- いいね数 856,491/1,163,066
- フォロー 1,908 フォロワー 2,154 ツイート 148,804
- 現在地 Nagano, Japan
- Web http://twilog.org/Ievrem
- 自己紹介 I'm trying to write in English. A very lazy birder. フォロー、リムーブご自由にどうぞ @Ievrem@mstdn.social

[Volcano Information] 23:14 JST on 27 Mar 2022, Volcano warning issued for Funka Asane (Warning for sea areas in the vicinity of a volcano). All the boats shipping around the sea areas should be careful with it.
posted at 23:55:27

北硫黄島カルデラの位置(中央火口丘が噴火浅根)。3・4枚目の貼り付けられた図は海保海域火山DBより。 pic.twitter.com/fh8f1vsmfg
posted at 23:31:17

2/2【噴火警報・予報 噴火浅根 噴火警報(周辺海域) 2022年03月27日 23:14】
posted at 23:14:35

玄海原発乾式貯蔵施設、佐賀県が事前了解 25年度着工、27年度運用開始へ www.saga-s.co.jp/articles/-/829... archive.ph/bjXpA 副知事は「法令上の要求に適合し、規制委の審査結果にも不合理な点はない」と判断の理由を述べた。九電は今後、工事計画認可を申請し、25年度着工、27年度運用開始を目指す
posted at 23:06:15

when Stede hoisted all the flags that his crew made... Proud Papa energy... <3 <3 <3 twitter.com/moonylace/stat...
posted at 23:05:53

Committee to Protect @pressfreedom
CPJ welcomes the release of Ukrainian journalist Svetlana Zalizetskaya’s father Iosif Zalizetsky. Zalizetskaya, editor RIA-Melitopol, said he was taken by people in Russian military uniform and held for almost three days in retaliation for her journalism. www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=49...
posted at 23:02:01

Earthquake Detailed Report – 3/27
At around 10:54pm, an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.7 occurred offshore Fukushima Prefecture at a depth of 50km. The maximum intensity was 3. There is no threat of a tsunami. #earthquake pic.twitter.com/0tlrSl9bSQ
タグ: earthquake
posted at 22:58:26

大きくなって故郷三宅島に帰ってきてください🙏 pic.twitter.com/FVOrHMQzJP
posted at 22:52:58

Ignoring for a second the spiteful totalitarianism displayed here by the Russian authorities - the fact they view military service as a punishment rather than a profession goes a long, long way to explain why their military is so fundamentally broken. twitter.com/KevinRothrock/...
posted at 22:52:06

Russians in Tbilisi with the proposed new Russian flag inspired by the historical Novgorod republic flag. They call it the Flag withoud blood as it looks as the lower red stripe from the official RF flag is removed. pic.twitter.com/AJ08YDRXEE
posted at 22:50:09

2週間前の3/13、北硫黄島カルデラ海域の @planet 社PlanetScope衛星写真。右下に北硫黄島。噴火浅根周辺に海水変色はみられない。 pic.twitter.com/gI4O22VZTn
posted at 22:46:20

【噴火浅根 降灰予報(速報)】
また、火口から北東方向およそ9kmまでの範囲では、小さな噴石が風に流されて降るおそれがあります。 pic.twitter.com/zWIR5XJ4QK
posted at 22:25:47

posted at 22:05:20

posted at 22:04:21

Years ago when Angi was alive she and Jersey were inseparable friends. Angi was a petite beagle with a quiet disposition and was quite content to just stay in the driveway all day long without every running away. Jersey was always a bull in a China shop and loves creating chaos. pic.twitter.com/DmGORGEo09
posted at 22:01:35

A local woman Hanna pets her dog in front of her damaged house, as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, in the village of Krasylivka outside Kyiv, Ukraine. REUTERS/Marko Djurica pic.twitter.com/3CphkNLNIC
posted at 22:01:27

posted at 21:55:49

(Reuters) - The Russian-backed self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic in eastern Ukraine could hold a referendum soon on joining Russia, the rebel region's news outlet cited local leader Leonid Pasechnik as saying on Sunday.
"In the near future a referendum will be held"
posted at 21:32:02

IFRC Asia Pacific @IFRCAsiaPacific
Red Cross teams in the Philippines are providing support to evacuate people affected by the recent unrest of the Taal volcano.
Volunteers are helping with food, medical care and safety. pic.twitter.com/dtD18lhY9K
posted at 21:26:20

CaucasusWarReport @Caucasuswar
Footage of the withdrawal of Russian military equipment from the Karabakh region through the Lachin Corridor in Azerbaijan. Russia is withdrawing some of its units from the Karabakh region to reinforce its troops in Ukraine due to severe military equipment lost in the war. pic.twitter.com/G8vu1cyuY3
posted at 21:22:52

Audubon Society @audubonsociety
Unless the weather's bad, Barn Swallows will mostly capture and eat their food in the air. bit.ly/3wBhdqv pic.twitter.com/6Lr129SkOp
posted at 21:13:02

posted at 21:05:27

@MrClarkyofAxel @KyleJGlen The problem is the country is full of militias and paramilitary units so yeah this is probably happening quite frequently.
posted at 21:04:47

Analysis: Why some African countries are thinking twice about calling out Putin edition.cnn.com/2022/03/21/afr...
アフリカ諸国の一部がプーチン氏非難をためらう理由は www.cnn.co.jp/world/35185456... @cnn_co_jp
posted at 20:53:10

@KyleJGlen Unfortunately this is going to happen. Fortunately it is not going to happen much. Even the most professional armies have incidents of this, and most are harshly dealt with
posted at 20:47:27

posted at xx:xx:xx

@allekkohspmikan F外失礼します。知人も全く同じ状況でした。知人の子はHibを摂取しに行こうとしていた矢先、運悪く感染してしまったのですが、もう少し早くワクチンをうっていたらと、何年も経った今でも悔やんでいるようです。
posted at 20:30:58

posted at 20:17:43

Nozomi Nakanishi @NozomiIriomote
気温高くて高湿度だった昨日、「西表的にはキシノウエ記念日」にお亡くなりになった方も…涙。西表島の道路上にはこんな生き物もいるんですよ。ちょっと気にかけて運転してみてください。天然記念物です。 pic.twitter.com/5DCBxvCsXK
posted at 19:18:01

Politsturm Internati @PolitsturmInter
❗️ Leader of the "Luhansk People's Republic" announced referendum on the question of joining Russia. In 2014 similar thing was organized in Crimea. After that this peninsula de facto became a Russian territory. English subtitles added in the video. pic.twitter.com/MQ5zzWsQ1X
posted at 19:05:28

posted at xx:xx:xx

In the least shocking news of the war yet, the head of the “Luhansk People’s Republic” says a referendum on absorption by Russia could be imminent. Another annexation is coming, folks. t.me/rbc_news/45707
posted at 18:10:44

ヒジキ収穫、軽石で中止 沖縄の収穫量9割 与那原・西原漁協 - 琉球新報デジタル|沖縄のニュース速報・情報サイト ryukyushimpo.jp/news/entry-149...
posted at 18:08:55

Volodymyr Demchenko @brokenpixelua
5 kilometers (3 miles) from the front line. 9 kilometers (5 miles) from the nearest Russian tank. Artillery range - 35-40 kilometers (25 miles). These local women cook for us from morning till night at our rear base. I love them! For real love them. pic.twitter.com/TWHNGiKkeu
posted at 18:07:55

Russian occupational administration in Luhansk. twitter.com/SamRamani2/sta...
posted at 18:07:06

#ハエはいいぞ #これでハエとはね twitter.com/haemoku_haruka... pic.twitter.com/rdalhmtTVS
posted at 18:05:33

Michael A. Horowitz @michaelh992
I love the comments on me being biased because I don't report Russian "wins". Go read the Russian MoD briefs. No town captured according to the latest ones. Russia only reports fighting in Novomikhailovka, Novoselivka, and Novobakhmutovka. I focus on territorial control.
posted at 18:00:35

お風呂場探検じゃなく、しばらくいるってことはまさかもう暑い?17°で?体温調節むずかしいのかな……温度と体調管理、気をつけねば(人間もね pic.twitter.com/JWEhJQlF1v
posted at 17:33:22

Patricia M Thornton @PM_Thornton
AFP via The Guardian: #ChinaEasternAirlines crash: both black boxes found, all 132 on board dead
Searchers find #MU5735 flight data recorder buried 1.5 metres underground by impact, after earlier recovering cockpit voice recorder www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar...
タグ: ChinaEasternAirlines MU5735
posted at 17:01:49

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

Poor countries to be hit hardest as #Ukraine war threatens global #food crisis rfi.my/8HmJ.T
posted at 16:32:43

Thousands of Colorado residents are being ordered to evacuate due to a fast-moving wildfire in the area of a destructive 2021 blaze. abcn.ws/3iGEP4K
posted at 16:29:17

すでに重症化予防のエビデンスがある飲み薬が存在する中で、国内企業を優遇してエビデンスの弱い薬を支持するのは問題があります。患者の命に関わることですので、エビデンスに基づいて最善の治療法を受けられるようにするべきです。そもそも軽症者に薬剤介入が必要なのかという問題もあります。 twitter.com/nhk_news/statu...
posted at 16:28:00

Filtration camp vs “life support camp”...
"Don't believe anything until the Kremlin denies it"
posted at 15:56:28

Live: Kyiv accuses Russia of destroying fuel and food storage depots in Ukraine f24.my/8V5H.t pic.twitter.com/LdAvNTMGRV
posted at 15:37:06

Afghanistan's Taliban rulers are working to protect ancient buddha statues in caves carved into cliffsides outside Kabul. They hope to win Chinese investment to develop the site, believed to hold the world's largest deposit of copper. By @samya_kullab apne.ws/NfR6XAx
posted at 15:23:25

Hiroaki Yoshikawa/Х. @IN_Japanologie
posted at 15:05:21

Hiroaki Yoshikawa/Х. @IN_Japanologie
posted at 15:00:59

Ukraine asks Red Cross not to open office in Russia's Rostov-on-Don reut.rs/36Lwev0 pic.twitter.com/hTrfLTuPBO
posted at 15:00:33

@hommedefer3 集団として関連がないことを元に個別の因果関係が否定できないことは疫学の基本で、わざわざHLAを持ち出すまでもないです。重要なことは因果関係の示されていない個別事例のメカニズムは仮説に過ぎず、断定は科学ではないということです。なお、私は誤解を生む議論をSNSですべきでないと思っています。
posted at 14:19:15

𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆𝙄𝙉𝙂: The second black box, (Flight Data Recorder - FDR) of #ChinaEasternAirlines flight #MU5735 has been found. The Boeing 737-800 crashed on March 21 in Wuzhou, #China all 132 people on board died.
#ChinaPlaneCrash #ceair #Boeing737 #ChinaEastern #B737 #boeing pic.twitter.com/2BIzUWYPjf
タグ: B737 boeing Boeing737 ceair China ChinaEastern ChinaEasternAirlines ChinaPlaneCrash MU5735
posted at 14:16:15

Allies view N. Korea's ICBM launch as involving Hwasong-15, not new missile: sources yna.kr/AEN20220327002...
posted at 14:10:27

Yonhap News Agency @YonhapNews
Allies view N. Korea's ICBM launch as involving Hwasong-15, not new missile: sources en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN202203...
posted at 13:58:05

1. メディアが根拠のない話を報じない
2. 国が日和らない
3. 学会が即否定する
4. 症状に苦しむ患者は否定しない
posted at 13:43:50

posted at 13:38:00

【実態】“ワクチン後遺症”に苦しむ女子中学生youtu.be/CvDjx13oFQI pic.twitter.com/vn9Iv4IRrD
posted at 13:34:16

posted at 13:19:58

Second 'black box' found in China Eastern plane crash www.independent.co.uk/news/ap-beijin...
posted at 12:40:27

posted at xx:xx:xx

Chinese state media say the 2nd “black box” has been recovered from the crash of a China Eastern Boeing 737-800 that killed 132 people last week. Searchers had been looking for the flight data recorder after finding the cockpit voice recorder 4 days ago. apne.ws/Wk5ia3I
posted at 12:38:10

posted at xx:xx:xx

Footage shows spot of second black box of China's crashed jet. #MU5735 pic.twitter.com/YaRVhzScQ4
タグ: MU5735
posted at 12:29:05

Video: The second black box of crashed China Eastern Airlines flight #MU5735 has been recovered. pic.twitter.com/3xTqfCL7QH
タグ: MU5735
posted at 12:26:23

Experts at the China Eastern Airlines Flight #MU5735 crash site confirm the recovery of the second black box.
Latest: bit.ly/37Qw45Z pic.twitter.com/wf09q1QYmg
タグ: MU5735
posted at 12:22:01

#Ukraine has opposed the plans of the Red Cross to open an office in Rostov-On-Don. Ukraine asked the Red Cross not to legitimize "humanitarian corridors" to #Russia and not to support #Russian kidnapping and forced deportation of #Ukrainians to Russia. pic.twitter.com/bsRnK9vzoM
タグ: Russia Russian Ukraine Ukrainians
posted at 12:03:41

ChinaAviationReview @ChinaAvReview
State media: Second black box (Flight Data Recorder -FDR) of #MU5735 has been found. A press briefing will be hold later today.
タグ: MU5735
posted at 11:56:55

とても良い。 pic.twitter.com/DLjAHJzcSc
posted at 11:04:29

@OKB1917 特に変わっているという印象はないですね。ガスジェネレータの排気が1個→2個になったので、2燃焼室のRD-250系改造エンジンが1個(火星15号)→2個(火星17号)になった、単純なクラスタ化と認識しています。
posted at 10:40:45

posted at xx:xx:xx

Mali: Sieges, sanctions, and soaring hunger: Mali’s humanitarian crisis deepens as foreign forces withdraw: www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news/2022/03/2... (@newhumanitarian)
posted at 10:19:29

posted at 10:07:23

posted at 10:01:38

@motoca310 この先生、このあとすぐに幼稚園やめてしまったんだよね。勤務に何か不満があったのかもしれないけど、子どもに八つ当たりしちゃあなんねえ。
posted at 10:00:27

@amazakeiko 先生にもいるのよ。。人間性がダメな人。言い返したり親に相談したりしなさそうな、賢くて優しい子を狙うんだよ。。
posted at 09:52:40

次世代シーケンサーを用いた解析が成功しやすい植物標本の特徴。Kates et al. 2021 (英語論文、オープンアクセス) www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.33... およそ8000点もの解析結果に基づく力作です。標本の古さは解析の成功率に影響するほか、緑色の残り具合はDNA抽出時の収量に影響するようです。#論文紹介
タグ: 論文紹介
posted at 09:52:16

ねえねえ? 幼稚園のとき、わたしの口のききかたがだめだからって、先生が卒園まで新しいスケッチブックくれなかったのって、もしかしてわたしは悪くないの? 描くところがなくなってしまって、表紙や裏表紙にまで描いていた。あの、児童をいじめていたという先生のニュース見て、あれって思ったんだが
posted at 09:42:40

posted at xx:xx:xx

Fifty Shades of Whey @davenewworld_2
Russians against Putin are waving a new flag without the red stripe to symbolize the removal of blood from the flag. This is a trend Putin won't want going viral in Russia. pic.twitter.com/c3jw6A3vYu
posted at 08:51:13

Today the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs France, Russia & the USA, all by their official statements confirmed that in Artsakh Azerbaijan violated 2020 November 9 ceasefire agreement. Azerbaijan's behavior is being deemed as irresponsible and provocative. pic.twitter.com/sLoqmYbbiW
posted at 08:48:09

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Russian forces captured a Ukrainian munitions warehouse outside of Chernihiv. Looks like there were still some grad rockets and 155mm artillery shells, note manufacture dates of 1984 and 1989 pic.twitter.com/kZT56BZrV8
posted at 08:32:13

26日正午からは佐藤拓史医師が交代。日本から持参したエコーも用い、診察を行っている。 pic.twitter.com/orqcBCmgu7
posted at 08:29:40

posted at 08:28:57

posted at 08:26:03

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Chernihiv region, Ukrainian UJ-22 UAV shot down pic.twitter.com/xH8tfs1o5j
posted at 08:25:10

@Takeastepback16 @Osinttechnical Have to keep those short ranged AT rockets away from their artillery. They've probably lost several by now.
posted at 08:24:34

Ekaterinburg’s sanctions:
They are going to burn 155 thousand pairs of Nike, Adidas and Reebok shoes. You know, instead of giving them to children and people in need.
That’s how show-off is more important for them than social problems of own people.
Typical #Russia twitter.com/r1ght_now/stat...
タグ: Russia
posted at 08:04:23

Patrick M. Cronin @PMCroninHudson
Analysts say images of 'monster' N. Korean ICBM may have been from earlier launch www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia... No surprise that Pyongyang has a hard time with facts; but Kim is building an ICBM, even if he may have further to go than advertised #Hwasong15?
タグ: Hwasong15
posted at 08:03:48

Renewed war in Karabakh means that every village that Azerbaijan captures will be ethnically cleansed of its Armenian population. We saw it with the 1/3 of the former Karabakh oblast that was captured in 2020. All residents expelled, those that stayed executed, sometimes beheaded
posted at 07:35:36

1/2 ⚡️The annual international music festival Kharkiv Music Fest took place despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The musicians went down to the listeners in the underground metro stations, which now serve as a shelter for the townspeople. pic.twitter.com/Z1gz7WsMMY
posted at 07:32:56

Cheering the ethnic cleansing of 100,000+ people because you think it might somehow help you slightly in your own war: just something you don't need to do, folks twitter.com/AvetissianAn/s...
posted at 07:31:22

Phillips P. OBrien @PhillipsPOBrien
The repercussions of Russia's catastrophe are coming. Armenia had banked for years on Russia providing them some support. Azerbaijan seems to think they can now do what they want. God help us, I hope there is not another war. twitter.com/wwwmodgovaz/st...
posted at 07:25:32
赤ちゃんポストの話。「ああ、命が助かって、元気に大きくなって良かったね」と思うと同時に、「内密出産も含めた、こんな大切な仕事を、全て地方の一病院に背負わせて良いのか? 本来なら国が責任を持ってやるべきことでは?? と思います。
posted at 07:20:43

Russia on Saturday accused Azerbaijan of entering the Russian peacekeeping mission's zone in the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh
Azerbaijan said it "regretted the one-sided statement of Russia's defence ministry, which does not reflect the truth"
posted at 07:20:00

World Central Kitche @WCKitchen
Lidia arrived in Romania with her daughter—she’s now working at WCK partner restaurant Hazzard.
“I know how each of them feel, because I feel it too—I miss my Ukraine, I miss my husband & son, my parents. We all want to go back home & it hurts that we can't.” #ChefsForUkraine pic.twitter.com/3DY7ipDhxu
タグ: ChefsForUkraine
posted at 07:09:24

Calling on #Azerbaijan to withdraw from Karabakh is like calling on Ukraine to withdraw from Mariupol. twitter.com/sfrcdems/statu...
タグ: Azerbaijan
posted at 07:07:59

@skateparken @Osinttechnical More like : if you need to go straight, shoot 10° left and 10° right and you have a safe path for the next 10km with your flank covered.
posted at 07:05:39

Takeastepback @Takeastepback16
@Osinttechnical They are just using any functional weapon system they have. I don't think there is any 'strategy' behind it.
posted at 07:03:11

@ComikRoger @Osinttechnical That is .... disappointing. So it's an area denial tool, and you really need to spot the impacts to see where the safe path is then.
posted at 07:00:37

@oryxspioenkop Question: when a Russian turret has gotten popped off, does it land more often top up or upside down? If you not too busy.
posted at 07:00:28

"Quit smoking. Otherwise you die and will not witness Putin's death" - a very clever anti-tobacco warning in Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/NgN8uJWVNG
posted at 06:52:51

The annual music festival Kharkiv Music Fest opened in Kharkiv despite the war. Musicians went down to their listeners in the underground that serves as a bomb shelter these days and performed compositions of Bach, Schubert, Skoryk, and interpretations of Ukrainian folk songs.
posted at 06:51:48

@skateparken @Osinttechnical It's say the truck has a GPS, not the rocket.
"safe path" is made because the 2 block are firing at a slightly different direction
Nothing fancy
posted at 06:51:01

Intricate Expanses @Intricatexpanse
@Druddion @Osinttechnical Given the reliability of some of their other technology, would you trust it?
posted at 06:49:44

👏Some 4000 and 5000 Russians in exile marched against war in #Ukriane in #Prague today. ⬇️ Russian opposition removed (blood)red stripe from the 🇷🇺 flag.
We #StandWithUkraine #PutinIsaWarCriminal twitter.com/btwcapture/sta...
タグ: Prague PutinIsaWarCriminal StandWithUkraine Ukriane
posted at 06:41:44

Lithuanians were asked by Lithuanian Police to avoid using fireworks, as Ukrainian children suffer from PTSD when they hear them. twitter.com/avalaina/statu...
posted at 06:35:22

@SoccerKingJP 正直、日本がワールドカップ行けることよりイタリアが見れないことの方が衝撃だわ。
posted at 06:34:56

@Osinttechnical @gtconway3d Isn’t laying mines a War Crime……who’s counting at this point
posted at 06:29:44

@Osinttechnical Is there any information on the location of the impact zone / minefield thus created?
posted at 06:25:12

@Osinttechnical There is theoretically a satellite-guided, operator-programmed safe path through the mine field if you want to set that, so that own forces can advance through it if need be. But laying mines does look defensive. ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Земледели...
posted at 06:15:06

#Kherson and Southern Advance Update:
The captured city of Kherson appears to be resisting #Russian control. The requirement to secure captured cities can impose a significant cost on over-stretched Russian forces and hinder their offensive operations.
posted at 06:14:38

#Donetsk and #Luhansk Oblasts Update:
#Russian forces launched a limited ground offensive operation in an apparent effort to capture the towns of Popasna and Rubizhne on March 26, but without success according to the #Ukrainian General Staff.
タグ: Donetsk Luhansk Russian Ukrainian
posted at 06:14:09

#Mariupol Update:
#Russian media claimed that Russian forces in Mariupol will soon “divide” the city, presumably along the east-west axis. We have no independent verification, but they appear consistent with observed indicators and recent trends.
posted at 06:13:49

#Kyiv Update:
#Russian forces continue their unsuccessful efforts to secure positions from which to attack and seize Kyiv despite the supposed reframing of the Russian military’s priorities by First Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff on March 25.
posted at 06:13:24

#Kharkiv Update:
#Ukrainian forces conducted a successful counterattack to regain control of Mala Rohan and Vilkhivka. #Russian forces continued shelling Kharkiv City but otherwise refrained from conducting significant operations in the past 24 hours.
posted at 06:12:59

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
This kind of matches the reporting we’ve seen that the Russians are taking a more defensive stance in the north of Ukraine. You aren’t exactly going to advance into a minefield you just laid. twitter.com/Osinttechnical...
posted at 06:10:10

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
It’s reported that the system can deploy time limited mines that deactivate after a set period, but whether or not that is true is unknown.
posted at 06:09:13

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
@roseemojiguy Based on the size of the artillery rocket it would almost certainly be antipersonnel mines
posted at 06:06:39

posted at xx:xx:xx

posted at xx:xx:xx

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
The systems are seen here in a Red Square parade back in 2020 pic.twitter.com/D3RHKC19dx
posted at 06:04:15

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
Kharkiv region, Russian forces reportedly used the rocket mining system “Земледелие”
Utilizes rockets to deploy a mine payload at distance. pic.twitter.com/O2lrAsiD5h
posted at 06:02:55

@SchmiddiKiel @IntelCrab I'm really worried, not just about what's happening now in Ukraine, but what's gonna happen after. I wouldn't be surprised if there's ethnic cleansing against Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the aftermath, and I hope I'm wrong.
posted at 06:01:11

I'm gonna post long reads on my substack. Here's a text on how did Russia get so big and so cold. It's outlining the logic of Russian imperial expansion political economy-wise. It explains why Russia expanded northward much earlier than southward kamilkazani2.substack.com/p/how-did-russ...
posted at 05:58:15

Destruction is found everywhere. From small farms on the outskirts of town to large, commieblock apartment complexes in the center of downtown.
posted at 05:51:07

Its still very early in my work, but for the last week or so, I've been attempting to document (both via satellite and first hand reporting) structural damage in #Mariupol.
Its not good. Majority of structures - including residential and commercial - are uninhabitable.
タグ: Mariupol
posted at 05:48:11

The best benchmark for Russian collapse isn't Yugoslavia or Austro Hungary. It's a fall of Spanish Colonial Empire with all of its creoles vs peninsulares divisions. Russia is much more of a Latin American country politics, economy, culture wise than many think. End of 🧵 pic.twitter.com/v9VgNnB9jQ
posted at 05:44:07

In discussing the collapse of Russia and rise of separatist states on its ruins, many focus on ethnic conflicts and identity politics. That's not completely wrong. I'll argue however that the main drivers of collapse will be geographic and socio economic
posted at 05:44:05

Russia won't fall because of collective morally justified action. It's cohesion will be broken by its own officials aiming to avoid catastrophe in their own region. That will be a de facto economic separatism, political one will come much later
posted at 05:44:05

In acting in the best interest of their regions under the deficit of literally everything they'll inevitably stock up, thus breaking supply lines and technological chains. With the communication lines deteriorating due to sanctions it will be easier and easier to do
posted at 05:44:04

That will be the major factor of Russian collapse. It's not that regional authorities will suddenly declare independence. They won't, at least for now. It's that they will act in the best interest of their regions. Because if a catastrophe happens there, they'll be blamed for it
posted at 05:44:03

The current economic crises is unique in Russian history. First of all, it's now uniquely old. During the previous crises it was much, much younger. Even more importantly, it is the first crisis that happened *after* most of population forgot how to do subsistence farming pic.twitter.com/J42Xtacmcp
posted at 05:44:00

I am not joking. Lots of Putin's supporters are fully supporting Z-invasion. They're also already suffering from the economic problems. Whom they're gonna blame? The governor, that corrupt scum, guilty of everything. Putin is sacred but governor is not pic.twitter.com/NWE1OHFFvo
posted at 05:43:53

When we think about Russian state we are usually operating in dichotomy Putin vs People. Will people support their leader? Will they rebel? They won't but it's irrelevant. The state is not homogenous. Putin can ignore sanctions but his subordinates can't pic.twitter.com/3HDvxI06lW
posted at 05:42:38

Now let's think in higher orders. People trying to stock as much as possible is indeed exacerbating the existing deficit. But the thing is - regions and towns *are doing the same*. It's not individuals stocking sugar that will kill Russia, it's that governors are doing the same pic.twitter.com/bubSD85afl
posted at 05:42:36

As you see Russian supermarkets are already restricting the purchases of "socially important goods". Too many try to buy as much as possible to stock it and create the shortage pic.twitter.com/Iq9vL4J2Jl
posted at 05:42:35

Many will try to enrich on sugar trade. Here a man got arrested for selling a 50kg sack with sugar for above market price. The government is already fighting against the profiteering. Such things will only increase pic.twitter.com/zpABhoe56g
posted at 05:42:32

As sugar becomes deficit, incentives to steal and stock it rise exponentially. Here you supermarket workers stealing sugar from its stocks and loading into a car trunk. A woman is commenting:
"That's why they don't have sugar on shelves" pic.twitter.com/vrjFwxypao
posted at 05:42:17

Last week, our President was in Ukraine. This week, he was in Russia.
Under the Geneva Conventions, we're mandated to speak with all sides of a conflict. This helps:
👉 Advocate respect for rules of war
👉 Call for the protection of civilians
👉 Ensure aid reaches those in need
posted at 05:37:48

We do not currently have an office in Rostov.
We’re scaling up our regional set up to be able respond to needs where we see them.
Our priority is to ensure a steady supply of lifesaving aid reaches people, wherever they are.
posted at 05:37:47

We never help organize or carry out forced evacuations.
This is true in Ukraine. This is true for everywhere we work around the world.
We would not support any operation that goes against people’s will.
posted at 05:37:47

Over the past few days, false information about us has been circulating online.
This could put our Red Cross staff, volunteers, and the people we seek to help at risk.
So we’re addressing this head on. These are the facts 👇
posted at 05:37:46

@nytimesworld @redmayne_robert Sounds like Russia could end up in several wars at once. Putin's days are numbered
posted at 05:34:26

Nearly 1,000 people died in the crush that day. Endless rows of bodies. Because they suffocated, many just looked asleep. It was perhaps the most horrific event I’ve ever covered and the reason I preach stampede awareness to anyone covering/attending mass gatherings of any kind. twitter.com/malimusawi/sta...
posted at 05:32:36

Bart Taliaferro @bartholomewtali
@RALee85 Looks staged. Cameraman says, "Shoot at something, anything, so you look tough!"
posted at 05:17:18

#UkraineWar: The Russian Army is now visually confirmed to have lost at least 300 tanks since it began its invasion of Ukraine a month ago.
- 19 T-90As
- 18 T-80BVMs
- 48 T-80Us
- 70 T-72B3 Obr. 2016s
- 31 T-72B3s
Full list: www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack... pic.twitter.com/MMfVL0MbYP
タグ: UkraineWar
posted at 05:11:42

⭕️Azerbaijan’s MoD had released a long announcement regarding the 🇷🇺 MoD statement.
👉Definitely 🇦🇿are ready to move on with military means in order to change the status in #Artsakh, violating the trilateral agreement of November 09,2020
🇦🇿 statement👉mod.gov.az/en/news/statem... twitter.com/l_team10/statu...
タグ: Artsakh
posted at 05:06:11

It appears Russia has moved some troops from its 4th Military Base in South Ossetia to bolster its force in Ukraine and is likely considering moving troops from elsewhere. An escalation in Karabakh likely means it can't redeploy troops from its 102nd Military Base in Armenia. twitter.com/nytimesworld/s...
posted at 05:05:24

😍 A 'concert between explosions' at one of the #Kharkiv #metro stations. #KharkivMusicFest was supposed to start in the city, but Russia's attack on our state adjusted its plans. The #musicians performed the anthem of #Ukraine, as works by Skoryk, Bach &Schubert.
love it!💙🙏 twitter.com/antiputler_new...
タグ: Kharkiv KharkivMusicFest metro musicians Ukraine
posted at 05:04:08

Russia has stated that the Army of Azerbaijan has entered the zone in Armenia held by 2000 Russian “peacekeeping soldiers” in accordance with the Nagorno-Karabakh Ceasefire Agreement from November 2020.
Russia says it’s now moving troops to their initial positions. pic.twitter.com/aoL2Qos97j
posted at 04:59:34

a beautiful afternoon sail for @TheJR heading to the next site. Spotted "Captain Philips" on the bow. Mr. Jens Herrie enjoying the stunning calm water and blue sky. #expedition392 #AgulhasPlateauCretaceousClimate pic.twitter.com/5MgPHYg88r
タグ: AgulhasPlateauCretaceousClimate expedition392
posted at 04:57:51

@TheRickWilson Not to forget Putin explicitly announcing a regime change in Ukraine as one of his war goals
posted at 04:56:15

posted at xx:xx:xx

U.S. officials confirm what had become readily apparent: Biden’s declaration that Putin should not remain in power was NOT in the prepared text.
The White House put out a clarifying statement a few minutes later
posted at 04:04:35

ヤン ヨンヒ 양영희 Yang Yong @yangyonghi
ps: 私はたぶん日本の映画界でアウトサイダーだし、最近は韓国の映画界でもアウトサイダーっつう感じで少し関わってるっつうかお世話になってるんだけど。行ったり来たりしながら見えることを発信シェアできればと思ってます。鈍くてノロいですがよろしゅうです。
posted at 03:50:40

posted at xx:xx:xx

‘This man cannot remain in power’: Biden urges end to Putin’s rule in fiery speech to Europe
posted at 03:29:51

ヤン ヨンヒ 양영희 Yang Yong @yangyonghi
posted at 03:26:03

Russian state TV shows images of total devastation caused by Putin's troops, but ludicrously blaming Ukrainians: "Look at what the Ukrainian Nazis are doing to their own cities." This imagery is reminiscent of Chechnya and Syria, consistent with Russia's traditional handiwork. pic.twitter.com/ZBNAsZVid3
posted at 03:17:24

Michael Yon Jungle @Michael_Yon
This photograph was made by me in Mosul, Iraq, in 2005. The little girl who died was named Farah. Al Qaeda used a suicide bomb in the middle of children. Another child also died. The true story: michaelyon.com/dispatches/lit... twitter.com/RusEmbassyJ/st...
posted at 03:17:23

"Several people created the idea of the white-blue-white flag independently, almost simultaneously shortly after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine started on 24 February 2022." - Wikipedia pic.twitter.com/dx0JXDe4O4
posted at 03:13:37

.@chefjoseandres is changing the world. When crises hit, he & his team turn up w/ warm meals. As I heard from him in Warsaw, they're already managing to provide meals to more than a quarter of a million Ukrainians a day. So grateful for the food—& comfort—José & @WCKitchen offer. pic.twitter.com/l2xIXuKFSC
posted at 03:05:40

US Army ARTEMIS BRIO68 #A60693 is headed back to Manassas Regional Airport, VA after arriving in Romania on November 12, 2021. She has been regularly deployed to Romania since at least September 2020, returning home for EDGE21 (May 2021) and Project Convergence (Nov 2021). 3/4 pic.twitter.com/dR6gYZ64xG
タグ: A60693
posted at 03:04:03

Today was the first time since I started tracking these flights that the Swedish S102B moved from her usual spot over the Baltic Sea, to now over eastern Poland. She is providing complete SIGINT coverage of the area, replacing the usual RJ flights.
posted at 03:04:01

Today, at least 6 NATO and Swedish ISR aircraft flew sorties over Europe: USAF RC-135W (HOMER61); US Army RC-12X (YANK01, YANK02, YANK03); French C-160G (HOOPA21); NATO E-3A (NATO11); Swedish S102B (SVF645). 1/4 pic.twitter.com/swJOv348dj
posted at 03:04:01

Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy.
What should be done? twitter.com/elonmusk/statu...
posted at 02:51:26

Dr Sarah Taber @SarahTaber_bww
Again, the "25% of exports" framing makes it sound like we have to replace 1/4 of the world's wheat.
Reality is we have at least a dozen countries and thousands of square miles zooming in to replace a whopping 0.9% of global crop shortfall.
I think they're gonna make it guys
posted at 02:49:41

Dr Sarah Taber @SarahTaber_bww
India went all-out planting more wheat, looks set to continue a 3yr streak of rapidly increasing wheat exports. The US planted four MILLION more tons more wheat seed last fall than usual. Aus, Canada, Argentina, South Africa, even Brazil getting in on it.
posted at 02:49:41

Dr Sarah Taber @SarahTaber_bww
Most of the world plants wheat in the FALL and harvests in SPRING/SUMMER. So planting to make up for missing Black Sea wheat already happened. 4 months ago.
posted at 02:49:40

Dr Sarah Taber @SarahTaber_bww
We don't have to suddenly increase world wheat production by 25%.
We have to increase it by… 0.9%. And the world's farmers already started planting more wheat 4 months ago, when wheat futures rose due to possibility of Black Sea conflict.
posted at 02:49:40

Dr Sarah Taber @SarahTaber_bww
Estimated wheat export shortfall from Russian invasion: 7 million tons.
Sounds like a lot! Unless you look at total global production, which last year was 778 MILLION TONS.
The war shortfall is 0.9% of the global wheat crop! Not 25%!
ipad.fas.usda.gov/cropexplorer/c... pic.twitter.com/Gu0N2bOFhJ
posted at 02:49:40

Dr Sarah Taber @SarahTaber_bww
Black Sea wheat was 25% of EXPORTS: wheat shipped internationally.
Most of the world's wheat is eaten in the country that grew it! For ex, India & China alone grow massive domestic domestic crops & eat most of them.
So exports are a SMALL fraction of the global wheat crop.
posted at 02:49:38

Dr Sarah Taber @SarahTaber_bww
When the headline is "25% of world wheat exports missing," that naturally leads people to think "oh my god we have to suddenly come up with 25% more wheat in the world out of nowhere."
Nope! Only 0.9% Let's talk about where that 25% figure comes from & why it misleads.
posted at 02:49:38

Bombshell DAILY @BombshellDAILY
* The white-blue-white flag has become a symbol of Russian dissent.
* The Russian flag 🇷🇺 has a blood red stripe on the bottom.
* The protest flag replaces the red stripe of blood with a white stripe of peace. twitter.com/NickKnudsenUS/...
posted at 02:49:23

Natasha Bertrand @NatashaBertrand
“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden says, referring to Putin, as he closes out major speech in Poland.
posted at 02:45:03

posted at xx:xx:xx

A sea of blue and yellow in Trafalgar Square this evening. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/Y5KM1Vnq37
posted at 02:35:25

Besides what is happening in Trafalgar Square ... twitter.com/nexta_tv/statu...
posted at 02:20:39

posted at xx:xx:xx

🇺🇦Trafalgar square is filled with marchers holding signs which show support for the country
⏱️Live updates: bit.ly/3iFAvCN pic.twitter.com/xfxjvYYvSN
posted at 02:13:43

The EU has mobilised its #rescEU medical stockpiles to support refugees from #Ukraine.
Vital medical equipment like infusion pumps and ventilators arrived from Hungary to Moldova.
The 🇪🇺 continues to help the people of 🇺🇦 who have been forced to leave everything behind. pic.twitter.com/HVzfG4wDh1
posted at 02:10:25

Crowd chanting #StandWithUkraine with @DavidLammy at Trafalgar Square. pic.twitter.com/ACOONUUB4K
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 02:10:08

Are you a cop? You g @SisyphusRedemed
I see that #IStandWithJKRowling is trending.
I'd like to counter with #IStandWithDonCheadle pic.twitter.com/4cWfcmoWyJ
タグ: IStandWithDonCheadle IStandWithJKRowling
posted at 02:00:57

In the last six months, Vietnam has engaged in new dredging and landfill at three of its occupied features in the Spratly Islands. Catch up with all of Vietnam's recent upgrades to its South China Sea outposts in AMTI's new feature: cs.is/3L9y9bD pic.twitter.com/rQ9twN2DsE
posted at 02:00:01

G Dan Mitchell -("gd @gdanmitchell
... Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.
posted at 01:59:32

G Dan Mitchell -("gd @gdanmitchell
... all of the basic wing positions are visible. Even more: not one of them blocks another bird, and all of them are completely visible... (continued: gdanmitchell.com/2022/03/26/six...)
G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall...
posted at 01:59:32

G Dan Mitchell -("gd @gdanmitchell
... lesser sandhill cranes. Although, as expected, they did divert away from my position to avoid flying over me as they passed, the did face into the light in just the right way, and they managed to (intentionally, I’m sure!) coordinate their wing positions so that almost...
posted at 01:59:31

G Dan Mitchell -("gd @gdanmitchell
Six Cranes in Flight. © Copyright 2022 G Dan Mitchell.
Six cranes in flight against California Central Valley winter sky.
#birds #birdsinflight #birdphotography #nature #naturephotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #migratory
This was a very cooperative flock of... pic.twitter.com/L9u8zPudMv
タグ: birdphotography birds birdsinflight migratory nature naturephotography wildlife wildlifephotography
posted at 01:59:31

posted at xx:xx:xx

Img. courtesy of @planet from this morning shows the damage caused at the North #Jeddah Bulk Plant, belonging to Saudi Aramco yesterday in the Houthi attack. Direct hit on a single bulk storage tank with potential damage to the adjacent tanks, full damage to be understood. pic.twitter.com/slZJOXjndp
タグ: Jeddah
posted at 01:55:39

Drought and Deforestation - How Children Are Paying the Price: allafrica.com/stories/202203... #Madagascar pic.twitter.com/ZRZUHHbOG8
タグ: Madagascar
posted at 01:54:06

Recording on the frozen river Kemijolki in arctic Finland, above and under the ice. pic.twitter.com/3RF2gMnuLJ
posted at 01:52:30

Watch live: Biden delivers speech in Warsaw on efforts to support Ukraine twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1...
posted at 01:52:00

Parveen Kaswan, IFS @ParveenKaswan
To commemorate the day of this 'bishnoi massacre' India observe this day as 'Forest Martyrs Day'.
The modern movement was spread in years & is considered as eco-feminist movement, led by women. And a movement for ownership of resources based on gandhian principles. pic.twitter.com/qhsAJcHjWu
posted at 01:43:40

Norwegian Armed Forc @Forsvaret_no
On 25 March, the four U.S. Marines who died in an Osprey accident in Norway, arrived back home at Dover Air Force Base, USA. We honour our fallen allied soldiers and are forever grateful for their efforts and service for #NATO. #WeAreNATO pic.twitter.com/KneXydw0Bw
posted at 01:39:39

I think Russians deliberately hit Lviv to show Joe Biden they can strike on a target less than 150 km from the city he visited yesterday
posted at 01:34:25

@CNN @mtawfeeqCNN Here are a few organizations helping the #AnimalsOfUkraine + links below:
@HSIGlobal @fourpawsint @ifawglobal @Peace_4_Animals @Network4Animals @PETADeutschland
タグ: AnimalsOfUkraine
posted at 01:33:12

Some residents in areas around Taal Volcano have refused to evacuate even after the recent phreatomagmatic burst which caused PHIVOLCS to raise Alert Level 3.
posted at 01:30:00

posted at xx:xx:xx

PETA Deutschland @PETADeutschland
Unser Team ist seit Beginn des Angriffs des russischen Militärs auf die #Ukraine vor Ort im Einsatz. Bisher konnten mehre hundert Tiere aus Kriegsgebieten gerettet und versorgt werden. ❤️
Weitere Infos dazu findet ihr auch hier: www.PETA.de/neuigkeiten/pe... pic.twitter.com/zwa5PgQqrQ
タグ: Ukraine
posted at 01:01:51

Placard at Trafalgar Square #StandWithUkraine condemning Russian money laundering in London pic.twitter.com/lkCjZ9oJ9u
タグ: StandWithUkraine
posted at 01:01:46

Dr Mike Galsworthy @mikegalsworthy
The view from backstage - up on Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square. 🇺🇦
#LondonStandsWithUkraine pic.twitter.com/5TFKDwdaeP
posted at 01:00:53

posted at 00:59:50

Russia just fired 3 missile strikes on Lviv
This throws more cold water on its claims that it is focusing on Donbas
posted at 00:57:01

Trafalgar Square art by Andystreetartist. He said it took him a week to draw and he’s been inspired by the nightly gatherings at Trafalgar Square in support of Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/TCjIONaE6d
posted at 00:45:36

A side view of the demonstration in Trafalgar Square. The square is just about full, lots of people around the edges and the march still arriving. This is easily the UK's biggest demo yet in support of Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/UsecVzl3Jy
posted at 00:45:05

27日0時39分頃、沖縄県で最大震度2を観測する地震がありました。震源地は沖縄本島北西沖、M5.6。この地震による津波の心配はありません。 earthquake.tenki.jp/bousai/earthqu... #jishin #地震
posted at 00:45:03

Earthquake Detailed Report – 3/27
At around 12:38am, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 occurred offshore North Western Okinawa at a depth of 20km. The maximum intensity was 2. There is no threat of a tsunami. #earthquake pic.twitter.com/jCSznsjh9b
タグ: earthquake
posted at 00:44:26

Note: This earthquake was estimated to have occurred offshore and at a depth and size where a tsunami could occur. As a precaution, please stay away from rivers, lakes and beaches until we have more information.
posted at 00:40:08

Earthquake Flash Report – 3/27
At around 12:38am, a magnitude 6.7 earthquake occurred in the East China Sea. The est. maximum intensity is Unknown. This information is based on preliminary data and is subject to change. (Update #3)
posted at 00:39:20

Earthquake Flash Report – 3/27
At around 12:38am, an earthquake occurred in the East China Sea. We'll let you know as soon as we have more information. (Update #1)
posted at 00:39:09

ALASTAIR CAMPBELL @campbellclaret
Arriving Trafalgar Square - March for 🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/KkkPi9S68b
posted at 00:30:15

@pmakela1 It seems that back bone of 18 PulAD has been dispatched to Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/zcGyn2Oybm
posted at 00:27:34

OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
They crossed the river and made it at least back to the main railway station pic.twitter.com/TKV16bdYyq
posted at 00:26:59

krymskiynezavisimyy @Krymgollandets
Sevastopol. Two reconnaissance drones, were hit. This is not the first time that the Nazis "probe" the defense of the Crimea. Obviously, there is a desire to strike. As for the chances, there are no questions here - our defenses in the Crimea cannot be broken through. pic.twitter.com/nUzjDxQ5AF
posted at 00:25:00

🚨 HUGE 150,000 and counting at @euromove @MayorofLondon UK for Ukraine march. An amazing show of solidarity. It’s not too late to join — come out now and join us on the march to Trafalgar Square. pic.twitter.com/tOnu1splYb
posted at 00:21:24

meteoprognoza.pl @MeteoprognozaPL
@Handrzej @PolandFarmer Niestety jeszcze nie.
posted at 00:18:15

@EliotHiggins @planet It looks like the bow is angled at about 8 degrees relative to the rest of the hull. I'm thinking it is a total loss.
posted at 00:10:54

@XSovietNews And there is no "NATO expansion" - countries join it in free will to defend themselves.
posted at 00:08:48

March 26th satellite imagery from @planet showing the port of Berdyansk, and the Russian ship destroyed in a Ukrainian attack. It appears part of the deck is underwater, so it's unlikely to be going anywhere for a long time. pic.twitter.com/hV37y4Q4eT
posted at 00:08:39

Why do people who talk about NATO expansion not talk about Russian expansion?
posted at 00:01:44

posted at xx:xx:xx