getting raked. #Hurricane #LAURA in Sulphur #Louisiana pic.twitter.com/tmbHEHB9FG
posted at 15:26:02

WeatherReMarks @WeatherReMarks
Lake Charles Regional Airport, LA just reported a 128mph gust! #HurricaneLaura #LAwx pic.twitter.com/tVk8u456c7
タグ: HurricaneLaura LAwx
posted at 15:24:54

Alex Tardy Skiwxman @SanDiegoWCMwx
Highest so far 127 mph - Lake Charles airport 108 mph #HurricaneLaura pic.twitter.com/fMduuyuV2G
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 15:24:52

Jonathan Petramala @jpetramala
Power just went out. A lot of lightning in this eyewall coming to #LakeCharles #HurricaneLaura @accuweather @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/vHQl8G8dGz
タグ: HurricaneLaura LakeCharles
posted at 15:16:46

Dr SWIFT PARROT @teamswiftparrot
Yesterday i learned about the falcon camera in Melbourne and it's so beautiful. Go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-taLm... and watch this murderous bird gently snoozing on her eggs pic.twitter.com/Q6wBmYXw9q
posted at 15:00:01

NWS Lake Charles @NWSLakeCharles
An extreme wind warning is in effect for Lake Charles LA, Sulphur LA, Orange TX until 3:00 AM CDT for extremely dangerous hurricane winds. Treat these imminent extreme winds as if a tornado was approaching and move immediately to an interior room or shelter NOW!. pic.twitter.com/TGmzpMHZz0
posted at 14:55:01

Dr. Levi Cowan @TropicalTidbits
Calcasieu Pass, LA reported a wind gust of 127 mph just before entering the eye of Hurricane #Laura a few minutes ago
タグ: Laura
posted at 14:43:00

Okay, this needs to be me soon so I can get up early. Good night! twitter.com/HercPuppigan/s...
posted at 13:46:31

Seeing winds picking up as #Laura approaches. Gusts almost hurricane-force, 70 mph at the coast near Cameron Parish. 💨 #LAwx pic.twitter.com/OSlD67zmbA
posted at 12:43:17

サヘル:ジハードグループに起因する攻撃。2016年以降の報告された攻撃の増加傾向。 ISとJNIMの競合領域の存在。。。 twitter.com/J_LuengoCabrer...
posted at 12:42:56

#CalcasieuRiver Sensor here...not sure where this site is located but it does seem to be seeing storm surge of around 3.5 feet so far #Laura #HurricaneLaura waterdata.usgs.gov/la/nwis/uv?sit... pic.twitter.com/4hazScQibm
タグ: CalcasieuRiver HurricaneLaura Laura
posted at 12:42:47

posted at xx:xx:xx

Cameron Parish, LA where #HurricaneLaura is making landfall has a population of 7,000. The town of Cameron will be devastated and is shown below. pic.twitter.com/drJTyiuA5A
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 12:38:41

posted at xx:xx:xx

Did you see that? @TheTVAddicted
I just saw this video from the mayor of Port Arthur Texas. This dude said it’s you and God. 😂
#HurricaneLaura pic.twitter.com/6zGaTfVhbh
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 12:26:48

Exterminate Transpho @Extrm8or
All of the cameron parish live streams are down.
posted at 12:26:47

Per NHC 10PM CDT Update: An unsurvivable storm surge with large and destructive waves is coming soon for Sea Rim State Park TX to Intracoastal City, LA, including Calcasieu and Sabine Lakes & could penetrate 40 miles inland. #HurricaneLaura pic.twitter.com/cSfxo451kF
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 12:21:15

You might be able to listen in on this Texas SDR receiver (out of the hurricane zone, so won't lose power/internet) w5cqu.homeip.net:8100
posted at 11:57:28

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 11:55:10

Authorities identify Rusten Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the Kenosha Police Department, as the officer who shot Jacob Blake pic.twitter.com/x9tvdDAswq
posted at 11:51:57

BLM march now walking through the streets of Kenosha away from the county courthouse. pic.twitter.com/7vMg8Sbpvq
posted at 11:50:04

Complete list of Amateur HF Gulf Coast Hurricane Net Frequencies: #hamradio www.eham.net/article/11827
タグ: hamradio
posted at 11:49:12

Got it: Hurricanes equals full Federal response. Pandemics, not so much. #COVIDー19 #HurricaneLaura #RNCConvention2020
タグ: COVIDー19 HurricaneLaura RNCConvention2020
posted at 11:38:06

Benjamin Watson @BenjaminSWatson
Even tonight, some things are bigger than politics. Take a moment to pray for Americans in the path of #HurricaneLaura. God bless you and keep you.
Hurricane Laura nears landfall as a ‘catastrophic’ Category 4 storm, NWS warns twitter.com/i/events/12978...
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 11:31:49

Ministerio de Medio @MedioAmbienteSV
Informe especial 8 de meteorología 🌧
Huracán Laura está en costas de Estados Unidos y, según el pronóstico del Centro Nacional de Huracanes (MIAMI), estará tocando tierra esta noche, entre Texas y Luisiana. Su trayectoria es hacia el noroeste, lejano de El Salvador.
posted at 11:31:22

Proud of you, @Bucks
#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/85sdmAxFcm
タグ: BlackLivesMatter
posted at 11:30:50

BREAKING: LeBron James voices support for Bucks NBA boycott: "We demand change"
posted at 11:23:38

Things are pretty quiet right now outside the Kenosha County Courthouse after Trump announced more federal officers and National Guardsmen would be deploying to the city. We’ll see if it remains calm tonight. pic.twitter.com/zVjHIjWnsl
posted at 11:23:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

Pirate Parties Inter @ppinternational
The @RedRoverOrg is a national animal organization that helps animals in crisis and works to strengthen the human-animal bond.
Animal Resources for #HurricaneLaura redrover.org/2020/08/25/hur...
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 11:18:46

Mariano Portocarrero @mariano_r_porto
I’m so proud of the @Bucks and all @NBA players. I never thought I’d see athletes take a stand like this. Thank you for your courage and your unity.
posted at 11:13:57

CEDR Digital Corps @CEDRdigital
Lake Charles, Beaumont #NOLA Baton Rouge
#Mississippi #Texas #Louisiana twitter.com/NWSLakeCharles...
タグ: Louisiana Mississippi NOLA Texas
posted at 11:07:11

posted at xx:xx:xx

Shane Claiborne @ShaneClaiborne
The #Kenosha shooter is 17 years old.
17 years old.
At 17, you can’t buy a beer.
Or tobacco.
Or rent a car.
Or join the military.
Or vote.
But you can have an assault rifle.
Time to change that.
タグ: Kenosha
posted at 11:04:23

Grace Del Vecchio @delvecchiograce
“There’s no police out here so I feel pretty at peace,” Kenosha native Sarah Ferrow told me. Everything is still peaceful here. #Kenosha pic.twitter.com/RR1db2488H
タグ: Kenosha
posted at 11:02:36

【ヨコハマそら散歩】(23) ドリームランド跡地
#横浜市 #ドローン #横浜ドリームランド
posted at 11:00:11

At least 150 people refuse to evacuate Cameron Parish as Laura takes aim www.wdsu.com/article/at-lea...
posted at 10:59:05

Melinda Deslatte @MelindaDeslatte
150 people in Cameron Parish refused to leave, planned to weather #Laura in everything from elevated homes to recreational vehicles. “It’s a very sad situation. We did everything we could to encourage them to leave.” #lagov #lawx (from @AP) apnews.com/bac3a77342fb9d...
posted at 10:58:53

Terrified for all the disabled people in #HurricaneLaura’s path. Before the pandemic, shelters and transit were inaccessible and power outages can be deadly. Now evacuation plans might involve big risks for people who are #HighRiskCOVID atop preexisting disaster prep inequalities twitter.com/weatherchannel...
タグ: HighRiskCOVID HurricaneLaura
posted at 10:55:11

Do we really need this right now? 😫😥 #2020worstyear Category 4 Hurricane Laura is expected to make landfall in hours twitter.com/i/events/12978...
タグ: 2020worstyear
posted at 10:54:03

CEDR Digital Corps @CEDRdigital
Lake Charles, Beaumont: I-10 is closing from the Basin Bridge to west o the #Texas state line
#HurricaneLaura twitter.com/danawbrz/statu...
タグ: HurricaneLaura Louisiana Texas
posted at 10:52:12

I-10 eastbound is closed at the Texas/Louisiana state line, and I-10 westbound is closed west of the basin bridge
posted at 10:50:51

Wisconsin DOJ Names Cop Who Shot Jacob Blake, Says No Bodycam Footage of Incident Exists fuerza943.com/wisconsin-doj-...
posted at 10:46:28

posted at xx:xx:xx

CBS Evening News @CBSEveningNews
Some 30 million Americans are bracing for Hurricane Laura, the most powerful hurricane ever to hit parts of Texas and Louisiana, ahead of its expected landfall within hours.
At least half of the city of Lake Charles, LA is expected to be submerged.
@OmarVillafranca has more pic.twitter.com/RforSkxEBu
posted at 10:40:28

The I-10 Bridge in Lake Charles. Currently rated "Functionally Obsolete," "Structurally Deficient," and given a condition rating of 9.9 out of 100.
With a Cat 5 headed straight for it. #hurricanelaura pic.twitter.com/7A3CmG7Tbr
タグ: hurricanelaura
posted at 10:39:31

Just closed I-10 in Lake Charles- imagine trying to drive over the towering Lake Bridge now! twitter.com/txdotbeaumont/...
posted at 10:38:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

Sue Stone (standing @knittingknots
8:29 p.m. I-10 westbound shut down from Texas state line to Atchafalaya Bridge www.kplctv.com/2020/08/25/liv...
posted at 10:36:05

.@LouisianaGov says I-10 is being shut down from the Atchfalaya bridge to west of the Texas state line because it will likely be flooded in spots #Lagov #lawx twitter.com/redhatty_socia...
posted at 10:34:14

Hilary Scheinuk @hscheinukphoto
Something to worry about with #HurricaneLaura is the I-10 bridge in Lake Charles. It's sufficiency rating is 7.6/100. To put into context, the Twin Spans that Hurricane Katrina destroyed in 2005 were rated 80.5/100 in 1997 (last found record) H/T @SaraSneath. Photos shot today. pic.twitter.com/EpvtuhF20p
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 10:33:27

Michael Barletta @MikeBWeather
Latest dropsonde still holding steady at 937mb. Going to need to see that continue to drop through the night if we are to make it to cat 5. Around 930mb will be needed. #Laura pic.twitter.com/uVCzqfntkm
タグ: Laura
posted at 10:28:38

posted at xx:xx:xx

#Bangladesh: #Rohingya children bearing brunt of #COVID19 disruptions as schools remain closed - @UNICEF bit.ly/3hxgiwN
📷: UNICEF/UNI360600/Lateef pic.twitter.com/EQqSqD3QbG
タグ: Bangladesh COVID19 Rohingya
posted at 10:27:07

World Central Kitche @WCKitchen
Meet Morgan 👋 She’s on Team Rubicon's Incident Management Team. WCK has worked alongside Team Rubicon after disasters around the world & we often feeds their volunteers. Now in California, Morgan has joined us to help get meals to first responders battling the state’s wildfires. pic.twitter.com/qIl47vey2g
posted at 10:25:42

Oh lord no! #HurricaneLaura couldn't have come at a worse time with that storm surge. This is going to be far worse than Katrina. :(
#Laura twitter.com/hurrtrackerapp...
タグ: HurricaneLaura Laura
posted at 10:23:37

From @CNN: #Kenosha shooting suspect Kyle Rittenhouse social media accounts portray a young white man who has an affinity for guns, “blue lives matter” and a supporter of @realDonaldTrump
タグ: Kenosha
posted at 10:23:26

Joint Cyclone Center @JointCyclone
#HurricaneLaura Advisory 31A
Max Winds: 150mph
Strength: C4
MSLP: 937mb
9PM CDT Position Update. Possible tornadoes occurring in Laura's outer bands over Southeastern Louisiana and extreme southwestern Mississippi... pic.twitter.com/i76fiqporl
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 10:22:31

EfrenHuerta2929 @EfrenHuerta2929
Here is a graph showing live storm surge data from storm surge gages located in the coastline region of the Gulf of Mexico where Hurricane Laura is supposed to make landfall. One of the gages recorded over 5 feet at one point so far! #HurricaneLaura #StormSurge pic.twitter.com/u3MtmAXNBE
posted at 10:21:43

Isn't math beautiful :) I nneded a smile today. Thanks Brian. twitter.com/BMcNoldy/statu...
posted at 10:21:18

posted at xx:xx:xx

@PaulFox13 #Laura should of been forecasted a Cat 4 days ago. We know the Gulf is at record temps, it stayed south of Cuba, the stronger than average Bermuda H would turn it up & hurricanes are exploding once over the Gulf shelf.
It's like they're using outdated data for 21st Century storms
タグ: Laura
posted at 10:19:55

Hat Trick Hatley @HatTrickHatley
Please take this seriously. Category 4 and heading to be a Category 5. TV just stated “unsurvivable storm surge likely”. Katrina hit 15 years ago this week and that was only a Cat 3. #laura #2020worstyear twitter.com/i/events/12978...
タグ: 2020worstyear laura
posted at 10:19:20

Reed Timmer, PhD @ReedTimmerAccu
INSANE satellite loop showing catastrophic #HurricaneLaura on approach to southwest LA. Eye is heading straight for Lake Charles area. Note live streaming stations showing surge and met data as eye wall approaches on @RadarOmega_WX pic.twitter.com/rpgmCWPdnJ
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 10:18:36

The Dad-Joke Liberta @MehLibertarian
@BiologistDan This is from an oil rig in the North Sea and yoy just hijacked an old YouTube video.
I understand the point you're attempting to make but dude, be honest.
posted at 10:18:24

Dr. Levi Cowan @TropicalTidbits
Recon update 8:15pm CDT: central pressure estimate fell slightly again compared to the previous measurement. #Laura's intensification is still not over. Eye now ~75 miles from landfall. pic.twitter.com/UbXK766ckD
タグ: Laura
posted at 10:16:52

Carrying the next in a line of imaging systems built by @L3HarrisTech right here in #FortWayne. Same instruments sending back crucial data and pictures of #Laura from GOES-R and GOES-S. #ABI #GOES16 #GOES17 twitter.com/rambroselmspac...
タグ: ABI FortWayne GOES16 GOES17 Laura
posted at 10:16:31

Hurricane Tracker Ap @hurrtrackerapp
Water levels are rising along and near the Louisiana coastline as Hurricane #Laura nears. Storm surge will continue to worsen, with landfall happening around the same time as high tide. Track at www.hurrtracker.com. pic.twitter.com/sfzrH3ILYa
タグ: Laura
posted at 10:15:00

"We are calling for justice for Jacob Blake and demand the officers be held accountable."
Sterling Brown and George Hill read a prepared statement from Milwaukee Bucks players after they decided to boycott playoff game to protest shooting of Jacob Blake. abcn.ws/2EAefK2 pic.twitter.com/GUYY6qJR9f
posted at 10:14:31

Grace Del Vecchio @delvecchiograce
Protesters singing, “We ready, we ready, we ready for change,” as they march north here in 22nd ave in #Kenosha pic.twitter.com/qGy0GOBXC2
タグ: Kenosha
posted at 10:13:56

Skies in Tomball, TX, where I’m hunkering down tonight.
The Houston-area isn’t expected to face significant impacts from #HurricaneLaura but Bmt & SETX are in for a long night.
I’ll be back in 409 as soon as the roads open as recovery begins. pic.twitter.com/Zs2Sq9u7qD
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 10:08:30

Beautiful sky before #HurricaneLaura
My prayers to all of us in Texas and Louisiana 🙏 Stay safe❤️ pic.twitter.com/iZGvDD4Za2
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 10:08:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

NBA 2K stands against racial injustice. We believe in peaceful protest and self-expression. We support the NBA and WNBA players and our fans using their platform to take a stand against the shooting of Jacob Blake.
posted at 10:06:45

@Ginger_Zee @ABCNewsLive Stay safe, its going to be a 5.. 150MPH sustained. Its bombing out too
posted at 10:05:01

The San Francisco Giants-Los Angeles Dodgers game tonight has been postponed, sources tell ESPN. It's the third MLB game to be canceled in the wake of the NBA players refusing to play after the fallout of the shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin.
posted at 10:04:51

Major hurricane in the gulf, blood on the streets, wildcat strikes in the sports leagues, wildfires in the west, a major party convention merging with federal government operations, ongoing pandemic... it’s a lot.
posted at 10:00:28

How strong is Hurricane Laura?
If its winds do not taper off before landfall, the storm is poised to overtake 2005's Hurricane Katrina as the most powerful hurricane to ever hit the Louisiana coast, forecasters say.
posted at 10:00:01

National Hurricane C @NHC_Atlantic
8 PM CDT Position Update for Hurricane #Laura. Possible tornadoes occurring in Laura's outer bands over southeastern Louisiana and extreme southwestern Mississippi. www.nhc.noaa.gov/text/refresh/M... pic.twitter.com/sfmHTc10kf
タグ: Laura
posted at 09:59:16

Cloudy skies and a pink east Texas sunset before the arrival of #HurricaneLaura #KHOU11 pic.twitter.com/6if2ph2tTX
タグ: HurricaneLaura KHOU11
posted at 09:59:13

For the second time today, officials had to tell evacuees waiting for a hotel voucher at COTA that all Austin area hotels reserved for evacuees were at capacity.
posted at 09:58:46

Chuck Copeland ⛈️ @chuckcopelandwx
@Ginger_Zee @ABCNewsLive So much beauty before so much potential destruction.
Be safe and take care tonight!
posted at 09:58:02

A view of the lakefront before Hurricane Laura makes her impact. pic.twitter.com/kO1Gy8qtO1
posted at 09:57:05

With an 36-mile diameter eyewall and 150 mph sustained winds, an air parcel in the eyewall makes a full lap around the eye in 45 minutes. #Laura #HurricaneLaura pic.twitter.com/58KleZBFQ5
タグ: HurricaneLaura Laura
posted at 09:55:10

Exigimos justicia para nuestra compañera Diana Elizabeth Garduño Martínez, víctima de feminicidio, egresada de la carrera Ingenieria Geológica, de la FI #Unam, además se busca a su hijo, ayúdenos a compartir @chematierra @adn40 @nacholozano #justiciaparadiana pic.twitter.com/XFSZSYXdwy
posted at 09:51:15

A look at Hurricane Hunter Data in #Laura shows that winds may have briefly touched on the fringe of Category 5 with pressure down to 936mb. Laura is still strengthening. Insane! #TXwx #LAwx . pic.twitter.com/Y3wQk1mkHY
posted at 09:47:52

posted at 09:44:26

Standing strong and making a demand! Thank you @Bucks! #BlackLivesMatter twitter.com/Bucks/status/1...
タグ: BlackLivesMatter
posted at 09:40:53

Scott Bachmeier @CIMSS_Satellite
Our computing resources are finally coming back to life after a power outage - so, here's a glimpse of 1-minute Mesoscale Sector #GOES16/#GOESeast Visible, Infrared & #GLM Flash Extent Density (showing some inner eyewall #lightning activity with #Laura): go.wisc.edu/561lcu pic.twitter.com/zMFjhHsYo4
タグ: GLM GOES16 Laura lightning
posted at 09:36:38

NOAA Hurricane hunters capture evolution of Hurricane Laura’s rapid intensification noaahrd.wordpress.com/2020/08/26/noa...
posted at 09:34:38

「7月30日に生活科の授業で、グラウンドの隅で育てていた野菜を観察していた際に羽音を聞き、近くの砂場にいたハチ数匹を発見」ニッポンハナダカバチのニュースはつぶやかずにはいられません。品川くんの表情もいいですね! #生き物好き www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/454016
タグ: 生き物好き
posted at 09:30:37

It's only one reading, but the latest hurricane hunter pass suggests #Laura is still strengthening, with winds potentially very near Category 5 levels. pic.twitter.com/ammGzSzATA
タグ: Laura
posted at 09:28:58

Wow, this is a flashback to Michael on October 10, 2018. #Laura is literally a sneeze away from being a Category 5 hurricane, just as it's about to make landfall. Lots of radar loops at bmcnoldy.rsmas.miami.edu/tropics/radar/.
@UMiamiRSMAS @capitalweather #dejavu pic.twitter.com/LY2jaTmd8O
posted at 09:22:37

Galveston resident Charlotte, 12, photographs her two-year-old beagle Sunny who reacts to high wind ahead of Hurricane Laura in Galveston, Texas, U.S., August 26, 2020. REUTERS/Adrees Latif pic.twitter.com/q4fFi9WCZe
posted at 09:10:57

「最初見た時は、すぐエサをのみ込まないので何をしているか分からなかった。食べられない部分だけを切り落とす器用さにすごく驚いた」少し前に出ていた、ナイフとフォークのセダカヘビ。研究者の素直な驚きがいいですね。 #生き物好き www.asahi.com/articles/ASN8T...
タグ: 生き物好き
posted at 09:09:50

Joint Cyclone Center @JointCyclone
The northeastern eyewall of #HurricaneLaura is helping to confirm the winds over the plane observed. NHC and NOAA Hurricane Hunters will finds Laura strengthens to become a Category 5 hurricane in the next advisory. pic.twitter.com/rcDcBIbhPs
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 09:04:56

WNBA players say they are standing in solidarity with "our brothers in the NBA" and will also not play their scheduled games today cnn.it/2EFfBTy
posted at 09:04:36

Chelsea Clinton @ChelseaClinton
If you want to see what leadership looks like tonight, watch this - not the RNC.
Thank you @Bucks twitter.com/chrisbhaynes/s...
posted at 09:03:50

The Milwaukee Bucks have boycotted Game 5 of their First Round series vs. the Orlando Magic this afternoon.
The team provided the following statement: pic.twitter.com/ul5rMlitlS
posted at 08:59:31

金沢区には「旧海岸線を感じながら歴史をめぐる道」というのがあるけど、小柴貯油施設、検疫所、旧海軍飛行艇格納庫、孫文上陸地と見て歩くと確かに旧海岸線が今は内陸になってるのを感じるね pic.twitter.com/tUouzxm3xB
posted at 08:55:47

BREAKING: Officials Identify Officer Who Shot #JacobBlake:
- Rusten Sheskey, a 7-year veteran of the Dept.
- Taser was ineffective
- Blake possessed a knife
- There is no bodycam footage
- No criminal charges as of now
⏩ breaking911.com/breaking-offic... pic.twitter.com/DimvNJweIe
タグ: JacobBlake
posted at 08:55:40

#HurricaneLaura evacuees waited at Austin's COTA today to get shelter.
“I want to go home, it’s hot and I miss my house,” said Tanyria Duhon, an 11-yr-old from Port Arthur.
@BronteWittpenn, @MDWilsonSA & I did great work on this story! Pls read it!
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 08:51:47

NOAA Satellites - Pu @NOAASatellitePA
TROPICAL UPDATE: At 7:50 pm EDT, #HurricaneLaura is moving ever closer to landfall as the sun sets over the #GulfCoast this evening. @NOAA's #GOES16🛰️ continues to track #Laura as its winds have now increased to an incredible 150 mph. Get the latest: nhc.noaa.gov pic.twitter.com/au3lrdmQFZ
タグ: GOES16 GulfCoast HurricaneLaura Laura
posted at 08:50:58
Philip Klotzbach @philklotzbach
#HurricaneLaura has continued to intensify and now has maximum winds of 150 mph. Only one #hurricane on record (since 1851) has made landfall in Louisiana with max winds that strong - The Last Island Hurricane of 1856 (also had 150 mph max winds). pic.twitter.com/CTheTnJCOs
posted at 08:46:58

"It looks like it’s in full beast mode." Hurricane Laura has strengthened to Category 4 as it approaches the shores of Texas and Louisiana. Winds are expected to reach 150 mph and it could bring a 20-foot storm surge. apne.ws/wDirYct
posted at 08:46:07

Dr. Levi Cowan @TropicalTidbits
Incredible wind velocities of 180 - 205 mph just above the ground were observed by a dropsonde in the northeastern eyewall of #Laura, helping to confirm the winds the plane observed. The surface winds would be lower due to friction, but still extreme. pic.twitter.com/nkeeBA3lMP
タグ: Laura
posted at 08:45:49

Robert Sietsema @robertsietsema
Pre-hurricane sky, Hudson River pic.twitter.com/BZnUFB8Yhm
posted at 08:45:11

George Hill & Sterling Brown read the @Bucks full statement on their decision to boycott today's playoff game. pic.twitter.com/WhggfAhHxu
posted at 08:45:08

National Hurricane C @NHC_Atlantic
Hurricane #Laura Advisory 28A: Winds Increasing as Extremely Dangerous Hurricane Laura Takes Aim At the Northwest Gulf Coast. Catastrophic Storm Surge, Extreme Winds, and Flash Flooding Expected Along the Northwest Gulf Coast Tonight. go.usa.gov/W3H
タグ: Laura
posted at 08:42:04

#HurricaneLaura has rapidly strengthened into a major hurricane – currently at Category 4, with the possibility of reaching Category 5. Laura could potentially bring a catastrophic storm surge up to 20 feet in some places.
nbaa.org/aircraft-opera... pic.twitter.com/YD1iPmg5Af
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 08:33:16

"We're providing PPE for any residents should we need to open up any shelters, we are adjusting how we deliver services," Stephanie Wagner, @RedCross spokesperson, tells @linseydavis ahead of #HurricaneLaura making landfall amid the COVID-19 pandemic. abcn.ws/2YBCG0u pic.twitter.com/9tWaGwvLIL
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 08:25:11

自称祈祷師、懲役14年6月確定へ 糖尿男児治療させず殺害 最高裁(時事通信)
タグ: Yahooニュース
posted at 08:20:28

そうそう、地学の知識ないので良く分からないけど、小柴貯油施設跡はかつての海岸線に沿って地層が見えてる pic.twitter.com/sWvkwvm2mq
posted at 08:18:00

絹糸を撚らずに使っているので、もうすでに毛羽立ってきてる…( ;∀;) pic.twitter.com/T6H8Cd2ijL
posted at 08:15:28

As #Texas and #Louisiana prepare for #HurricaneLaura to make landfall, we have compiled a list of currently available emergency animal shelters and resources for evacuees. Please view and share with your networks: buff.ly/31wbDWx pic.twitter.com/a0qnvIAOP0
タグ: HurricaneLaura Louisiana Texas
posted at 08:14:09

#Kenosha Police Chief Miskinis to protestors: "It's your fault you were murdered."
HEINOUS. twitter.com/therecount/sta...
タグ: Kenosha
posted at 08:09:00

Dr. Levi Cowan @TropicalTidbits
New recon aircraft is measuring surface winds of 150-155 mph in the northeastern eyewall of Hurricane #Laura, very close to Category 5 intensity. pic.twitter.com/uNYVbYLCee
タグ: Laura
posted at 08:05:14

posted at xx:xx:xx

Pirate Parties Inter @ppinternational
If you know anyone who won't evacuate or trapped inside their homes, tell them to write their name, address, SSN#, and blood type on their arm. They need to in case they need to be later identified. #HurricaneLaura
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 07:50:35

Catastrophic Surge and destructive Wind lead the threat list from #Laura twitter.com/RyanMaue/statu...
タグ: Laura
posted at 07:45:25

Getting ready to takeoff for the final Laura recon mission. Landfall missions are always humbling. Hoping for the best for all those in the path of Laura. pic.twitter.com/6fILhJrpFO
posted at 07:40:00

The Weather Channel @weatherchannel
Unsurvivable storm surge is expected in parts of southeastern Texas, southwestern Louisiana and the surge could penetrate up to 40 miles inland: weather.com/storms/hurrica... pic.twitter.com/OLTW9QALhi
posted at 07:36:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

Evacuate means everyone. 🐾
All public shelters & many hotels will accept pets during times of evacuation.
Have crates, food, toys or blankets to keep them calm.
Pet owners also should keep ID on a collar on their pets & pictures just in case they become separated
#HurricaneLaura pic.twitter.com/1AOB5e9WvG
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 07:25:44

Thank you to the @Bucks, the @NBA and the @nbpa for recognizing this opportunity to stand in solidarity w/ communities of color across this nation as we demand justice for yet ANOTHER shooting of an unarmed black person! #EnoughIsEnough #WeAreDoneDying #JusticeForJacobBlake twitter.com/NBA/status/129...
タグ: EnoughIsEnough JusticeForJacobBlake WeAreDoneDying
posted at 07:15:38

在るのは先天的な性差ではなく「女の子はこうあるべき」という価値観の押し付けじゃないかな。男らしさ、女らしさの呪縛。アホらしい。いま21世紀だよ。 twitter.com/mghnsos/status...
posted at 07:01:53

posted at xx:xx:xx

Incredible images of potential inundation around Lake Charles, LA. First pic is @LAubergeLC on the right followed by downtown, the airport, then the @NWSLakeCharles where they have evacuated from the office. @NWSBrownsville will oversee its duties! Complete inundation expected pic.twitter.com/38jPIxPDbB
posted at 06:41:37

World Central Kitche @WCKitchen
FROM TEXAS: WCK's Anna & Tim checking in from Beaumont as we prepare for Hurricane #Laura. Rain & winds are picking up, so we're getting ready to begin cooking as soon as the storm passes. We also have a team preparing in Lafayette, Louisiana. More updates to come! pic.twitter.com/FI3Is9Hnef
タグ: Laura
posted at 06:27:27

Tropical Nick Underw @TheTropicNick
Yes I get the joke and it’s funny and if you come at me with “iT’S a JokE” I will get the whole of #wxtwitter to make fun of you don’t think that I won’t.
タグ: wxtwitter
posted at 06:18:04

Tropical Nick Underw @TheTropicNick
That’s...that’s not how it works.
And I would know. twitter.com/michaelianblac...
posted at 06:18:03

JUST IN: Dr. Anthony Fauci says he was undergoing surgery when the White House coronavirus task force discussed new CDC testing guidelines cnn.it/2EDkdtD pic.twitter.com/kj11RdB3Ly
posted at 06:14:55

The NBA and the NBPA today announced that in light of the Milwaukee Bucks’ decision to not take the floor today for Game 5 against the Orlando Magic, today’s three games – MIL-ORL, HOU-OKC and LAL-POR have been postponed. Game 5 of each series will be rescheduled.
posted at 06:10:20

posted at 06:10:00

The wind velocities from the Lake Charles radar are eye-opening- at a height of about 19,000 feet, some 150-155 mph winds are showing up. Only the strongest hurricanes have values that intense so high up. #Laura pic.twitter.com/8hIKEVYDf5
タグ: Laura
posted at 06:08:32

Fred Guttenberg @fred_guttenberg
HOLY SHIT!!! Listen to this. The new CDC guidelines were done while Fauci was having surgery. FORGET WHAT THEY SAY. WATCH WHAT THEY DO!!! TRUMPISM WILL KILL YOU!!! twitter.com/MichaelJGwin/s...
posted at 06:06:25

<Dr. Fauci undergoes general anesthesia>
The Coronavirus Task Force: pic.twitter.com/qOF2x9LkeH
posted at 05:58:36

WATCH: Dr. Sanjay Gupta says Dr. Fauci told him the new CDC guidelines were approved while he was under general anesthesia.
Gupta: "This is worrisome, this is a clear schism" pic.twitter.com/8EQO5TKSGu
posted at 05:57:23

Rachel Villani (she/ @flyingcypress
Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, is honestly one of my favorite places in this state. This particular marsh burned in the spring (which is natural) and was regrowing beautifully when I was… www.instagram.com/p/CEXeG9-F210/...
posted at 05:56:43

Black Lives Matter @Blklivesmatter
Thank you for using your platform @nba @Bucks to support #JacobBlake and #BlackLivesMatter twitter.com/osopepatrisse/...
タグ: BlackLivesMatter JacobBlake
posted at 05:53:24

And the injuries were reportedly sustained by the servicemen in the M-ATV, not the MaxxPro MRAP, which was caught between the Russian vehicles in the longer video. 326/
posted at 05:48:10

So apparently this encounter occurred yesterday at 10 a.m. and not on Monday. US National Security Council spokesman John Ullyot called the actions of the Russian forces "unsafe and unprofessional". 325/
posted at 05:45:26

Tropical Nick Underw @TheTropicNick
Again all of this flying is to collect the critical data that forecasters need so that we can warn people earlier that a storm is headed their way.
Here’s more video in the eye during our fourth penny.
#FlyNOAA pic.twitter.com/POXSxpEdKp
タグ: FlyNOAA
posted at 05:43:55

Tropical Nick Underw @TheTropicNick
Kermit (#NOAA42) flew through Hurricane #Laura FIVE times today. Here's a time lapse of our second pass up through the beginning for our third.
A pass in and out of a hurricane is called a "penetration" or a "penny". Five pennies today takes my career total to 61.
#FlyNOAA pic.twitter.com/IqajXPbosQ
posted at 05:37:45

Holy shit.
The Coronavirus Task Force jammed the CDC changes recommending less testing through while Dr. Fauci was under general anesthesia.
posted at 05:23:53

Weird pre-hurricane clouds today in the Houston area—the wind is blowing but it’s hot and it is silent outside except for the wind. No birds are singing. They know to hunker down! pic.twitter.com/Rsx5M06oRx
posted at 05:09:14

NOAA Satellites @NOAASatellites
This #ImageOfTheDay from the #GOESWest satellite, captured yesterday (Aug 25), shows not only the vast extent of the wildfire smoke in the west, but #Marco's remnants as well as #Laura in the Gulf of Mexico.
More info: go.usa.gov/xGxfb pic.twitter.com/lWbKbWU4ki
タグ: GOESWest ImageOfTheDay Laura Marco
posted at 04:47:31

posted at xx:xx:xx

NOAA Aircraft Operat @NOAA_HurrHunter
OVER THE GULF OF MEXICO - Inside the eye of CAT3 Hurricane #Laura during Aug. 26, 2020 morning mission aboard @NOAA WP-3D Orion #NOAA42 "Kermit." Credit: Nick Underwood, NOAA. Follow @NHC_Atlantic for latest forecast and advisories. #FlyNOAA pic.twitter.com/IsgDcegmAQ
posted at 04:38:25

posted at xx:xx:xx

Our work includes a @UMich outreach component in collaboration w/ @UMMNH that I'm excited about getting up and running.
E-mail or DM if you're interested in the @MichiganEarth graduate opportunities!
posted at 04:13:47

The project will support a PhD at @MichiganEarth & @UMichPaleo, & Master's @VIMS_News. Opportunities in biogeography, anatomy, & systematics. There are bound to be surprises, like the saber-toothed anchovies from one of these sites published by @acapomorphic earlier this year. pic.twitter.com/CXFSThRQTS
posted at 04:13:47

Russians and U.S. forces playing chicken in #Syria twitter.com/RALee85/status...
タグ: Syria
posted at 04:06:20

NOAA Aircraft Operat @NOAA_HurrHunter
OVER THE GULF OF MEXICO - Inside the eye of then CAT3 Hurricane #Laura seen from the flight station of @NOAA WP-3D Orion #NOAA42 "Kermit" during the Aug. 26th morning mission. Credit: Lt. Rannenberg NOAA Corps. Follow @NHC_Atlantic for latest forecast and advisories. #FlyNOAA pic.twitter.com/ARDsjiRquv
posted at 03:51:00

Tropical Nick Underw @TheTropicNick
#NOAA42 made five passes into Hurricane #Laura today. Central pressure dropped and wind speeds increased with each pass. Here's a time lapse of our 5th pass entirely.
Stadium effect really coming into form. #Laura is now Category 4.
Follow @NHC_Atlantic for updates.
#FlyNOAA pic.twitter.com/lkcL6vEGdr
posted at 03:40:19

Historical context:
FACT: Hurricane Katrina was brutal, but although it was a Cat 5 over the Gulf of Mexico, it weakened to Category 3 strength before it made landfall on southeast Louisiana and Mississippi.
Hurricane Laura is currently a Cat 4 and may strengthen to a Cat 5.
posted at 03:30:53

@hugoclement @lexpressmaurice Suicide collectif pour nous interpeller, c'est leur façon de nous parler... Terrible...
posted at 03:29:38

Neil Brocklehurst @palaeo_neil
Yet another hypothesis for how silesaurids fit into the origin of dinosaurs: they’re a paraphyletic set of outgroups to ornithischians royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rs... pic.twitter.com/P9HjItoVZh
posted at 03:12:36

Republicans against @RpsAgainstTrump
Trump’s America. #KenoshaShooter twitter.com/shannonrwatts/...
タグ: KenoshaShooter
posted at 03:01:59

BREAKING: National Hurricane Center says Laura is now an extremely dangerous Category 4 hurricane as it barrels down on the Gulf Coast. Forecasters project a 20-foot storm surge that would be "unsurvivable” and capable of sinking entire communities. apne.ws/OXU17b4
posted at 03:00:56

If the NHC forecast verifies, #Laura would the strongest hurricane on record for that part of NW Gulf Coast. Words fail me at a time like this- simply put, it would change the course of the landfall area much like Katrina did. Gut-wrenching pic.twitter.com/GG3tsdr52I
タグ: Laura
posted at 02:46:51

Paleontological Rese @PRInstitution
We’re offering a free educator workshop to help you get familiar with earthathome.org! Join us at 3:30pm tomorrow to learn about this new and growing set of online resources.
Register here: www.priweb.org/#event=6129404...
#EarthAtHome #OnlineLearning pic.twitter.com/xYWOXatBkQ
タグ: EarthAtHome OnlineLearning
posted at 02:45:05

@RALee85 @africaken1 Two foreign powers fighting over land neither owns for resources they don't need (both 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 are world's largest oil producers).
posted at 02:41:10

Probably worth pointing out that the I-10 bridge in Lake Charles is rated as structurally deficient(sufficiency rating of 6.6 out of 100) and has a Cat 4 hurricane barreling towards it. pic.twitter.com/fZ30hbI4Ut
posted at 02:31:59

The Daily Advertiser @theadvertiser
'Cameron Parish will become part of the ocean for a couple of days,' National Weather Service meteorologist says. www.theadvertiser.com/story/news/202...
posted at 02:20:45

In situations like this why doesn't @FEMA pay the airlines, who frankly aren't that busy right now, to evacuate people? It's the fastest way to help people with limited means get to safety shelters much further inland. #HurricaneLaura www.usatoday.com/story/travel/a...
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 02:05:00

The line at Circuit of the Americas after they reopened this morning to serve as a rest area for those who evacuated from the coast for #HurricaneLaura and are waiting on hotel rooms. COTA had to close after hitting capacity with Austin area shelters at 5:30 A.M. pic.twitter.com/DfonM4z5jy
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 02:00:32

Among the many things I'm worried about with Hurricane Laura is the I-10 bridge in Lake Charles. It has a sufficiency rating of 7.6 out of 100. To put that in context, the Interstate 35 West bridge in Minneapolis that collapsed in 2007 had a sufficiency rating of 50.
posted at 01:55:44

LIST: Texas shelters open to evacuees ahead of #HurricaneLaura www.click2houston.com/news/local/202...
タグ: HurricaneLaura
posted at 01:45:00

"Mad Cat" Cattis @GeneralCattis
If you’re evacuating from Category 4 storm #HurricaneLaura, please be a good human and take your pets with you. If it’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for them. Their lives depend on YOU. Your animals love you—please don’t leave them behind.
#Laura pic.twitter.com/7OSHSabq6A
タグ: Category4 HurricaneLaura Laura
posted at 01:33:54

@hugoclement @lexpressmaurice Mauritius oil spill: Dead dolphins found after shipwreck
A big shame to the french government who try to hide this! @WWF @greenpeace @seashepherd @seashepherd_uk @SeaShepherdFran
posted at 01:28:30

Saoirse Genus Reject @resurgam40
@Relentlessbored That’s why I’m an accessibility advocate
posted at 01:16:12

Cuddle Bringer @Breakfastlizurt
@Relentlessbored @HalcyonEmber that alligator is trying it’s best.
posted at 01:03:28

Michael Capponi @michaelcapponi
Our prayers for the people and animals in the path of #HurricaneLaura. Already more than 500,000 people are ordered to evacuate. #bstrong @GEMmissions will be supplying shelters with PPE and Aid. #thisisacrisis #bstrong @Bethenny pic.twitter.com/9mGS77plBl
タグ: bstrong HurricaneLaura thisisacrisis
posted at 00:41:43

Dr Susie Maidment @Tweetisaurus
A couple of fun things I've been involved with have hit the news today while I've been looking at Wealden sedimentology on the Isle of Wight. Firstly our work on Triassic dino footprints in Penarth www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-wa...
posted at 00:26:56

For those evacuating and expecting damage, please take your important documents (birth certificate, deeds, etc) and FAMILY PHOTOS. I know so many people that have no child hood photos because Katrina took em.
posted at 00:24:20

posted at xx:xx:xx