- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

White-throated Kingfishers are playing with catch.
by 良紫123
#China #野鳥 #birdwatching
#BirdsSeenIn2022 #nature
#birds #photography @avibase pic.twitter.com/TGmBFYqenJ
タグ: birds BirdsSeenIn2022 birdwatching China nature photography TwitterNatureCommunity 野鳥
posted at 00:29:00

To my academic and critical IR friends, please:
1) do not use Ukraine to score points
2) do not reproduce hierarchies of wars and victimhood
3) if you have never experienced war, do not talk about it as a game
4) build life-lines, be considerate of those who are losing them.
posted at 00:29:29

Collectively the Offutt jets flew 10 of the 86 surveillance missions known to have been flown over Europe by U.S., NATO, Swedish and Ukrainian aircraft between Sunday and Thursday, according to Amelia Smith (@ameliairheart).
More from @SteveLiewer: omaha.com/news/state-and...
posted at 00:42:00

Under Putin’s regime the lives of Russian soldiers are expendable for his madness! twitter.com/biannagolodryg...
posted at 00:46:11

posted at 00:49:21

posted at 00:51:01

Stephanie Hegarty @stephhegarty
A Nigerian medical student at Poland/Ukraine border (Medyka-Shehyni) told me she has been waiting 7hrs to cross, she says border guards are stopping black people and sending them to the back of the queue, saying they have to let 'Ukrainians' through first.
posted at 01:02:37

@francska1 Only a few hours ago two Dutch KLM machines turned home.
They were in Russian airspace already, but ordered back by the Dutch (sanctions, safety).
posted at 01:09:43

posted at xx:xx:xx

The chairman of Russia’s lower house of parliament had his plane turned back mid-flight by Sweden and then Finland, making him the first top Russian official to face Europe’s denial of airspace permissions in response to the invasion www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/... pic.twitter.com/ngpl3OC7IX
posted at 01:35:28

CALL TO ACTIVISM @CalltoActivism
Russian vodka is being pulled from shelves in US bars and liquor stores to protest the illegal invasion of Ukraine.
RT to THANK these establishments for taking a stand!
posted at 01:36:28

News about 10 000 Chechen troops leaving to Ukraine alarmed many. And yet, one must know context to understand its meaning. Many assume that after Putin's victory Chechnya became just part of Russia and thus Chechen troops are just Russian regulars of Chechen origin. Not quite🧵 pic.twitter.com/GyXRWTruzo
posted at 01:39:38

Really American @ReallyAmerican1
Canadian liquor stores are refusing to sell Russian vodka.
Who thinks U.S. liquor stores should do the same to pressure the Russian regime? 🤚
posted at 01:40:02

Dr. Jimbosaur, Esq. @Jimbosaur
@DanaStarr18 Better yet, try Nemiroff or Kozak, two very good vodka brands from Ukraine! pic.twitter.com/ZH0ZHAYU0E
posted at 01:48:07

@junandspace 書いたのは中国に関する政治専門家だったっぽいので、中国政府の資料などを鵜呑みにしたのかもしれません。ジャベリンをシャベリンと誤記していましたし、元資料が英語ではなかった可能性も。
posted at 01:56:03

Dmitry Rogozin has pulled Russian workers out of Europe's spaceport just weeks before an important launch they were supporting. This will further shake up US-Europe-Russia space policy.
posted at 02:07:38

posted at xx:xx:xx

@stephhegarty Someone posted a video on IG as well. Awful. @PolandMFA @CanEmbUkraine @CanadaPoland pic.twitter.com/9Kym9kUfeh
posted at 02:23:16

In #Kharkov , the National Guard captured an entire enemy reconnaissance group that was trying to penetrate the territory of one of the military units.
Source: Realnaya Voyna/Telegram
#UkraineUnderAttack #PutinIsaWarCriminal pic.twitter.com/oqa0eHoNzo
タグ: Kharkov PutinIsaWarCriminal UkraineUnderAttack
posted at 02:58:04

Bundeskanzler Olaf S @Bundeskanzler
Der russische Überfall markiert eine Zeitenwende. Es ist unsere Pflicht, die Ukraine nach Kräften zu unterstützen bei der Verteidigung gegen die Invasionsarmee von #Putin. Deshalb liefern wir 1000 Panzerabwehrwaffen und 500 Stinger-Raketen an unsere Freunde in der #Ukraine.
posted at 03:01:03

Stephanie Hegarty @stephhegarty
A student I just spoke with says it was Ukrainian soldiers, not Polish border guards telling him this.
posted at 03:07:53

#BREAKING: Germany to send 1,000 anti-tank missiles and 500 Stinger surface-air missiles to Ukraine twitter.com/Bundeskanzler/...
posted at 03:08:22

Stephanie Hegarty @stephhegarty
Polish border force spokesperson told me Poland is allowing anyone who comes to the Ukraine border entry to Poland
posted at 03:09:50

Nederland stuurt meer militaire goederen naar Oekraïne ter verdediging tegen de Russische agressie. We leveren nu ook 50 Panzerfaust-3 antitankwapens met 400 raketten.
Samen met Duitsland onderzoeken we de mogelijkheid om Patriots te leveren aan de @NATO Battlegroup in Slowakije. pic.twitter.com/XynTthrN92
posted at 03:19:55

Kijk voor meer informatie op www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws... #StandWithUkraine
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 03:19:56

And "No to war" graffiti continue to pop up on the walls of Moscow... pic.twitter.com/Iov9Ni8CeV
posted at 03:28:49

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

@drcopps @stephhegarty @PolandMFA @CanEmbUkraine @CanadaPoland What is this video supposed to show? I only see people of all races waiting at the border, chaos and lines are not unexpected
posted at 03:51:30

Pleistocene: Elasmotherium sibiricum
Despite the new hypotheses I still prefer to think it with the horn ... as long as it is possible! pic.twitter.com/j9OzxnFHad
posted at 03:54:12

Автономное Действие @avtonom_org
Сумерки перед рассветом: «Тренды порядка и хаоса», эпизод 43 (26 февраля)
- Война
- Нужна только Путину
- К своим баранам
YouTube: youtu.be/TvzF6Qr-sCk
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/avtonom_org/su...
Расшифровка: avtonom.org/news/sumerki-p...
#Путин #Россия #Украина #НикитаУваров #Война pic.twitter.com/38YgeLWTd9
タグ: Война НикитаУваров Путин Россия Украина
posted at 03:54:26

Indo-Pacific News - @IndoPac_Info
#BREAKING: #Germany will send 1000 anti-tank weapons and 500 stingers to #Ukraine
#Belgium will supply Ukraine with 2,000 machine guns and 3,800 tons of fuel.
The #Dutch government will supply 50 Panzerfaust-3 anti-tank weapons and 400 rockets to Ukraine
#Russia #Donbass pic.twitter.com/TgeL2gTaAn
タグ: Belgium BREAKING Donbass Dutch Germany Russia Ukraine
posted at 04:04:44

Ministerie van Defen @Defensie
Nederland doet een derde bijdrage van militaire goederen aan Oekraïne. Het gaat om 50 Panzerfaust 3-antitankwapens met 400 raketten. Ook onderzoekt Defensie de mogelijkheid om met Duitsland Patriots te leveren voor een NAVO-battlegroup in Slowakije.
www.defensie.nl/actueel/nieuws... pic.twitter.com/H8aYLr4Zob
posted at 04:05:55

Ukrainian road signs updated to read: “Russian warship, go fuck yourself”
Putin doesn’t get to control the narrative in a wired wold. pic.twitter.com/oAhGI2CCRt
posted at 04:08:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

Hard to fathom just how quickly things have moved over the last few days.
It all started with a single webcam on the border with #Crimea.
Will never in 100 years forget the 23rd of February 2022. pic.twitter.com/9PGShjgHUJ
タグ: Crimea
posted at 04:23:57

It was unthinkable. Then it was plausible. Then it was possible. Then...then it happened.
How you can go from tracking trains one month to seeing footage of a dead girl on her bike is just insane.
posted at 04:31:35

Conflict Update @Conflict_Update
Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 right now.
#Ukraine #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/JD8CVjsI6w
タグ: StandWithUkraine StopRussia Ukraine
posted at 04:40:28

@IntelCrab Watched this Kharkiv cam live that night right around the time Putin speech was released.
Immediately it dawned on to me what was to become
posted at 04:42:17

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
It's incredible seeing this strength in the people of Ukraine. A woman and her daughter stand in front of their burning home, hit by the Russian troops. They sarcastically say, “Thank you, Putin! This is what we always wanted! Now it will be warm during the winter!” pic.twitter.com/lvBQucAP7u
posted at 04:45:38

posted at xx:xx:xx

Siobhán O'Grady @siobhan_ogrady
These beautiful photos were scattered on the ground outside the apartment that was struck early this morning in Kyiv, blowing away and getting wet and dirty. We picked them up to save them. Help us find these families so we can return them! pic.twitter.com/93ape4qllz
posted at 04:52:55

Angus Robertson @AngusRobertson
Scotland stands ready to offer "refuge and sanctuary" for Ukrainians fleeing from the Russian invasion. #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦🏴#StandWithUkriane www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotla...
タグ: SlavaUkraini
posted at 04:54:24

Siobhán O'Grady @siobhan_ogrady
Only two had writing on the back. The boy with the hula hoop. pic.twitter.com/6aFA2cK7pL
posted at 04:55:43

Siobhán O'Grady @siobhan_ogrady
And the man with the baby. pic.twitter.com/P6zlxUd993
posted at 04:57:12

@Damilare_arah I thought they only allowed woman and childeren on the trains😩😩😩
posted at 05:09:05

@stephhegarty So they don't expect them to protect their citizens first? Why is that a surprise?
posted at 05:18:53

This war also highlighted the need for secure messengers. I saw 🇺🇦 sources reporting that @WhatsApp seems to be monitored by Russians. @telegram & @viber are NOT really encrypted, and that branding may literally cost lives. Is @signalapp still the best option to recommend?
posted at 05:32:40

Oliya Scootercaster @ScooterCasterNY
Turns out a combination of coincidences caused confusion on who's car that was. My car was searched by multiple Ukraine security organizations and police because some man was near it earlier who looked suspicious. Thankfully my windows and tires were in tact.
posted at 05:33:48

Oliya Scootercaster @ScooterCasterNY
I was previously surrounded and checked in a different city after they saw me take pictures.
The heightened security level is definitely very serious.
posted at 05:33:49

#AfricansinUkraine sheltered Africans in Ukraine. Women and children left in the cold. Men too.
No safe harbour out of Ukraine for Africans twitter.com/damilare_arah/...
posted at 05:55:47

Facebook blocks Russian state media from running ads
The outlets are barred from accessing any monetization features
#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia #StopWar
タグ: StandWithUkraine StopRussia StopWar
posted at 05:56:27

Effective immediately - Ohio will no longer buy or sell vodka with the brand names Green Mark Vodka and Russian Standard Vodka. These brands are to be pulled from shelves immediately. Gov. DeWine says this move is to show support for those under attack in #Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/YH3QN3hwDt
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 05:57:15

posted at 06:04:54

“Who will save the International Space Station from exiting an uncontrolled orbit if you prevent cooperation with us?”
— Dmitry Rogozin, CEO of Russian Roscosmos
— Elon Musk pic.twitter.com/szTocgr6TV
posted at 06:07:31

Calling Russia's invasion of Ukraine a threat to "our entire post-war order," Germany's government announces it will send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine's military. apne.ws/O2y6jde
posted at 06:09:41

Oliya Scootercaster @ScooterCasterNY
Some supermarkets are starting to look more empty #Ukraine #Ternopil #UkraineUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/XGikBk9yCV
タグ: Ternopil Ukraine UkraineUnderAttack
posted at 06:14:29

NEW CAMPAIGN REPORT: Russian forces’ main axes of advance in the last 24 hours focused on #Kyiv, northeastern #Ukraine, and southern Ukraine.
Read the full report: isw.pub/RusCampaignFeb26
posted at 06:19:16

MilitaryLand.net @Militarylandnet
#Zaporozhia, the base of the unit 3033 is on fire. 3033 is 23rd Brigade of Public Order Protect, Ukrainian National Guard #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/6UHPC3u57h
タグ: Ukraine Zaporozhia
posted at 06:41:46

@RobHugh03685517 @franakviacorka So Putin’s Russia can understand their tragedy cause by them.
Like most Europeans, they are usually bilingual or trilingual.
Like my late wife who was Swedish.
posted at 06:47:06

@stephhegarty Indian students were also stopped from crossing over to Poland..even though the Indian Embassy in Poland had already arranged for those students to be taken to a flight back to India.
Not so humanitarian, now is it.
posted at 06:52:10

BREAKING: EU and US agree to disconnect some Russian banks from Swift pic.twitter.com/Ey4ig964hD
posted at 07:06:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

The videos that are coming in depicting #AfricansinUkraine are truly harrowing. Their treatment continues to be despicable. pic.twitter.com/EbQuB2Uwng
posted at 07:32:08

Surveillance footage, verified by The Post, shows the moment a missile hit a residential high-rise in Ukraine's capital today www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/... pic.twitter.com/Fn48lqGTxD
posted at 07:33:28

BREAKING: White House releases joint statement with Canada and major European leaders committing to new economic actions against Russia, including "ensuring that selected Russian banks are removed from the SWIFT messaging system." abcn.ws/3IqzBW1 pic.twitter.com/Zwc8pSuLr5
posted at 07:34:55

What will I be watching for? The names of the "selected" banks. If the banks include the big fish—Sberbank, VTB, and Gazprombank—this is an absolutely huge deal. Let's wait and see.
posted at 07:40:02

(2) On the Central Bank of Russia, the allies committed to "prevent the Russian Central Bank from deploying its international reserves in ways that undermine the impact of our sanctions." That is hard to read, but it doesn't necessarily mean full-blocking sanctions. pic.twitter.com/uGUDm9V52O
posted at 07:40:03

The wording suggest a more scalpel-like measure, in which the allies prevent the CBR from deploying reserves to bail out other sanctioned entities. Yes, this would be a big deal. But it would not be as big of a deal as full-blocking sanctions on the Central Bank of Russia.
posted at 07:40:03

What will I be watching for? In addition to the details above, I'm interested if implementation is immediate or if there's a grace period (like w/the Sberbank measure earlier this week). To maximize impact, the allies should impose full-blocking sanctions with immediate effect.
posted at 07:40:04

(3) The statement also includes wording that puts Putin cronies on notice. It indicates the allies will take steps to ban the sale of golden passports to the Russian elite—particularly those connected to the Kremlin. pic.twitter.com/nj4qBGyt7Y
posted at 07:40:04

Cargo ship 'belonging to Russian bank that is pivotal' to country's defence sector is SEIZED in the English Channel trib.al/wJmSdRO
posted at 07:41:06

@Militarylandnet 1h
#Vyshhorod, north of #Kyiv heavy explosions #Ukraine
twitter.com/Militarylandne... pic.twitter.com/827qiwDDDY
タグ: Kyiv Russia Ukraine Vyshhorod
posted at 07:52:19

@IntelCrab Actually date to remember is 22 Feb 2022.
Unfortunately I think history willl tell us that is the date we went into WW4 and what triggered the world financial collapse the IMF warned us 3 months ago including the end of the petrol dollar
posted at 08:15:37

At an absolute minimum 39% of Russia's Central Bank reserves ($630bn) appear to have been frozen.
If Japan does the same will take it up to half.
Caveat: data is 8 months old because CBR publishes with a heft delay to keep some secrecy. pic.twitter.com/c02RrD9MCI
posted at 08:15:39

There was a second loud blast about 20 mins ago around the same SW area of Kyiv.
posted at 08:19:49

A small bit on the story of how I built Saint Javelin.
posted at 08:34:11

White House: The Central Bank of Russia has $630 billion in gold and foreign exchange reserves that can be sold to support the ruble, and the purpose of the sanctions is to make it impossible to exchange this currency to rubles by blocking transactions with Western banks
posted at 08:38:09

White House: The US expects that, having lost the support of the Russian Central Bank due to the sanctions imposed on it, the ruble will fall into free fall
posted at 08:39:12

I wonder what goes through your mind when you hear my name
#birds #nature #photos
#LovelyBirdsInChina pic.twitter.com/YcUL10hMW5
タグ: birds LovelyBirdsInChina nature naturephotography photooftheday photos
posted at 08:46:19

Mykhailo Fedorov @FedorovMykhailo
We are constantly working on development of aggressor’s isolation! I’ve contacted the CEO of Rakuten (@Viber) and @PayPal on blocking their services in russia. Youth and thinking russians, you better wake up! pic.twitter.com/HUxlbhue6r
posted at 09:08:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 09:31:27

THREAD: Here's why sanctioning the Central Bank of Russia could prove devastating - the true "nuclear" option in the West's financial arsenal. Russia currently holds about $640 billion in reserves. About 32% held in euros, 22% in gold, 16% in dollars, and 13% in Yuan. 1/ twitter.com/RTPerson3/stat...
posted at 09:33:14

Рогозин @Rogozin добавил меня в чёрный список. Не могу читать его глубокие мысли. Кстати, он ещё не в окопе? Вроде с 2014 года собирался pic.twitter.com/2dJeWatj5O
posted at 09:38:18

@our_science @franakviacorka Yes, now they deserve a win and rebuild their homeland!
posted at 09:42:17

MilitaryLand.net @Militarylandnet
✍️The third day of Russian Invasion - summary of situation on all frontlines, including maps. Available on militaryland.net/ukraine/invasi... #Ukraine #UkraineInvasion
posted at 09:42:55

Tomorrow, @UN Security Council will meet to adopt a resolution calling for an emergency special session of General Assembly per GA resolution 377 (V) A "Uniting for Peace". The last time the Council called for special session was in 1982 (1/2) pic.twitter.com/hZ9bG31kAF
posted at 09:43:22

The Security Council has called for an emergency special session of the General Assembly seven times since 1950. Read more via #UNSCAD Repertoire: bit.ly/3pntmLn (2/2) pic.twitter.com/ta2AZcE98S
posted at 09:43:24

セルギー・コルスンスキー駐日ウクライナ特 @KorsunskySergiy
What a shame, disgusting! twitter.com/JamesDJBrown/s...
posted at 09:58:38

Former top official at Russia's Central Bank: "There's going to be a catastrophe on the Russian currency market on Monday" - REU
posted at 10:01:30

posted at xx:xx:xx

PARIS (AP) French President Emmanuel Macron has asked his Belarus counterpart to demand that the country, Ukraine’s neighbor, quickly order Russian troops to leave.
Macron denounced “the gravity of a decision that would authorize Russia to deploy nuclear arms on Belarus soil.”
posted at 10:03:47

Amount of misinformation on Ukraine by verified handles is mind boggling. pic.twitter.com/Wke9c1MG5i
posted at 10:09:43

#UkraineRussiaWar #PutinHitler
Like if you're gonna lie at least make it a decent lie pic.twitter.com/AbripR8EVS
タグ: PutinHitler UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 10:10:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

The memes coming in hot from Ukrainians tonight… Here’s one. pic.twitter.com/T56IZlXJB3
posted at 10:27:35

Another is just a message I received: “The British should change the name of their anti-tank missile to the In-Law. That will really scare the Russians”
posted at 10:32:54

posted at xx:xx:xx

Chaudhary Sahab @ChParvezAhmed
Zaporozhia, the base of the unit 3033 is on fire. 3033 is 23rd Brigade of Public Order Protect, #Ukrainian National Guard #UkraineRussiaWar
#RussiaUkraineWar twitter.com/Militarylandne...
タグ: RussiaUkraineWar UkraineRussiaWar Ukrainian
posted at 10:33:40

Longfellow, Esq. @callmelongfell2
@Damilare_arah As far as I know it’s not just Africans who are stranded. There were 80,000 international students in Ukraine when the invasion began. The largest number come from India, followed by Morocco, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Nigeria. At least 15,000 Indian students were stranded as
posted at 10:35:27

Longfellow, Esq. @callmelongfell2
@Damilare_arah of yesterday & their governments don’t seem to be doing much to help get them out.
posted at 10:38:24

Why is Russian Aeroflot AFL2549 currently flying in Denmark (and soon Sweden) airspace if they're banned?
Have already passed through Portuguese, French, Belgian, Dutch, and German airspace.
posted at 10:48:02

Ukraine and Russia watchers, when was the last time you saw Putin on video, and what was he wearing? Was it the video of him released on Thursday, where he's wearing his burgundy tie from Monday? I know where Zelenskiy is - he posts updates every few hours. Where is Putin?
posted at 10:55:33

BREAKING: Ukraine's nuclear agency says radioactive waste disposal site near Kyiv hit by airstrike; no evidence of a leak pic.twitter.com/PxuSMuLOpy
posted at 10:59:07

NEW #Ukraine Conflict Update: #Russian forces’ main axes of advance in the last 24 hours focused on #Kyiv, northeastern Ukraine, and southern Ukraine; Ukrainian resistance remains remarkably effective. isw.pub/UkraineConflic... pic.twitter.com/M9WOnX9mgk
posted at 11:05:03

WuhanFluBalloon @Huell_dabineaux
@JohnnyX1987 @ScotCharlotte @Damilare_arah Look at the train!
They were pushing they way to the front and might’ve pushed someone onto the tracks.
posted at 11:11:02

@PegasusBlue1 @RedBearofLenin @IntelOmarion idk tbh, too hard to tell since most of them have had their paint melted off from fire. pic.twitter.com/MKh8mfSe14
posted at 11:17:40

Where is Morrison as QLD & NSW r smashed with torrential rain & flooding this weekend?
He's not on FB or Twitter, he's not in the news. No announcements, no hands-on help like Rudd in 2011
He's no doubt holed up somewhere planning his next promo to capitalise on security & war
posted at 11:24:58

@IntelOmarion None of those Mig-29's have the Ukrainian sword & shield marking on the fin.
Those Mig-29's are not Ukrainian. pic.twitter.com/yeDI9Niy9A
posted at 11:28:36

Shirley Yooggest @ShirleyYooggest
@zoyashef @vanbadham I'd say that the most hated man in the world is probably a bit security conscious at the moment.
posted at 11:29:51

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Officials: Storage facilities intact after nuclear waste disposal site near Kyiv is hit by airstrike bnonews.com/index.php/2022...
posted at 11:37:19

Pl. help Ukrain Zaporozhia State Medical University Students .
posted at 11:41:20

Russian Bank freezes has someone changing their tune twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/s...
posted at 11:45:17

After my friend @nemo321mc & i looked into it, it seems to be Ukrainian aircraft at Ivano Frankivsk airport. That suggests the video was recorded on the first day of the Russian invasion. Coordinates here 48°53'30.75" N 24°41'52.93" E pic.twitter.com/VIp9fJEgHO
posted at 11:50:51

Luke - Join Your Uni @troutish
@IntelOmarion @improbable Misinformation. Don't share shit if you can't verify it. Your just adding to the confusion .
posted at 11:51:22

posted at 11:52:11

posted at xx:xx:xx

This is a rhetorical question. I know Putin is in his Ural bunker. The point is ... Putin is hunkering down in his bunker in the Urals, while Zelenskiy and Shmyhal are having coffee with the troops on the frontline. And so I ask again. Where is Putin? Ребята, где ваш президент?
posted at 12:00:02

posted at xx:xx:xx

@IntelOmarion Can someone identify the roundel/insignia? pic.twitter.com/8yxtMrXKLW
posted at 12:09:11

Ballistic missiles struck the city of Vasylkiv, south of Kyiv, and an oil plant was on fire, the city's mayor said. www.nbcnews.com/news/world/liv...
posted at 12:12:59

posted at xx:xx:xx

SWIFT says it preparing to comply with curbs on Russian banks reut.rs/3Hk3FBz pic.twitter.com/GSyTHKA3jr
posted at 12:45:11

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Note the Russian forces have pushed over the Kyiv Hydroelectric power plant just north of the city
posted at 12:46:00

NAMAQUA DOVE, in flight
#Nalsarovar, #Gujarat
Jan 2022 (Rahul Chakraborty)
Found Sub-Saharan Africa & Arabia. Singly, open country. Vagrants Gujarat (2021/22), Pak (Oct 2016)
#birds #birding #nature #BirdsSeenIn2022 @Avibase @BBCEarth #IndianBirds @OrnithoPakistan #BirdTherapy pic.twitter.com/lGgGXYWT2H
タグ: birding birds BirdsSeenIn2022 BirdTherapy Gujarat IndianBirds Nalsarovar nature
posted at 12:53:33

@Silky58782351 @Damilare_arah @AfroDollz Don't mind that black dude,he is just trying to bring nonsense up,the train doors were close if Africans struggle the way we use to someone will fall on the train tracks abd that's another twitter trend.
posted at 13:01:07

posted at 13:06:02

posted at 13:09:35

Isabelle Khurshudyan @ikhurshudyan
Talked to Viktor, who says his car was shot at by a Russian armored vehicle. He’s in the hospital with a punctured lung. He was lucky.
On a civilian casualty total that’s still unclear (with @griffwitte): www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/...
posted at 13:24:26

posted at xx:xx:xx

Russian targets in Northern Front:
* Kyiv
* Bucha
* Chernihiv
* Ichnia
* Irpin
* Vyshhorod
posted at 13:32:34

posted at 13:43:34

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
The oil depot fire outside of Kyiv was caused by fighting in the area. twitter.com/euromaidanpres... pic.twitter.com/zfqUxACXIA
posted at 13:53:17

Isabelle Khurshudyan @ikhurshudyan
In Kharkiv, @wleaming, @salwangeorges and I spent the night outside of our hotel rooms to take shelter. The city was pounded by multiple-launch rocket systems overnight. Reports of massive civilian damage. twitter.com/reemakkad/stat...
posted at 13:54:50

Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng
The Netherlands and Norway say they are moving their embassies in Ukraine to Poland after #Russia’s invasion of the pro-Western country.
タグ: Russia UkraineRussia
posted at 14:00:01

Classy Surveyor @ClassySurveyor
Monday when the Russian markets open, it will be a blood bath. Russian ATMs had restricted withdrawals, Russian bank cards had already stopped working abroad before the weekend. Good bye #Russian economy.
#Russia #Ukraine
posted at 14:08:44

Correction: this hangar. twitter.com/vcdgf555/statu... pic.twitter.com/wLdKfQGQuC
posted at 14:10:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

Andreas Harsono @andreasharsono
Russians have been stunned at how quickly the economic impact of the war was being felt. The ruble hit its lowest level ever against the dollar, which traded at about 84 rubles on Saturday compared to 74 a few weeks ago www.nytimes.com/2022/02/26/wor... pic.twitter.com/WfW0Yjecmi
posted at 14:32:15

Looks like Chechen forces spent months openly chatting about plans to invade Ukraine – even as most other commanders didn’t know until a week before and were shocked, according to these leaked voice memos with Kadyrov. No wonder US SIGINT picked it up www.bbc.com/russian/featur...
posted at 14:33:28

“Putin is not completely mad — he must have understood that he needed support from China on this. Moreover, not informing Xi could have been a personal affront.” on.ft.com/3M6n0tC
posted at 14:37:29

Russia unleashed a wave of attacks on Ukraine targeting an oil depot and gas pipeline as fighting continued. www.euronews.com/2022/02/27/liv...
posted at 14:40:19

@kanenooto7248 @oixi_soredeiino 国民国家の庇護というものに慣れ過ぎちゃってるんですよ。空気のように当然あるものだから、国民国家が失われても当然に残るものだと考えている。
posted at 14:41:31

Leonid ХВ Ragozin @leonidragozin
Pro-Russian separatist flags being hoisted at Donske yesterday as Russian troops broke Ukrainian defence and moved on in the direction of Mariupol from the north. pic.twitter.com/rn9heh1rh3
posted at 14:45:13

Putin choking on that big bite he can’t chew. Ruble going to free fall. Russians going to pay the price for the psychopath calling the shots. The beginning of the end for Vladimir. twitter.com/rleshner/statu...
posted at 14:49:17

Isabelle Khurshudyan @ikhurshudyan
Lots of social media footage circulating now that shows Russian military vehicles close to downtown Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city.
posted at 14:56:19

Isabelle Khurshudyan @ikhurshudyan
Kharkiv’s governor confirms in a Facebook message that Russian forces have entered the city.
posted at 15:02:23

posted at xx:xx:xx

Drew (GliderDrew) Mc @gliderdrew
Vale Ingo Renner OAM, Southern Riverina Gliding Club, four times World Gliding Champion, nineteen times Australian gliding champion, gentleman, brilliant pilot, the Chuck Norris of the Australian skies. #RIP #Tocumwal #IngoRenner #Gliding #AustralianAviationHallOfFame #FinalGlide pic.twitter.com/HL5y7l7XL1
タグ: AustralianAviationHallOfFame FinalGlide Gliding IngoRenner RIP Tocumwal
posted at 15:05:52

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
There’s a new Ukrainian joke going around: Kyiv is ready to consider NATO’s application to become a member of Ukraine. twitter.com/oleksiirezniko...
posted at 15:06:59

Drew (GliderDrew) Mc @gliderdrew
Hugs, sincere condolences to Judy Renner and family, Southern Riverina GC members and friends, Tocumwal community, glider pilots world-wide whose lives were enriched by his soaring talents and friendship #IngoRenner #Gliding
タグ: Gliding IngoRenner
posted at 15:07:52

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
From all available videos it looks like a Russian column of vehicles made an accidental thunder run into Kharkiv.
posted at 15:13:18

The Russians, who issue their own currency, can implement modern monetary theory to deal with the global ruble sales that are being considered.
A perfect test of MMT & the Russians are mad enough to try it.
Or is it that MMT is utter rubbish all along, a snake oil basket of tosh?
posted at 15:15:25

posted at xx:xx:xx

CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar
Russian forces have entered Kharkov city. pic.twitter.com/bgiI6CE5Tp
posted at 15:22:08

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Video from Kharkiv, military truck burning pic.twitter.com/xxGgd3BmGq
posted at 15:26:12

#StandWithUkriane #StopRussianAggression
Vasylkiv, oil depot is burning pic.twitter.com/7ajJEsF8AJ
タグ: StandWithUkriane StopRussianAggression
posted at 15:26:31

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
This looks like a more purposeful assault into Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/gq8OSGyTg2
posted at 15:27:00

Bir Rus füzesi, Kiev'in Vasylkiv bölgesindeki petrol deposunu vurdu pic.twitter.com/D8zROgQ7l7
posted at 15:27:05

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Governor of Kharkiv reports that heavy fighting is taking place inside the city.
posted at 15:27:35

Vasylkiv is onder vuur genomen en één tank van het oliedepot lijkt te zijn geraakt. We zagen een enorme explosie. "En omdat het reservoir frontaal geraakt is, kunnen we denken aan een serieuze milieuramp in de regio van Kyiv. "2/
posted at 15:28:53

Kuleba: "Moeilijk om te zeggen hoe lang het duurt om het vuur uit te krijgen, de specialisten kunnen er niet bij. Maar op de korte termijn lukt niet, dus niet de komende uren." 3/
posted at 15:28:54

Het oliedepot en deze tank met name was niet geheel gevuld. In heel Oekraïne is sprake van een oliecrisis. Kuleba: "Aan de ene kant positief, aan de andere kant kan een bepaalde hoeveelheid al heel schadelijk zijn." 4/
posted at 15:28:54

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Making an assault with no real mechanized support doesn’t seem like the greatest idea
posted at 15:29:20

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️A large column of Russian vehicles is pushing into the city of Sumy from the side of Khimprom, the military administration is reporting.
Civilians are asked to be in a safe place, not to go out unnecessarily and to stay away from windows.
posted at 15:33:27

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
The problem with something like Kharkiv falling in a matter of hours is that it’s functionally impossible for that to happen.
Sure Russian forces could push into the city in that amount of time, but then they’re surrounded.
posted at 15:35:29

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Unless the Ukrainians fall back the Russians are going to have to push them back street by street.
posted at 15:36:04

Russians are in some parts of Kharkiv, and this video shows how badly urban warfare may go for them.
Imagine a gun sticking out the window instead. Now remember that there's a million people in the city and maybe a few thousand Russian troops. twitter.com/RALee85/status...
posted at 15:36:23

Looks like Spetsnaz servicemen with a Typhoon-K MRAP in Kharkiv.
t.me/milinfolive/77... pic.twitter.com/id0HFduupe
posted at 15:37:19

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
Infantry taking cover behind Tigr jeep in #Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/kk8d6ryx7l
タグ: Kharkiv
posted at 15:37:36

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
More Russian soldiers in Kharkiv. pic.twitter.com/EQrYAKNWdl
posted at 15:37:47

@no_itsmyturn It’s almost the city center of Kharkiv, but it seems like these light vehicles broke through without support of other forces pic.twitter.com/g0o3a9CVEf
posted at 15:38:11

Russian Army enters #Kharkiv - heavy street fighting from Ukrainian Army to defend the city #UkraineKrieg #WarinUkraine #Russia #The Ukrainian twitter.com/kyivindependen...
タグ: Kharkiv Russia The UkraineKrieg WarinUkraine
posted at 15:38:12

Attention, the war against 🇺🇦 has reached new dimensions! The 🇷🇺occupants struck a blow to the ecology: 🇷🇺shells hit radioactive waste landfill; fire at Vasilkov oil depot; gas pipeline blown up in Kharkiv. The world, let’s stop Russia together!
posted at 15:38:25

Thomas Mutschler @ThomasMutschler
Heavy clashes in Shishkovka, Kharkiv twitter.com/hohland_gosdep... twitter.com/hohland_gosdep... liveuamap.com/en/2022/27-feb...
posted at 15:39:18

posted at xx:xx:xx

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Russian forces pushing into Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/XxV2ah7SQZ
posted at 15:40:56

CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar
Moment a group of Russian soldiers are fired at by Ukrainian forces in Kharkov city. Russian forces are entering Kharkov from multiple positions. pic.twitter.com/bnz22xG9Io
posted at 15:41:05

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
So it seems that Russian forces are making a push to take Kharkiv with little or no armored support, mostly infantry pic.twitter.com/STSorTRHBv
posted at 15:42:18

Arvydas Anušauskas @a_anusauskas
Lithuanian troops completed their logistical operation before midnight, delivering weapons,ammunition, helmets & armoured vests. In total, 13 NATO countries have already sent military assistance to Ukraine in the form of weapons, ammunition and anti-aircraft & anti-tank missiles. pic.twitter.com/fG682bOTGS
posted at 15:47:57

CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar
Russian military convoy is casually driving around in Kharkov city. Interesting to see this as the Russians clearly know that the city is still defended by Ukrainian forces and still don’t take cover to protect themselves. pic.twitter.com/QZhkY5SE86
posted at 15:51:51

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Air raid alert in Sumy.
People must go to the nearest shelter.
posted at 15:54:46

SWIFT says it preparing to comply with curbs on Russian banks reut.rs/36ANpiG pic.twitter.com/AU2ipBa3jZ
posted at 15:55:03

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Russian infantry continue to assault Kharkiv pic.twitter.com/TiBSkfWCaH
posted at 15:58:03

Zweitgrößte Stadt der #Ukraine:
Russisches Militär dringt in #Charkiw ein – Widerstand ukrainischer Truppen. Mehr im Newsblog. www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/zweitg...
posted at 15:59:50

Video of Russian VDV BMD vehicles firing on Ukrainian forces in Irpin.
t.me/insiderUKR/22288 pic.twitter.com/umO91FbagC
posted at 16:00:57

Zarina Zabrisky @ZarinaZabrisky
A large column of #Russian vehicles is pushing into the city of #Sumy from the side of #Khimprom, the military administration is reporting.Civilians are asked to be in a safe place, not to go out unnecessarily and to stay away from windows. #AirRaid alert in Sumy. Shelter!
タグ: AirRaid Khimprom Russian Sumy
posted at 16:00:59

US inflation is at a 40-year high. Russia’s war will only make it worse www.theguardian.com/business/2022/...
posted at 16:01:25

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Bucha, outside of Kyiv pic.twitter.com/zjmeYCy1D0
posted at 16:01:28

posted at xx:xx:xx

Russian razvedchiki and Spetsnaz in Kharkiv. I don’t think they’ll be able to take the city just with light forces.
t.me/uniannet/32871 pic.twitter.com/ZwBi2B4XB7
posted at 16:06:02

Tichaona Chitsinde @TiChitsinde
@RowlandFC_Nyati That clip is so cringe. Ihurumende iri kutonga inoita zvinhu zvisina kukwana kudaro.
posted at 16:07:01

@pmakela1 @sentdefender Spetsnaz get used more as shock troops than SOF. They're closer to Rangers than SEALs. It does show how important Kharkiv is, either way.
posted at 16:08:07

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Ukrainian statement- Ukraine’s air defense has intercepted an enemy cruise missile fired from a Tupolev Tu-22 bomber over Belarus against Kyiv
posted at 16:15:17

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Bucha VDV armored units pic.twitter.com/DcrNkmXcDR
posted at 16:22:27

An apartment building in Bucha that was apparently struck by a munition.
t.me/uniannet/32868 pic.twitter.com/PuEilXZGNh
posted at 16:25:30

Frances 'Cassandra' @Frances_Coppola
The Washington Post appears to have forgotten that ordinary Russians have no idea that the Bank of Russia even has FX reserves and certainly wouldn't be affected if they were frozen, since they use the ruble. There is no reason for this action to cause bank runs within Russia. twitter.com/balajis/status...
posted at 16:26:29

posted at xx:xx:xx

#AHORA #URGENTE | 🇷🇺🇺🇦 VIDEO en la Ciudad de Kharkiv, donde las fuerzas armadas Rusas se movilizan con camiones y vehículos semi acorazados. #Ucrania pic.twitter.com/qq78inwN02
posted at 16:39:39

*Russia invades South Africa by land and sea*
*Nine wasted years later*
Cyril: We have set up a task team.
posted at 16:58:07

Ukraine ready for peace talks with Russia but not in Belarus, says Volodymyr Zelensky 🚨#Russia #Ukraine www.independent.co.uk/news/world/eur...
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 17:07:52

В Черниговской области Украины безоружные люди развернули российские танки. Невероятная смелость #нетвойне pic.twitter.com/FGYs18wDu6
タグ: нетвойне
posted at 17:13:36

Soviet Union & "sputnik effect" was responsible for coordinating palaeontology expeditions (ie Polish-Mongolian collaboration, while not part of Soviet Union itself, in its sphere of influence). That was in 60s & recent months saw the worst of Russian Imperialism in 🇰🇿🇺🇦
posted at 17:15:03

Can't shake the ominous similarities I feel between the stories of heroic Ukrainian resistance and those from the Armenian side in the early days of Karabakh 2020. In both cases they obscured the reality: that the war was not going well and was going to get much worse soon.
posted at 17:18:02

posted at xx:xx:xx

War hurts & displaces people. Damages infrastructure & institutions. Pokes holes in economy. Makes scientist resort to migration from home & drains funds from research. People & sciences in Central Asia & East Europe suffer severely because of decades of conflict & imperialism.
posted at 17:21:50

Have seen the same opinion as well from a number of Armenians, who had their same early optimism shattered after early tenacity in Karabakh 2020
posted at 17:22:01

The willingness to defend your homeland to the death does not trump immensely superior firepower
posted at 17:24:12

Douglas Coates #NAFO @DouglasJCoates
@Scaramucci Lot of reporting of Putin's $600Bn reserves (he burned some Thursday propping up ruble) - get that in perspective, it's just over $400 per capita in Russia. If Russians decide to get savings out IN DOLLARS... putie has a problem.
posted at 17:24:35

Russia to be cut off Swift tomorrow Monday. Huge consequences. US journalist in Moscow tweets he has been asked to settle his hotel bill today, because credit cards won’t work from tomorrow. Bingo!
posted at 17:25:01

Novaxx Djocovid @alin_baraitaru
Is this how a well supplied, well secured invading force looks like? ‘Cause it doesn’t.
Security footage of Russian troops looting.
#Ukraine pic.twitter.com/tiZxJFmfDe
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 17:33:08

This will have tremendous implications. Russia remains silent as of now, but I fully expect the possibility of nuclear weapons being mounted in Belarus (denied as of now by Macron) and Russians cutting off the energy supplies to the West. The ruble will be hit hard on Monday 1/2 twitter.com/MacleodFinance...
posted at 17:38:02

International Law Di @SimperiusL
@RALee85 Wouldn't be surprised if they're taking ukrainian money because it's more valuable than their own at this point
posted at 17:39:19

Щойно. 🇺🇦 Артилерійський удар. Знищена легкоброньована техніка, БМД, машини постачання та особовий склад РФ. Гостомель, аеродром. pic.twitter.com/ctO7N2p5O8
posted at 17:42:15

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

@cmcdougall1 @MSNBC My point was that ordinary Russians will be hurt by a collapse of the ruble / inflation / broader economic damage from the sanctions.
posted at 17:44:42

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

@Liveuamap This is how Russia treats the most Russian city in Ukraine.
Shudder to think what they'll do to the rest.
posted at 17:47:18

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

The best equipped and trained Russian forces unit reduced to looting shops. Farcical. twitter.com/caucasuswar/st...
posted at 18:02:01

Grand Detective Cona @aundjanou
This part. Why isn't the Nigerian embassy coordinating the exits? See what Indians are doing for their citizens. twitter.com/jesssbop/statu...
posted at 18:02:49

@igortetiuev @RALee85 Yes, because in the midst of a bitter war for survival, facing thousands of enemy, Ukranians have got nothing better to do than don full Russian garb, and loot a supermarket, just to show as propaganda what has already been recorded and proven happening elsewhere anyway
posted at 18:03:10

Vaccinations in Africa are (finally) increasing. More doses are now administered daily than in Europe. pic.twitter.com/SRyOfXMpoK
posted at 18:04:15

Оперативний ЗСУ @operativno_ZSU
🔥Завдано удар по аеропорту Гостомель: техніка окупанта та його машини постачання, а також особовий склад знищено✅
Слава Україні 🇺🇦✌️ pic.twitter.com/iodLu1Sy0a
posted at 18:07:43

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Okay this is pretty interesting, Chinese state affiliated media is posting a video of Chinese students in Kyiv asking for peace.
It’s not outright pro Ukrainian, but it definitely does not paint the Russians in the best light. twitter.com/cgtnofficial/s...
posted at 18:08:29

#Russia'n army robbing a bank in #Kherson region south #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/Ye8TiumxsQ
posted at 18:08:44

Note that the effect is almost entirely due to Ethiopia. Vaccinations have skyrocketed in the country over the last week, bringing the share of the population with at least 1 dose from 8% to 14%. pic.twitter.com/T3MA1RSfqY
posted at 18:10:02

例えば家族全員が感染なので買い物に出られる人がいないため、食料の問題があります。県や都のそうしたサービスでは、配送前に声の電話で確認を取って配送、返事がない場合にはキャンセルとすると通常はHPに説明があります。このプロトコルだとろう者には永遠に届かない。問い合わせ先のFAXもない。 twitter.com/catfoodmami/st...
posted at 18:12:37

Vogelbescherming NL @vogelnieuws
De hele winter heeft de heggenmus een verborgen bestaan geleid, langs de randen van de tuin, onder stuiken en heggen. Maar nu schittert de zon en hij zingt!! ☀️🎶
Een lied dat een seizoen inluidt vol seks, affaires en avontuurtjes: www.vogelbescherming.nl/actueel/berich... 😇
📸 Else van Schaijk pic.twitter.com/3NVLyakVkW
posted at 18:15:05

氏原巨雄 Osao Ujihara @OsaoUjihara
今日の所でもホオアカを見つけた。ピントが合いにくいところにいたのでほとんどピンボケ。Emberiza fucata pic.twitter.com/YW5ARMVfqW
posted at 18:16:26

Watch live: Ukrainian refugees cross the border and enter Romania twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1...
posted at 18:16:44

devoted taxpayer ( @mynameprada
9.42 a.m. Kyiv (Curfew) / 8.42 a.m. Berlin
After Britain, Poland, Czech, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, now Germany to close airspace for all Russia airplane.
Visualization how hard flying from or to Moscow (graphic: @BNODesk )
prada.substack.com/p/live-blog-ru... pic.twitter.com/wvcEgGM1AZ
posted at 18:18:53

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
He says it’s unexpected and interesting, “I would surmise that China is a bit weary of Russia's reckless behaviour. They probably expected this would be quick, and it is not.”
Adds that we shouldn’t take too much away from one video.
posted at 18:19:04

Russian soldiers are robbing a bank office in Ukraine. They are not just Nazis, they are thieves. twitter.com/stabilnosti/st...
posted at 18:23:18

European Expert @WanjikuMwaurah
I appreciate the due diligence the team of this live are doing.
And the fact that the Nigerian embassy in Poland is supporting their efforts and were at the Ukraine-Polish border.
posted at 18:23:33

@__Tekniker__ @Ukraine_AF @Dmkt1 We are literally watching the callapse of the Russian army before our eyes they can't even do logistics 150 k away from there own border there soldiers are having to push there vehicles in karkaev spetnotz robbing banks totally leaderless only elite units willing to fight
posted at 18:28:36

posted at 18:28:38

The Thread Times @TheThreadTimes
Germany and Finland close airspace to Russia thethreadtimes.com/germany-and-fi...
posted at 18:30:42

@eve_leigh This is not true! Also, for example, Nigerian embassy in Poland is on the border providing additional help and assistance...
posted at 18:36:32

良く見ると、ユーモラスな顔でした😊 pic.twitter.com/j6dGMoAwWL
posted at 18:38:27

posted at xx:xx:xx

It is important to encourage Nigerians not to attempt to go and fight in Ukraine 🇺🇦. You will get stuck or get killed for nothing. This is an important conversation. Don’t go and waste your life. Let those who created this mess sort it out. Love ❤️ and light 💡to Ukraine 🇺🇦.
posted at 18:40:06

Anastasiia Lapatina @lapatina_
Ukrainian troops repelled a heavy Russian assault on Irpin, a town on the outskirts of Kyiv where my mom lives. Glory to the heroes
posted at 18:41:42

"Nigerian students say they feel abandoned in Ukraine, telling CNN they have been essentially told by the Nigerian commission: "You're on your own."
posted at 18:42:17

You are not from a NATO country. Nigeria 🇳🇬 is currently non-aligned. Stay in your country and never attempt to go fight in Ukraine 🇺🇦. You will be wasted. Africans in Ukraine 🇺🇦 are struggling to get out. Behave yourself and think of your mother.
posted at 18:42:59

@Brazo2J @SholaMos1 I can speak for Nigerian students cos our country already has a plane heading to Poland to bring them home. To get out of Ukraine to Poland or other nations with our embassy for evacuation is d focus. Ukraine hosts over 9k Nigeria students who all need to find safety.
posted at 18:46:25

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
The Russian assault on Irpin was repelled twitter.com/lapatina_/stat... pic.twitter.com/g0lMa6FATz
posted at 18:47:23

The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Ukraine launches a website to help Russian families find their relatives killed in combat.
The Interior Ministry has launched 200rf.com, where it publishes photos and documents of the dead and captured Russian soldiers.
posted at 18:50:34

芝田文乃 SHIBATA Ayano◎ポ @ayanos_pl
27日(日)国境警備隊によると、侵攻開始以来、15万6000人以上の難民がウクライナからポーランドに入国した。 26日(土)だけで7万7000人がウクライナ-ポーランド国境を越えた。 難民はおもにリヴィウ鉄道駅に集まり、そこからポーランドに向けて出発した。 twitter.com/tvn24/status/1...
posted at 18:54:09

An account of a Nigerian student at the border trying to leave Ukraine but facing resistance. There are a lot of similar stories online. twitter.com/nzekiev/status...
posted at 18:59:04

Further informed that :
“Nigerian officials from the Embassy in Poland are at the border with transport for Nigerians.”
Once you cross the Border from Ukraine into Poland, please shout out to be located.
No sealed lips . Shout “Embassy of Nigeria” so they can find you o. ✍🏾
posted at 19:02:36

Seki #MindsetMatters @iam_henseki
No point blaming the Polish for restricting access through the border for Nigerians fleeing. The question everyone should be asking is "what is the point of the Nigerian Embassy in Poland" if not for times like this?????
#UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #NigeriansInUkraine
タグ: NigeriansInUkraine UkraineRussiaWar UkraineWar
posted at 19:08:41

posted at 19:08:47

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
I think the AN225 may be gone pic.twitter.com/Ch9cjDsIUP
posted at 19:10:00

Matthew Lawrence @lawrencema1985c
@Osinttechnical What are we looking at here?
posted at 19:10:40

Fighterman_FFRC @Fighterman_FFRC
It looks like world's largest cargo aircraft An-225 has been destroyed, Hope It's not true but you can see something that resembles wings in the burning Hangar pic.twitter.com/DBzeFOgVKM
posted at 19:10:42

Critical update from the Nigerian Embassy in Poland. pic.twitter.com/4zhCt7Ehdu pic.twitter.com/dgyZoN9Bce
posted at 19:16:54

Pacifica Analytica @PacAnalytica
I'm afraid we have most likely lost the Antonov AN-225 'Mriya' #Antonov #antonov225 twitter.com/Osinttechnical... pic.twitter.com/WF2D65iiFL
タグ: Antonov antonov225
posted at 19:22:04

Babak Taghvaee - Μπά @BabakTaghvaee
Surveillance footage taken by a drone of #Ukraine Army shows the aircraft hangar of the world's largest aircraft, Antnov An-225 Mriya in #Gostomel Airport of #Kiev on fire. Unfortunately, the Mriya is probably destroyed. pic.twitter.com/bniow6LpFk
posted at 19:28:15

Satellite imagery matches the paneling type of the hanger, and ground level photo's match the open back and from the of hanger. I believe we can confirm the #An225 has been destroyed pic.twitter.com/uStFnD5IWb
タグ: An225
posted at 19:29:29

The only Kingdom, Putin, you’ll be ruling over is a 2 foot wide 6 foot deep one you motherfucker.
Rot in hell.
#an255 #russia #ukraine pic.twitter.com/sqTXjPzOxl
posted at 19:29:48

Breaking: German Chancellor Scholz announces defence boost.
Will in future spend minimum of 2% on defence.
To meet 2% by 2024.
Will propose special fund of € 100 BN for strategic security.
Details and timeline unclear but this is twice the current defence budget. Major shift. pic.twitter.com/WtYr0Anj4e
posted at 19:30:13

Editor Naoe Yoshioka @EditorNaoe
posted at 19:34:58

ウクライナ大統領、ロシアと対話の用意 ベラルーシでの会談は拒否 a.msn.com/01/ja-jp/AAUmH...
タグ: プーチンとルカシェンコは狂人
posted at 19:35:52

Photo from what now appears to have been the very last takeoff ever of the Antonov 225, Billund Airport, Denmark, Feb 5 2022. Slava Ukraini. #StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/VABrZ4RaeP
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 19:47:02

エンジアリングの根幹は「ハードウェア」であって、制御も最適化もその後をついてくる。ハードの大元は人の手によるしかないわけで、その素養を備えた人は今から20年後には特別天然記念物になると思う。そうでなければ、日本の産業は観光ぐらいになってることだろう。 twitter.com/rokko_works/st...
posted at 19:59:29

posted at 20:07:27

ゼレンスキー大統領が、ロシア提案のベラルーシ共和国での 停戦協議をしないと。
ロシアの一部のような国で協議って、怖くて ベラルーシ🇧🇾に みずから行けないわ😅拉致されたり暗殺に遭う可能性あるでしょ
posted at 20:17:37

As Belarusians are protesting the war in Misnk, more and more Intel that Belarus is taking not just enabling but an active part in the invasion. If confirmed, not sure we won't see another wave of what we saw in summer 2020 pic.twitter.com/E8CtpHTasA
posted at 20:46:43

posted at 20:47:52

@umezono_onsen 山形のアマハゲも人語を解しません。「ハゲハゲハゲハゲー!」という奇声をあげます。ただパーントゥのほうが、泥で攻撃してくるのでつよいとおもいます。あと、実はナマハゲもセットで迫ってきます。
posted at 20:50:55

@umezono_onsen マジです。聖なる泥を塗られる事が良い事ですので、無言で塗られます!
posted at 20:52:20

Russian friends sharing texts with me of their colleagues in Russia's public service resigning over this invasion. Widespread disgust among Russian government employees over Putin's decision.
posted at 21:01:10

Maki「りすマニア」E-31博物ふぇす @kroris_maki
posted at 21:03:01

Sviatlana Tsikhanous @Tsihanouskaya
Belarusians openly show their protest against the war in 🇺🇦. We, Belarus democratic forces, call on them to gather at 17:00 at the General Staff HQ in Minsk / central squares of their cities. Only the high command can prevent Belarus' participation in further bloodshed. pic.twitter.com/J44QCxuoHc
posted at 21:36:09

posted at xx:xx:xx

@umezono_onsen @animamundi_ あの泥を塗られると1年間無病息災、と言われてるため、幼いお子さんを親が抱き上げて「塗ってくれ」とパーントゥ様に向けて掲げることもあるそうで、子供さんにしたらものすごい恐怖と、普段頼りにしてる親の裏切りによるトラウマもののストレスなのでは?と思ってしまいます😭
posted at 22:00:38

@kiriu_chan そうだったのですね。なまはげ様も複数人だとは知りませんでした。
posted at 22:06:45

@umezono_onsen わかりません。が、カセドリなども喋らない、もしくはしゃべると怒られる例が多いようです。彼らは格好が人ではないものを表していると考えられます。それであれば、人語を介さない方が古い形のような気もいたします。人ではない、ので。
posted at 22:09:49

@kiriu_chan たしかに、人ならざるものであれば言葉を介さない方が自然ではありますね。ユネスコ無形文化遺産に登録された際になまはげ様がインタビューに答えていたのが何となく不思議な光景に見えました。人語ではない言葉で叱責するアマハゲ様とどこで分かれたのか、、、
posted at 22:36:46

posted at 22:56:15

posted at xx:xx:xx

Wow. Another big anti-war protest in St. Petersburg, despite thousands of brutal arrests, and the certainty that today they’ll see more of the same. pic.twitter.com/sQegxZfd2a
posted at 23:13:17

BREAKING — Turkey says what happens in Ukraine constitutes a war under Montreux Convention, says will act accordingly: Foreign Minister
Meaning, Turkey can close the straits for Russian warships except the ones associated with the Black Sea fleet
posted at 23:25:00

Brian Kern / Kong Ts @KongTsungGan
While anti-war protests in Moscow & St Petersburg have involved thousands, many of the arrests have occurred at smaller gatherings in other cities across the country, this in Novosibirsk, Russia’s 3rd biggest city, on Sunday, as the crowd chants “no to war”. #StandWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/xk3llIwGn4
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 23:26:13

posted at 23:30:13

Turkish Foreign Minister says even the Russian Black Sea fleet who can cross the straits under the convention shouldn’t join the war.
Turkey still didn’t formally closed the straits for Russian warships.
But it looks imminent
posted at 23:32:27

Anti-war protest in Amsterdam. No words needed. 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/uAG9PUkqY3
posted at 23:32:54

❗️ Девушку задержали на Маяковской в Москве, она шла с цветами в сторону Пушкинской площади.
Фото предоставлено очевидцем pic.twitter.com/vy4F5vHyvs
posted at 23:38:01

@tttttttyttghg 法に則ってって。。。
どんだけデモを弾圧したいんだか。。。 pic.twitter.com/ozBPKDFAL5
posted at 23:48:43

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
We get videos of protests from every part of Minsk. People chant "No war", "Glory to Ukraine", and "Long live Belarus. pic.twitter.com/4Rr9aUjT33
posted at 23:50:22