- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Francis Argueta Agui @FrancisArguetaA
Buenas noticias! GUATEMALA incrementa conectividad aérea a partir del 14 de abril con el vuelo inaugural de FRONTIER AIRLINES al Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami (MIA). 🇬🇹✈️🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/gb3VoCSBcI
posted at 00:54:31

posted at xx:xx:xx

Royal Society Publis @RSocPublishing
Three-dimensional geometric morphometric analysis of the skull of Protoceratops andrewsi supports a socio-sexual signalling role for the ceratopsian frill @KnappRew @Dave_Hone @RobKnell1 #Dinosaur #Ceratopsian #ProcB #OpenAccess ow.ly/yfsz50Ds1lb pic.twitter.com/HuvRI3fNd4
タグ: Ceratopsian Dinosaur OpenAccess ProcB
posted at 01:15:12

George Moreton @moreton_george
Spent the last 2 Saturdays with @moreton_birding designing and building a custom cat enclosure with 15m access tunnel for fellow herts birder @Marksut1969 . This will keep his cat and the local birds safe! Safe to say his cat Cookie was very impressed! pic.twitter.com/14KIWzXDbr
posted at 03:34:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

Tranquility Found @DivineDropbear
A shy Pale-headed Rosella feeding on melaleuca "Snow in summer" blossom ... (Platycercus adscitus) @fred_od_photo @ParrotOfTheDay
#WildOz #birds #parrots pic.twitter.com/Ph85IxPaaz
posted at 04:22:00

This is what a responsible cat owner looks like. Catios are great at keeping our native wildlife safe from unnatural predator pressure of a domesticated cat. Well done all. twitter.com/moreton_george...
posted at 04:37:25

Can't press the like button enough. Get one of these or don't let your cat outside off a leash. twitter.com/moreton_george...
posted at 04:41:06

Steel City Skies @steelcityskies
Latest FAX chart has a convergence zone right across our area for Monday 🌨️ this ties in with many models showing prolonged snow shower activity for the day #Sheffield #uksnow Keeping a VERY close eye on developments - potential big disruption early next week if it verifies ⚠️ pic.twitter.com/vA1rbbrczC
posted at 05:27:41

ซัมติงก่อตัวขึ้นมาละค่ะ....//ค่อยวาดต่อพรุ่งนี้... pic.twitter.com/VHgMPG4cos
posted at 05:29:30

Dr Wendy Morrison @Hillfortian
@moreton_george @mattthesparrow @moreton_birding @Marksut1969 The only responsible way to keep a domestic predator
posted at 06:39:57

posted at 07:14:12

magdalena osumi | 大住 @jt_mag_os
More than 120,000 sign Japanese petition against Olympics chief after sexist comments. www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/02/0...
posted at 09:58:03

#Myanmar: Internet & communication services must be fully restored to ensure freedom of expression and access to information, says @UNHumanRights office
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 10:03:00

www.ces-net.jp/takaovc/wordpr... pic.twitter.com/jkP3Tzdi3N
posted at 10:26:16

posted at 10:33:34

posted at 10:40:22

去年の3月4月にはオンラインショッピングの使い方もわからないと嘆き、ボランティアさんにお買い物してもらったりしていたご近所さんのとこにスーパーの配達トラックが。みなさん少しずつ器用になっていきますね。雨の日の配達もお疲れ様です。 pic.twitter.com/av2Rs2s05G
posted at 10:53:28

posted at 11:48:46

posted at 11:49:53

検疫後に追加の検査。検疫受ける人がちっとも楽にならないなぁとため息がでてしまうけど…。これはホテル検疫中に感染した可能性のあるNZやVICの件を受けてのことですね。変異種の輸入例も増えてますから… twitter.com/nswhealth/stat...
posted at 11:53:01

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
Tell me what is more beautiful & peaceful than this !! pic.twitter.com/TKz4fH4FG2
posted at 11:54:54

BT Wild Art by Bhave @bhaveshthakkar1
@ParveenKaswan Bharatpur world's heritage site
btwildart.blogspot.com/2018/07/mera-b... pic.twitter.com/4XEpwIMh0x
posted at 12:06:04

Despite internet shutdown in #Myanmar, Khit Thit Media is managing to livestream this morning's protest against #MyanmarCoup in Yangon. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/ZElUmly6WI
タグ: Myanmar MyanmarCoup WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 12:23:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

震災遺構になった旧中浜小学校にようやく行ってみたけど,外からは見ていたけど中に入らせてもらって当時の教員の方から当日の様子を聞いたり子供達が避難した屋上に登ったり,やっぱり実際に行くと感じるものが多い pic.twitter.com/AgEyzdzb0f
posted at 13:00:07

Madagascar: Civil aviation authority seeks to ground STA planes www.africaintelligence.com/eastern-and-so...
posted at 13:00:23

Soraida Salwala @SoraidaSalwala
พื้นที่ในหน่วยรักษาที่ 1 มีพื้นที่ที่เป็นพื้นทรายสำหรับให้ช้างป่วยนอนยามค่ำคืนค่ะ ได้ช่วยกันปรับทรายให้เป็นเนิน เวลาช้างลงนอนและลุกจะได้ไม่ลำบาก หากคืนนี้พังจันทร์นวลลงนอนและลุกขึ้นได้เองก็จะดีมาก หากลุกไม่ได้เองก็จะเรียกรถยกมาช่วยพยุงขึ้นค่ะ
Sleeping Area in Infirmary Unit #1 pic.twitter.com/G3ziINkhDZ
posted at 13:18:26

Look what I found today! Two wasps locked under a leaf by parasitic fungi.
Forbidden love? Relationship goals? Til death do us part?
posted at 13:22:55

車両用一つ、歩行者用二つを計約5万円で落札。予定より多く落札してしまったといい「お母さんに怒られる。おじいちゃん家に隠したい」と話した。 pic.twitter.com/YQwOmPPU1W
posted at 13:30:00

Nearly 11.5m get first Covid jabs and over 500,000 second doses in the UK www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb...
posted at 13:33:42

Update: As crowds gather for a second day of anti-coup protests in #Myanmar, real-time network data show the country remains in the midst of a nation-scale internet blackout with national connectivity flatlining at just 14% of ordinary levels 📵
📰 netblocks.org/reports/intern... pic.twitter.com/z3doUYt5bq
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 14:04:44

Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh camps making the three-finger salute in solidarity with #Myanmar people protesting the military coup.
Photos by Faisal Arakani.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/XHlPScEYdp
タグ: Myanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 14:10:25

これは事実と違う。医療クラスタが「心因性」と表現したものを「詐病や気のせい」と誤解釈したのは医療知識がない一般の人や被害感情を募らせた反ワクチン派だった。医療クラスタはむしろワクチンの副反応と誤診されて適切な医療が受けられない不利益を心配していた。歴史改ざんも甚だしい。 twitter.com/marxindo/statu...
posted at 14:32:03

posted at 14:50:25

posted at 15:04:33

posted at 15:08:25

#WATCH | Water level in Dhauliganga river rises suddenly following avalanche near a power project at Raini village in Tapovan area of Chamoli district. #Uttarakhand pic.twitter.com/syiokujhns
タグ: Uttarakhand WATCH
posted at 15:16:29

posted at 15:23:31

Nanda Devi glacier broke off in #Chamoli district of #Uttarakhand Sunday morning.Damaged a dam on Alaknanda river. Rise in water level in river. Reports of loss awaited. pic.twitter.com/ixSHEhdhSi
タグ: Chamoli Uttarakhand
posted at 15:28:36

#Chamoli #Avalanche #Dhauliganga
| Water level in Dhauliganga river rises suddenly following avalanche near a power project at Raini village in Tapovan area of Chamoli district. @tsrawatbjp govt is taking all necessary steps pic.twitter.com/u98sp7bg19
タグ: Avalanche Chamoli Dhauliganga
posted at 15:39:39

#Chamoli district magistrate has instructed officials to evacuate people living in villages on the bank of #Dhauliganga river
Administration launches rescue operation
#Uttrakhand #Avalanche pic.twitter.com/o6PrGezOmB
タグ: Avalanche Chamoli Dhauliganga Uttrakhand
posted at 15:59:04

宮原篤 6th「小児科医ママとパパのやさ @atsushimiyahara
@guri1978 多くの患者は精神疾患よりは身体疾患の病名を受け入れやすい。いったん身体疾患と告知された患者に新たに精神面の治療を実施することはきわめて困難である。
7. 子宮頸がんワクチン接種後に生じた症状に関する精神医学的研究(信州大学 本田秀夫)
posted at 16:00:46

People are being evacuated from the areas near Alkananda. As a precautionary measure, flow of Bhagirathi River has been stopped. To prevent the flow of water of Alaknanda, Srinagar Dam & Rishikesh Dam have been emptied. SDRF is on alert. I am leaving for the spot: Uttarakhand CM
posted at 16:02:28

@ITBP_official WATCH: Massive #flood in #DhauliGanga, Joshimath pic.twitter.com/8ozvIJMoGL
タグ: DhauliGanga flood
posted at 16:02:37

posted at 16:04:31

Shocking news from Uttarakhand Chamoli district following a massive avalanche. Prayers for the safety of the local villages near Dhauliganga river 🙏
posted at 16:06:53

Lots of social activity in this flock of Little Corella, with birds shooing others away when they get too close or when they move.
Please also report nocturnal roosts using the Big City Birds app or website, across Australia: www.spotteron.com/bigcitybirds/i...
Ping @ParrotOfTheDay pic.twitter.com/W0XkUAHmAe
posted at 16:26:06

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
Prayers in the face of nature’s fury. Today at Chamoli disaster situation after Nandadevi glacier broke down. Status of dam. For disaster emergency contact 9557444486. pic.twitter.com/qDhIvh9HF2
posted at 16:28:51

Licypriya Kangujam @LicypriyaK
#Breaking A massive sudden floods in Dhauliganga after a huge Himalayan glacier collapse in Reni village in Uttarakhand which destroyed many river bankside houses now. This is real #ClimateEmergency.
My thoughts & prayers with the people of Uttarakhand.🙏🏻
posted at 16:35:24

posted at xx:xx:xx

Two teams of ITBP reach the spot, three NDRF teams have been rushed from Dehradun and 3 additional teams will reach there with help of IAF chopper till evening. SDRF & local administration already at spot: MoS Home Nityanand Rai to ANI on massive flood in Dhauliganga. #Chamoli pic.twitter.com/iMtpKQS4mK
タグ: Chamoli
posted at 16:37:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Huge demonstrations across Yangon #Myanmar on Sunday. Tens of thousands of protesters converged in several locations. In raucous but peaceful standoff with police. Right now: pic.twitter.com/w7ltdlgrte
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 16:53:55

Many #Myanmar #Yangon citizens are also informing me that internet appears to be back on and they can now access it. #WhatishappeninginMyanmar twitter.com/FreeExpressMm/... pic.twitter.com/3ueLfijWFH
タグ: Myanmar WhatishappeninginMyanmar Yangon
posted at 16:57:53

100-150 casualties feared in the flash flood in Chamoli district: Uttarakhand Chief Secretary OM Prakash to ANI pic.twitter.com/JoR76lWEAb
posted at 17:01:35

THREAD: 1/ There are tens of thousands of protesters on the streets of Yangon today, but peaceful demonstrations against the February 1 military coup are also taking place in several other cities across Myanmar. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 17:01:48

Internet services from @Telenor_mm have now been restored in #Myanmar.
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 17:02:11

@omar7rashid Just In | DGP, Uttarakhand, Ashok Kumar told The Hindu that 50-100 persons are missing.
タグ: NandadeviGlacier
posted at 17:06:17

#MYANMAR "We are youths, We have future" chanting to police in #Yangon. 17-year old Anna tells police that uncle police have to take care of their future.
Heart touching!
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #BurmaCoup #Burma pic.twitter.com/GG7Nq4e2Vl
タグ: Burma BurmaCoup MYANMAR WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Yangon
posted at 17:18:09

Glacial lake outburst flood(GLOF) in #Uttarakhand
➡️Raini area of Chamoli in Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand
The flood has caused damage to the Rishiganga Power Project where at least 150 labourers are feared missing. 😔
➡️Gushing water may reach up to #Rishikesh & #Haridwar. pic.twitter.com/McnJA06loF
タグ: Haridwar Rishikesh Uttarakhand
posted at 17:18:12

ℹ️ Update: Partial restoration of internet connectivity confirmed in #Myanmar from ~2 pm local time on multiple providers following information blackout. However:
➡️ It remains unclear if restoration will be sustained
➡️ Social media remain blocked
📰 netblocks.org/reports/intern... pic.twitter.com/gX2t49OkhB
タグ: Myanmar
posted at 17:18:29

The Times Of India @timesofindia
People are being evacuated from the areas near Alkananda. As a precautionary measure, flow of Bhagirathi River has been stopped. To prevent the flow of water, Srinagar Dam & Rishikesh Dam have been emptied
Uttarakhand disaster live updates 👇
timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/breaking... pic.twitter.com/s6hDyaF1Pb
posted at 17:25:43

Ripudaman Bevli @plogmanofindia
@rahulverma08 @vishalgondal Hope you are not referring to the @ANI video posted 2 hours ago..
posted at 17:28:21

Aditya Raj Kaul @AdityaRajKaul
ITBP now at the spot near flooding area in Uttarakhand along with the local administration. pic.twitter.com/FjqeNjwv8r
posted at 17:30:32

ITBP personnel assess the damages in Tapovan and area of Reni where flash flood occurred earlier today. (Photo source: ITBP) pic.twitter.com/8qDJcsbbDt
posted at 17:34:11

2024 General Electio @ShubhamBris
Breaking News: Massive floods in Uttarakhand. God please save people. 150 laborers missing.
posted at 17:42:43

Modi government stands with the people of Uttarakhand; all possible help will be provided: Union Home Minister @AmitShah pic.twitter.com/IK9nemrZIc
タグ: Chamoli
posted at 17:52:50

Protests in Yangon downtown against military coup, this video this could only describe about 0.001 percent of actual protestors in Yangon today, half of them are youths. #myanmar #WhatsHappeningInMaynmar#myanmarmilitarycoup pic.twitter.com/g0XqsseiJv
タグ: myanmar WhatsHappeningInMaynmar
posted at 17:53:31

#WATCH | 3 NDRF teams have reached there. More teams are ready to be airlifted to Uttarakhand from Delhi. ITBP jawans are also there. I assure people of Uttarakhand that Modi govt stands with them in this difficult time. All help will be extended: HM Amit Shah pic.twitter.com/lYxOhr8T2Y
posted at 17:53:38

Whilst it is a little unclear as to what has happened, at first sight this appears to be a catastrophic glacial lake outburst flood #GLOF, in northern India. The level of damage along the river is going to be very high. twitter.com/LicypriyaK/sta...
タグ: GLOF
posted at 17:55:52

Tulsi Ram Chopra @TulsiRamChopra
#Uttarakhand 🚨 #Uttarakhand
Glacier burst results in heavy floods causing water level rise of Dhauliganga following avalanche near a power project at Raini village in Tapovan area of Chamoli district.
Prayers for the people, may all be rescued those who have gone missing 🙏 pic.twitter.com/CxoFAtUpMq
タグ: Uttarakhand
posted at 17:59:56

Trivendra Singh Rawa @tsrawatbjp
A disaster was reported at Raini village at around 1045 am, affecting two dam sites in Chamoli. Immediate instructions were issued to take stock of the situation and take emergency measures. Simultaneously, state’s disaster response mechanism was activated. #Uttarakhand
タグ: Uttarakhand
posted at 18:00:55

Gotta get those steps in!
An unexpected walking partner 😆🐦
📽️ Deputy Living Collections Manager, Phoebe Vaughan pic.twitter.com/8GrW6ah0xq
posted at 18:05:10

Vicki Costello @VickiCostello1
@moreton_george @moreton_birding @Marksut1969 Thank you for the positive comments, the guys worked so hard!! It means Cookie has total freedom in his own little garden (plants to come!). He does have chaperoned walks in rest of garden and accesses the run anytime via the catflap. And he’s safe from road.
posted at 18:07:26

Aditya Raj Kaul @AdityaRajKaul
#BREAKING: C-130 and An32 aircrafts are being used to airlift NDRF personnel to #Uttarakhand immediately. Indian Air Force sources tell me.
タグ: BREAKING Uttarakhand
posted at 18:09:43

Tens of thousands rally in growing protests against #MyanmarCoup
📷 @ye_aung_thu
📷 @AFPphoto
#AFP pic.twitter.com/6VSBwztcKN
タグ: AFP Myanmar MyanmarCoup
posted at 18:12:38

Over 100 feared missing after an avalanche in Uttarakhand's Chamoli district. Nandadevi glacier breaks in Uttarakhand causing many houses on the banks of Dhauliganga river to wash away
Rishiganga Power project damaged in flash flooding, several feared trapped pic.twitter.com/KmntdPmJbd
posted at 18:13:41

Aditya Raj Kaul @AdityaRajKaul
#UPDATE: Indian Army: Four Army columns, Two Medical teams, one Engineering Task Force deployed at Ringi village of #Uttarakhand. Army helicopters on aerial recce.
タグ: UPDATE Uttarakhand
posted at 18:20:50

kamaljit sandhu @kamaljitsandhu
Utrrakhand disaster: More than 100 labourers feared dead at Barage and 50 plus in tunnel lost their life as per the site incharge of TAPOVAN NTPC work site. 3 Bridges at Reni village including 1 big bride of BRO. 2 Dead bodies recovered at Tapovan NTPC site.
At least 150 missing
posted at 18:23:11

Have you read our exclusive feature on airspace changes to accommodate drone operations? It's an important one for all GA pilots - read it here for FREE: bit.ly/35XVuuW pic.twitter.com/cqikMOFptR
posted at 18:30:00

#Uttarakhand | Many feared dead, missing after Chamoli glacier burst: What we know so far
www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/man... pic.twitter.com/pjhaUiOkGL
タグ: Uttarakhand
posted at 18:40:54

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
Look how human structures are being removed just like cards. *
posted at 18:42:31

posted at 20:59:22

Anjana Om Kashyap @anjanaomkashyap
आपदा जब कर्मभूमि बने तो जाँबाज़ जान पर खेल जाते हैं। उत्तराखंड आपदा में मौत को मात देने वाला हौसला! @ITBP_official pic.twitter.com/Gxh636vHP6
posted at 21:21:56

Rumours spread that ‘restoring internet’ is because of UN reps have arrived in Myanmar. “NO! They haven’t arrived”, UNIC (UN information center) has confirmed me. #militarycoupinMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
タグ: militarycoupinMyanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 21:22:17

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis came down clearly on Sunday against military leaders in Myanmar following the coup there last week, expressing his “solidarity with the people” of the country and asking leaders to serve the common good and seek “democratic” harmony.
posted at 21:27:05

Tomasz Sajewicz @TomaszSajewicz
China asks countries with "too low" representation for 17+1 summit for pre-recorded statements of their leaders, which could be broadcasted during the summit. Ongoing negotiations over a draft communique regarding cooperation areas. No concrete proposals.
posted at 21:33:22

@MasuzoeYoichi 気配りって結局は損得勘定でしょう。
posted at 21:35:55

Im using my Facebook now. fb.com/mrattkthu if you need in case for information. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #militarycoupinMyanmar
タグ: militarycoupinMyanmar WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 21:42:34

Thousands of people are rallying against the military takeover in Myanmar’s biggest city. abcn.ws/3tzWtLS
posted at 22:01:27

VIRAL PHOTO: Police joined #ThreeFingerSaluteCampaign in #Myanmar! More to come...
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Burma #BurmaCoup pic.twitter.com/87tBedKo1T
タグ: Burma BurmaCoup Myanmar ThreeFingerSaluteCampaign WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 22:18:34

ふらいと(今西洋介)@小児科医・新生児科 @doctor_nw
きれいに全文デマです。 twitter.com/maruolion/stat...
posted at 22:30:49

Dr. Priyanka Shukla @PriyankaJShukla
The @ITBP_official bravehearts who rescued all 16 people who were trapped in the tunnel near Tapovan, #Chamoli.
タグ: Chamoli Uttarakhand
posted at 22:34:52

#Protagoneil #Neiltagonist pic.twitter.com/b8YyxukZlf
posted at 22:35:33

For the #IndiAves #BirdNBrood theme.
An Indian Courser family from #Pune and a Mute Swan with her brood from Lucerne, #Switzerland
#birds #birdwatching #TwitterNatureCommunity #BBCWildlifePOTD #canon #wildlifephotography
@Avibase @WildlifeMag pic.twitter.com/1CAfmDJoY2
タグ: BBCWildlifePOTD BirdNBrood birds birdwatching canon IndiAves Pune Switzerland TwitterNatureCommunity wildlifephotography
posted at 22:43:28

MyanmarGirlsDaily @GirlsMyanmar
@cape_diamond @Thai_Talk We don't hate Polices.
We Hate Dictatorship!!!
@TheOnion @AFP @APNews
@FoxNews @straits_times
@Reuters @RFABurmese @VOANews @ChannelNewsAsia @BBCWorld @AlJazeera_World
@timesofindia @ABC @cnnbrk
posted at 22:46:23

Ethnocentric Engaged Buddhism: The most revered monk in Myanmar, Sitagu Sayadaw, receives postcoup offerings and gave guidance to Major General Tun Tun Naung and two regional commanders in Sagaing, Myanmar: 4.2.2021 (Myawaddy TV). pic.twitter.com/saGjzu6z7w
posted at 22:54:29

ふらいと(今西洋介)@小児科医・新生児科 @doctor_nw
あと手をグーにしてるのは単なる把握反射です。閉じた手はやがて開きます。空腹と関係ありません。本文だけでなくイラストの文も立派なデマです。 twitter.com/doctor_nw/stat...
posted at 22:56:01

絵本もあんまり子どもに触れさせたくないなって思ってる… twitter.com/doctor_nw/stat...
posted at 23:07:31

posted at xx:xx:xx

#savemyanmar #we_need_democracy #civildisobedience #civildisobediencemovement #civildisobediencemovementmyanmar #hearthevoiceofmyanmar #🇲🇲myanmar @ Tokyo, Japan www.instagram.com/p/CK_nH8FlaYML...
タグ: civildisobedience civildisobediencemovement civildisobediencemovementmyanmar hearthevoiceofmyanmar savemyanmar we_need_democracy
posted at 23:13:29

“On the other, Myanmar society today is entirely different from 1988 and even 2007. Anything’s possible.” Thant Myint U #WhatsHappeningInMyanamar reut.rs/3rvDfFj
posted at 23:21:22

ふらいと(今西洋介)@小児科医・新生児科 @doctor_nw
@sister_pan 育児をしない男性の隠れ蓑に新生児医学を使われる事はあってはなりません。
posted at 23:21:41

Eaint Kyawt Hmu @EaintKyawtHmu
@cape_diamond These pictures are not because we are reconciled with the army and the police. We did not accept the coup. This is because we who have no weapons have only love and flowers to give them.
#WeVotedNLD pic.twitter.com/2LJ2FS7inP
タグ: WeVotedNLD WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
posted at 23:37:23

•~ 1.Common Grass Blue Butterfly...
•~ 2.Common Pea blue or Line Blue???
#beautiful #Butterfly #IndiAves #ThePhotoHour #StormHour pic.twitter.com/3Z6ADYjmrF
タグ: beautiful Butterfly IndiAves StormHour ThePhotoHour
posted at 23:58:53