- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Folks near me hanging Thin Blue Line flags and I'm like, what imaginary lawless horde are imaginary cops protecting you from, out by your corn field, my dude?
We don't have a cop. The one cop in town was bagged for assaulting kids, and never replaced.
It just signals racism. twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/s...
posted at 00:05:33

The imbeciles who stormed the capitol murdered an officer but do tell us more about how you "back the blue," random open-carrying weirdo.
posted at 00:12:05

Eurasian Skylark
Manjhwali, Haryana
Jan 2021
#IndiAves #ThePhotoHour #Nature #TwitterNatureCommunity
@IndiAves @ThePhotoHour #BBCWildlifePOTD #ThroughYourLens @NikonIndia #BirdsSeenIn2021 #BirdTwitter @ParveenKaswan @Avibase @the_wildindia @incredibleindia pic.twitter.com/6c9awDk1Y8
タグ: BBCWildlifePOTD BirdsSeenIn2021 BirdTwitter IndiAves Nature ThePhotoHour ThroughYourLens TwitterNatureCommunity
posted at 00:20:02

Aviacionline.com @aviacionline
Argentina: Listado actualizado de vuelos internacionales disponibles y guía de ingreso www.aviacionline.com/2021/02/argent...
posted at 00:24:56

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
The counting is ended today on the occasion of #WorldWetlandDay.
Also showing the importance of wetlands for these migratory birds. Those who travelled for thousands of kilometers, without GPS and external support also.
タグ: WorldWetlandDay
posted at 00:51:02

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
Alright. It's time for bed. (Hopefully) see you all again tomorrow.
posted at 00:55:11

Many thanks to Alan Joyce, CEO of @Qantas, for his really clear and informative interview on @eurocontrol Aviation StraightTalk Live today
Catch it here if you missed it!
www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9FRYi... pic.twitter.com/ei0Reab8bz
posted at 01:26:49

Many thanks to Alan Joyce, CEO of @Qantas, for his really clear and informative interview on @eurocontrol Aviation StraightTalk Live today
Catch it here if you missed it!
youtu.be/g9FRYiF3nMY via @YouTube
posted at 01:27:24

Here is a reconstruction of the Early Cretaceous tree-fern Weichselia reticulata based on Blanco‐Moreno et al. 2020 (stem) and 2019 (leaves). Note: a lot of this is still tentative.
This plant was extremely common in the Bernissart Iguanodon pit, Las Hoyas and Kem Kem beds. pic.twitter.com/9HuPvxPkqD
posted at 01:30:00

Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson
@captaintommoore A truly remarkable man who's message lives on as inspiration for us all to do more whatever our situation.
posted at 01:31:15

posted at 01:33:17

@captaintommoore Per Ardua Ad Astra Sir. 💙
After defending our nation, you inspired it and we will forever be grateful to you for both. Our thoughts are with your family.
posted at 01:42:09

Southern Fire Exch. @SEFireScience
The origin of Smokejumpers and the story of the 555th Parachute Infantry
"Let us travel back to the origins of this unit, its conversion from a highly trained and combat ready parachute unit [in WWII] to the extremely dangerous role of smoke jumping..." pic.twitter.com/PGoEDldTYl
posted at 01:45:00

Royal Ontario Museum @ROMtoronto
@Aceandbogie We remain closed in accordance with public health guidelines - but we offer a variety of virtual experiences, including online 'school visits' for educators and their classes.
posted at 01:53:23

Alaska Raptor Center @RaptorOrg
Kily, a Harlan's Red-tailed #Hawk, showing off a “rouse”
#Birds rouse by raising their feathers away from the body, shaking them out. Often this behavior is performed during grooming, after a bath, or when the bird feels content. Rousing clears the plumage of any debris or water pic.twitter.com/E5ny8JBF5R
posted at 01:54:12

One of my favourite spots in Rangoon. #video #day2 #CoupInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/LWRJFrFw98
タグ: CoupInMyanmar day2 video
posted at 02:01:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

Quanta Magazine @QuantaMagazine
New from @KSHartnett: An exhaustive proof concludes that there are only 59 isolated examples and two infinite families of tetrahedra with rational dihedral angles. www.quantamagazine.org/tetrahedron-so... pic.twitter.com/YsYTYBrZIb
posted at 02:18:22

Cutting-edge number theory solves an ancient-seeming question and classifies *all* rational tetrahedra. My new story in @QuantaMagazine www.quantamagazine.org/mathematicians...
posted at 02:24:48

Marty Weissman @marty__weissman
The Quanta article is now published, about the classification of rational tetrahedra by Kedlaya, Kolpakov, Poonen, and Rubinstein. Article by @KSHartnett and cover illustration by @NatureInTheory. Full article at www.quantamagazine.org/mathematicians...
posted at 02:33:32

Today’s an exciting day #stealthmode #newcombine @CLAAS_UK @oliversagri pic.twitter.com/zMUmMPnkqw
posted at 02:52:43

posted at 02:59:57

Voorwaarden aan openstelling basisscholen:
1 positieve test van 1 kind betekent iedereen in quarantaine en op dag 5 testen.
タグ: persconferentie
posted at 03:06:25

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight
Hans has been brilliant for SpaceX. Gerst will also be brilliant in his role. twitter.com/thesheetztweet...
posted at 03:09:50

Internet Ban in Rakhine state has been restored.
Heard military #tatmadaw has been reaching out to ethnic and religious minorities leaders across the country including Rakhine State.
🚨 All Part of Game!
#Myanmarcoup #myanmarmilitarycoup #myanmar #Burma
タグ: Burma myanmar Myanmarcoup myanmarmilitarycoup tatmadaw
posted at 03:12:10

De besmettingen dalen, maar nieuwe varianten van het coronavirus winnen terrein. Dat is zorgelijk, want deze varianten zijn besmettelijker en kunnen tot een nieuwe golf leiden. Daarom wordt de lockdown verlengd.
Meer informatie ⤵️
#AlleenSamen pic.twitter.com/etSYummnHS
タグ: AlleenSamen
posted at 03:21:06

Museum of Nature @MuseumofNature
In this new Virtual Open House video @Jordan_Mallon talks about cool #dinosaur specimens, big and small, in our collections: Triceratops, Pachycephalosaurus and Panoplosaurus. youtu.be/Jfab9qF9hPs pic.twitter.com/S6gGElihrw
タグ: dinosaur
posted at 04:03:08

Just finished watching #Lupin . Brilliant show !! @OmarSy was spectacular !! Can't wait for the second part come summer 2021. Whoop !! pic.twitter.com/sE7JFBk3ka
タグ: Lupin
posted at 04:16:19

Speak Up Africa @SpeakUpAfrica1
« Négligées ».
Nous sommes fiers de dire #NonauxMTN et de vous voir le dire aussi.
Il est temps d’agir et de faire de la lutte contre les maladies tropicales négligées une priorité en Afrique.
Merci @FlorentAMANY, @fatouguinea, @OmarSy, @NWEworldwide_ et tous les autres ! pic.twitter.com/LrM64akbA8
タグ: NonauxMTN
posted at 05:03:09

10_Tanker Air Carrie @Ten_Tanker
Our DC-10's are flying with new colors, hit the link to find out what's behind the design: www.10tanker.com/post/flying-wi... pic.twitter.com/JZac80VIQ0
posted at 05:04:47

posted at xx:xx:xx

I’ll never let #BlackHistoryMonth go by w/o acknowledging my grandmother - in full gratitude - Ida Van Smith. A bit of her story: Mommy Smith was a trailblazer in aviation. After teaching in NYC public schools for many years, she decided she wanted to learn to fly planes. pic.twitter.com/KjN1YTsRuH
posted at 05:14:24

So she went over to LaGuardia Airport and took her 1st lesson. Then she retired from teaching and moved back to her home state NC and enrolled in aviation school. Did I mention that she was 50 years old when she did this? Mommy Smith was badass and fearless af. pic.twitter.com/JndHS3OgMh
posted at 05:14:24

She was a licensed pilot and instrument rated (allowed to fly in inclement weather). She flew for a while, but saw a need to introduce & encourage careers in aviation to Black children. So she started the Ida Van Smith Flight Clubs right there in Queens where she’d returned. pic.twitter.com/wNaHP39FfG
posted at 05:14:25

Through her flight clubs, she introduced hundreds of inner-city kids to the world of aviation. Her work is modestly memorialized in a few places, including the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. I’m really proud of that. I come from bad-assery. Flyness all up in my DNA. 💪🏾☺️ pic.twitter.com/tS8LFWh16a
posted at 05:14:27

When we think of #BlackHistoryMonth, we often think of famous people who seem rather abstract to our daily lives. But fr fr, SO many of our family members made history being the firsts in their departments, on their jobs, in their schools/colleges. Jim Crow wasn’t THAT long ago.
posted at 05:14:27

I hope encourage y’all to reach out to your elders this month, explore the history in your own families. Ask them who did what/when they did it. Write their accounts down. Archive them for safekeeping. #BlackHistoryMonth isn’t only the celebrated figures we know of. It’s you too.
posted at 05:14:27

Live feed of Starship SN9 flight test → spacex.com/vehicles/stars... twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1...
posted at 05:21:39

Chris Bergin - NSF @NASASpaceflight
Nice try, SN9! But didn't hit SN10 or the Tank Farm.
You're next, SN10!
➡️www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfHqba... pic.twitter.com/Eh3Dn6C9M4
posted at 05:33:43

SN10 be like..... #SpaceX #SN9 pic.twitter.com/jNKYBcTxrE
posted at 05:41:47

Dai a.k.a. 転職活動おじさん @10shockOzSun
posted at 06:00:10

National Air and Spa @airandspace
Patricia Cowings researched psycho-physiological and biological problems (space sickness!) experienced by astronauts in space in the early 1980s. She designed a program that enabled astronauts to learn how to control the sickness in no longer than six hours! #BlackHistoryMonth pic.twitter.com/qkOMKfmrau
posted at 06:00:30

Everyday Astronaut @Erdayastronaut
Lots of debris getting kicked out on the second engine relight during the kick flip. Going to go ahead and say that’s not exactly #norminal... but epic none the less 🤯 #Starship #SN9 pic.twitter.com/ujD3Mr8bGF
posted at 06:05:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Sebastian Stan Brasi @sebstanbr
#EN | According to @DEADLINE, Disney is set to release from 2 or 4 trailers on this sunday’s #SuperBowl.
A new ‘The Falcon and The Winter Soldier’ trailer/teaser is likely to be released. pic.twitter.com/iCam2vjQnA
posted at 06:20:31

New Pliocene petrel Procellaria altirostris: www.revistas.usp.br/paz/article/vi... #birds #dinosaurs
posted at 06:42:00

Lark Voorhies @TheLarkVoorhies
Just posted a photo www.instagram.com/p/CKzkmwKDXzw/...
posted at 07:00:35

森喜朗元首相 えひめ丸事件の際にゴルフ続けた理由を明かす
posted at 07:07:58

Stacked progression image of today’s launch and hard landing of #Starship SN9 at #SpaceX’s South Texas launch site!
One of the coolest things I’ve ever seen with my own eyes.
Full gallery + prints: www.johnkrausphotos.com/Galleries/Laun... pic.twitter.com/RoorKvzg6A
posted at 07:21:54

Just subscribed to @aj_fi's new China space newsletter: 👀 www.getrevue.co/profile/aj_fi via @revue
posted at 07:26:35

Sandra K Eckersley @SandraEckersley
Good morning! @ParrotOfTheDay pic.twitter.com/PJ4oxuiMoZ
posted at 07:48:35

posted at xx:xx:xx

.@enjoy_enjo_ さんの「高知東生さん、YouTubeを観すぎて陰謀論を信じかけるも回避「楽に賢そうな気分になれた」「言い切ってる人の話がわか..」togetter.com/li/1661517 をお気に入りにしました。
posted at 08:07:04

鬼滅のウエハース昨日買って32種類出る中で1枚目に冨岡が出てハッピーでしたありがとうございました...残り全力でさねみんを狙う... pic.twitter.com/YFfOb76RHh
posted at 08:23:51

posted at 08:41:52

11/06 神奈川で開始
11/20 東京で開始
11/25 神奈川中断
11/27 東京中断
10/29 米モデルナ(21年前半より5000万回分)
12/11 英アストラゼネカ(21年初頭から1億2000万回分)
01/20 米ファイザー(年内に1億4400万回分)
posted at 08:43:01

11/27 尾身会長「個人の努力だけに頼るステージはもう過ぎた」
12/10 都知事「ひ・き・し・め・よ・う」
12/21 医療9団体「医療体制が風前の灯火」
12/22 都医師会「真剣勝負の3週間」
12/27 羽田議員死去
01/19 初めて重症者1000人、死者100人超える
posted at 08:45:08

posted at 08:49:43

COCOA動作チェッカー dena.github.io/cocoa-checker/ Androidのみ対応 twitter.com/DeNAPR/status/...
posted at 09:01:35

自宅で手軽に宮城の芋煮!! みそと食材セットの予約受け付け | 河北新報オンラインニュース
タグ: 芋煮戦争
posted at 09:14:12

U.S. COVID update: Number of new vaccinations at lowest level since January 19
-New cases: 115,619
-Positivity rate: 8.4% (+1)
-In hospital: 92,880 (-656)
-In ICU: 18,388 (-184)
-New deaths: 3,486
- 1st dose: 27.4M (+588K)
- 2nd dose: 6.4M (+280K)
posted at 09:24:54

西村 カリン (Karyn NISHIM @karyn_nishi
早ければ、2月3日の夕方に第3話(épisode 3)を投稿します。
タグ: 外国人特派員の日常
posted at 09:39:59

「後藤慎介・大阪市大教授は「昆虫の進化を探る基礎的な発見だけでなく、害虫以外には影響しない薬の開発に役立つ」と話している。ただ、絶滅が危ぶまれているタガメもカメムシ亜目に属しているため、使い方なども考える必要があるという」大事な視点。 #生き物好き www.asahi.com/articles/ASP22...
タグ: 生き物好き
posted at 09:40:43

The Myanmar generals have always been motivated by power not wealth. Their friends and enemies are all within the country. The rest of the world barely matters. Their creed is nationalism and their dream is to end the country's 75 year old civil war on their terms.
posted at 09:42:17

"The evidence is now clear. #SARSCoV2 is transmitted predominantly through the air — by people talking and breathing out large droplets and small particles called aerosols. Catching the virus from surfaces — although plausible — seems to be rare."
www.nature.com/articles/d4158... @nature
タグ: SARSCoV2
posted at 09:45:17

「昨年は第一湖盆で水深80メートルまでしか表層の水が到達せず、2019年に続いて全層循環が未完了だった」すでに出ていますが、知事と同じ気持ちだった人も多いはずです。#世界湿地の日 にふさわしいニュースでした。 #生態系 www.kyoto-np.co.jp/articles/-/494...
posted at 09:53:48

#RyeFire, follow @415FirePhoto @CAFireScanner @barkflight (maybe others). (Not likely to be a general wildfire issue given the moisture in the hills.) twitter.com/CAFireScanner/...
タグ: RyeFire
posted at 10:09:39

Watch our #Sundance2021 virtual panel event with Rebecca Hall and the "Passing" team, where we discuss the elegant adaptation of Nella Larsen's classic novel: bit.ly/36AB8Z0
(#IWSundance | Presented by @CanadaGoose) pic.twitter.com/USOa9murOm
タグ: Sundance2021
posted at 10:10:00

And any effective international approach will also need to understand the unique psychology of Myanmar's political elites, shaped by decades of violence, isolation, poverty, and oppression as well as the deeply conservative and hierarchical nature of its mainly Buddhist society.
posted at 10:10:24

CA Fire Scanner @CAFireScanner
Total of 3 patients all w/ facial + upper torso burns, 2nd & 3rd degree burns, also have injuries from shrapnel. All being transported via ground to hospital. #RyeFire
タグ: RyeFire
posted at 10:12:23

In the early 2010s when things looked like they were going inevitably in a good direction, no one felt the need to do much homework (including on the past efficacy of sanctions) and assumed the best. It's probably time to do a lot of the homework now.
posted at 10:12:45

Looking for a #FireJob? @BLMNational is hiring a Fire Management Officer in @BLM_MTDKs. Visit @USAJOBS at www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDet... to apply. Announcement closes Feb. 8. How to apply --> bit.ly/3loSfSo #NotYourOrdinaryJob
Photo of an engine, taken by BLM Montana/Dakotas pic.twitter.com/53gZ3Yqn1C
タグ: FireJob NotYourOrdinaryJob
posted at 10:15:00

@ai6yrham @415FirePhoto @CAFireScanner @barkflight Those FX guys and stunt folks have a dangerous gig, hope they pull through.
posted at 10:17:08

The number of people hospitalized with coronavirus in Orange County declined from 1,362 on Monday to 1,330 on Tuesday, with the number of patients in intensive care dropping from 384 to 370. cbsloc.al/3rmMfwB
posted at 10:19:25

#BREAKING: Three people have sustained critical burn injuries after a reported explosion on a movie set caused a small brush fire in Santa Clarita cbsloc.al/3ttTO6z pic.twitter.com/faHBjdUEgp
posted at 10:25:00

Among Biden's executive orders signed today was the creation of a task force to reunite separated families. It's unclear whether families will be brought back together in the United States or on the other side of the border. losangeles.cbslocal.com/2021/02/02/loc...
posted at 10:25:39

Explosive accident on a movie set in Santa Clarita: a pyrotechnic malfunction resulted in 3 people being burned and a small brush fire starting on the hillside. Fire is out but three people suffered serious burns😞 @CBSLA @Patharveynews @JeffVaughn pic.twitter.com/bHr8z9gZba
posted at 10:28:46

The Russian Lotos-S signals intelligence satellite has reached orbit and cataloged by the US as 47546 (third stage rocket 47547) in a 240 x 899 km x 67.1 deg orbit as expected. Will later circularize at 900 x 900 km.
posted at 10:29:41

第53回原子力規制委員会 www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO3LqI...
配布資料 www.nsr.go.jp/disclosure/com...
posted at 10:30:33

東京電力福島第一原子力発電所において放射性同位元素を取り扱うに当たっての事業所境界の実効線量の算定に関する原子力規制委員会告示の一部改正案に対する意見募集の結果及び放射線審議会への諮問について www.nsr.go.jp/data/000341821...
posted at 10:32:11

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
Now, on to the films in the World Cinema Documentary Competition! #Sundance
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:33:15

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
🏆 World Documentary Special Jury Award in Verite Filmmaking goes to PRESIDENT directed by Camilla Nielsson. #Sundance pic.twitter.com/GrVkhbKwrq
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:33:29

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
🏆 Directing Award: World Cinema Documentary goes to Hogir Hirori for SABAYA. #Sundance pic.twitter.com/48nCga6L16
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:34:31

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
🏆 World Cinema Grand Jury Prize goes to FLEE. #Sundance pic.twitter.com/hSfNXclACV
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:36:05

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
Next up, the World Cinema Dramatic Competition! #Sundance
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:37:18

チェッカーを動作させるのはAndroidですが、チェックされる相手のスマホはiOS/Android両方対応です。 twitter.com/h_okumura/stat...
posted at 10:38:08

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
🏆 World Dramatic Special Jury Award for Creative Vision goes to ONE FOR THE ROAD. #Sundance pic.twitter.com/bKH4ozxdDq
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:40:44

It appears that there has been an accident on a set in Santa Clarita, sparking the #RyeFire I do not know what set. This is close to home. Our community is small. My thoughts are very much with those who have been injured and I am desperately looking for good news on this.
タグ: RyeFire
posted at 10:42:23

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
🏆 Directing Award: World Cinema Dramatic goes to HIVE by Blerta Basholli. #Sundance pic.twitter.com/sQeIA7ayLc
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:42:26

LACoFireAirOps @LACoFireAirOps
BRUSH FIRE (now out) 2/2/21 Two @LACoFireAirOps Firehawk helicopters made water drops on a small wildfire off Rye Canyon Loop in Santa Clarita, CA. Additional incident details will follow via @LACoFDPIO. (📷Matt Nonemacher) With @LACoFD @AMR_Social @SCVSHERIFF #RyeFire pic.twitter.com/xxB4dJm5DQ
タグ: RyeFire
posted at 10:45:24

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
🏆 Audience Award: World Cinema Documentary goes to WRITING WITH FIRE directed by Rintu Thomas & Sushmit Ghosh. #Sundance pic.twitter.com/pypYE7V7cr
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:47:45

#RyeFire Santa Clarita / movie set accident twitter.com/LACoFireAirOps...
タグ: RyeFire
posted at 10:49:27

Tas @ PREORDER LOST @tasmukanik
sometimes your terrible ocs can be cute. sometimes. pic.twitter.com/FEY1QJHjI6
posted at 10:52:46

🇺🇸 — JUST IN: 3 people were rushed to the hospital in critical condition after a possible explosion at a scene of a movie shoot in Santa Clarita, California; the blast has sparked a small brush fire. Firefighters were able to quickly douse the flames.
posted at 10:54:46

SundanceFilmFestival @sundancefest
🏆 US Documentary Special Jury Award for Emerging Filmmaker goes to Parker Hill and Isabel Bethencourt for CUSP. #Sundance pic.twitter.com/oNzZCe3xxA
タグ: Sundance
posted at 10:59:33

Airways Magazine @airwaysmagazine
🔁 #ICYMI | Cayman Airways (KX), a Caribbean airline based at Owen Roberts International Airport (GCM), resumes flight operations with the Boeing 737 MAX.
🔗: airwaysmag.com/airlines/cayma... pic.twitter.com/8mpoDMOUUr
posted at 11:00:00

Kyaw Hsan Hlaing @kyawhsanhlaing1
Myanmar’s military coup has ushered in new volatility for humanitarian operations in a country where nearly one million people depend on aid in conflict zones.
By @illied , @newhumanitarian
posted at 11:22:41

【日本農業新聞】[震災10年 復興の先へ] 営農再開いまだゼロ 安全実証も帰還進まず 福島県大熊・双葉町
posted at 11:25:12

Tiger lily of the va @yuriyuri08no1
#photoTLOTV pic.twitter.com/25w4GcfAKa
タグ: photoTLOTV QAL QALLive Wellington2020
posted at 11:25:37

Firdaus Hashim @FirdausAirways
Lessors take stock as HNA Group creditors seek its bankruptcy www.flightglobal.com/airlines/lesso...
posted at 11:30:00

From Japan to Thailand, countries with close ties to Myanmar have protested against the coup. Waiting now to see ACTION from the biggest brands that have ties with the military. Kirin says end of April it will make a decision. #myanmar #myanmarcoup www.reuters.com/article/myanma...
タグ: myanmar myanmarcoup
posted at 11:33:06

"Jockey" Review: Clifton Collins Jr. Runs for the Roses in Powerful Drama #Sundance2021 www.thewrap.com/jockey-film-re... pic.twitter.com/ugvuGhreeR
タグ: Sundance2021
posted at 11:38:33

At Mazda, we’re committed to women’s football, which is why we’ve extended our partnership with the North Melbourne Tasmanian Kangaroos for a further two years.
Now as season 2021 kicks off, we ask some of the stars of the team what football means to them. twitter.com/NorthAFLW/stat...
posted at 11:39:41

Chuck "Charles" Bang @SpinyDag
This is very cool research, and anatomically the exact opposite of my work with shark vomit. twitter.com/SharkSprinkles...
posted at 11:49:01

Rest in peace, #CaptainSirTomMoore! The 100-year-old who raised millions for the #NHS has died of #Covid19: bit.ly/2Mwh3Mv
タグ: CaptainSirTomMoore Covid19 NHS
posted at 11:55:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

EARLの医学ツイート(一時避難所) @EARL_med_tw2
もう10年経つんですけど、何も学ぶことなく過ごしてきたんでしょうねぇ。「空気中を漂ってデブリ化」とかもう笑いを取りに来てるとしか twitter.com/preciousheart7...
posted at 12:04:32

ルーン@( 。・ω・)⊃━☆゜*・。 @rune_worth
高知東生さん、YouTubeを観すぎて陰謀論を信じかけるも回避 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1661517 @togetter_jpより
posted at 12:14:21

#OrangeBreastedGreenPigeon Extremely striking colours & camouflaged at the same time! Saw it after 15 years
#NaturePhotography #BBCWildlifePOTD #TwitterNatureCommunity @ParveenKaswan
@Avibase pic.twitter.com/z3fgcWRg71
タグ: BBCWildlifePOTD birding birdphotography birds BirdsSeenIn2021 birdwatching IndiAves NaturePhotography OrangeBreastedGreenPigeon ThePhotoHour TwitterNatureCommunity
posted at 12:23:52

posted at xx:xx:xx

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
The coverage about bird counting. And also interesting to see most migratory birds in West Bengal are recorded at Ballavpur sanctuary, Bolpur. In the heritage wetlands from the land of Tagore. Such exercise helps in chalking out better conservation strategies in future. pic.twitter.com/52ujltCVji
posted at 12:38:38

White-crowned Forktail a new one for Tat Mok NP but previously seen in Nam Nao. Difficult to image in the stream bed as it was very active. Was hanging out near the Whistling Thrush. @Avibase pic.twitter.com/9KOcM7b4hk
posted at 12:40:16

ayyappan hariharan @passivelyactive
#PallidHarrier Male and Female. The bird is categorised “ Near Threatened” as per the IUCN listing. Very common trait of Harriers is it’s circling flights especially during late evening hours. #indiaves #birds #BirdsSeenIn2021 #ThePhotoHour #BBCWildlifePOTD #BirdsOfPrey @Avibase pic.twitter.com/YRcdbwfmSN
タグ: BBCWildlifePOTD birds BirdsOfPrey BirdsSeenIn2021 indiaves PallidHarrier ThePhotoHour
posted at 12:41:14

Former state chancellor Aung San Suu Kyi is still in detention and military chief insists “takeover was inevitable”.
Respect for Myanmar celebs and artists for standing against the #militarycoup ✊🏽 pic.twitter.com/Te8yPSJ6qM
タグ: Day3 militarycoup
posted at 12:44:27

科学とは[反証可能性]なので、本来は常に断言できないのよね。これが生活実感と掛け離れているから難しい。実生活では断言できる能力の方が大.. togetter.com/li/1661517#c87...
「高知東生さん、YouTubeを観すぎて陰謀論を信じかけるも回避「楽に賢そうな..」togetter.com/li/1661517 にコメントしました。
posted at 13:05:12

こうしたメディアの詐術がずっと続いていて「だからイエスかノーかで答えろ。可能性はゼロではないんだな」みたいな物言いに「ゼロではない」と答えると「ほら見ろ危険じゃないか」となる。そして「いや危険性は非常に低い」というと「危険があるのに〇〇は安全だと言う御用学者」みたいに糾弾される。 twitter.com/PandaAco/statu...
posted at 13:10:31

We’re now learning this was not a movie set but an industrial area that housed production equipment for TV/films. Fire investigators also say 4 people were injured with burns the 4th drove themselves to the hospital. twitter.com/roadsagela/sta...
posted at 13:12:31

これからは「わたしの推しはアレクサになったことがある」といえますね 意味がわからねえ どういうことなのあまぞん あまぞんの偉い人まじでMBJ強火担でしょ わかるんだぞオタクは 同類だからなオタクは
posted at 13:17:46

むき出しに歯に関して再考されだしたのは良いですね。 pic.twitter.com/jVrpV2XqLq
posted at 13:27:34

.@enjoy_enjo_ さんの「高知東生さん、YouTubeを観すぎて陰謀論を信じかけるも回避「楽に賢そうな気分になれた」「言い切ってる人の話がわか..」togetter.com/li/1661517 をお気に入りにしました。
posted at 13:30:04

posted at xx:xx:xx

Maki「りすマニア」E-31博物ふぇす @kroris_maki
posted at 13:45:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

この手の動物かわいい系アカウントは片っ端からスパブロしています。画像無断転載も理由の1つですが、それよりもフォロワー増えた段階でアカウント売却して詐欺に使われるから。 twitter.com/issyrider/stat...
posted at 14:07:43

布田えみ (りっけん 立憲民主党 岩沼市 @marimo77mamagon
#岩沼市議会 では、2/5 午後1時30分から、#議会全員協議会 #仙台空港運用時間延長に係る覚書(案)の説明があります。
仙台空港 東北初 24時間化へ(tbc東北放送)
タグ: Yahooニュース 仙台空港運用時間延長に係る覚書 岩沼市議会 議会全員協議会
posted at 14:09:47

いや、最初のツイートがコレなので、三日どころかアカウント作って15分後に当該のスタバツイート→その10分後に“発見“だわ(ご判断はお任せしますが……) pic.twitter.com/bDLFJGVf6i
posted at 14:14:48

セラピー犬との交流も癒しになっています🐕 pic.twitter.com/bGDZxZKi52
posted at 14:22:55

「ベトナム国立衛生疫学研究所(NIHE)は2日朝、北部2省の検体から英国型の変異株と同じ遺伝情報が見つかったと報告」。報告によれば「サンプル16点のうち、11点から英国型の変異株と同様の遺伝情報が見つかった」。「#ベトナム の新たな感染拡大の波は英国型の懸念が一段と高まっている」。 twitter.com/NNAASIA/status...
posted at 14:28:44

子どもたちが安全に安心して遊べるよう、遊具のメンテナンスは欠かせない作業です。 pic.twitter.com/kQjJ1Pv2Js
posted at 14:30:07

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
The @WHO team has now left the sprawling #Wuhan Institute of Virology complex. On the way out one scientist, asked how it went, said : “Very interesting; many questions”. I’m not sure if that means we asked many questions or many questions remain? #China #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/DSNjNiw82n
タグ: China coronavirus Wuhan
posted at 14:40:09

Thinzar Shunlei Yi @thinzashunleiyi
Change is inevitable. twitter.com/JusticeMyanmar...
posted at 14:48:09

Money shot from Day 1 @ #AeroIndia2021: an LCA Tejas & B-1B Lancer in formation. pic.twitter.com/djbWivHVIx
タグ: AeroIndia2021
posted at 14:55:00

posted at 14:56:03

今日の東京は676人(検査実施件数2,101) www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/index.files/03... oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/pytho... pic.twitter.com/zD8HiUq3v5
posted at 15:04:15

Here's our story, with a small window into the lives of the people killed: victims of a rogue Mexican police force and the ripple effects of U.S. immigration policy. www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_amer...
posted at 15:17:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

長野県_新型コロナウイルス対策情報 @Nagano_Corona
長野県内において #新型コロナ感染症 の陽性者が16例確認されました。
www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/kansensho-tais... pic.twitter.com/BfdapI0McH
タグ: 新型コロナ感染症
posted at 15:44:31

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Justice For Myanmar @JusticeMyanmar
Coup is bad for biz, esp. for those linked to the military. Following coup, ppl in #Myanmar are boycotting biz w/ ties to military, including #Mytel and #Myanmar beer. Divest from military now! #Myanmarcoup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/LibbyHogan/sta...
タグ: Myanmar Myanmarcoup Mytel WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 15:59:07

Thinzar Shunlei Yi @thinzashunleiyi
So authentic that many different initiatives against Coup coming from different angels, not just from political groups. Also I see the lack of political leadership from NLD and parties. I'm concerned if leaders will just surrender the Coup to avoid confrontations in a long run?
posted at 16:08:53

Thinzar Shunlei Yi @thinzashunleiyi
NLD MPs, detainees of Military Coup informed their constituencies that they are safe back home 2day thanking military members who detained them for their hospitality and treat.
So, we r only ones so desperate & disappointed? :/
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/OY4zMpjHCE
posted at 16:16:30

posted at 16:18:11

三月兎(うな丼よりうな重派・手洗いうがい @marchrabbit0615
高知東生さん、YouTubeを観すぎて陰謀論を信じかけるも回避「楽に賢そうな気分になれた」「言い切ってる人の話がわかりやすく入ってくる」 togetter.com/li/1661517
posted at 16:28:10

Global stocks and oil prices rise amid stimulus and vaccine optimism – business live www.theguardian.com/business/live/...
posted at 16:45:28

THREAD: 1) Despite reports that Suu Kyi will be arraigned in court, military vehicles and vehicles were parked in front of the Dakkhin District Court. It has not been confirmed yet. pic.twitter.com/l6lM9gi6aX
posted at 16:52:29

Thinzar Shunlei Yi @thinzashunleiyi
A message for Communities to keep eyes on -
“Human rights defenders were always targeted and activists arrested. The group who arrests them will change, but the arrested people will remain the same.” - @thinzashunleiyi #WhatshappeninginMyanmar
posted at 16:53:17

フラミンゴ全羽の肢裏チェックをしました。高病原性鳥インフルエンザの感染予防対策として野鳥との接触を避けるため室内で過ごしている時間が長く、肢への負担が心配でしたが、治療が必要な状態は無く概ね良好でした。これからも定期的にチェックしていきたいと思います。 pic.twitter.com/AJbRNBJ3e8
posted at 16:54:04

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
While we’re here thought I’d give you lot a look at the forest of new tower blocks going up in #Wuhan #China. pic.twitter.com/Nbh4HQ3go2
posted at 16:58:46

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
Non-Myanmar nationals, relief flights are running again. If you want to leave, now is a really great time to do it.
posted at 17:04:08

Taiwan Wild Bird Fed @twbf1988
Wondering where you can learn more about the status and trends of Taiwan's Birds? The official website of the State of Taiwan's Birds 2020 Report is now up in both Chinese and English! 😁
Yellow Tit (黃山雀) pic.twitter.com/Kw2899XBrB
posted at 17:14:34

【訂正版】新型コロナウイルス感染症陽性者の発生について(2299~2314例) /長野県
February 03, 2021 at 05:00PM
タグ: 長野県
posted at 17:22:04

Indian farmers have left their homes to march through New Delhi in a desperate effort to force the repeal of laws they believe would end guaranteed pricing and force them to sell to powerful corporations rather than government-run markets. to.pbs.org/3tg4nd6
posted at 17:23:00

Swarms of Locusts Invade Mbooni in Makueni County @CapitalFMKenya: allafrica.com/stories/202102... #Kenya pic.twitter.com/De97PXHgBE
タグ: Kenya
posted at 17:24:13

@kateferguson4 Anyone else think this is a little embarrassing? Health Secretary of State - orders vaccines from watching a movie. Not about experience or skill set?
posted at 17:25:16

手振れがひどくてごめんなさい。水平線の上雲の隙間があり、太陽がやけに赤く見えました。今日の日没は17:14。でもここは100メートル以上高いので、17:15からの動画の2倍速です。風が強く撮るのも大変です。 pic.twitter.com/H8w0Kyg2kD
posted at 17:29:33

高知東生さん、YouTubeを観すぎて陰謀論を信じかけるも回避「楽に賢そうな気分になれた」「言い切ってる人の話がわかりやすく入ってくる」 togetter.com/li/1661517
posted at 17:29:37

#Gempa Mag:5.2, 03-Feb-21 15:25:38 WIB, Lok:3.01 LS,118.82 BT (9 km BaratLaut MAJENE-SULBAR), Kedlmn:18 Km, tdk berpotensi tsunami #BMKG pic.twitter.com/ex6zg1aB2c
posted at 17:30:04

WHO team visits Wuhan #China wet market to find #COVID clues - ow.ly/ezA050DpvC3 pic.twitter.com/TVUA0lzCh5
posted at 17:30:08

Pro-Trump attorney under investigation for possibly voting illegally, report claims www.independent.co.uk/news/world/ame...
posted at 17:30:24

posted at 17:34:50

Really excited to share this #BatChat episode with you, recording this @chesterzoo episode was great fun with @helslacy & @ClaireRaisin.
batchat.buzzsprout.com pic.twitter.com/H5qN5HMGip
タグ: BatChat
posted at 17:35:22

Update Peringatan Dini Cuaca Wilayah - Jawa Barat Tgl. 03 Februari 2021 pkl. 16:05 WIB
Prakirawan - BMKG - Jawa Barat
posted at 17:36:17

Japan's oldest sweet comes with an intriguing history, and without it, we wouldn't have wagashi as we know it today.
Containing seven secret spices for purification, it's made by only one store in all of Japan.
soranews24.com/2021/02/02/we-... #japan #sweets #wagashi #和菓子 #History
タグ: History japan sweets wagashi 和菓子
posted at 17:40:01

Emmanuel de Margerie @flight_behav
Our study species with @RuauxG for 2021 field work (fingers crossed🤞) twitter.com/ukhousemartins...
posted at 17:41:45

posted at 17:41:54

【新型コロナ 鹿児島市以外の感染ゼロ 66日ぶり】
●鹿児島市(3人) 30代男女 60代男性
posted at 17:53:57

被災者の健康 肥満など改善必要|岩手 www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/morioka/... web.archive.org/web/2021012811... 震災から9年間にわたって被災者の健康状態について、追跡調査した結果、災害公営住宅、仮設住宅、震災前と同じ住宅で暮らす被災者のいずれも、肥満の傾向が全国の平均を上回る結果
posted at 17:58:47

北大野外鳥類学研究室(高木研究室) @Ornithology_HU
「時間軸で探る 日本の鳥」発売されます!研究室メンバーであるD2の青木も第2章とコラム1を担当しています!
もしよければお手に取ってみてください。 twitter.com/BirdResearch/s...
posted at 17:58:57

Bloomberg Next China @next_china
BREAKING: Ant Group and Chinese regulators agree on a restructuring plan that will turn Jack Ma's fintech giant into a financial holding company trib.al/fBx2UYD pic.twitter.com/yCSASYDoTp
posted at 18:00:19

Cardiff Curator @CardiffCurator
Well, it’s back to the drawing board again this #WormWednesday. Draft drawings of a new species of shovel head worm are complete and detailed ink drawings are being made ready for publication #Annelida pic.twitter.com/O3DCpe7MCD
posted at 18:02:42

The Local France @TheLocalFrance
IN PICTURES: Seine floods in Paris as France faces further storms dlvr.it/RrvsKs
posted at 18:03:02

Only 8,339 flights yesterday, 67% down on 2019. But a wide variation among states from Norway 🇳🇴(-46%) & Turkey 🇹🇷 (-52%) to Poland 🇵🇱 & the UK 🇬🇧 (both -83%)
@Transport_EU @ECACceac @CANSOEurope @ACI_EUROPE @IATA @A4Europe pic.twitter.com/z1wNFONswf
posted at 18:06:33

THREAD: 1) Two police' FIR (First Initial Report) are out. #AungSanSuuKyi and the president have been charged. pic.twitter.com/ZAU9cf54Ca
タグ: AungSanSuuKyi
posted at 18:07:07

Kyaw Hsan Hlaing @kyawhsanhlaing1
a group of doctors from Rakhine state’s Kyaukphyu protested against Military Coup by Holding “NO Military Authoritarian”
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/DBN5mdnvrz
posted at 18:08:28

posted at 18:17:38

長坂道子MichikoNagasaka @fairytaleselect
posted at 18:25:49

Can confirm this is true.
I based my response on Lethal Weapon. twitter.com/kateferguson4/...
posted at 18:28:56

Jean-Lou Justine @Plathelminthe4
The flatworm Anisorhynchodemus bistriatus, Martinique, Antilles.
Photo by Mathieu Coulis, identification by Leigh Winsor.
Enjoy the photo... pic.twitter.com/wgnKhbNeyl
posted at 18:33:11

Safran Aircraft Engi @SafranEngines
[#AeroIndia2021🇮🇳] Happy and ready to welcome you from today to @AeroIndiashow at the @Safran booth Hall B ➡ B2.1.
Come over to discover the #M88 engine !🔥
#MakeInIndia #AeroIndia2021 pic.twitter.com/7XVPKa3rxt
タグ: AeroIndia2021 M88 MakeInIndia
posted at 18:35:24

Kyaw Hsan Hlaing @kyawhsanhlaing1
Statement of the NCA signatory EAOs on the Tatmadaw military coup
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/IJoDOB9q55
posted at 18:35:42

My family’s home is very close to the #wafires - they’ll likely be fine, but others won’t. So time to raise some money for the local firies! All profits from the prints of the kingfisher & the fantail will go to the local fire service. $25 each A5 print, DM me. pic.twitter.com/bqdWtZSV3J
タグ: wafires
posted at 18:42:17

The film was prescient because it was created with experts and scientists.
Matt Hancock is basically saying he can't understand science unless it goes through Hollywood first. twitter.com/kateferguson4/...
posted at 18:42:57

THREAD: 1) The export/import act, which charged Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, read 5. No person shall export or import restricted, prohibited and banned goods.
6. Without obtaining license, no person shall export or import the specified goods
which is to obtain permission.
posted at 18:43:06

2) 7. A person who obtained any license shall not violate the conditions contained in
the license.
posted at 18:43:22

Malawi setting up field hospitals to cope with virus surge apnews.com/article/cabine...
posted at 18:45:10

posted at 18:46:40

#BREAKING Police file charge against #AungSanSuuKyi under Export/Import Law: her party NLD Spox
#Myanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
タグ: AungSanSuuKyi BREAKING Myanmar WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 18:51:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

China’s foreign ministry spokesman said Beijing is “shocked” about the leak of UN Security Council internal documents showing its objection to condemning Myanmar’s coup.
“It’s incorrect to say that China supported or acquiesced to the coup in Myanmar,” Wang Wenbin said.
posted at 19:00:40

China arrests suspects in fake Covid vaccine ring www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asi...
posted at 19:08:45

そうですね、私も「足や腰が不自由なのかと思った」と言われたことが何度かあります。普通は他人の補装具をそこまで注意して見ないし、目が不自由かどうかを「目の見た目の状態」で判断する人が多いので、仕方のないことだと思います。 twitter.com/maple337/statu...
posted at 19:10:33

Myanmar police file charges against Aung Adam Suu Kyi. She is charged with Section 8 of the Import/Export law which penalises the import of telecommunication devices. #WhatishapperninginMyanmar pic.twitter.com/jUKsrN17s7
posted at 19:34:22

The police report against the President reads that he & his family did not follow the COVID-19 preventive measures of Health Ministry on 20th September 2020. He is charged with Section 25 of the Natural Disaster Management Law
posted at 19:38:50

中村 良幸 (Nakamura Yosh @nakayoshix
COCOAですが、既に元開発者の手を離れてから半年以上も経つのに、Configuration変更等により接触通知を減らすこと及びログ出力機能の追加以外にアプリの本質的な不具合の修正は何一つ行われていない現状を考えると、現在の保守開発会社には今後もCOCOAの修正を行うのは難しいのではないかと思います。 twitter.com/ktgohan/status...
posted at 20:21:52

Another twynchronicity thang for you, JD... @jamspangle pic.twitter.com/5cqzNE3Jlg
posted at 20:33:55

posted at xx:xx:xx

So sorry to see this, a senseless attack on aid workers reaching those in acute need #notatarget twitter.com/SSNGOF/status/...
タグ: notatarget
posted at 21:10:36

posted at 21:29:32

Aye Min Thant @the_ayeminthant
In the meantime, keep an eye on the resistance movement. The public had been waiting for formal charges and the 72 hour window of detainment that is laid out in the 2008 constitution to pass. It's very likely things will start really moving on that front in the coming days
posted at 21:54:11

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

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posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

This is the video of the brother and sister alleged to have killed Ijeoma Nweke, a Make-up artist based in Enugu...
Stay with @realJ101 for the details
Cc: @klint2u pic.twitter.com/5iMhrCFItd
タグ: justiceforijeoma
posted at 22:20:17

Telenor Myanmar has reinstated full services in eight townships in Rakhine and Chin states.
posted at 22:38:24

posted at xx:xx:xx

Zhao was joined by “Promising Young Woman” director Emerald Fennell and “One Night in Miami” filmmaker Regina King.
The Awards show has a history of overlooking women filmmakers. It is worth noting who the last woman nominated in the category was
www.latimes.com/entertainment-... pic.twitter.com/mogsgRaCM1
posted at 22:53:12

We proud of our Country's Doctors and Nurses
We need Democracy
#myanmardoctors pic.twitter.com/ucRm9uq0pb
タグ: myanmardoctors SaveMyanmar WeStandWithDawAungSanSuuKyi
posted at 23:00:11

そうあん@グレブリー!!! @aotokuro_blue
posted at 23:23:11

Best Actor in a Limited Series, Anthology Series, or Motion Picture Made For Television
#BryanCranston - Your Honor
Jeff Daniels - The Comey Rule
Hugh Grant - The Undoing
Ethan Hawke - The Good Lord Bird
#MarkRuffalo - I Know This Much Is True
#GoldenGlobes #GoldenGlobes2021 pic.twitter.com/lvVdNvjXEc
タグ: BryanCranston GoldenGlobes GoldenGlobes2021 MarkRuffalo
posted at 23:28:37

#Myanmar people banging pots and singing a revolutionary anthem in Yangon, protesting against the military coup. Feb3,20121. Credit: Min Kaung Han facebook live #coup #myanmarcoup #CivilDisobedienceMovement #Myanmar #SaveMyamar #Tatmadaw #Burma #BurmaCoup pic.twitter.com/JT5qVB5o1t
タグ: Burma BurmaCoup CivilDisobedienceMovement coup Myanmar myanmarcoup SaveMyamar Tatmadaw
posted at 23:31:17

For Best Actor in a TV Series (Musical or Comedy)
#DonCheadle - Black Monday
Nicholas Hoult - The Great
#EugeneLevy - #SchittsCreek
Jason Sudeikis - Ted Lasso
Ramy Youssef - Ramy
#GoldenGlobes #GoldenGlobes2021 pic.twitter.com/GYg2A8zX6n
タグ: DonCheadle EugeneLevy GoldenGlobes GoldenGlobes2021 SchittsCreek
posted at 23:34:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

Inside the Magic @InsideTheMagic
Don Cheadle Confirms War Machine IS Returning to the #MCU!
#WarMachine #DonCheadle #TheFalconandtheWinterSoldier #Marvel
bit.ly/36CF7UT pic.twitter.com/pKDYGxiVck
タグ: DonCheadle Marvel MCU TheFalconandtheWinterSoldier WarMachine
posted at 23:45:07

The campaign of civil disobedience in protest against the military coup is gaining momentum, with teachers, students and the employees of military-linked companies joining striking government medics. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 23:45:51

これまでにも、結核や麻疹のケースで日本語がわかる地域の友人、学校の先生や仕事場の人が手伝ってくれると助かることもありましたが、、、検査にいたるまで・説明や制度の手続きの説明だけでもたいへん🙂 twitter.com/HC_die7/status...
posted at 23:48:43

Thank you to 500 bedded ysh CDM TEAM!
Credit to Hnin Yi Win
#CivilDisobedienceMovementMyanmar #myanmarmilitarycoup #savemyanamar #myanmardoctors #AungSannSuuKyi_government pic.twitter.com/OQJ36z8N09
タグ: AungSannSuuKyi_government CivilDisobedienceMovementMyanmar myanmardoctors myanmarmilitarycoup savemyanamar
posted at 23:51:37