- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

A military chronicle of the last few hours in #Belarus:
A convoy of military vehicles has been spotted near Kobrin. A convoy of military vehicles moves towards Slutsk. A fighter jet takes off in Baranovichi, missile launches in Mozyr. pic.twitter.com/Nn1gRaMvUa
タグ: Belarus
posted at 00:23:42

posted at 00:34:02

UAE keen to cooperate with Russia on energy security, says UAE minister www.lbcgroup.tv/news/d/regiona... twitter.com/sndwky/status/...
posted at 00:34:33

Incredibly moving moment at the London protests today: the Ukrainian and Syrian marches have united, shouting ‘Stop Putin, stop the war. Together we will win’ pic.twitter.com/obZxU8cgSO
posted at 00:52:25

New #satellite imagery from this morning, March 19, 2022, of #Mariupol, #Ukraine, showing the aftermath of the airstrike on the Mariupol Drama Theater. pic.twitter.com/hgPOa9ABBE
タグ: Mariupol satellite Ukraine
posted at 02:08:19

石川潤(日本経済新聞)JUN ISHIK @junishikawa_nk
posted at 02:09:34

Oleksandra Matviichu @avalaina
Mariupol after many days of Russian shelling.
Video: The Guardian pic.twitter.com/k430nDGUAk
タグ: RussianWarCrimes
posted at 02:22:30

Nothing says more about the crass brutality of Putin's war in Ukraine than this satellite image of the bombed remains of Mariupol Drama Theatre. Shelter for victims of his war, "CHILDREN" written outside so clearly that it's visible from space, and still it was bombed. pic.twitter.com/c20fwa2guH
posted at 02:29:43

Large convoy of Belarusian military vehicles heading for Brest near the Polish border.
Worrying signs from Belarus in the past 48 hours.
Fears grow of a RU-BEL invasion of Ukraine along the Polish border to cut off access to western weapons deliveries. pic.twitter.com/YBSgZqzcj2
posted at 02:40:09

Snarkus Aurelius, Ph @SnarkusAurelius
@visegrad24 This has been rumoured for weeks, so I can’t imagine that Ukraine isn’t at least moderately prepared.
posted at 02:43:58

The Sirius Report @thesiriusreport
UAE has called for the withdrawal of all foreign occupation forces in Syria, there illegally and without invitation. That means Russia and Iran can stay and everyone else needs to leave including the US.
posted at 02:53:23

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
Heroes! Belarusian railway workers disrupted the railway connection with Ukraine so that trains with Russian equipment could not be transferred to Ukraine.
This was confirmed by the head of the Ukrainian Railways, he thanked Belarusian heroes. pic.twitter.com/B59c72xGHN
posted at 03:07:59

ウクライナで生活の旧樺太残留日本人 降籏英捷さん 戦禍逃れ日本に
ウクライナ侵攻で自宅近くのアパートにも爆弾が落ち、妻と長男を亡くした。「理由のない攻撃だった」「ロシアが憎い」 www.sankei.com/article/202203...
posted at 03:08:32

便乗するアライさん(びライさん) @araisan_inmuchu
@paramilipic いつも中立なはずのスイスとかがウクライナ側に着いたのもデカいのだな...
posted at 03:10:16

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
We just received confirmation from Belarus railway workers. It's true. Unfortunately, no more details can be revealed. So far it is the largest anti-war diversion at railways.
posted at 03:27:45

⚡️Mariupol residents are being sent to Russia.
Over the past week, Russian occupiers deported several thousand Mariupol residents. They are first sent to a camp where their phone/documents are examined and some of them are then redirected to remote cities in 🇷🇺 – city council
posted at 03:45:12

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
Just spent a couple hours with an American volunteer, a US Army veteran of Afghanistan, about to head to Kyiv's front lines.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe this was worth dying for," he told me. "To be a good soldier, you have to be willing to say goodbye."
posted at 03:45:57

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy urged Switzerland on Saturday to crack down on Russian oligarchs who he said were helping to wage war on his country from the safety of "beautiful Swiss towns". yhoo.it/36sZart
posted at 03:52:26

The Russian air force completelly destroyed the one of the largest in #Europe metallurgical plants #AzovStal in #Mariupol city. "It's impossible to restart it. All is destroyed" said deputy city mayor Sergey Orlov for #Ukrainian media Forbes. pic.twitter.com/j0QzAm1tL0
タグ: AzovStal Europe Mariupol Ukrainian
posted at 03:52:47

Roman of Spades @Roman_of_Spades
It was my home.
Boulevard Shevchenka 359
#Mariupol pic.twitter.com/IUzPPcoNSu
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 03:53:50

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
🚩All of the Belarusian Embassy staff in Ukraine left the country on March 18.
posted at 04:04:09

Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
@OzarkGraphic Many foreign volunteers are grouped together by nationality when they enter units. Helps with language and common training backgrounds.
posted at 04:10:01

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
⚡️Chronicle of the rail war in Belarus:
• Relay cabinets were disabled at the Viarkhi-Viareitsy section on February 26, and near the Barysau station on February 27.
• February 28. A relay cabinet was destroyed near the Staubtsy station.
1/4 pic.twitter.com/vY5pADZxDs
posted at 04:36:15

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
• A rail chain was circuited with wire on Feb 28 at the Mogilev 2 – Buinichy section.
• On March 1, the relay cabinet was destroyed at the Astankovichy-Zherdz section.
posted at 04:36:16

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
• A relay cabinet was shut down on March 15 at the Damanava-Liasnaya section (Brest branch).
• A relay cabinet was destroyed on March 16 at the Farynava-Zagatsie section (Vitebsk branch).
posted at 04:36:16

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
• On March 17, special transformers were dismantled from the relay cabinet at the Orsha-Central station. As a result, the traffic light did not work at night.
Source: @novychas
posted at 04:36:16

Russian propaganda says people in Odesa are hiding from the war in metro stations.. People in Odesa were surprized to learn they have metro but nobody told them where it is
posted at 05:02:31

@nolanwpeterson @OzarkGraphic Lots of bilingual Ukrainians too, especially the younger folks.
posted at 05:10:41

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
Updated map on assessed control of terrain around #Kyiv. (5/6) pic.twitter.com/swpB6FHnXG
タグ: Kyiv
posted at 05:18:53

Critical Threats @criticalthreats
Updated map on assessed control of terrain around #Mariupol. (6/6) pic.twitter.com/vM1SslQFXL
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 05:18:55

“If it were not for two Associated Press journalists in the besieged city of Mariupol, the world might not have learned what has been happening there as immediately as we have — nor in such irrefutable, horrifying detail.” www.washingtonpost.com/media/2022/03/...
posted at 05:49:34

@IvanTkachev1 @bank_of_russia In few weeks CBR will be the holder of 90% of OFZs. It will pump inflation further!
posted at 06:09:11

NEW: Ukrainian forces have defeated the initial #Russian campaign of this war. Its culmination is creating conditions of stalemate throughout most of #Ukraine.
Read the latest Russian offensive campaign assessment from @TheStudyofWar and @criticalthreats: isw.pub/RusCampaignMar19 pic.twitter.com/4XrCCj5Gnj
posted at 06:13:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

Big update on our story. Our suspicions were correct. This 'missile warehouse' in Western Ukraine was actually a farm in far Eastern Ukraine. The target was destroyed at least a week ago. Entire area has been shelled. We have satellite imagery to prove it
posted at 06:37:08

aussenposten_rodrigu @birgitrudolph6
This happened beginning of March. It is just heartbreaking. RIP, Igor Bakun and your 3 dogs!
Does anybody know how his son is doing now who was in this car too, & the surviving dog,please. I'm in tears.Such a senseless f.cking war, destroying so many good people&animals
#UAnimals twitter.com/OlenaHalushka/...
タグ: UAnimals
posted at 07:00:03

Oligarchs and other wealthy Russians have stashed up to $214 billion in secretive Swiss bank accounts, leading trade group reveals www.yahoo.com/now/oligarchs-... via @Yahoo
posted at 07:07:43

Russia's #FSB spy agency and Russian #military kidnapped a female #Ukraine reporter in the port city of Berdyansk and her whereabouts is unknown, but witnesses saw her being taken on March 15. #journalist #UkraineUnderAttack
タグ: FSB journalist military Ukraine UkraineUnderAttack
posted at 07:19:55

According to Mariupol's city council, several thousand residents were deported to Russia, taken to so-called filtration camps, where soldiers checks phones and documents & then redirected them deeper into Russia. Moscow is increasingly imposing its rules in the occupied zones.
posted at 07:36:24

Oh look, now the Russians are kidnapping people and taking them to enemy territory. Tell me again how Russia is a civilized government 🙄
posted at 07:49:34

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 07:53:43

🚨Captured Mariupol residents taken to camps in Russia, then redirected to remote Russian cities
“What the occupiers are doing today is familiar to the older generation, who saw the horrific events of World War II, when the Nazis forcibly captured people”
posted at 08:18:05

posted at xx:xx:xx

需要がないと言うより普及が上回りすぎてるのだと思う。古着とかは気軽にあげちゃいすぎなんだよな、どうせ捨てるつもりだから。 twitter.com/gunner_ike/sta...
posted at 08:20:37

Koordinaattien avulla löydetään oletetut paikat. Eli Khersonin lentokenttä ja Etelä-Bug joen länsiranta. Etäisyys on suurin piirtein oikea. (Mittavirheet kirjoittajan.) 2/14 pic.twitter.com/2Rin74BGBa
posted at 08:34:08

@mpkkfi tilannekartta 17.3.2022 illan tilanteesta kertoo että paikka jonka yllä lennokki lentää on edelleen Ukrainan hallussa. (Kannattaa kurkata heidän tilannekuvaa maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu.fi/ukrainan-sodan... Itse asiassa kuva on @PToveri käsialaa) 3/14 pic.twitter.com/KalZ5wDz2i
posted at 08:34:10

Pysäytyskuvasta nähdään että lennokki lentää suuntaan 349° ja että maali on suunnassa 095°. Jos katsotaan ketjun edellisiä kuvia, niin nämä ovat uskottavia lukuja. Kameran suunta 106° saadaan täsmäämään edellisiin lukuihin. 4/14 pic.twitter.com/yAVCHq1aud
posted at 08:34:12

Kameran pystysuunnan arvo 5° heittää hieman eli tulisi olla lähempänä 7°. Vaikka ottaa huomioon maapallon kaarevuuden (50 km etäisyydellä n 200 m) niin heittoa on vielä yli 1,5°. 5/14 pic.twitter.com/E22TsH7KF5
posted at 08:34:13

Vuoden 2018 myyntiesitteen mukaiset tekniset tiedot ovat alla. Operatiivinen käyttökorkeus on 22500 jalkaa, eli 5 km on uskottava toimintakorkeus. 6/14 pic.twitter.com/YLlePIdj7B
posted at 08:34:14

Elektro-optiset sensorit ovat Wescam CMX 15D. D tarkoittaa laserosoitusta. EOW=Electro-Optic Wide ja EON=Electro-Optic Narrow. 100 mJ lasermaalinosoittimella ei osoiteta maalia 50 km päähän. Pysäytyskuvasta nähdään että käytössä on EON Low-light, eli mustavalkoinen kuva. 7/14 pic.twitter.com/QpdWNl7U0Q
posted at 08:34:15

Google Earthin avulla saadaan mitattua keskeltä kuvaa kahden tunnistettavan piirteen välinen etäisyys, joka on noin 820 m. Eli kuvan leveys keskeltä on n 900 m. 8/14 pic.twitter.com/uxCaWitOPO
posted at 08:34:17

Ylläolevilla mitoilla saadaan näkökentäksi vaakasuunnassa 1,07°. Koska meillä ei ole alkuperäistä videota (emme todistettavasti tiedä mikä todellinen reoluutio on) voimme vain uskoa esitettä, joka sanoo että videokuva on HD laatuista eli 1080 x 1920. Eli 1 px n 0.5 m. 9/14 pic.twitter.com/j0nifyQu2T
posted at 08:34:19

Edellä olevan mukaan kuvasta voi Johnsonin kriteerien mukaan havaita kohteita jotka ovat yli 1 m, tunnistaa yli 4 m kohteita ja yksilöidä yli 8 m kohteita. Asia ei ole ihan näin yksinkertainen. Lisää voi opiskella linkistä:
kintronics.com/detection-reco... 10/14 pic.twitter.com/a60DWNFDew
posted at 08:34:20

Esitteen mukaan EON optiikan polttovälit ovat 600/1000/1500. Laskelman mukaan 900 m levyinen näkymä 50 km päästä tarvitsee 11-27 mm levyisen sensorin. Tämä on oikea kokoluokka HD tasoiselle videolle. 11/14 pic.twitter.com/3zkB9Duw6R
posted at 08:34:21

Vielä pieni katsaus vakauteen. Teknisen esitteen mukaan "Line-of-sight Stabilization, Typically <5 μradians". Tämä tarkoittaa 25 cm 50 km matkalla, joka on hyvä arvo. 12/14 pic.twitter.com/221T6KirRh
posted at 08:34:22

Ohjukset eivät ole minun ydinosaamista (optiikkakaan ei ole, mutta olen sitä sentään opiskellut), mutta esitteen mukaan Bayraktarin Roketsan MAM-sarjan ohjusten maksimi kantama on 8 km. Wikipedian luettelemat yhteensopivat ohjukset ovat nekin kantamalta reilusti alle 50 km. 13/14 pic.twitter.com/vPWulpmDAj
posted at 08:34:24

Loppuyhteenvetona: optiikan perusteella on uskottavaa että kuvaus on tehty 50 km etäisyydeltä ja niistä koordinaateista jotka kuvasta näkyy. Aseellista voimaa ei ole käytetty tällä kuvaavalla dronella 50 km etäisyydelle. Rajoitteina ohjukset ja laservalaisu. 14/14
posted at 08:34:24

Abandoned Tesla in Mariupol, you can always find some petrol, but when electricity is out, then its out.. pic.twitter.com/JTYeKnj3Dx
posted at 08:37:26

According to the Mariupol City Council, 1000s of residents were forcibly taken to camps in Russia where their phones and documents were checked, then redirected some of the residents to remote cities in Russia. The “fate of the others is unknown.”
posted at 08:38:42

Twiittiin 11/14 tuli virhe. Pitää olla:
"Laskelman mukaan 900 m levyinen näkymä 50 km päästä tarvitsee 18-27 mm levyisen sensorin."
posted at 08:43:26

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 08:48:54

One clarified for all EV loving people that got triggered about this..
It is just to point one flaw in case of serious emergency.
I do not hate EV cars, nor am I planing to have one. I have diesel and I'm not particularly concerned about it polluting, get over ot.
posted at 09:24:00

Truly hope that the owner of this Tesla is OK and that he managed to get out.. Wish him the best and hope this all ends soon.
posted at 09:28:20

posted at xx:xx:xx

Sal Mercogliano (WGO @mercoglianos
The deedger Oyster Bay has arrived on scene with #EverForward.
This is an extremely small vessel for the job at hand. pic.twitter.com/pRfqOpLsAT
タグ: EverForward
posted at 09:45:57

Nicolasafchain @Nicolasafchain3
@aldin_ww It’s war. No electricity no gas this is war….No matter ev or not when car is empty it’s empty. And for me no autonomy problem for ev car. My best friend done a 1000km trip with ev car just charging 2 Time (eating And taking coffee not waiting for his car)
posted at 10:42:09

posted at 10:56:25

Syria’s Assad visits UAE in first trip to Arab country since war began www.independent.co.uk/news/world/mid...
posted at 11:46:23

Mariupol Mayor: thousands of residents ‘being deported to remote parts of Russia’ contrasts with testimony of refugees on the ground who say they were fired on by the Ukrainian army & grateful they were being rescued by Russia, choosing to go to Russia www.theguardian.com/world/live/202...
posted at 11:57:44

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Russian MOD released some videos of SU-35 operations near Ukraine.
Identifying number have been blurred. pic.twitter.com/q9La5EZgNU
posted at 12:16:29

宇が政治的妥結を行った場合、どんな結果をもたらすのか、是非日本の法務省が2015年に翻訳し纏めた国別「ウクライナ: クリミア、ドネツィク及びルハンシク」の指針の一読をお勧めします。軽く紹介するとUNCHRの報告では「域内では拷問・略奪・差別が横行しており人権侵害が日常的に行われている」、
posted at 12:31:50

posted at 12:31:50

posted at 12:31:50

@Osinttechnical First part of video, trees in background had many leaves. As they were lifting into the sky, the trees didn’t have many leaves. Almost as video was from different seasons. Also, skeptical of lack of snow between the runways and taxiways (but unsure of weather there)
posted at 12:34:46

娘に嫌われてる父親って、無意識にこういうことをどこかで言ったりやったりしたこと忘れてるってパターン多そう。 twitter.com/shinaanpan/sta...
posted at 12:36:40

Okuyama, Masashi ┃奥山 @masatheman
posted at 12:39:13

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Russian-Ukraine war latest: thousands of Mariupol residents ‘being deported to remote parts of Russia’ – live www.theguardian.com/world/live/202...
posted at 13:30:10

今田耕司の番組で杉村太蔵(北海道出身)がロシアと経済的に密な関係になれば平和を維持できる…という趣旨の発言をしていたが、国際法を遵守しない独裁国家と経済的に協調しても無駄なことをプーチンのウクライナ侵攻は証明している。 twitter.com/junishikawa_nk...
posted at 13:36:02

K.Fujishima Tesla_Mo @kazfujishima
@X_584 高知大学正門前ですね。信号通過するとカーブの先がその映像状態で右側通行になります。電車の後ろに車がついてくることもあります笑。そこから曙町は右左自由自在に走っていいですよ。クソリプあるんですか?寂しい奴らですね笑笑
posted at 13:40:34

The New Voice of Ukr @NewVoiceUkraine
Every day in Mykolaiv at 12:00 the man from the balcony plays on a saxophone the anthem of Ukraine. After the performance he shouts: "Glory to Ukraine!"
Video: Світлана Вовк pic.twitter.com/nxWimHoXOR
posted at 13:48:00

WATCH: After famously blocking the Suez Canal last year, another container ship operated by Taiwanese company Evergreen Marine runs aground. This time, in the Chesapeake Bay off the U.S. coast reut.rs/36l7byC pic.twitter.com/3LtLreeVgg
posted at 14:20:00

@azyakancokkacan @Osinttechnical Does not look like it's a match for 1, I'm more inclined to go with the 28 on the briefing being the most likely conclusion at this point.
posted at 14:24:11

Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Russian MoD shows videos of use of 4++ generation Su-35 in Ukraine for nighttime strikes. Its first operational use was in Syria pic.twitter.com/aR0lQHCKxu
posted at 14:41:56

Russia’s central bank has granted Sberbank, the nation’s biggest lender, a license to issue and exchange digital assets trib.al/CMy5sCa
posted at 15:05:48

Volodymyr Zelensky calls on Switzerland to freeze bank account of all oligarchs www.irishexaminer.com/world/arid-408...
posted at 15:49:03

Sky News Breaking @SkyNewsBreak
Mariupol City Council says Russian forces bombed an art school where 400 residents had taken refuge - there is currently no information on casualties
For more on this and other news visit trib.al/Rx0iR33
posted at 15:56:17

posted at 16:03:29

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
After #Japan invaded #China if I had refused to call this an invasion or even a war and I repeatedly said all sides should simply “exercise restraint” would this have been on “the right side of history”? What about #Germany invading #Poland? news.cgtn.com/news/2022-03-2...
タグ: China Germany Japan Poland
posted at 16:06:15

Stephen McDonell @StephenMcDonell
Serious question for the government of #China: could you explain precisely how you expect a country being invaded to “exercise restraint”? If #Ukraine “exercises restraint” there will be no #Ukraine. No? #UkraineRussiaWar #Russia
タグ: China Russia Ukraine UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 16:10:24

Kan Kimura from Kobe @kankimura
この件。ちょっと印象的だったのは、「支援して欲しければ頭を下げろ」的に人が結構いたこと。国際的な援助とか支援は「助けてやる」的に「上から目線」で行うべきものじゃないと思うんですけどね。 twitter.com/K_Kimura_Kobe/...
posted at 16:14:39

本田 大次郎(朝日新聞京葉支局記者) @IZFruC87NFtWDvr
ウクライナから避難し、昨19日、成田に着いた降籏英捷さんとお孫さんたちが、20日、旭川空港に到着し、妹さんたちと無事の再会を喜び合いました。旭川市も空港からのマイクロバスを手配、今後、支援に取り組むといいます。 pic.twitter.com/RAfpyhgc5y
posted at 16:46:19

Sandy still Tory. Ne @AddictScrabble
The full horrors of #mariupol are yet to be reported I fear.
Another shelter with 400 people bombed.
タグ: mariupol
posted at 16:50:22

Russian military convoy ambushed by UAF.
Kyiv region, March.
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS8P6A... pic.twitter.com/dmyFeSb4P6
posted at 16:58:04

hochu dodomu v UA @hochu_dodomu
КПВВ Новотроицкое и Счастье... pic.twitter.com/MOYbTwqK2K
posted at 16:59:08

@row20201918 @CLOE42009936 @cnn_co_jp 昔からって言ってるから歴史のお話でしょ。起こってなくてもそうなる可能性があるから戦うってはなし。
posted at 17:05:13

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
🚩The Mariupol City Council reported that yesterday, Russian forces dropped bombs on a school where 400 residents were taking shelter. The building was destroyed, people are still buried under the rubble, and the number of victim is unknown.
posted at 17:06:27

So now we have chilling reports that thousand of people in Mariupol have been abducted and transported into Russia - likely heading for the gulags - history is repeating...
When is enough going to be enough?
#UkraineRussiaWar #RussianWarCrimes #NaziRussia
タグ: NaziRussia RussianWarCrimes UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 17:15:33

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
10:30 (Minsk time)
A column of 4 KamAZ trucks with trailers (with a barrel, presumably for water) was moving in Khoiniki (Gomel region). pic.twitter.com/HZJP6kFTJX
posted at 17:18:27

#Switzerland - Zelensky blasts Swiss banks, Nestle over 'business as usual' with Russia.
📸 @Coffrinews #AFP pic.twitter.com/pdC60Qgtqi
タグ: AFP Switzerland
posted at 17:19:59

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The location where the equipment was spotted: pic.twitter.com/AoQBBxcHQN
posted at 17:23:33

posted at xx:xx:xx

How many more atrocities do we have to witness before we do something to stop this?
"Thousands of residents forcibly taken to Russia from Mariupol, city authorities say" twitter.com/i/events/14832...
posted at 17:43:38

Wang Jixian didn't set out to become the Chinese voice of resistance in Ukraine. The 36-year-old resident of Odesa, a key target in Russia's invasion of the country, simply wanted to show his parents he was fine.
posted at 18:00:08

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at 18:18:35

BREAKING: An art school in Mariupol, where about 400 people were sheltering, was attacked and destroyed, the city council says #UkraineRussiaWar
タグ: UkraineRussiaWar
posted at 18:21:00

Russian mercenaries in Ukraine linked to far-right extremists www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar...
posted at 18:22:24

...and forced settlements/deportations of inhabitants to Russia. To be clear, there is a name for what is going on in Mariupol: Genocide. twitter.com/fuecks/status/...
posted at 18:27:37

【Emergency Relief for Ukrainian: a Doctor’s Arrival in Budapest】
One of 2 doctors who left Okayama, Japan, on March 19 in Japan time has arrived in Budapest. Now moving to a border village.
#forukrainian #hungary pic.twitter.com/hxKKDfoCff
タグ: forukrainian hungary
posted at 18:39:56

An important reminder that Russia’s disinformation is targeting countries far beyond the West and it is pretty successful. For example, in Nigeria, the disinfo tells that the problem with food supplies is because of Ukraine, not because of the invasion. twitter.com/carljackmiller...
posted at 18:41:39

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
11:30 (Minsk time)
12 units of military equipment (incl. 6 fuel trucks) were moving along the N-4739 road towards Vialiki Bokau (Mazyr district, Gomel region). pic.twitter.com/Whbms3tJBN
posted at 18:45:46

posted at xx:xx:xx

Interview by Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on problems of negotiating with Putin. ‘No matter how difficult it may be, we cannot give up / The New Voice of Ukraine’ english.nv.ua/nation/foreign...
posted at 18:50:11

Note barbed reference to ‘a very influential European country’ telling Ukr Ambassador as war began: "My dear, let's be honest, why we should help you if everything ends in a maximum of 48 hours and a new reality comes."
posted at 18:52:28

戦火を逃れて サハリン残留日本人の男性 ウクライナから旭川へ帰国 「戦争は嫌だ でも 善は悪に勝つ」(HTB北海道ニュース)
タグ: Yahooニュース
posted at 18:58:54

Belarusian Hajun pro @Hajun_BY
The Ministry of Defense of Russia provided evidence of the use of Gomel airport for strikes on Ukraine.
A video published today shows a Russian drone with ammunition taking off from the Gomel airfield, missile strikes on Ukrainian territory and landing at the same airfield. pic.twitter.com/ltk85ByAb2
posted at 19:08:51

因幡のよっちゃん(Yoshihiro I @japanesepatrio6
posted at 19:11:17

posted at 19:23:46

Russia systematically destroys Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure: one of Europe’s largest steel and iron works, Azovstal in Mariupol, was targeted by Russian shelling on Friday. The owners said the plant was fully shut down for the first time since the 1941 Nazi invasion pic.twitter.com/VDF5t6bZmF
posted at 19:49:21

Russia is carrying out genocide in Ukraine, deputy Prime Minister declares
posted at 19:56:06

Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
Kyiv, Ukraine, a city where pizza kitchens are now used to store NLAWs to fight the Russian army.
📸 Photo by @Kiehart. www.buzzfeednews.com/article/christ... pic.twitter.com/nEu7itKT3b
posted at 19:59:01

Johnny Profane Âû @johnnyprofane1
@philrosenn @BusinessInsider It's not appearing in US news...
But UAE & Saudi Arabia have already allied with Russia...
Imagine an alliance of
OPEC with energy,
China with money,
Russia with armies...
And Africa with resources... including labor.
THAT would not be good for the struggling West...
posted at 20:00:01

Azovstal Steel in Ukraine has been destroyed today. It produced 6MTPA. The European market now may have to source the production loss from China or India. There might be more upcoming price rise in steel.
Focus: SAIL, JSW steel, Tata steel
@MarketScientist @stock_infomania
posted at 20:09:27

#オオイヌノフグリ pic.twitter.com/jMiRtb0gN9
タグ: オオイヌノフグリ
posted at 20:10:56

posted at xx:xx:xx

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka
Russia proved they used Belarusian territory to assault Ukraine. 🇷🇺 Defense Ministry published a video showing the takeoff of a drone with ammunition from an airfield in Homiel. Lukashenka is Putin's accomplice in the war against Ukraine. He and Putin belong to the Hague. pic.twitter.com/y6lLzoOxZz
posted at 20:14:08

杜すいとん 行きたいところばっかし @wolfmuzzle1
②秋葉山のお堂の前に古そうな一対の狛犬が控えている。宝珠を尻尾につけた狐のよう、しかし秋葉山に狐?と思うのと、耳が小さく山犬のような表現に見えなくもなく弘法大師に関わる丹生明神の犬やもしれんし、かなり古い時代の秋葉山の山犬なのかもしれない。 pic.twitter.com/6nmZIRVIsv
posted at 20:17:01

For years, there has been talk of if/how/when #Germany might expand relations with the #Gulf. #Russia's war against #Ukraine,and #Berlin's desire/need to end the dependency on Russian energy could finally bring answers. Vice Chancellor #Habeck is visiting #Qatar and the #UAE... twitter.com/MBA_AlThani_/s...
タグ: Berlin Germany Gulf Habeck Qatar Russia UAE Ukraine
posted at 20:20:34

Boats of the Ukrainian Navy captured in Berdyansk were towed to Novorossiysk pic.twitter.com/VPAmcAl3l7
posted at 20:26:15

SPRAVDI — Stratcom C @StratcomCentre
"Four Russian navy warships have just fired upon the city of Mariupol. The enemy continues to cynically destroy the Ukrainian city using all the available arsenal" – the Azov Regiment. #SaveMariupol #StopRussia
posted at 20:30:40

Kees van der Leun @Sustainable2050
Assets of Russians on the sanctions list in the Netherlands: €45 billion.
Of which frozen now: €0.2 billion (only the money on bank accounts) twitter.com/NUnl/status/15...
posted at 20:35:26

SPRAVDI — Stratcom C @StratcomCentre
56 nursing home residents were killed in the Russian attack on Kreminna. On Mar 11, the occupiers' tank fired straight at the facility, the head of the Luhansk Region State Admin. reported today. 15 survivors were abducted and taken to a geriatric center in the occupied Svatove.
posted at 20:50:33

"Church in #Maryinka damaged after Russian attack. One dome collapsed."
47.941437, 37.505067
GeoLocated by @Noobieshunta_
#UkraineRussianWar twitter.com/Liveuamap/stat...
タグ: Maryinka UkraineInvasion UkraineRussianWar
posted at 20:57:02

#Ukraine: Near #Iyzum, a Ukrainian "A1-SM Furia" drone crash landed/was shot down. pic.twitter.com/nTJeDObmdt
posted at 21:14:54

Jennifer Griffin @JenGriffinFNC
Senior US official confirms Russia did fire more than one hypersonic missile Saturday based on speeds observed but US officials do not view this as an escalation toward possible use of nuclear weapons. Perhaps could be indication Putin is running out of precision guided missiles.
posted at 21:16:49

UK-based couple rent entire Polish hotel to create hub for Ukrainian refugees www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/polish...
posted at 21:20:31

Russia ‘launches second hypersonic missile' known as the Sizzler into Ukraine
www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-new... pic.twitter.com/YNDqsupmo6
posted at 21:31:50

#Изюм (окрестности), Харьковская обл., сбили БПЛА (говорят, украинская "Фурия") t.me/vysokygovorit/... #RussianUkrainianWar pic.twitter.com/QVtVmpkgdi
posted at 21:44:41

Euromaidan Press @EuromaidanPress
Video of Russian crackdown on the anti-occupation rally in Berdyansk today
📹via @aronets
posted at 21:52:34

Euromaidan Press @EuromaidanPress
The video shows today's Berdyansk rally before the Russians started to detain and beat the protesters: twitter.com/Hromadske/stat...
posted at 21:57:11

posted at 22:02:13

Spring waters seeping into a small pond through a fracture system. Dead algae at bottom, like miso soup, helps one see the seep. pic.twitter.com/e7MDX76UCg
posted at 22:04:51

@NeysunM Official language matters, especially in matters of war and peace. That’s why diplomacy exists. China knows this, of course. That’s why it sided with Russia on the UN ICJ vote to try blocking the court from condemning Putin’s war. Vote was 13-2. That’s China taking action.
posted at 22:39:26

もうみんなハムり始めてて、こうなると自分もしないと困る事態になる… 2年前のトイレットペーパーの悲劇が忘れられない。ハムらなかったために毎日何件のスーパーをまわったか… トイレットペーパーないのだけはもう我慢できん。小麦粉や油はハムらなくてもどうにかなる気がする。 twitter.com/myoyoshinnyo/s...
posted at 22:43:29

Morning from Ukraine.
Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands, but the southern port city of Mariupol is in a dire situation.
Ukrainian officials say Russia's military bombed an art school sheltering ~400 people, adding to already unbearable and deteriorating conditions in the city
posted at 23:02:30

Outstanding OSINT of #Russian Navy ships in battle of Mariupol twitter.com/detresfa_/stat...
タグ: Russian
posted at 23:03:01

2. People’s Liberation Army Daily piece makes similar points as Le Yucheng. China equates its POV w/ that of Russia & says NATO enlargement — which Putin uses to justify war — equals US Indo-Pacific strategy. See @niubi & @SheenaGreitens for more. Text: www.qstheory.cn/qshyjx/2022-03...
posted at 23:23:08

@niubi @SheenaGreitens 3. FM Wang Yi claims China is in a “middle zone” on the war, but his comments show China supports Putin's rationale for war: "What lies at the heart is the issue of European security, and Nato’s move of expanding eastward without limit merits reflection.” www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjb_66...
posted at 23:27:13

A 106 year old — born during World War I — is evacuated from Bucha, a city in the Kyiv region that has seen heavy fighting.
Video via Ukrainian ministry of internal affairs. pic.twitter.com/xJPeDHmcGE
posted at 23:41:48

@BankerG2 @ngumenyuk @MaximEristavi Making the city an example for other cities that resist. We've all seen this before in Syria. Bombing civilians and targeting the medics/firebrigades/white helmets when they are helping.
posted at 23:43:05

Today’s dog of war is a dog that Ukrainian soldiers are taking care of. His name is Gilza, or firearm cartridge pic.twitter.com/ScNBPks3RJ
posted at 23:47:10

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is reaching a deadly stalemate that "will likely be very violent and bloody," per a new assessment from the Institute for the Study of War.
posted at 23:56:46