- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Jonathan Mustard @CoastguardJM
Three #Coastguard #Rescue Officers were sadly injured by a freak wave last night in the #Portland area while attempting to clear spectators from a sea wall. Please don't put yourselves and others at risk during stormy conditions. 🆘🚨 www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/19052731....
タグ: Coastguard Portland Rescue
posted at 00:11:47

@MarineInsight Captain did a terrible job. Mayday without following, nature of distress/location. Mine as well use smoke signals. No general alarm also. The ship was no longer fit to sail i think, so experience for future sailors (me) to pay more attention to tue feasibility of the ship to sail
posted at 00:14:27

出先ではBluetoothに甘んじてるけど、やっぱり有線派なんだよなぁ。そんなに聞き分けのいいコダワり耳ではないが。 pic.twitter.com/q8pHVB9CM2
posted at 00:18:35

posted at xx:xx:xx

Abdirisak Moh'ud @Tuuryare_Africa
BREAKING: Heavy fighting is ongoing as hotel #Afrik in Mogadishu is under siege after gunmen stormed into the building following an #AlShabaab suicide car bomb explosion. twitter.com/Tuuryare_Afric... pic.twitter.com/xCBMXEikzv
posted at 00:27:15

Birds of Pakistan @OrnithoPakistan
Steppe Eagle
Kirther Range
Sindh, Pakistan
© Noor Alam
— Nov 2018 pic.twitter.com/mgaCn5Jwll
posted at 00:34:35

@ekctafc @MarineInsight @Devine147 There are in fact few examples of perfect mayday calls, even from professional mariners. The chances can be improved through regular training, whether it is high fidelity or low fidelity sim, but the merchant maritime sector is some way behind aviation, military and nuclear.
posted at 00:44:09

Following @StephenMcDonell on @WHO covid origins investigation in Wuhan. First 3 days visited 2 hospitals, Wuhan covid exhibition, cold storage, and the shutdown seafood market.
Hope WHO is getting data on index cases and market samples as outlined in their terms of reference...
posted at 00:46:37

Jamie the Geologist @snowhorseJ
Saw this on FB. Didnt know otter bones were purple. I guess its because of eating urchins? Is that a real thing? @CoastalPaleo ? pic.twitter.com/6RxmbVuIxT
posted at 00:51:44

@eb6101235971 一ヶ所だけあるようですが、今はコロナの影響で保育を休止しているとのことです💦 pic.twitter.com/Sglki6YlZu
posted at 00:54:24

The Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker was my spark bird, the species that got me into birding. Every time I see one, it rekindles that original excitement, but it landed on the other side of the tree "as usual." I held my breath until it came around, and I got this shot. #wildlife pic.twitter.com/W5yFKMOR0p
タグ: wildlife
posted at 01:00:00

既に当該投稿は削除されているけどこれね。鳥獣保護管理法違反しておいて、証拠隠滅してのうのうとまた狩猟してるけど、警察や行政、猟友会は動いてないのかしら…。 twitter.com/gudagudabrog/s...
posted at 01:15:42

posted at xx:xx:xx

@michaelb4jordan Alexa is taking over Michael’s body?! pic.twitter.com/eyaJJOQLat
posted at 01:27:38

posted at xx:xx:xx

Those eyes look like an AI's... @amazon #AlexasNewBody twitter.com/amazon/status/...
タグ: AlexasNewBody
posted at 01:42:36

Black-and-orange Flycatcher near Valparai #TamilNadu.
#Just4Record #IndiAves @IndiAves pic.twitter.com/sl6cfBnEDP
タグ: IndiAves Just4Record TamilNadu
posted at 01:53:28

"A Southern Blue Ringed Octopus poses proudly under the shallow waters of Rye Pier in Australia. It always fascinates me that hundreds of people walk this pier daily, but have no idea what amazing creatures lie just meters below their feet..." 📷: Sammy Glenn Dives pic.twitter.com/GYoKNWoSOi
posted at 02:00:07

The only photo of the Indian eagle-owl (Bubo bengalensis) that I have. Have never been able to get a proper shot of this over the last 10 years.
@IndiAves #Just4Record #IndiAves #SonyAlpha #Birds #Owl pic.twitter.com/9d4dWnHJ1h
タグ: Birds IndiAves Just4Record Owl SonyAlpha
posted at 02:04:18

I’m very sorry to hear that Captain Sir Tom Moore has been admitted to hospital having contracted covid-19. I know you’ll join me in wishing him a very speedy recovery x
posted at 02:39:13

If want to give the people of Ireland and Northern Ireland an explanation of the past few days, obviously...
... give yet another exclusive interview to a German media outlet! twitter.com/a_gellinek/sta...
posted at 02:42:31

@comanchepilot @lufthansaNews @flightradar24 @Airbus @Airport_FRA @HamburgAirport It's not Stanley. Very small airport there. Mount Pleasant is about 35 miles away, in the middle of nowhere. Have been a few times.
posted at 02:45:05

Somali security forces are fighting gunmen in a siege at a hotel after a car bomb exploded in Mogadishu, police say
posted at 02:50:27

Wishing Captain Tom a speedy recovery. Get well soon Sir. #CaptainTomMoore pic.twitter.com/xoAk5cBRwi
タグ: CaptainTomMoore
posted at 02:55:36

@lufthansaNews @Airbus @Airport_FRA @HamburgAirport @flightradar24 Safe travels
posted at 03:11:47

Jamie the Geologist @snowhorseJ
Here is a link to the original post: www.facebook.com/groups/5296834...
posted at 03:13:54

Girlyswot Spider @girlyswotspider
So very sad to see Sir Tom Moore is Covid positive 😔
Sending all our thoughts and prayers #CaptainTomMoore
タグ: CaptainTomMoore
posted at 03:25:44

After quarantine and numerous negative tests - the crew is ready for the record flight from @HamburgAirport to MPN. Takeoff for #lh2574 in two hours. #LHLongestFlight pic.twitter.com/6evMglzPbU
posted at 03:38:11

Abdirisak Moh'ud @Tuuryare_Africa
BREAKING: At least six people killed and 14 wounded in an ongoing hotel siege in #Mogadishu. Sunday's attack began with a suicide bomb explosion as Somali special forces are battling with #AlShabab gunmen, who are still holding hostages inside hotel #Afrik building in #Mogadishu. pic.twitter.com/de07JXrz0j
posted at 03:53:06

@breakingavnews He knew what he was doing. Best wishes for a happy retirement!
posted at 03:53:37

Somalia military personnel arrive at the scene of a bomb explosion at the Afrik Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia. Several people are feared dead in the bombing. 📷 epa-efe / Said Yusuf Warsame
#Mogadishu #bombblast pic.twitter.com/1xtbIn3nTX
posted at 03:57:29

Zamarznięta zatoka Pucka.
Fotografię nadesłał Michał Kruk
#meteo #Poland pic.twitter.com/IAiIFSpn11
posted at 04:22:21

Nearly 5,000 people have been detained in Russia following massive protests demanding the release of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, with authorities launching an unprecedented wave of security measures. abcn.ws/2McTisR
posted at 04:31:54

Spencer Morgan @spencermorgan93
People now criticising Captain Tom going to Barbados when he was allowed to. The man is literally 100. Got a chance to go on holiday for likely the final time and took it. Prob weighed it up and thought it was better than spending his final days locked up like an animal
posted at 04:59:55

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
Looking for a job in the entertainment industry? Be sure to visit the Career Conversations virtual booth at the #WarnerMediaLodge, February 1st and 2nd, to learn about exciting opportunities at @WarnerMedia! bit.ly/WarnerMedia_SDFF pic.twitter.com/wTfqQKD7aN
タグ: WarnerMediaLodge
posted at 05:00:00

To recognize #BlackHistoryMonth2021, we will be highlighting different black pioneers in #aviation.
Follow along this month as we honor these heroes who changed our industry forever!
#blackhistorymonth #bhm @ASALH pic.twitter.com/KFOBhxrs3D
タグ: aviation bhm blackhistorymonth BlackHistoryMonth2021
posted at 05:11:00

I’ve earned more trust of my crow friends. Here they are right outside our window. Pretty soon I bet they’ll start knocking on the door when they’re hungry 😂 @Venice311 @ai6yrham @engineco16 @SuzsSinamonRolz pic.twitter.com/kXCYIGGOfR
posted at 05:16:14

Two #LongTailedTits on the feeder today - only one (which is unusual as they normally arrive in gangs) checked in during @Natures_Voice #GardenBirdCount but there was a team of 6 later on! pic.twitter.com/oSwgznELC5
タグ: GardenBirdCount LongTailedTits
posted at 05:17:02

Ohhhh YEP. They're here. Hazel's back 😍 the teeny-yet-flamboyant, flamingo pink female flowers. And the male catkins - gorgeous, fluffy yellow dangly-janglers 👌🏻
The changes in hazel always signify the first tickling of spring, and I love it 😍 #wildflowerhour pic.twitter.com/R4Vh0PGTK6
タグ: wildflowerhour
posted at 05:17:50

All doors closed and ready for takeoff - Falkland Islands here we come! “X-Ray Papa” goes off on #LHLongestFlight with 13.700 KM 🛫 Be sure to follow her route on @Flightradar24: #LH2574. pic.twitter.com/W0jvo5y13D
posted at 05:20:50

Here is some Pallas cat ☀️ salutation to start your week - (c) Dayurski Biosphere Reserve 🇷🇺 pic.twitter.com/UuN93ZbgNy
posted at 05:28:18

Moscow authorities put turnout at pro-Navalny rally at 300 people - TASS reut.rs/3azVUcr pic.twitter.com/TY1HbdS5qu
posted at 05:55:06

Somali Guardian @SomaliGuardian
#BREAKING: Gen Mohamed Nur Galal a veteran military official confirmed dead in militant attack on Afrik hotel in #Mogadishu. The general was one of the commanders leading #Somalia’s military offensive in #Ethiopia’s Ogaden region in 1977. pic.twitter.com/LX8k44vYUn
タグ: BREAKING Ethiopia Mogadishu Somalia
posted at 05:55:42

【神奈川】行政はすべて丸投げ… コロナ禍のデイサービス「もう限界」
#新型コロナウイルス を巡って神奈川県内の複数のデイサービス関係者から、「追う! マイ・カナガワ」取材班に悲痛な声が寄せられている。
#マイカナ #神奈川県 #デイサービス
タグ: デイサービス マイカナ 新型コロナウイルス 神奈川県
posted at 06:00:00

posted at 06:20:07

Captain Sir Tom Moore admitted to hospital with coronavirus www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan...
posted at 06:50:21

れいわ海外勝手連! Haruko Mae @Musikmusik7
電話をするとホームレスお助け隊が駆けつけ、暖かい施設に保護されます。 pic.twitter.com/cQjIMzgCzO
posted at 07:04:06

れいわ海外勝手連! Haruko Mae @Musikmusik7
なお、ホームレスお助け隊に繋がる電話番号は、公共交通機関のバスや地下鉄、トラムの車内でもモニターで広告として流れます。 pic.twitter.com/zXl4d99c1F
posted at 07:07:03

1/31 ドイツコロナ速報
新規感染者 8310人 死者 263人
罹患中 190.184 (-414)人
ICU 4348(-4) 呼吸器 2336(-55)人 占有率 82.01%
7日間指数 94.33 再生産数 0.884
ワクチン接種 2,317,158人
#ドイコロ pic.twitter.com/9kYIt9egIH
タグ: ドイコロ
posted at 07:09:45

@lufthansaNews @flightradar24 @Airbus @Airport_FRA @HamburgAirport Wish a good flight to that crew!
posted at 07:24:14

Committee to Protect @pressfreedom
#MostRead this week: Reporter Dawit Kebede Araya shot and killed in Ethiopia
タグ: MostRead
posted at 07:40:03

Sky News Breaking @SkyNewsBreak
Reuters: The National League for Democracy says the political leader of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi has been detained alongside the country's president and other members of the ruling party
For more on this and other news visit news.sky.com
posted at 07:59:18

Today's Menagerie newsletter leads with:
-Russian police arrests over 5,000 who protested for detained activist Navalny
-Foreign troops in Afghanistan to stay beyond May deadline set in deal with Taliban
-Chinese, U.S. military in Taiwan airspace
posted at 08:12:51

Widespread reports say Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior leaders detained and internet and other comms in NPT and elsewhere shut down, in what must be a military take over of government, following week-long standoff between the army and NLD over the November election results.
posted at 08:25:08

This death adder is using its tail to lure prey within range of its venomous bite!
But check out that flash of yellow ✨🖤🐍
We discovered that death adder tails CHANGE COLOUR over their lifetime... (thread)
doi.org/10.1093/biolin... pic.twitter.com/6GTqOBUvPH
posted at 08:27:29

More news on non-NLD arrests: #88generation leaders Mya Aye, Min Ko Naing Min Thwe Thit & Ko Ko Gyi have been detained.
タグ: 88generation
posted at 08:36:58

Just woke up to a nightmare. Feeling a lot of anxiety. It’s 6:15 am right now. Of course they pulled this overnight while we were all asleep. This reeks of the old days when we would just wake up to terrifying news. This is going to be a very hard day.
posted at 08:46:00

橋本愛喜(Aiki Hashimoto) @AikiHashimoto
#東京料金所 twitter.com/aikihashimoto/...
posted at 08:47:59

Delphine Schrank @delphineschrank
This appears to be a round-up of the NLD and/or non-military members of parliament who were gathered in the capital, Nyapyitaw for the parliamentary session today, and in Yangon -- where chief minister, Phyo Min Thein, Naing Ngan Lin and Yangon- level NLD were detained as well.
posted at 08:49:36

Myanmar National TV just canceled its program today for both broadcasting and Radio. pic.twitter.com/cddl93RRmO
posted at 08:50:36

@herasigi3350 たくさん調べていただきありがとうございました。😊
posted at 08:51:29

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi detained in early-morning raid, ruling party spokesman says www.scmp.com/news/asia/sout...
posted at 08:56:48

Despite threats of harsh consequences from the Kremlin, tens of thousands gathered to protest opposition leader Navalny’s arrest and were met with considerable force from Russian police. @ryanchilcote joins from London to discuss.
posted at 09:00:00

The doors just opened to a very different future. I have a sinking feeling that no one will really be able to control what comes next. And remember Myanmar's a country awash in weapons, with deep divisions across ethnic & religious lines, where millions can barely feed themselves
posted at 09:00:02

ティムラズ・レジャバ駐日ジョージア大使 @TeimurazLezhava
posted at 09:00:42

Filmmaker Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi was taken by army at 3.30am at his home in Yangon. So they are going beyond political figures. They are rounding all major critical figures up. (He had previously been recently imprisoned for criticism of army) pic.twitter.com/u1IuRkRv29
posted at 09:08:39

@TeimurazLezhava @colonyaHTT メタセシス、音位転換が起きやすい単語ですね。
posted at 09:11:32

The good news about the Myanmar coup is that the genocide defending b!tch, Aung San Suu Kyi, got what she deserves.
The bad news is that you got a genocide perpetrator, Min Aung Hlaing, who led the Burmese military to commit genocide against Rohingya Muslims, ruling the country
posted at 09:18:06

Woke up to the news of Aung San Suu Kyi’s detention. She was forming a new government today. There are news of partial internet shutdown in some areas and phone lines not working.
If we go dark the world will go darker with us. Wishing there’s no violence on the streets.
posted at 09:20:07

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
I guess I'll be live tweeting a coup now. Things are still pretty quiet for now, though people are awake and scared. I've been fielding calls since 6 am from friends and relatives. The internet is in and out and my sim card no longer works.
posted at 09:22:37

よく眠りたまに色々考える主婦 甘木サカヱ @toppinpararin
posted at 09:22:53

よく眠りたまに色々考える主婦 甘木サカヱ @toppinpararin
posted at 09:23:44

In Yangon the internet is working at the moment so are the phone lines. My neighbour just took down his NLD flag that they had since last two days.
The fear of violence is real. Please say a little prayer for peace in the golden land of Burma
posted at 09:24:33

Prof Azeem Ibrahim O @AzeemIbrahim
List of those arrested:
President Win Myint
NLD CEC Members including Dr. Tin Myo Win
Nang Khin Htwe Myint – Karen Chief Minister
Mya Aye
Min Ko Naing
SNLD Chairperson Sai Nyunt Lwin and other party leaders
All Chief Ministers
NLD township Chairpersons
タグ: Myanmarcoup
posted at 09:26:31

posted at 09:28:04

The good old days? 2012 in #NayPyiTaw
#myanmar #coup #Myanmar pic.twitter.com/Y1L9llROdh
posted at 09:31:23

Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi has been out of prison for less than a year. twitter.com/rangoon_film/s...
posted at 09:34:02

Committee to Protect @pressfreedom
Kurdish Syrian journalist Fanar Mahmoud Tami abducted
posted at 09:40:02

Hopefully trend in hospitalizations. #pandemic #USA twitter.com/COVID19Trackin...
posted at 09:41:35

れいわ海外勝手連! Haruko Mae @Musikmusik7
posted at 09:44:09

posted at 09:44:28

posted at xx:xx:xx

Just as it was in the "old days"-- local journalists, activists and dissidents in Myanmar put their safety (and sometimes lives) on the line to bring you the news. Remember them as you watch the events unfolding there.
posted at 09:44:59

BREAKING: Reports say a coup is underway in Myanmar and leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been detained as communications appear to be cut. apne.ws/LLV08ZA
posted at 09:47:52

Losing #Internet as an indicator of a #coup (#Myanmar) twitter.com/netblocks/stat...
posted at 09:49:00

I’m sorry, but this assessment while true also doesn’t reflect the modernity of the country that I know. This is v bad, and we’re all keeping our fingers crossed. But I’d like you to see & understand Myanmar/Burma beyond the ‘developing country that’s a mess’ paradigm. Bec it is twitter.com/thantmyintu/st...
posted at 09:53:42

And if anyone knows that by the kind of places they go and company they keep it is @thantmyintu
posted at 09:57:09

Army cut off the state media TV and Radios, local phone line and internet getting disable across the country. #Myanmarcoup #coupdetat #armycoup #tatmadaw #Myanmar #whatshappeninginmyanmar
タグ: armycoup coupdetat Myanmar Myanmarcoup tatmadaw whatshappeninginmyanmar
posted at 09:57:10

Saw some people stocking up on food downtown. Here’s a crowd buying rice under a banner declaring support for Aung San Suu Kyi pic.twitter.com/eKoz1GFadw
posted at 09:59:10

@typicalcircle Both Min Ko Naing and U Ko Ko Gyi has been detained along with others.
posted at 10:06:04

Days before the Myanmar military detained ASSK and other Myanmar leaders, Watanabe Hideo, a chairman of Japan-Myanmar Association, met with Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and discussed "promotion of relations between the Japanese and Myanmar military."
posted at 10:11:08

It’s gotten a bit worse. There are now no mobile networks operating in Yangon. People do have broadband internet (if ... they had broadband internet). twitter.com/dougmadory/sta...
posted at 10:11:22

posted at 10:17:27

ティムラズ・レジャバ駐日ジョージア大使 @TeimurazLezhava
posted at 10:20:46

This is the first military coup in Myanmar since 1988. The civilian rule that had been in place since 2011 has collapsed after only a decade.
タグ: AungSanSuuKyi
posted at 10:24:16

Widespread internet reduction across Myanmar as a coup is likely taking place. Massive outages in some of the outlying cities and Yangon itself is down to 82% normal. twitter.com/IP_Observatory...
posted at 10:26:40

Friend of mine just told me their ward officer in Yankin went around asking people to take down NLD flags for safety purposes. twitter.com/the_ayeminthan...
posted at 10:28:23

The top providers in Myanmar went offline at different points. (cc: @naomigingold)
* Mytel, Ooredoo go to zero at 21:14 UTC (3:44am local)
* Telenor goes down at 21:20 UTC (3:50am local)
* Incumbent MPT appears relatively unscathed. pic.twitter.com/g6D8twzjxR
posted at 10:29:16

Potato_iz_fighting_f @HninTweTarHmue
We can't contact each other right now ☹️ I am outside of my country and deadly worry for my family and friends and all of the innocent ppl in myanmar #SaveMyanmar #myanmar twitter.com/bbcnews/status...
タグ: myanmar SaveMyanmar
posted at 10:30:21

posted at xx:xx:xx

#感染症情報 (国立感染症研究所)
タグ: 感染症情報
posted at 10:35:16

Seeing very scary reports of a military coup happening right now in #Myanmar. I had the pleasure of working with teams of govs and NGOs analysts there in 2017 as part of Data for Democracy.
Hoping and praying for peace and safety for all of my friends there. 🙏♥️🇲🇲 pic.twitter.com/iGQvM0k00J
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 10:43:18

The coup in Myanmar is holding up, Aung San Suu Kyi is detained by the soldiers. Want to know how ASEAN and UN has helped and resolved the events that happened? @ASEAN @UN #SaveMyanmar #รัฐประหาร
タグ: SaveMyanmar
posted at 10:45:43

Rutgers researcher who developed first COVID-19 saliva test dies hill.cm/Rpv4CZL pic.twitter.com/uOTccTfOPG
posted at 10:49:05

モルカー4話をずっと見ていてテディは元々何でも口に入れちゃう癖があったら可愛いなという結論にいたった。(個人的に pic.twitter.com/yFshbwvQ7Y
posted at 10:49:18

ソマリア首都で複数爆発:日本経済新聞 www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO...
軍の長老も死亡した模様 twitter.com/SomaliGuardian...
posted at 10:49:39

Update: Internet connectivity in #Myanmar has fallen to 50% of ordinary levels as of 8:00 a.m. local time amid an apparent military coup and the detention of civilian leaders; pattern of disruption indicates centrally issued telecoms blackout order 📵
netblocks.org/reports/intern... pic.twitter.com/71fHI3sRv3
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 10:55:19

And on Burma/Myanmar: “The United States is alarmed by reports that the Burmese military has taken steps to undermine the country’s democratic transition,” @presssec says. pic.twitter.com/73lGMtiHNy
posted at 11:03:04

posted at xx:xx:xx

การรัฐประหารในเมียนมาร์เป็นความเสียหายใหญ่หลวงต่อโลกประชาธิปไตย ภูมิภาคอาเซียนและประชาชนเมียนมาร์ทั้งประเทศ
ขอให้กำลังใจประชาชนเมียนมาร์ในการนำพาประเทศกลับสู่ความเป็นประชาธิปไตย #SaveMyanmar
タグ: SaveMyanmar
posted at 11:07:39

ทหารเมียนมาตัดสินใจรัฐประหารอีกครั้ง หลังจาก 10 ปีของการปล่อยให้มีการเลือกตั้ง และ 5 ปีของการบริหารประเทศของอองซาน ซูจี ผู้นำที่มาจากเสียงประชาชนอย่างแท้จริง
5 ปีที่ผ่านมาเมียนมาพัฒนาขึ้นในหลายด้าน สิ่งเดียวที่ทำให้การพัฒนานั้นต้องหยุดลงคือการที่ซูจีพยายามผลักดันปฏิรูปกองทัพ
posted at 11:08:20

All internet connections , TV lines are cut off now.NLD party, impartially won in this 8th election is now detained by Military Coup.Please help stop Military Coup. Please save Myanmar.We don't want unfairness !!
#SaveMyanmar #JusticeForMyanmar #saynotodictatorship twitter.com/BBCNews/status...
タグ: JusticeForMyanmar SaveMyanmar saynotodictatorship
posted at 11:09:32

Update: Myanmar incumbent MPT went offline at 00:26 UTC (6:56am local) - over three hours after Myanmar's mobile operators. (cc @naomigingold) pic.twitter.com/CGLwyPBP09
posted at 11:09:54

Historian and author Thant Myint-u tweets about the arrest of Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior figures:
"The doors just opened to a very different future. I have a sinking feeling that no one will really be able to control what comes next." www.rappler.com/world/asia-pac... pic.twitter.com/blswjb4i2E
posted at 11:11:07

Pale-headed Rosella juv. (Platycercus adscitus) seen in Narangba Valley Qld Australia
#Ecotonepix pic.twitter.com/LHoLw3YwlO
タグ: Ecotonepix
posted at 11:11:12

Canada's UN ambassador, Bob Rae, says there is 'no justification' for the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi. Before his current posting, Rae was named Canada's special envoy to Myanmar in October 2017. twitter.com/CBCAlerts/stat...
posted at 11:12:18

Just announced that state emergency for one year and appointed former Vice President and a retired general U Myint Swe as temporary president of Burma. Internet and phone line are going to shut down soon. #PrayForBurma #DemocracyForBurma @RapporteurUn @tariqahmadbt @poppymcp
タグ: DemocracyForBurma PrayForBurma
posted at 11:12:41

ขอประณามการกระทำของมิน อ่อง หล่ายน์ ผู้บัญชาการทหารสูงสุดเมียนมา การกระทำของเขาในวันนี้พิสูจน์ชัดว่าทหารไม่ได้ใช้อำนาจเพื่อพิทักษ์ประเทศและประชาชนตามที่อ้าง แต่ต้องการผูกขาดอำนาจไว้ที่เหล่านายพล รักษาอำนาจตัวเอง แทนที่จะให้รัฐบาลจากการเลือกตั้งบริหารประเทศอย่างอิสระ
posted at 11:13:17

TV in Myanmar is announcing a yearlong state of emergency with former General Myint Swe, current Vice President and former head of the Yangon military command, to serve as acting president twitter.com/Lunminmang/sta...
posted at 11:13:48

Local #Myanmar #military TV Myawaddy has just announced the military has taken over control of the country. That the VP, Myint Swe, a former military general is now the temporary president & he has given authority to the military chief. This will reportedly be for a 1 year period pic.twitter.com/Y8J27WJ5xd
posted at 11:14:48

posted at 11:16:04

Military-backed VP Myint Swe will be temporary president with authority deferring to commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing for year state of emergency. Power grab complete. twitter.com/MayWongCNA/sta...
posted at 11:19:50

Those are pretty heavy words... who knows what they really mean #BidenAdmin #Myanmar #burma twitter.com/simondlewis/st...
タグ: BidenAdmin burma Myanmar
posted at 11:21:33

Thomas van Linge @ThomasVLinge
#Myanmar 🇲🇲: the coup has been confirmed by the perpetrators. #Tatmadaw claims power grab will last for only a year.
Consider that to be indefinite twitter.com/W7VOA/status/1...
posted at 11:21:35

Myanmar military confirms that it has seized power in a coup, and will hold for at least one year. 1st Vice President Myint Swe, a military appointee, will take over from ousted President Win Myint, an ASSK ally.
posted at 11:23:17

The military has announced a one-year state of emergency in Myanmar following its arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi, other senior government officials, and activists including 8888 veteran Min Ko Naing. pic.twitter.com/8MXU2rxOuc
posted at 11:25:32

posted at 11:27:24

ST Foreign Desk @STForeignDesk
Aung San Suu Kyi detained: Timeline of events since her party came to power in Myanmar dlvr.it/RrlGqb
posted at 11:29:32

Vice President Myint Swe, a former general, has been installed as acting President, the military-owned Myawaddy TV channel announced Monday morning.
Irregularities on voter lists from November’s election would be scrutinized, the announcement said. pic.twitter.com/8L8xwP9PXM
posted at 11:31:37

နိုင်ငံတော် ကို အရေးပေါ်အခြေအနေ တစ်နှစ်ကြေညာဋ္ဌ တပ်မတော်ဗိုလ်ချုပ်ဟောင်း လက်ရှိ ဒုသမ္မတ ဦးမြင့်ဆွေက ယာယီ သမ္မတအဖြစ်တာဝန်ယူ bbc.in/3cx49ID
posted at 11:32:01

posted at xx:xx:xx

@hoshinonozomimi ブレではなく本当に二重になっています。幸せになれると言われているのでお裾分けです。勇気をありがとう😊 pic.twitter.com/tKvVZgIDZa
posted at 11:35:41

What is happening now in Myanmar?
Bookmark and refresh this page as Rappler brings you blow-by-blow updates. www.rappler.com/world/asia-pac...
posted at 11:36:37

BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking
Myanmar's military has taken control of the country for at least a year and detained civilian leaders, military TV say bbc.in/39xUksa
posted at 11:41:11

UN Special Rapporteu @RapporteurUn
Very disturbing news that what many have feared is indeed unfolding in Myanmar. Communications lines are down so, by design, communication is difficult. But apparently the State Counselor and many others have been detained by the military. Outrageous.
posted at 11:42:16

一昨年、ミャンマー国軍のトップを日本に招いて笑顔で握手してましたよね? @moteging
hbol.jp/205517/attachm... pic.twitter.com/CnaWXR4bHx
posted at 11:42:45

トラックドライバーの「SAPA飲食店を開けてくれ」に「コンビニ利用」を促す国交相のズレ感(橋本愛喜) - Y!ニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/hashimo...
posted at 11:43:24

トラックドライバーの「SAPA飲食店を開けてくれ」に「コンビニ利用」を促す国交相のズレ感(橋本愛喜) - Y!ニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/hashimo... pic.twitter.com/STVk4pO2NC
posted at 11:48:39

google map showing red spots - look like major roads are being blocked pic.twitter.com/S3SuulaPti
posted at 11:51:49

トラックドライバーの「SAPA飲食店を開けてくれ」に「コンビニ利用」を促す国交相のズレ感(橋本愛喜) - Y!ニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/hashimo...
posted at 11:52:21

Also reportedly detained as the #BurmaCoup began: Filmmaker Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi who was previously imprisoned in 2019 after criticizing on @Facebook the #Myanmar military.
posted at 11:53:15

From CNN: Ongoing siege following car explosion at hotel gate in Somalia's capital - Somalia security forces are fighting armed gunmen to end a siege at a hotel in the east African country's capital Mogadishu
posted at 11:53:38

Risk mitigation guide on communication strategies for the frontline journo and others in Myanmar in case of internet disruptions tiny.cc/ijmbtz
posted at 12:00:30

Myanmar soldiers are seen inside City Hall in Yangon, Myanmar February 1, 2021. REUTERS/Stringer pic.twitter.com/qC7TPTC6Z4
posted at 12:01:13

Given the military's horrific human rights record, we are deeply concerned for the safety of those detained and of further serious violations that could happen, says @hrw. twitter.com/mannymaung/sta...
posted at 12:02:46

Many people line-up ATM machines in Yangon, panic under army coup in Myanmar photo credit: Khit Thit Media #coupdetat #Myanmarcoup #Burma #SaveMyanmar #Tatmadaw #PanicBuy pic.twitter.com/hAhu24frXH
タグ: Burma coupdetat Myanmarcoup PanicBuy SaveMyanmar Tatmadaw
posted at 12:03:28

My TV right now. Both international channels and of course state channels have been closed. BBC not working either. pic.twitter.com/OiENSmorHt
posted at 12:07:42

東京都らがスタートアップ支援、5G活用エコシステム構築へ - Mogura VR News www.moguravr.com/tokyo-5g-promo...
posted at 12:18:00

@pilgramagedream @cnnbrk Not good news. The military junta is much much worse. You thought aung wanna su kyi was the true culprit behind the rohingya genocide? It was the Commander-on-chief, Min Aung hlaing ,who was the true mastermind of all those genocides.Even Burmese people themselves hate military.
posted at 12:19:03

So how should the world respond to the military coup in #Myanmar? Start by sanctioning General Min Aung Hlaing, the leader of the coup & the commander responsibile for the 2017 genocide against the #Rohingya.
(Thanks to @NatashaFatah of @CBCNews for the interview) pic.twitter.com/RF7ZZKaGoJ
posted at 12:19:41

Helen Branswell @HelenBranswell
The most important news about the #Covid19 vaccines.
If they don't prevent all infections but they do prevent severe illness & deaths, they are doing what we need them to do. twitter.com/ashishkjha/sta...
タグ: Covid19
posted at 12:28:32

An emergency ward nurse from Sweden with a passion for film, Lisa said the isolation would give her “time to reflect and be alone” after a busy year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. abcn.ws/2MHDpdu
posted at 12:29:37

#全日空 #staralliance #ジールクルーズ #トリプルセブン pic.twitter.com/5rj6rrC4B9
タグ: staralliance ジールクルーズ トリプルセブン 全日空
posted at 12:30:19

Yangon-based Singapore Embassy reaches out to Singaporeans in Myanmar:
- Stay home as much as possible
- Avoid public gatherings
- Be ready for escalation of violence
- Keep mobile phone charged with power bank
- Keep supplies within reach
posted at 12:31:23

It’s officially a coup. Followed the 2008 constitution to the letter. #MinAungHlaing finally front and center, in charge like he wanted. twitter.com/w7voa/status/1...
タグ: MinAungHlaing
posted at 12:32:06

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
The @WHO investigation team is today visiting two centres for disease control in #Wuhan. They’re currently at the provincial level facility. The second is city level. Both places have labs in them for studying viruses etc but they’re not the top level (most dangerous). #China pic.twitter.com/MQvigv7Bse
posted at 12:33:09

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
Thread from inside #Myanmar being updated for now but the internet could be cut there soon... twitter.com/thawwinnie/sta...
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 12:40:47

US sanctioned Min Aung Hlaing (&others) w/visa ban in July ‘19 +asset freeze Dec ‘19 over Rohingya genocide—critics said too little too late, but many in US govt feared pushing too hard on power-sharing govt, saying it could result in coup or push 🇲🇲 to China—both happened anyway twitter.com/hninyadanazaw/...
posted at 12:42:42

posted at xx:xx:xx

#CaptainTomMoore, who raised money for the #NHS by walking laps in his garden, has #Covid19. We're wishing him a speedy recovery: bit.ly/2L7a0Jx
タグ: CaptainTomMoore Covid19 NHS
posted at 12:47:35

Saksith Saiyasombut @SaksithCNA
THREAD: 1st reax from the Thai govt (kinda) as Dep-PM Prawit was asked this AM if the #myanmarcoup has any effect on #Thailand, he said “it’s their domestic issue.”
Important to note that he and the govt of PM @prayutofficial came to power through a coup of their own in 2014. twitter.com/matichononline...
タグ: myanmarcoup Thailand
posted at 12:48:21

@SaksithCNA @prayutofficial Also worth recalling that they have close personal ties to Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing, who was a kind of godson to the late General Prem.
posted at 12:50:35

The Myanmar Times @TheMyanmarTimes
Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services Min Aung Hlaing is now in power of the State for the duration of the state of emergency, while Vice President Myint Swe will now serve temporarily as President.
posted at 12:59:11

@rascottdotcom Not so sure this has China’s blessing. The Tatmadaw has deep historic suspicion of China. It was one of the motives for opening up to the west a decade ago. Beijing has better relations with ASSK.
posted at 13:01:33

posted at 13:04:41

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
People have been at my door for like 5 mins now. No announcement of who they are. I'm not going to open the door or signal that I'm home. But if I go dark, tweet at Joe Biden to save me I guess.
posted at 13:07:46

TVアニメ「PUI PUIモルカー」第5話 プイプイレーシング 予告 youtu.be/1OxY10NWIqY @YouTubeより
posted at 13:08:16

"Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble." #emus twitter.com/foxfeather/sta...
タグ: emus
posted at 13:11:28

Natty Tangmeesang @natty_onravee
Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok is closed today, protest expected in front of the embassy at 3:30 pm pic.twitter.com/3sYhdCrqfg
posted at 13:13:42

posted at xx:xx:xx

Breanna Randall @randallbreanna
if you visit the average home in Yangon, Myanmar, you will see images of Aung San Suu Kyi and her father Aung San (Aung San was one of Myanmar's leaders post colonial rule, and was assassinated in 1947). twitter.com/randallbreanna...
posted at 13:23:03

Laguncula pulchella? 4x speed pic.twitter.com/6Y2PhESK3i
posted at 13:26:13

神戸駅2番のホーム柵まだ稼働開始もしてないのに早速やっちゃったの・・・ twitter.com/heian_ex/statu... pic.twitter.com/Cmsxzh6zsv
posted at 13:29:57

渋谷・国連大学本部前。1000人近い在日ミャンマー人らが集まり、国軍への抗議と国際社会の支援を訴えている。 pic.twitter.com/YIo63BoUdF
posted at 13:30:45

Breanna Randall @randallbreanna
Myanmar activists have long been frustrated with the way the outside world perceives Myanmar as being a democracy. In their minds, it was fake. The military has always been powerful, but out of sight.
As @thinzashunleiyi says, "the show [of democracy] is over."
posted at 13:33:44

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
This is probably the most relevant place the @WHO team has visited so far. They can speak to serious people with actual data etc. They’ve been inside for over 3 and a half hours. #China #coronavirus
タグ: China coronavirus
posted at 13:40:58

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
@mannymaung @Cyn8thia My uncle has been arrested
posted at 13:51:00

Stephen Dziedzic @stephendziedzic
But so far Australia has not imposed sanctions on either Min Aung Hlaing or General Soe Win. Will that change after the events of today? We'll see. 6/
posted at 13:54:12

The rest of Myanmar today is experiencing what it feels like to live in Rakhine (in terms of internet blackout), which hasn’t had full access for over 1.5 years. #Keepiton #Myanmarcoup twitter.com/thinzashunleiy...
タグ: Keepiton Myanmarcoup
posted at 13:55:29

ST Foreign Desk @STForeignDesk
Myanmar emergency: All eyes on army chief Min Aung Hlaing dlvr.it/RrlXd1
posted at 13:58:04

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Still seeing these posters amid the coup. Are these gonna be a new sign of dissent? #Myanmar #Coup2021 #Yangondowntown pic.twitter.com/ISG2LI9qQp
タグ: Coup2021 Myanmar Yangondowntown
posted at 14:01:08

Stephen Dziedzic @stephendziedzic
Worth noting that the current sanctions go beyond this, and includes an arms embargo - full details here: www.dfat.gov.au/international-...
posted at 14:02:30

Australian King Parrot foraging on camelia seed pods this afternoon. Male, getting adult plumage. #parrots @BigCityBirds1 @ParrotOfTheDay @Ashrides @madcatjo2point0 @PaintedGalah @bondigal pic.twitter.com/xi9RzE5jH6
タグ: parrots
posted at 14:03:10

posted at xx:xx:xx

スタッフ達は落ち着いていた。 pic.twitter.com/IA4IE6kYF6
posted at 14:10:53

posted at xx:xx:xx

Dream Job Myanmar @job_myanmar
posted at 14:14:48

Let me tell you a little story about a guy named Min Aung Hlaing... #Myanmar’s new old military dictator. twitter.com/justicemyanmar...
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 14:14:51

burned out villages, which you could clearly see from the helicopter. They put on this bizarre dog & pony show, play acting at being ready for refugee returns at these dismal prison-like camps. It was the most DGAF thing I had ever seen. And that’s my Min Aung Hlaing story.
posted at 14:14:58

Diversity Remains High in #Sundance2021 Films, As Is Their Market Appeal bit.ly/36m0GsC pic.twitter.com/qaXHueO7T2
タグ: Sundance2021
posted at 14:15:00

#Thailand #DPM #Prawit when asked what his comments were about the political developments #militarycoup in #Myanmar says that it is their "domestic issue". twitter.com/MatichonOnline...
タグ: DPM militarycoup Myanmar Prawit Thailand
posted at 14:17:31

Myanmar's new military ruler is said to be General Min Aung Hlaing, who oversaw the ethnic cleansing against Rohingya in 2017, which some have called genocide @amnesty www.amnesty.org/en/get-involve... pic.twitter.com/KLuqDd1Qmd
posted at 14:17:46

Christopher Mah, @ec @echinoblog
An interesting #molluskMonday #MolluscMonday video of a... "reveal" at the end!! digging in the sand! twitter.com/chikuworm/stat...
タグ: MolluscMonday molluskMonday
posted at 14:19:02

Diplomats in Yangon said that by the onset of Suu Kyi's first term in 2016, Min Aung Hlaing had transformed himself from taciturn soldier into a politician and public figure. www.rappler.com/world/asia-pac...
posted at 14:19:07

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

WATCH: First glimpse of Nay Pyi Taw after internet restored pic.twitter.com/2h7HSF18KO
posted at 14:24:13

Dr. Osama Bin Noor @OsamaBinNoor
How about transferring #AungSanSuuKyi to Bhasan Char, a newly built refuge camp? 🤔
posted at 14:27:27

#Myanmar #Burma Rohingya are in the crisis???
A deadly crackdown by Myanmar's army on #Rohingya Muslims sent hundreds of thousands fleeing across the border into Bangladesh and India earlier. creating problem for the Border Guarding forces like BGB #BSF pic.twitter.com/I9st8VXtuZ
タグ: BSF Burma Myanmar Rohingya
posted at 14:27:57

#Myanmar embassy in #Bangkok #Thailand is closed to public. They would normally be opened at this time. Police also outside as they're preparing for #Thai anti-government protesters @wevothai to turn up to show solidarity with Myanmar to reject #militarycoup #StandWithMyanmar pic.twitter.com/K8bEMo1UcV
タグ: Bangkok militarycoup Myanmar StandWithMyanmar Thai Thailand
posted at 14:29:41

Phone lines are returning in a weirdly scattered way. I don’t have it tho. Also can’t make calls but can use internet.
posted at 14:29:47

#Myanmar: UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres strongly condemns detention of Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and other political leaders by the military.
“These developments represent a serious blow to democratic reforms in Myanmar.”
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 14:30:05

別ホーム到着でドア開けず次の駅まで運行 5千人に影響 JR神戸線|事件・事故|神戸新聞NEXT
posted at 14:35:52

今、スーレーの近く通りましたが、警察が多数待機していました。カメラなど向けられません。 pic.twitter.com/FWicfsTno5
posted at 14:41:48

hbol.jp/218018?cx_clic... twitter.com/edanoyukio0531...
posted at 14:44:39

Its not clear if this is real or hacked. But the handwritten note at the end suggests authenticity.
posted at 14:45:29

covipla.ncgm.go.jp/theday.html pic.twitter.com/ifIBNgMWkm
タグ: コロナ
posted at 14:51:54

posted at 14:52:34

Thinzar Shunlei Yi @thinzashunleiyi
Myawaddy Military TV just announced
1. There will be an election again
2. The winning party will b tranferred power
#whatshappeninginMyanmar #MilitaryCoup
タグ: MilitaryCoup whatshappeninginMyanmar
posted at 14:57:05

今日の東京は393人(検査実施件数6,400) www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/index.files/03... oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/pytho... pic.twitter.com/jjQlaLEwyt
posted at 15:02:13

よこ部長@J.MOS/静岡とアジアで機械 @YOKOBUCHO_JMOS
自宅のWifi(MPT ミャンマーの通信会社)が復旧しました。一瞬かもしれませんが。
posted at 15:04:29

Heavy police presence around Kyauktada Police Station in downtown Yangon pic.twitter.com/1TJwZpqBq6
posted at 15:04:52

Dr. Jenny Hedström @HedstromJenny
I’m hearing that local level NLD activists are being detained. What about other parties? Does anyone know?
posted at 15:09:41

@HedstromJenny I heard that Ko Ko Gyi from People's party was also detained. He is also the 88th generation student. And Min Ko Naing (the 88th generation students) and Min Thway Thit (Student Union leader) were also detained.
posted at 15:13:00

Myanmar’s army seized power in an apparent coup, detaining de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi along with members of her party and declared a state of emergency for at least one year, signaling an end to the nation's nascent democratic experiment. abcn.ws/3r7N4cd
posted at 15:13:59

#IndiAves One of my favorites from my recent trip is this himalayan bulbul, have a great week folks. @ParveenKaswan @goldsant @HumayoonAsad @pankajsinghPHO @ThePhotoHour @Avibase #BBCWildlifePOTD #birdwatching #TwitterNatureCommunity @IndiAves @Kothiala @DiscoveryUK pic.twitter.com/Yv1XwX9Bv8
タグ: BBCWildlifePOTD birdwatching IndiAves TwitterNatureCommunity
posted at 15:14:26

Military supporters parading around Yangon today #Myanmar pic.twitter.com/hvWX53Z8Df
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 15:14:59

I guess I live tweeted a coup this morning. It’s 12:35 PM here. MPT & Mytel connections are back. Wifi speed is much normal. And most importantly our colleagues in NPT are out of darkness. @cape_diamond Stay strong 💪🏽 ✊🏽 #CoupInBurma #coupinmyanmar twitter.com/natrani/status...
posted at 15:15:01

posted at xx:xx:xx

Description読むとシャイフとクリスチャン女性の異教徒間恋愛物語っぽくて興味深い。 ▶ Farid al-Din `Attar | "Shaikh San'an beneath the Window of the Christian Maiden", Folio18r from a Mantiq al-tair (Language of the Birds) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art bit.ly/3cxqgi7 pic.twitter.com/EtH4kUsA1d
posted at 15:15:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

International Bird R @IntBirdRescue
February will be #PelicanLove month at Bird Rescue: Back in Feb 1990 we helped rescued & rehabilitate hundreds of Brown Pelicans at the American Trader spill when 400,000 gallons of oil leaked onto Orange County beaches:
www.facebook.com/intlbirdrescue... pic.twitter.com/UxX7TLbzum
タグ: PelicanLove
posted at 15:17:04

Deaths among Rome's rough sleepers surge as shelters turn many away due to Covid www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb...
posted at 15:19:17

Now we are discussing: “How to evacuate our pets?” We can’t leave our kittens behind 😭😭😭#ExpatsWithPets #CoupInBurma pic.twitter.com/5duAPT7jKx
タグ: CoupInBurma
posted at 15:21:39

Sad news from Myanmar where I’ve lived, worked and have so many dear friends.
Hope you are all safe at @ericsson @Telenor_mm @TelenorGroup and can help restore communication and sanity.
www.bbc.com/news/world-asi... pic.twitter.com/c1WniXhi4k
posted at 15:22:38

長野県_新型コロナウイルス対策情報 @Nagano_Corona
長野県内において #新型コロナ感染症 の陽性者が2例確認されました。
www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/kansensho-tais... pic.twitter.com/Tt5GJkXf6B
タグ: 新型コロナ感染症
posted at 15:26:20

"It's really a shock for all of us ... We are really concerned and worried about … going backwards." www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-0...
posted at 15:28:14

One question is how much the NLD has compromised its ability to garner international sympathy due to Rohingya crisis. Something we’ll get a better idea of in the days ahead I suppose twitter.com/kim_jolliffe/s...
posted at 15:30:31

Military Statements from their information FB page pic.twitter.com/pNC2nARR5C
posted at 15:30:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

The Philippine Embassy in Myanmar urges Filipinos to remain calm and stay home amid unfolding military coup in the country.
Embassy also encourages Filipinos to register with them through the following link: forms.gle/zsh11XR81HYTho... | via @sofiatomacruz pic.twitter.com/p8xMC0iKRv
posted at 15:32:34

@the_ayeminthant just received text from my colleague in Pakokku using Telenor
posted at 15:33:37

The Irrawaddy (Eng) @IrrawaddyNews
UPDATE: Military Coup in Myanmar
Police trucks are seen in Yangon before noon on Monday after the Myanmar military staged a coup earlier in the morning. pic.twitter.com/qKa0bqWar3
posted at 15:33:48

The military has instead cited article 417 of the charter in declaring its moves as constitutional. This article repeats the language of 40(c) but is more specific, and seems to hand discretion to the president.
More here: www.frontiermyanmar.net/en/tatmadaw-se... pic.twitter.com/aIiR5ykRIB
posted at 15:33:49

#ミャンマー #クーデター #アウンサンスーチー pic.twitter.com/0EB67pRIe4
posted at 15:33:53

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
Three cars with Myanmar just drive past blasting patriotic music. The back of the truck was loaded with men carrying swords. pic.twitter.com/P1FvTbbFfv
posted at 15:35:37

Le Laperouse has an economic exemption to come to NZ but was refused entry after Immigration denied 61 of its 90 crew visas because they are not considered essential workers.
But the Maritime Union says there are workers in NZ who could do the job.
posted at 15:37:01

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
Credible reports are saying that this is likely fake.
posted at 15:38:38

Timothy McLaughlin @TMclaughlin3
A short profile from 2016 on Min Aung Hlaing, the man who has seized even more power today in Myanmar. With a stroke of luck I was able to meet one of his old DSA classmates and attempted to speak to his brother, who booked it when I introduced myself: www.reuters.com/article/us-mya...
posted at 15:40:24

Katsuya Shimbata 新畑克 @kman57move
渋谷区の国連大学前では多くの在日ミャンマー人が集まり「Free Aung San Suu Kyi」「Free Burma」と軍事クーデターを行った国軍に対し怒りをぶつけている。現場で出くわした知り合いのミャンマー人も「信じられないよ」と疲れ果てた様子だった。 #Tokyo pic.twitter.com/Kti65CUQt5
タグ: Tokyo
posted at 15:41:05

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
Next stop for the @WHO #coronavirus investigation team today will be #Wuhan City’s Centre for Diseases Control. It has a lab inside and is only hundreds of metres from the Huanan livestock market which had the early virus infection clusters, hence questions about possible leak? pic.twitter.com/UqJsoQeQDL
タグ: coronavirus Wuhan
posted at 15:44:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

ドイツでもたまに現地に住んでる日本人が必要で、まさに「ただそこにいて下さい」という、レンタルドイツに住んでるだけのなんもしない人案件があった。(今はコロナなのでそんな用事はない) twitter.com/1kani1dai/stat...
posted at 15:48:04

Timothy McLaughlin @TMclaughlin3
At that time, he spoke frequently about two things; avoiding an Arab Spring style uprising and modernizing the Tatmadaw. With a submarine and loads of new hardware, the modernization has happened to some degree. A mass protest movement never occurred, but after today, who knows.
posted at 15:48:10

#Journalists (both local and correspondents for Int’l media) here in #Naypyidaw are safe for now.
Thanks for the checking in with me and support messages from all the friends and colleagues.
We’re now worried if the mobile signal and internet will shut down again.
タグ: Journalists Myanmar Naypyidaw
posted at 15:48:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

光と角度で変わる不思議さ、何色なんだろうね。わからないからいいんだね pic.twitter.com/r71LrzDWFQ
posted at 15:53:12

Thames Water discharging raw sewage into Buckinghamshire river www.theguardian.com/environment/20...
posted at 15:54:14

I emphasize that the UN must act now! The people had voted for NLD and that must be respected.
👇 twitter.com/holmescnn/stat...
posted at 15:54:27

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
Another caravan, this time a mix of monks and lay people, some dressed in camo. They are chanting for good health for General Min Aung Hlaing, commander of the armed forces of Myanmar. pic.twitter.com/G6IFhnqqnn
posted at 15:55:32

Can we please have some sensible decision makers 😥 twitter.com/tarauk/status/...
posted at 15:57:24

A cruise ship turned away from New Zealand is now stuck off the coast of New Caledonia, low on fuel with a significant storm approaching and no permission to dock.
posted at 16:00:01

Firdaus Hashim @FirdausAirways
Sino-Philippine consortium loses award to build mega airport outside Manila www.flightglobal.com/air-transport/... via @alfredinflight
posted at 16:00:01

See how experts say #COVID-19 fatigue, a second strain of the virus and overwhelmed health systems have #SouthAfrica facing a potential 3rd or even 4th pandemic wave at - adf-magazine.com/2021/01/an-exh...
タグ: COVID SouthAfrica
posted at 16:00:34

13.48 น. มีผู้ชุมนุมชาวเมียนมาร์มารอที่หน้าสถานทูต สอบถามระบุว่า นัดหมายกันมาประมาณ 15 คน กำลังทยอยเดินทางกันมา สวมใส่เสื้อสีแดงสกรีนภาพ #อองซานซูจี และตัวอักษร NLD ถือป้ายผ้าสัญลักษณ์ของพรรค NLD พร้อมชู 3 นิ้วเพื่อแสดงออกต่อต้าน #รัฐประหาร เมื่อเช้านี้
#SaveMyanmar pic.twitter.com/voCnxD6lDL
タグ: SaveMyanmar
posted at 16:01:38

No statements from the EU yet, but I understood diplomats at @eu_eeas held an emergency call late last night Brussels times as the news unfolded. Here’s an overview of the EU measures on Myanmar currently in place www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document... pic.twitter.com/pi7ZKKXtEz
posted at 16:02:20

It's time for an ideological shift in our perspectives on gender and style. tnvge.co/4U0PSpZ
posted at 16:05:05

Dutch footballer with a very NSFW name becomes instant viral star www.indy100.com/sport/jizz-hor...
posted at 16:05:20

@walone4 @Reuters No, that wasn’t U Win Htein handwriting on that letter. This 👇is the real U Win Htein handwriting apparently.
posted at 16:07:40

Military supporters celebrating in front of City Hall in Yangon pic.twitter.com/6rXIHhWIbg
posted at 16:14:22

1日16時17分頃、長崎県・熊本県などで最大震度2を観測する地震がありました。震源地は熊本県熊本地方、M3.9。この地震による津波の心配はありません。 earthquake.tenki.jp/bousai/earthqu... #jishin #地震
posted at 16:22:02

Timothy McLaughlin @TMclaughlin3
Photos posted from NDSC meeting at the presidential palace in Nay Pyi Taw. Min Aung Hlaing, Soe Win, Myint Swe and others in attendance. pic.twitter.com/jPJpdcFFuN
posted at 16:27:33

Josep Borrell Fontel @JosepBorrellF
I strongly condemn the coup carried out by the #Myanmar military and call for the immediate release of those detained.
Election results and constitution must be respected.
Myanmar's people want democracy. The EU stands with them.
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 16:27:34

#Myanmarcoup - hearing from my former colleagues at the state broadcaster MRTV at Tatkon... Soldiers in compound and surrounding staff accommodation. Chief Engineer detained by soldiers. No broadcasting for the time being
タグ: Myanmarcoup
posted at 16:29:00

FRANCE 24 Français @France24_fr
Après le coup d’État en Birmanie, une pluie de condamnations internationales f24.my/7JwI.t pic.twitter.com/Uds80gi1T1
posted at 16:29:34

Grave concern regarding the declaration of the transfer of all legislative, executive and judicial powers to the military:UN SG @antonioguterres pic.twitter.com/6obze2qaRx
posted at 16:36:36

Temporary president Myint Swe and Army Chief Min Aung Hlaing pic.twitter.com/n4RFlGrXzs
posted at 16:38:03

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
When the @WHO scientists visited the earlier disease control centre they saw labs, including the bsl-3, and asked about #Wuhan’s early responses, including identification of cases, testing, the means of infection and any common links between virus patients. #China #coronavirus
タグ: China coronavirus Wuhan
posted at 16:38:21

National Defence and Security Council meeting in Naypyitaw after they coup the power
posted at 16:38:42

China reacts on Myanmar coup. Spox Wang Wenbin says, " hopes the various parties in Myanmar will appropriately resolve their differences under the constitutional and legal framework to protect political and social stability" twitter.com/sidhant/status...
posted at 16:46:01

#myanmar #militarycoup people started to queue up for the ATM machine to cash out.. this morning 10am. pic.twitter.com/rC4pLbAuJb
タグ: militarycoup myanmar
posted at 16:46:52

As at 2.15pm Myanmar time (3.45pm Sg/Hk time):
- NLD's senior official Myo Nyunt's wife tells me she doesn't know where he is
- Young soldiers came to their house early morning
- No struggle
- Young soldiers told Myo Nyunt's wife they'll take care of him
posted at 16:46:53

よこ部長@J.MOS/静岡とアジアで機械 @YOKOBUCHO_JMOS
posted at 16:49:29

NDL supporters in Bangkok are protesting outside Myanmar Embassy against the military coup. Thai anti-gov @theratsadon also calls for a gathering here at 15.30 pic.twitter.com/Yeorwu8DBU
posted at 16:51:35

Gaysian Daredevil @bingsoojung
If you want to be aware of what's going on in Myanmar this is a great live tweet from an actual great journalist who's actually there, and is also Khmer. twitter.com/the_ayeminthan...
posted at 16:54:23

posted at xx:xx:xx

@TMclaughlin3 Saw truck loads of police with riot gear near Shwedagon since yesterday (while on my evening bike ride) pic.twitter.com/0sP0lcPaBI
posted at 16:57:52

よこ部長@J.MOS/静岡とアジアで機械 @YOKOBUCHO_JMOS
posted at 16:59:56

Do you know someone whose pioneering reporting or innovation has made a major impact on people’s lives? Nominate an outstanding journalist today for the @ICFJKnight International Journalism Award: buff.ly/3izN9m1 pic.twitter.com/MDguN4FP3A
posted at 17:00:11

Myanmar Now reached one of the few NLD leaders not yet arrested in the coup, Win Htein: “Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s call for public resistance against the coup means civil disobedience, non-violence and non-cooperation”. #Myanmar #Myanmarcoup twitter.com/myanmar_now_en...
タグ: Myanmar Myanmarcoup
posted at 17:05:28

Myanmar soldiers on guard in Naypyidaw after the army overthrew Aung San Suu Kyi in a military coup. pic.twitter.com/dcdlEWRXCd
posted at 17:07:15

昇降式ホーム柵ならどんな車両にも対応できると思われがちですが、決してそんなことは無いのです・・・ pic.twitter.com/hLr4TmVM8C
posted at 17:07:41

BBCニュース - ミャンマー国軍のクーデターは「民主主義に対する攻撃」 国連の特別報告者 www.bbc.com/japanese/video... pic.twitter.com/GifmKjAvnk
posted at 17:08:35

posted at xx:xx:xx

東電 定例会見
1月30日 75回目の共用プールへの移送完了(524/566体
①18m3 ②5m3 23m3 降水 1.0㎜
水処理週報 487報
1-3号温度計評価 変化なし
posted at 17:10:07

Zimbabwe: Chegutu mine collapse: 2 illegal miners rescued – NewsDay Zimbabwe www.newsday.co.zw/2021/01/chegut...
ジンバブエ:#Chegutu の鉱山で閉じ込められていた5人のうち2人が救出される。
posted at 17:11:11

Vulture Conservation @4Vultures
We are thrilled to participate in the The Reintroduction & Rewilding Summit on 10 April! We hope you will join us for an insightful event where we will talk about #BeardedVulture reintroduction.
#wildlifeconservation #vultures #conservation twitter.com/harbourbirds/s...
タグ: BeardedVulture conservation vultures wildlifeconservation
posted at 17:14:23

徳島県板野郡北島町 NPOとくしまコウノトリ基金 が 観察カメラ 映像にて 侵入個体が巣に頻繁に接近を公開しています。抱卵時期 など だと恐い。詳細は URL内容を ご参照下さい。
※ 当方とは 無関係 の NPO法人 ですので、内容については 紹介元 まで お願いします。
posted at 17:14:41

Awful news to wake up to of Myanmar's coup. A friend who lives in Yangon texted me saying that the generals were likely emboldened by Trump's playbook, as they used false claims of widespread election fraud as a pretext to seize power.
posted at 17:14:45

Hearing that Chief Engineer and two staff taken to MRTV station to get the army on air. For the time being only the military-run Myawaddy TV is broadcasting
posted at 17:14:50

Joint Press Conference on #myanmar military coup 📣📣
@APHR & @PVamplify is organizing a joint online PC 10.30am bkk, Tue 2 Feb to express grave concern & analyze implications of military coup in Myanmar on human rights & democracy.
Register here 👉🏽 zoom.us/webinar/regist... pic.twitter.com/FW2nAxQeRG
タグ: myanmar
posted at 17:14:55

Ursula von der Leyen @vonderleyen
I strongly condemn the coup in Myanmar.
The legitimate civilian government must be restored, in line with the country's constitution & the November elections.
I call for the immediate & unconditional release of all those detained. twitter.com/josepborrellf/...
posted at 17:16:24

青色悪論(नकमुरतकसि)#反日 反 @yokyun68k
運輸関係者でゼネストを行うことを私は支持します。 news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/hashimo...
posted at 17:17:48

Infront of #myanmar embassy in #Bangkok #Thailand where Myanmar citizens working here are gathered to protest against the #militarycoup in their country. They were reportedly stomping on picture of #military chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. #StandWithMyanmar pic.twitter.com/0pi6ZMdT34
タグ: Bangkok military militarycoup myanmar StandWithMyanmar Thailand
posted at 17:17:51

posted at xx:xx:xx

I guess the #Myanmarcoup generals are pleased that their predecessors built the MRTV state broadcasting headquarters just down the road from an army barracks... pic.twitter.com/LwUrJqO6DE
タグ: Myanmarcoup
posted at 17:23:49

#Thailand key anti-government protest leader @paritchi condemns #Myanmar #militarycoup, that democracy is needed for all not just in Thailand but also in Myanmar. That citizens should have ownership of own country & that Thailand should #StandWithMyanmar to reject #military #coup pic.twitter.com/h5kd3qf7Ds
タグ: coup military militarycoup Myanmar StandWithMyanmar Thailand
posted at 17:24:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

タグ: SAPA飲食店を開けてくれ コンビニ利用 トラックドライバー
posted at 17:41:43

南米ゴキブリを野外で確認、千葉 繁殖容易、害虫となる恐れ | 2021/2/1 - 共同通信
posted at 17:43:14

WHO says new #Covid-19 strains are fueling Africa's second wave of infections - ow.ly/d3K450Dnc3r pic.twitter.com/tkb1ub1ts2
タグ: Covid
posted at 17:45:04

EU’s foreign policy boss on #Myanmar .
It’s @POTUS & China who are the key to this though. twitter.com/JosepBorrellF/...
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 17:45:24

And also, how is the EU’s nascent interest in the Indo-Pacific going to fit into its response to one of the region’s deepest political crises? twitter.com/beaking_news/s...
posted at 17:55:13

posted at 17:59:27

トラックドライバーの「SAPA飲食店を開けてくれ」に「コンビニ利用」を促す国交相のズレ感(橋本愛喜) - Y!ニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/hashimo...
posted at 18:05:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

www.tsogen.co.jp/award/ayukawa/ pic.twitter.com/FjEPJouVto
posted at 18:06:35

posted at xx:xx:xx

The Seabird Group @TheSeabirdGroup
Welcome to February! This month for our #SeabirdShowOff we are featuring photography by our very own Membership Secretary, Danni Thompson (@scottishseabird). pic.twitter.com/jLZiV0Gfkr
タグ: SeabirdShowOff
posted at 18:08:06

The Seabird Group @TheSeabirdGroup
To get involved with future #SeabirdShowOffs, where we can promote your artwork or photography across our social media, do pop us a DM or send us an email (socialmedia AT seabirdgroup DOT org DOT uk). pic.twitter.com/amIvtq0xCD
タグ: SeabirdShowOffs
posted at 18:08:11

重原美智子 Michiko Shigeh @sci_bird_art
@ken_nishizaki 音声コミュニケーションかもしれないです。
posted at 18:12:32

Why countries with 'loose', rule-breaking cultures have been hit harder by Covid | Michele Gelfand www.theguardian.com/world/commenti...
posted at 18:14:07

Health minister Myint Htwe resigns. The country just rolled out COVID-19 vaccination five days ago. Here is the link to a note he left. www.facebook.com/MinistryOfHeal... pic.twitter.com/HxyMxn9J9S
posted at 18:19:18

行の下方にピリオド三つ並べた「…」なんかを三点リーダーなんていつから呼ぶようになったんだよ? 誰も文句言わなかったのかよ? 三点リーダーってのは行のど真ん中を、天下をつんざくように「・・・」って書くものだ。
タグ: 三点リーダー症候群
posted at 18:27:02

posted at 18:57:01

Firdaus Hashim @FirdausAirways
De Havilland considers pausing production of Dash 8-400 www.flightglobal.com/airframers/de-...
posted at 19:00:00

posted at 19:01:45

Myanmar Coup
'The main issue is that Aung San Suu Kyi wants to see the military formally out of politics and the military are absolutely convinced that they are the only thing that stands between normality and disaster.'
@bill_hayton tells @BBCNews
posted at 19:02:51

'The military believes it embodies the soul and the spirit of the nation and that it's therefore required to make sure that Myanmar stays on a true path. To speak frankly, they don't trust civilians to get on with it.'
posted at 19:02:52

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

トラブルの当該はH4だった模様。 pic.twitter.com/pjJhMIldnz
posted at 19:07:23

名寄交通さんが音威子府に呼ばれて、そのまま稚内まで走るんですね。タクシードライバーさんも大変だ。 twitter.com/Ariei2000/stat...
posted at 19:15:57

uoichiba (Yuta Tsuki @uoichiba1027
そのため、恐竜の足跡には踵の痕が残ることは滅多にありませんでした。 pic.twitter.com/NfWBT1F3il
posted at 19:40:08

Although 2nd Lt. Eugene Bullard from Georgia could not fly for the US in WWI, he joined the French air corps and became the first recorded Black American combat pilot. He received many honors, such as the Legion of Honor, France's highest order of merit. #BlackHistoryMonth #USAF pic.twitter.com/4epefIdUKy
posted at 20:00:40

posted at 21:06:57

山本聖士/恐竜復元教/恐竜異説読も♡ @yamamotoyama555
踵の出っ張りの骨は脛側にくっついてんのよね恐竜さんは。( ・∀・)足首の滑車状の関節作ってる面がそもそも異なってるのが面白いのよね。
posted at 21:07:38

さらには私ら以上にしっかり者で、ラベル作りから検体準備まで少ない人数で用意してくれるクラークさんも、昨日は “What’s your last name today?”と口走って待合室を静かに笑いの渦に巻き込んだそうで。みんなお疲れさんと労りあったわけだけど、今日もそろそろそんな感じになっている頃。
posted at 21:07:48

A new variant of coronavirus that has been circulating in South Africa has now been seen in two parts of Woking, the Surrey Local Resilience Forum said. Officials are to go house-to-house in Woking to ask 9,500 adults to do coronavirus tests to check for the strain. [THREAD]
posted at 21:10:00

Door-to-door testing for South Africa variant of coronavirus to start in parts of England, after cases found with no known links to travel or previous cases bbc.in/3thYfRN
posted at 21:14:02

Public health officials urged residents in Woking and other affected areas to "remain calm and continue to follow the national restrictions". Read more: www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55...
posted at 21:22:22

As it emerged that a new variant of coronavirus circulating in South Africa has now been seen in two parts of Woking, here's a map showing recent new Covid-19 cases in the area. pic.twitter.com/yfdgZID4qK
posted at 21:23:27

・117系(「WEST EXPRESS 銀河」含む)
これら以外はドア位置が筐体と干渉する可能性があるため乗降扱いが難しくなります。 pic.twitter.com/4CT7cCbNp0
posted at 21:47:10

Malcolm M. Campbell @m_m_campbell
Once upon a time...
There lived a fungus 635MYA.
#microbes #mycology #microbiology #palaeontology #biology #evolution by @LaMinda
タグ: biology evolution microbes microbiology mycology palaeontology SixIncredibleThingsBeforeBreakfast
posted at 22:20:20

This February, join NBAA in highlighting the contributions of African Americans to #aviation as we celebrate #diversity in the cockpit and beyond. Happy #BlackHistoryMonth! pic.twitter.com/q8pZKVb3gx
タグ: aviation BlackHistoryMonth diversity
posted at 22:45:03

除染なき解除 利用せずも視野に www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/fukushim... archive.is/29Opy 長泥地区では「除染なき避難指示解除」後の姿に対する認識に幅があり、除染を行った上での解除を望む人もいることから、「除染なき避難指示解除」を可能にする制度を利用しないことも視野に、今後の検討を進める
posted at 22:46:35

Sky News Breaking @SkyNewsBreak
Additional testing is being made available in locations where the covid-19 variant first identified in South Africa has been found including parts of London, West Midlands, East of England, South East and North West after Public Health England identified 105 cases of the variant
posted at 22:50:20

While everyone's thinking about Myanmar politics please also think about Myanmar's poor. Over 2020 lives of tens of millions have been descending into disaster w/ poverty rates soaring from 16 - 60%. Myanmar urgently needs vaccines and an equitable economic recovery (not a coup).
posted at 23:02:23

Quick Covid tests will be carried out door-to-door in parts of London and the South East after the South Africa variant was identified in two positive tests
posted at 23:06:13

Committee to Protect @pressfreedom
#Myanmar’s military must fully restore all blocked TV stations, phone lines, and internet services and refrain from imposing any orders that restrict the media’s ability to freely report the news amid emergency rule.
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 23:21:47

New cabinet announced by military-run Myawaddy TV. Most ministers are from Thein Sein’s era. Win Shein is finance minister; Aung Naing Oo replaces Thaung Tun as investment minister; Wunna Maung Lwin is back as foreign affairs minister. #Myanmar www.facebook.com/15150970754715...
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 23:30:12

There have been disruptions in our network in some areas due to the ongoing situation in #Myanmar. @Telenor_mm is working to fully restore connectivity for our customers as soon as possible. pic.twitter.com/jaNu97UBhT
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 23:48:54