- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

Lineages with #N440K are NOT the dominant ones in the second wave of #Covid19inIndia. While N440K was a indeed mutation of concern in South India during and after the first wave, current data shows that it is essentially replaced by new VoCs such as #B1617 and #B117 pic.twitter.com/3mbjLNijny
タグ: B117 B1617 Covid19inIndia N440K
posted at 01:16:32

In KL, though not much data is available on GISAID, we can see from genescov2.genomes.in that B.1.1.7 is increasing at present, whereas N440K is present in <20% of the genomes
Pics courtesy: @vinodscaria pic.twitter.com/lIydxrI7Bp
posted at 01:16:36

Rakesh K Mishra @3RakeshMishra
N440K variant of SARS-CoV-2 is diminishing and likely to disapear soon. pic.twitter.com/Su13gflHqs
posted at 02:30:33

Experts say the new prevalent #COVID19 variant, which is being called the AP strain as it was first discovered in Kurnool, is at least 15 times more virulent than the earlier ones, and may be even stronger than the Indian variants of B1.617 and B1.618.
タグ: COVID19
posted at 14:00:06

#VaccinationForAll must be completed ASAP.. only way to defeat this virus..
#APstrain twitter.com/the_hindu/stat...
タグ: APstrain VaccinationForAll
posted at 18:50:44

Covid Tracking India @CovidTrackingIn
Lot of news on the AP / South India strain (N440K). Reality is quite different 👇 twitter.com/3RakeshMishra/...
posted at 21:43:15

Ashwin Rajenesh MD @ashwinrajenesh
@3RakeshMishra @RajeevJayadevan @TejSowpati @ccmb_csir @CSIR_IND @shekhar_mande @kvijayraghavan Well, this seems to be following natural evolutionary course of a virus. The higher lethality strains is not of evolutionary benefit to the virus, which would prefer mutations that increase infectivity and thus propogation.
posted at 22:34:12

@ashwinrajenesh @3RakeshMishra @RajeevJayadevan @TejSowpati @ccmb_csir @CSIR_IND @shekhar_mande @kvijayraghavan Interesting! Logical too.
posted at 23:59:03