- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

posted at 10:08:40

Manal and Aiman @MyFoundationLyf
My brother and I made a gingerbread mosque. From scratch!
Required more math than expected pic.twitter.com/24k0mgnbvf
posted at 10:09:12

posted at xx:xx:xx

A "Zwischen den Jahren" (between the years) update of the focal S:N501 build, with data from 25th Dec. ❄️
In 20B/501Y.V1 (SE England variant), we have new sequences from Australia, Israel, & Hong Kong:
#Newcoronavirusvariant #SARSCoV2 #COVID19
nextstrain.org/groups/neherla... pic.twitter.com/XG4Kw52tJg
タグ: COVID19 Newcoronavirusvariant SARSCoV2
posted at 20:25:41

Bloomberg Next China @next_china
China's People's Daily slams Hong Kong court for allowing the release of pro-democracy publisher Jimmy Lai trib.al/SwbcFAM
posted at 23:23:45

CDC issues new coronavirus vaccine guidance for people with underlying health conditions hill.cm/Zq70496 pic.twitter.com/YLJXeeypSq
posted at 23:25:05

🥇We have delivered the 1,500th #A330 in October - an aircraft flown by 120+ operators.
➡️ (Re)celebrate: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PhikW...
🎙Passenger, cargo, military or VIP: which of the A330 versions have you flown?
That's a wrap! Thanks for following #Airbus2020! pic.twitter.com/N6EJY1zJUE
タグ: A330 Airbus2020
posted at 23:25:18

posted at xx:xx:xx

How mRNA went from a scientific backwater to a pandemic crusher www.wired.co.uk/article/mrna-c...
posted at 23:28:44

Pierre Markuse @Pierre_Markuse
🔵Iceberg A-68A, A-68D (hardly visible), A-68E, and A-68F (remnants) S of #SouthGeorgiaIsland🇬🇸 27 Dec 2020 (Red outline Dec 25, yellow Dec 26) #Copernicus🇪🇺 #Sentinel-3🛰️ Full-size ➡️ flic.kr/p/2km1FKo More ➡️ flic.kr/s/aHsmLbw4zu #OpenData #scicomm #Iceberg #IcebergA68 pic.twitter.com/xRYlGSZT01
タグ: Copernicus Iceberg IcebergA68 OpenData scicomm Sentinel SouthGeorgiaIsland
posted at 23:29:50

Taiwan Birding 台灣 @TaiwanBirding
It’s been Sunday for 4 days now. Roll on Monday - and a Collared Finchbill! pic.twitter.com/ylfKTtAaNe
posted at 23:32:57

#Corona Info for #USA:
New Cases: 3060
Today Recovery: 1134
Today Deaths: 17
Total Active Cases: 7685334
Total Cases: 19436907
Total Recovery: 11411635
Total Deaths: 339938
#Coronavirus #Covid19 #Covid_19 #SARSCoV2 #StaySafe
Source: 'CoronaTrackerNepal_bot' #Telegram.
タグ: Corona Coronavirus Covid19 Covid_19 SARSCoV2 StaySafe Telegram USA
posted at 23:57:08