- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

禁酒ブラバイさん(今日の歳上部下bot @aka_bare_arai
ニシキヘビが見つかって実際のサイズを見て、想像上のニシキヘビのサイズがどんどん大きくなってブチ切れてた人と、おばあさんの人生経験から来る言葉との対比が……うん のだ pic.twitter.com/VxQIvFAcD4
posted at 07:16:54

環境省が発行する西表島石垣国立公園内で採捕が禁止されている指定動物(魚類)の一覧表です。ちゃんと守っていますか? 身の回りに違反している友達はいませんか?
posted at 17:07:51

posted at 18:06:34

#NyiragongoErupts: Plus des 5000 personnes ont été accueillies au Rwanda et prisent en charge par la croix rouge et les autorités rwandaises. Beaucoup des déplacés sont rentrés chez eux le matin. pic.twitter.com/yFWLHslAnn
タグ: NyiragongoErupts
posted at 18:35:20

Stanis Bujakera Tshi @StanysBujakera
#Volcan_URGENT: Le gouvernement rwandais vient de disponibiliser des bus pour faciliter le retour vers Goma des congolais qui se sont réfugiés à Rubavu (Rwanda) à la suite de l’éruption du volcan Nyiragongo... pic.twitter.com/eq9uDCLrFO
タグ: Volcan_URGENT
posted at 19:23:34

#大雨 #災害 #飛騨高山 pic.twitter.com/wxVINvVV7N
posted at 19:32:00

Albert Rudatsimburwa @albcontact
the day after
courtesy @KennedyNari pic.twitter.com/GmoM3a7lqm
タグ: Nyiragongo
posted at 19:32:21

"The government & people of the #DRCongo face a daunting, complex & multi-layered crisis. What #ECW has contributed in seed funding helps alleviate some of the most urgent needs in the education sector. But more needs to be done." ~ @YasmineSherif1. More: bit.ly/3yjIvjJ pic.twitter.com/t7k9x4gTuv
posted at 20:00:16

posted at 20:00:50

本日は #兵庫県立人と自然の博物館 #ひとはく で話題の #ヤマトサウルス・イザナギイ の実物を見てまいりました。 pic.twitter.com/U6Ot1LywJd
タグ: ひとはく ヤマトサウルス 兵庫県立人と自然の博物館
posted at 20:13:12

ParrotOfTheDay (migr @ParrotOfTheDay
Amazing photo of a very large flock of white-winged parakeets in the city of Belém, capital of the state of Pará, Brazil, at the mouth of the Amazon River #ParrotOTD. Pic by Adriano Maciel via @WikiAves www.wikiaves.com.br/1277827 pic.twitter.com/Dau2qdMKX1
タグ: ParrotOTD
posted at 21:02:38

#Hope4All by @WorldofWilds Some #WildHues in tandem with the humble bougainvillea; a white orange-tip.
‘Suffering isn't ennobling, recovery is.’
- Christiaan Barnard
@OrnithophileI @vivek4wild #macro @Saket_Badola @nature_macro @s_singh_ifs @Butterfly_bros
#ThePhotoHour pic.twitter.com/jaZpXVo4GJ
タグ: Hope4All macro ThePhotoHour WildHues
posted at 21:17:03

2021.04.24 千葉県 twitter.com/viola_crassa/s... pic.twitter.com/beV0dlT3bj
posted at 21:42:39

#ヒメヒラタアブ #アブ #昆虫写真 pic.twitter.com/P7lKUo5Nn3
posted at 21:51:03

Albert Rudatsimburwa @albcontact
#Rwanda #DRC #Congo la solidarité des peuples
La Vie est un Don, L'Humanité un Privilege twitter.com/StanysBujakera...
posted at 22:11:06

Baraka MUNYAMPFURA H @HeritierBarak
#RDC #Goma Circulation coupée entre la ville de Goma et le territoire de #Rutshuru après le passage du volcan #Nyiragongo à plus de 500m sur la #RN4. Les voyageurs sont obligés de marchés à pied au-dessus des laves pour atteindre l'autre côté. [Vidéo]. pic.twitter.com/DBhM2FYcJy
タグ: Goma Nyiragongo RDC RN4 Rutshuru
posted at 22:17:05

Finally landed a long-time goal yesterday: seeing a “cinnamon” morph red fox. The Quick Brown Fox really does exist, after all... pic.twitter.com/cE1C1drYs1
posted at 22:36:04

Thomas van Linge @ThomasVLinge
So a Belarusian journalist who was travelling between two #EU 🇪🇺 destinations is now back in #Belarus against his own will after KGB operatives basically hijacked the plane and forced it to land. twitter.com/franakviacorka...
posted at 22:41:53

Thomas van Linge @ThomasVLinge
This is not just a grave violation of human rights, it is also an act of aggression against the European Union. They hijacked a plane full of EU citizens and forced it to land in another country, against the will of everyone on board
posted at 22:47:10

Thomas van Linge @ThomasVLinge
All of this was planned in advance. KGB operatives knew Roman Protasevich was going to be on a flight that would go through Belarusian airspace. they've probably waited months for this opportunity twitter.com/TadeuszGiczan/...
posted at 22:50:45

#CTBTO #IMS infrasound stations IS32 #Kenya🇰🇪 recorded a strong signal detected from #Goma #DRC🇨🇩 compatible w/ inception of the eruption of the #Nyiragongo 🌋 on 22 May 2021 & associated #lava flow. The source of the acoustic signal is at about 16:50 UTC. pic.twitter.com/w8kcFdXCEn
タグ: CTBTO DRC Goma IMS Kenya lava Nyiragongo
posted at 22:56:14

Strike a Pose!
The Mongolian Finch throws a look for the 📸!
Gilgit Baltistan
#Luv4wilds pic.twitter.com/lqLHtkNJMh
タグ: BirdsSeenIn2021 birdwatching Luv4wilds Pakistan wildlifephotography
posted at 22:56:28

posted at 23:00:34

Thomas van Linge @ThomasVLinge
Roman Protasevich is now back in #Belarus, the country where he is facing the death penalty.
Roman is the founder of @nexta_tv, a free and independent news channel which provided vital coverage during last year's uprising. This is why #Lukashenko has made him a target. pic.twitter.com/wG9CeQ9uBE
タグ: Belarus Lukashenko
posted at 23:02:11

The UK, EU and NATO have to respond to the forcing of an aircraft to the ground by Belarus.
We need an immediate flight ban to the state and a travel ban for regime-connected individuals.
posted at 23:07:01

MIT Technology Revie @techreview
More than 1.5 billion covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered in over 180 countries. That works out to roughly 21 doses for every 100 people. However, the pace—and coverage—of vaccination programs has been highly uneven. bit.ly/3wu8V0r
posted at 23:09:39

Thomas van Linge @ThomasVLinge
#Belarus: Roman has been taken away but the @Ryanair flight is still on the ground in #Minsk. Some passengers were forced to disembark and have their baggage checked by the border police of a country they didn't even intend to enter in the first place. pic.twitter.com/XBp3vmDuN2
posted at 23:10:53

Thomas van Linge @ThomasVLinge
Can you imagine? They hijack your plane by starting a fight and faking a bomb threat. They force your plane to land in authoritarian state. And when you're there they treat YOU as the potential terrorist, letting bomb sniffing dogs go through your baggage.
Welcome to #Belarus pic.twitter.com/NQ3grCX9up
タグ: Belarus
posted at 23:15:19

#Nyiragongo #volcano Apparently those lava flows stopped just short of Goma itself www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may...
タグ: Nyiragongo volcano
posted at 23:21:02

posted at 23:41:04

Baraka MUNYAMPFURA H @HeritierBarak
#DRC #North_Kivu Traffic cut between the city of #Goma and the territory of #Rutshuru after the eruption of the #Nyiragongo volcano at more than 500m on the #RN4 where the lava flows. Travelers are forced to walk above the lava markets to reach the other side. [Video]. pic.twitter.com/Y9VT1otsfE
タグ: DRC Goma North_Kivu Nyiragongo RN4 Rutshuru
posted at 23:48:19

Extremely worrying reports of a Ryanair plane forced to land in Belarus to detain an opposition blogger. We are in contact with the Airline and EU colleagues.
posted at 23:52:44